
What is love?


Kibum sipped his iced coffee, leaning back against the bench, his eyes half shut so that he looked like a half asleep cat basking in the warm sunlight. Jinki fidgeted next to him, wriggling his fingers together and apart, kicking his legs forward and then tucking them under the bench. He exhaled loudly, feeling embarrassed when students walking past stared at him for sighing so loudly.


“So he didn’t ask you out?” Kibum leaned forward, his iced drink balanced somewhat precariously in his long fingers. “Sheesh, I think I am going to ask him what is going on. You’ve been meeting up for lunch, coffee, dinner for weeks now. This is ridiculous.” Kibum shook his head, his eyes flashing as he narrowed his gaze down.


“Maybe he can sense.” Jinki offered biting into his plump lip, he ignored the way Kibum focussed his intense gaze on him, “Maybe he can feel that I don’t like him. I’m trying so hard,” Jinki pleaded, a hint of desperation in his voice, “I want to like him, really I do.” Jinki looked down at his fingers tangled together, wishing that he could leave the heartbreak of Minho behind him.


“I guess you can’t force it hyung.” Kibum sipped daintily, lifting one hand up to shield his eyes from the sun, “But you won’t stop liking Minho overnight, it will be a long process, sorry hyung.” Kibum didn’t mention that the fact that Minho came almost every day to the café did not help.


“Maybe you should look for another job? Get something here?” Kibum suggested in a neutral tone, “I know they’re looking for people in the library, it might help to get over him.” He risked looking at Jinki, feeling relieved when he saw that he looked thoughtful but not upset. “It would , I love working with you at the café but it might be for the best.”


“I guess that actually is a good idea.” Jinki nodded his head, “I should find out about it, although I will miss working you and Jjong a lot.” He sighed, “But I can’t keep being like this.” He nodded his head firmly, “So I will try and get another job I have to.” Kibum reached across and squeezed his hand to reassure him, he knew this whole situation was awkward and difficult. It just felt so frustrating the way that just when Jinki was starting to get over Minho he reappeared in their lives again, rubbing Jinki’s face in it.


“Yeah, I’m going to miss you so much!” Kibum pouted, “I love working with you, it’s funny. You’d think we would hate each other by now since we live and work together, but it’s great.”


“Most of the time,” Jinki raised eyebrow, laughing at Kibum’s shocked expression, “Most of the time it’s great.” He repeated making Kibum lean in to mock punch him in the arm. “What? It’s true, most of the time it’s awesome but when we argue it’s not so great.” Jinki shrugged his shoulders, and Kibum relaxed sighing as he leaned back again.


“I guess.” He blinked and just sat there thinking about how lucky he was to have a great friend like Jinki, and how he would do anything possible so his friend could be happy and feel happiness. He smiled warmly across at Jinki, hoping that Jinki realised he only was trying to help him out. He was not trying to be a pest or a nuisance he just wanted him to be happy.




A few days later and Jinki was rolling his eyes from behind the counter, wondering how Kibum had ended up helping Taemin with his homework. Taemin kept asking Jinki to do it, but somehow Kibum ended up being the one who assisted the younger male. He kept trying not to laugh as he saw how Kibum fussed over the younger boy, pinching his cheeks and making him blush completely. Jinki giggled, as he wiped down the counter, grinning as Jonghyun came out to watch.


“Hey.” Jinki and Jonghyun both looked up to see Minho standing there with a slight grin on his face, “Something funny, you guys look like you’re about to cry from laughing.” Minho cocked his head to one side, and Jinki felt a little embarrassed, he tried to act normal even though he could feel Jonghyun poking him in the side as if to say ‘hey hey, your crush is talking to you!’


“Oh,” Jonghyun grinned, “Just the way Kibum is fussing over that kid!” He pointed at Taemin, seeing Minho turn and stare in surprise, blinking his eyes when he saw how Kibum was leaning all over Taemin, acting like a giddy mother with a new born baby, all giggly, over the top and silly.


“Ohh, haha cute.” Minho commented, “You know I don’t think Taemin minds the attention,” He grinned as he stood back surveying the scene unaware that Jinki was studying his face completely. Jinki swallowed and wiped his palms down the front of his jeans, he had gone for a job interview earlier and somehow it felt like this might be one of the last times he saw Minho at work.


“Aren’t… you jealous?” Jinki sometimes hated how he would just say something out loud, words that his filter somehow missed and it always made him look stupid. He gulped as Minho swiftly turned around to stare at him, large gorgeous brown eyes blinking rapidly as he stared with surprise at Jinki, making the older boy feel completely awkward and uncomfortable.


“Eh, why would I be jealous?” Minho frowned, “I think they look cute together,” He nodded his head, making Jinki nod his head weakly too. He guessed that Minho felt secure enough in his relationship not to feel insecure with such displays.


“Sorry ignore me,” Jinki whispered, he looked upset as he retreated into the kitchen trying to avoid Minho completely.




“Congrats!” Kibum kissed Jinki on the cheek, “I knew you could do it! You should go out with Changsun-hyung to celebrate!” He suggested with a wink, “you should kiss already!” He grinned when Jinki groaned audibly, sick to death of hearing Kibum go on about that.


“Okay, okay we will go out to celebrate!” Jinki grinned, “Oh I almost forgot there is that uni dance thing? Changsun-hyung asked me to go with him.” Jinki blushed slightly, “He actually called it a date… like a proper date.”


“Ahhh I’m so happy!” Kibum began to jump around the room happily, “Yay this is awesome! Now you have two things to celebrate!” He grinned, “I’m going too but I’m going alone.” He nodded but then shrugged when Jinki pouted across at him, “Hey I don’t mind at all, I could take Jjong but I think he hates those events.”


“Yeah he does, it if you go alone though.” Jinki sighed, “I still can’t believe this is going to be my last week of work with you. Ah I am kind of nervous but excited about my new job.” He smiled, “And Jjong says I can come and help out whenever I want, so if I miss you too much I probably will.” He nodded his head, ignoring the way Kibum rolled his eyes at him.


“The new job isn’t so many hours is it?” Kibum asked sounding hopeful, “You’ll still come and hang out with us right?” He cocked his head to one side, breathing out when Jinki nodded his head. His new job was a lot less hours but it was good because it meant he would not have to see Minho so much. Minho usually was in the café in the afternoons which was when Jinki would be at his new job. He could still work in the café in the morning like he currently did.


“Yes and I’ll hopefully avoid some of the regular customers.” Jinki swallowed, looking slightly upset, “I’ll be fine I have to be.” He sighed again, avoiding looking at Kibum because he did not want him to see how miserable he looked. Jinki hated himself for feeling this way, he was meant to be happy, not feeling depressed and sad. A new job was meant to be exciting and interesting not making him feel depressed and upset, but he knew it was impossible to change how he felt.


“Yes I hope so.” Kibum sighed, “I wish this was easier.” He frowned, “Don’t worry hyung I’ll help you pick out your outfit for the uni thing.” He nodded his head, suddenly realising that it was only a few nights away. “It will be so much fun, oh gosh Changsun-hyung will be so much fun.” He grinned nodding his head eagerly, “I can’t wait, and this is the perfect way to distract you from Minho.




Changsun was the perfect gentleman, he made Jinki feel like he was the only person who existed when he was with him. The way he only focussed on Jinki, and helped him out, it touched him so deeply. Which was why Jinki was trying so hard to really like him more than a friend, he had to forget about Minho. He smiled as Changsun took his arm and guided him into the hall, loud music blaring out of the speakers and they entered, both dressed elegantly in suits.


Jinki felt quite nervous as Changsun lead him through the crowds, over to the bar to get them both a drink. He kept looking for Kibum, but it was so crowded he could not spot him at all. Jinki sighed and he let Changsun guide him over to the dance floor, smiling as he slowly began to sway and dance with Jinki. He could feel his heart beating in time to the beat of the music.


“This is nice right?” Changsun practically had to shout across the noise, Jinki nodded his head offering the older boy a smile. “Okay,” Changsun grinned, leaning in close to Jinki, he wrapped his arms around his waist tightly, pulling their bodies flush together. Jinki blinked his eyes gazing around until he spotted a lone figure leaning against the wall, sipping from a champagne flute. Jinki gulped as their eyes met, realising that Minho was staring intently at him.


Jinki thought he was seeing things, but when he whirled around in Changsun’s arms, facing the same direction again, Minho was still staring at him with a blank expression. Jinki started to feel dizzy, and confused because he could not understand why through the sea of faces Minho was staring at him. But by the next time he looked, Minho was gone making Jinki doubt himself completely maybe he imagined the whole thing.


“Jinki-ya, are you okay? Should we stop dancing?” Changsun asked gently and Jinki realised he had just stopped moving completely. “Sorry I never know when to stop.” He wrapped his arm around Jinki’s waist, leading him over to the drinks table.


“It’s okay.” Jinki smiled, nodding his head as Changsun took his hand and lead him out into the courtyard. It was surprisingly empty out there, and they walked down a stone path into the garden. Jinki let Changsun guide him, he gazed up the sky happily. Jinki forgot about Changsun’s presence as he got lost gazing up at the night sky, he didn’t even notice when the other boy, leaned in close, until he felt soft lips pressed lightly against his. Changsun’s hands wrapping around his head as he kissed Jinki tenderly under the night sky.


It felt as if they were alone in the world, no one else existed but them. Jinki could feel the excited thud of his heart, as Changsun’s lips continued to move sweetly against his own. It was the first time someone kissed him, someone who really cared about him, so it made Jinki’s heart soar. Even if there was a little flickering voice deep in the back of his mind, how would Minho feel? How would Minho taste?




Kibum breathed out softly as he quietly walked out of the main building. He normally loved parties but somehow he was not in the mood. Partly because he had been unable to find anyone that he knew and all the songs seemed dated and old to him. He rolled his eyes as he stepped into the cool evening air, he thought it was going to be fun, how wrong was he.


Kibum walked down the path, seeing and hearing a few couples laughing and chattering softly. He padded along the path until the voices and noises was faint, almost completely faded out. Kibum stepped off the path, feet hitting the soft lush grassy carpet and he walked between the hedges heading towards the shallow lake. It was so quiet now, and Kibum was enjoying the peace and quiet.


Once he reached the lake’s edge he lay down, gazing up at the moon, until he heard the sound of faint footsteps. He turned around and in the dark he could just make out a familiar face. Kibum blinked, sitting up and turning around, it was really was the last person he expected to see at this party. Kibum didn’t speak as he came and sat down next to him, several inches between them.


“Hi.” He mumbled, and Kibum inched closer, somehow feeling a strange surge of affection pooling inside him as he felt those calm eyes surveying him gently. “Did you get sick of the party too?” The boy asked, cocking his head to one side, and Kibum just nodded.


“Yes, I did, I wasn’t expecting you to show up here.” He smiled gently, “I am happy to see you though.”


“Well I did,” He shrugged his shoulders lightly, his body leaning towards Kibum’s. In the moonlight Kibum reached out, his fingers down his arm lightly, watching the way goosebumps rose where his fingers pressed. Kibum held his breath, letting his fingers circle the slender wrist, his heart beating so fast in his chest as he tightened his grip.


Kibum’s breath whooshed out when the other boy rested his head against Kibum’s shoulder, letting him slowly draw his arm around his waist. They crept closer to each other, and sat there silently, and contentedly under the moonlight. Kibum had never felt so complete and happy as he did at that moment, even though they sat in complete silence.





Jinki smiled as he carried the tray over to the table where the customer was seated, smiling as he placed their drinks down. When he lifted the tray to walk away, a hand shot out startling him so much he almost fell over, the tray clattering to the floor, with a loud sound. Jinki blinked his eyes surprise, breathing heavily until he realised that it was Taemin, sitting there with a big grin across his face.


“Sorry Jinki-hyung, I didn’t mean to give you a fright.” Taemin smiled, before he reached down to pick up the tray, he handed it back to him. Jinki tried to avoid looking at Minho, even though he could feel his smouldering gaze on him. Things were less awkward between them but Jinki still found it hard, he felt relieved it was his last shift in the café.


“It’s okay,” Jinki gave the boy a soft smile, “Did you want another milkshake?” He grinned, resisting the urge to reach forward and ruffle the younger boy’s hair. To Jinki’s surprise Taemin shook his head, “Are you sure?” He asked, “I’ll make you a free one if you like.” He offered, feeling sad at the thought that he would not see Taemin around anymore.


“I’m fine, but can you make Minho-hyung another latte?” Taemin asked with a soft smile, “I’ll pay for it.” He added with a slight nod of his head. Jinki wondered why exactly Taemin always paid for the coffees, it made him want to dislike Minho but that was impossible. It seemed strange to him, but he could not refuse so he just nodded before he hurried over to the counter, leaving the two lovers to talk quietly to themselves.


Sometimes he wondered how it was possible for him to like Taemin so much, even if he was going out with Minho. He had always hated his ex girlfriends and boyfriends in the past, but maybe now he was maturing or just being realistic. He faced and accepted that he never had a chance with Minho, and that in the future he would never have a chance. It was that simple, but it was still a bitter pill to swallow.


Jinki made the latte, carrying it over and placing it down in front of the taller boy with a small smile. Jinki always found it hard to smile in front of him, even know, even after sort of getting used to him, he still made his heart flutter sometimes. But other times Jinki felt perfectly at ease, it was weird, he wondered if it was Minho’s expression or manner that sometimes made him feel okay around him. It all confused him so much, sometimes Jinki wished everything could just make sense.


“Thank you, Jinki-hyung,” Minho smiled so sweetly up at Jinki, but instead of making him want to slip over, he found the smile reassuring. It somehow made Jinki feel calm, “You always make the best latte’s.” Minho murmured in his deep voice, until Jinki felt his cheeks go on fire and he darted away in a hurry, after mumbling a shy sounding thank you.


Jinki stood behind the counter in a daze, feeling weird that it was his last shift there before his new job, until a hand was waving in front of his face. Jinki blinked and found Minho leaning over the counter, the afternoon sun painting stripes across the counter. He looked around and was surprised to see that no one else was there but them, the café was deserted.


“Did you get lost in your thoughts?” Minho asked pleasantly, making warmth surge up in Jinki’s chest.


“I-I guess I did,” He smiled sheepishly, “Oops, I’m terrible with concentration.” He sighed, picking up a random pen which he fiddled with, using his fingers to spin it. “Ah sorry, did you want something?” Jinki stepped back slightly, when he realised that Kibum was off today, and Jonghyun had said he some appointment leaving Jinki and Minho the only people in the café.


“No, not really,” Minho shrugged, spreading his fingers out across the counter, “I just thought I’d talk to you since no one else is in here, you looked pretty bored.” He grinned, and Jinki looked down feeling slightly ashamed of himself. “I know I introduced myself before but I’m Minho in case you forgot.” Jinki managed a smile before he nodded his head, I could never ever forget your name. It’s been seared on my brain for years.


“I didn’t forget,” Jinki mumbled, letting his fingers tap out a random pattern on the countertop, “do you study at the uni across the road?” He figured Minho did but he wanted to ask anyways, he smiled when Minho immediately nodded his head. “Me too, what is your major?”


“I’ve got an athletic scholarship,” He scrunched up his face slightly, “So I’m doing mostly sport related subjects but I’m also doing computer science as a minor.” Jinki’s eyes widening in surprise hearing that, he had not expected Minho to be doing computer courses. “Okay I lie, I’m mostly just doing the one computer course, but it sounds better if I say it’s my minor.”


“Oh which one,” Jinki blinked, “computer science is actually my major, ha ha.” He smiled weakly, well aware that he was outing himself as a total geek, but there was no avoiding that. “I guess, if you’re doing sports, are you also doing dance? Maybe not, but you must see the dance students sometimes?” He asked cocking his head to one side.


“I’m taking COSC 111, and oh yeah, yeah I often see them. Taemin wants to major in dance,” Minho grinned, “I know a few dance students but not many, why?” Jinki decided not mention that he was one of the tutors for COSC 111, he figured it might be best if Minho was unaware. Jinki just felt like keep it to himself at the moment.


“Oh, Kibum the guy who works here majors in dance, and my…” Jinki paused, finding the word hard to get out, “my uh, good friend is majoring in dance too,” he felt pathetic for being unable to say ‘boyfriend’ in front of Minho. He wondered if it was because they had only kissed the once, or if he just did not want to use that word in front of Minho. But Jinki suddenly found this spark of courage, looking away he mumbled out quickly, “Well I say friend, but uh he’s sort of my boyfriend, gosh sorry don’t know why I’m saying so much, sorry.”


“Oh?” Jinki thought imagined that Minho’s expression darkened, “Oh I see, I guess I don’t know them.” He shook his head, and Jinki thought something seemed different. “You know you somehow seem familiar to me,” Minho changed the subject, leaning in close to study his face, “Do I know you from somewhere?”


“No, I don’t think so.” Jinki paled, wondering if Minho had noticed him staring or stalking him in the past. “I’m sure we’ve never met before.” Jinki lied smoothly, hoping that the fluttering of his anxious heart was not visible in his outward appearance. “I only moved here to go to uni,” He nodded his head, and Minho looked surprised to see him say that.


“Oh, you must just look like someone I’ve met before.” Minho shrugged, and Jinki eagerly nodded his head. “Yeah that must be it. Well I better go, I’ll come again for one of your amazing latte’s.” Minho smiled warmly, making Jinki’s heart somersault in his chest, he felt excited until he realised this was his last shift. After Minho had left, he stood by the door awkwardly, wondering if he should have said something about it.



tbh I'm kind of starting to hate this fic :/ I think... its boring & it sigh. If its boring I'll stop posting :/

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973 streak #1
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for sharing their journey of finding each other in missed opportunities. But all's that ends well.
973 streak #2
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if you are still around. But I just found this fic yesterday!
I really like this fic.
onewxjjong #3
Chapter 33: i read this in one setting~~ good fic!
Chapter 33: glad how everything worked out for both couples :)
Chapter 30: well, Kibum, if you had not been giving Jonghyun a cold sholder he might have talked to you, but now you don't have anyone else to blame except yourself