
What is love?


Kibum tapped Jinki on the shoulder lightly, making the older male turn around to face him. It felt strange because they had not seen each other all day. Jinki had been at his new job, it had been stressful and exciting and so different from the café. But Jinki was feeling excited even if the hours were even fewer than he had first thought.


“Hm,” Jinki turned around to face Kibum, smiling happily, “Hey, how was your day?” He grinned, pulling out a chair to sit down. Kibum looked tired, Jinki noticed, making his smile fade slightly and he worried that the café was too busy without his help. “Are you okay, was the café really busy?” Jinki’s forehead creased and he looked worried.


“Nah, it was fine. Are you really sure that Taemin and Minho are going out?” Kibum asked, with a strange expression across his face, Jinki immediately nodded his head wondering why on earth he was asking this now. He had already told him that ages ago, why would Kibum not believe him.


“Yes, why would I be lying? I am sure of it.” Jinki frowned, “Oh um I kind of told Minho that… I’m seeing Changsun,” Jinki blushed, “I feel bad now because what if hyung finds out, we only kissed the one time,” He paled, “I’m worrying now.”


“Oh,” Kibum looked shocked, “Was that what was worrying you last night?” He grinned, deciding not to mention how sad and depressed Minho had looked. Taemin had not known what was wrong with him either, and Kibum had seen him looking around as if he was trying to spot Jinki.


“Yeah,” Jinki chewed on his lower lip, “What if Changsun-hyung doesn’t like me that way?” Jinki stressed, wringing his hands together nervously, “What if the kiss was something he regretted? We haven’t met since the um uni party.” Jinki glanced down at the table, his eyes filled with worry. Before he could lift his gaze, Kibum was hugging him lightly, Jinki shut his eyes immediately.


“Don’t worry so much,” Kibum smiled squeezing Jinki tightly in his arms, “it’ll work out in the end I’m sure of it.” He nodded, one hand down Jinki’s back to reassure him. “It’s not like Minho knows Changsun-hyung, and even if he did I’m sure he wouldn’t say anything.”


“I guess not, Minho is in the computer course I tutor.” Jinki gulped, “I guess I’m lucky he is with a different tutor, I don’t think I could cope with him in my class.” He shivered slightly, “would be too awkward I think. God, I wanted to go to the café today, so badly, to see Minho. I really am insane aren’t I?” Jinki clung to Kibum’s embrace so relieved to have him there. Kibum just held him, shaking his head, Jinki was not insane, just in love, and Kibum was starting to suspect his feelings might be reciprocated.


However it was just a hunch, so he did not want to say anything or get Jinki’s hopes up without finding out for sure. Which was why he was working on getting close to Taemin, he was sure he could find out about Minho that way. Kibum grinned, he hoped that his hunch was right, although at the same time then he would feel bad for encouraging Jinki to forget Minho.


But Kibum had noticed Minho staring at Jinki a lot, and his outburst that day when Kibum suggested that Jinki should kiss Changsun. It was all these little things really that just made him suspect, and he knew that Jinki was still nowhere near being over Minho. Even if he was being cruel to Changsun, Kibum thought it was okay because neither had mentioned or dating, so it was not like Jinki was committed to him, nor was he cheating on him.


Kibum was aware however that he had to move fast to find out how Minho felt, unless he was just getting delusional because he had been aware of Minho for so long. Kibum sighed and hugged Jinki tightly, either way he wanted to make his friend happy. After all he had done for Kibum it was the least he deserved. When he had arrived on Jinki’s doorstep, beaten and bruised, Jinki had been there for him. He had even taken two weeks of school to help him recover, spending every day with him. Kibum thought the guilt would eat away at him when he found out that because of those two weeks Jinki lost his position as the top student.


But the way Jinki reassured him, smiled warmly and told him that his wellbeing was much more important made him feel better, Kibum could remember crying for hours after that. Jinki had always been right there, helping him through the hard times, helping in every way, it was only fair that he did the exact same thing for Jinki.




Taemin bit his lip, not saying anything when he noticed that Minho was in a bad mood again. They had gone to the café, but on the way had seen Jinki walking with some guy, looking pretty cosy. Taemin had noticed how Minho had just stared and stared at Jinki, his mood had gone downhill after that. The way Minho was acting, was making Taemin suspect that his hyung really did have a thing for Jinki. Taemin smiled as he thought about it, because Jinki was adorable, the way he got so flustered sometimes, it was cute he thought.


“Hyung, you went to school with Jinki-hyung, right? Or at least at the same school?” Taemin finally found the courage to ask as they walked down the street. He shrank back a little as Minho stopped walking, turning to fix Taemin with a very intimidating stare. “Sorry, I just wondered, I saw him in your yearbook, I was just bored.” He confessed, biting into his lip.


“Yeah we did.” Minho sighed, “for some reason Jinki-hyung lied, maybe because he still hates me.”


“Eh,” Taemin’s eyes opened so wide they almost fell out of his head, “Eh, what?” He repeated looking stunned, “He hates you? What do you mean by that? I am sure he does not.” Taemin touched Minho lightly on the arm, he could not imagine Jinki hating anyone. It was just impossible, and Taemin was pretty sure Jinki did not hate Minho at all, more like the opposite.


“He does, I overheard his friend saying about how Jinki hated me.” Minho shrugged, “I guess we’re getting over it, or I am. But he obviously isn’t,” Minho shrugged, “I hate it because yeah.” He stopped talking, making Taemin feel frustrated and curious he wanted to know what Minho had been about to say. But from the way Minho had set his mouth in a straight line, he could tell he was going to say nothing more.


“Sorry I just wondered.” Taemin shrugged, holding back a sigh. Sometimes talking to Minho was like trying to extract water from stone, he just clammed up and made it virtually impossible to get anything out of him. “You know, how last time I stayed over and you asked me if I liked someone?” Taemin felt nervous as Minho stared at him looking stunned.




“Yeah,” Taemin swallowed, “Um I realised I do like someone. Maybe it’s ridiculous and crazy but I do.” He nodded his head, “I saw them at that uni party you took me to,” He nodded his head, ducking his face down to hide his embarrassment. “You don’t like anyone do you?” Taemin asked, looking up under his fringe at Minho, holding back a smirk when he saw how Minho paused and then shook his head. That pause, told Taemin everything, that pause told him that Minho definitely liked someone. He stopped himself from smirking smugly, at least now he knew that Minho did like someone.


“Nope,” Minho avoided looking at Taemin, “Do you wanna go and see a movie?” He suggested, as they walked past a movie advertisement, and Taemin was mentally dancing, Minho was so obvious sometimes. “Thought it might be good to do something different,” Minho looked down at Taemin, “Maybe this weekend or the next weekend?”


“Yeah,” Taemin grinned, “Um, would it be alright if I bought some friends?” He asked ignoring the way Minho gaped at him, as far as Minho was concerned he was Taemin’s only friend, but he quickly agreed to it. If Taemin wanted him to meet some of his new friends he was more than willing. Minho grinned brightly feeling happy that Taemin was socialising more.


“Of course, that would be great, I’ll just come alone if that is okay?”


Taemin nodded his head immediately, that would be absolutely perfect he thought. He wanted Minho to come alone. He held back a grin, not wanting Minho to think anything was up. He smiled when they reached his house; he waved as he ran inside, leaving Minho to walk home by himself. He felt happy and warm as he ran up towards his bedroom.




Kibum smiled brightly as Taemin and Minho walked over towards him, he put down the tea towel he was holding and leaned towards them. Kibum felt glad to see them because he had been feeling really bored with Jinki no longer working there. If it was quiet he had no one to talk to some of the time, especially since Jonghyun often left him there alone, and the chef was usually in a bad mood.


“Hey, what can I get you guys?” Kibum leaned against the counter, fingers spread out across the top. He smiled as he saw them reading the menu above his head. “Banana milkshake for Taeminnie and trim latte for  Minho-ya?” Kibum cocked his head to one side, shrugging when they both looked at him.


“Hm, I think I want a chocolate milkshake today,” Taemin nodded his head before he poked Minho in the side, “And I think hyung had something he wanted to ask you, right hyung?” He poked him again in the side again, Minho winced slightly from the vicious jab, he turned and frowned down at Taemin. Kibum smirked, rubbing his hands together eagerly, wondering what Minho wanted to ask.


“Oh, not really.” Minho shook his head, blinking his eyes, he turned to mouth something at Taemin, glaring daggers at him. Kibum wanted to laugh so much, he had never imagined Minho acting like this, especially when Taemin raised his eyebrows and poked him again. Kibum stared in amazement as Minho breathed out loudly, and then he turned to look at Kibum, “Um, I just wondered where Jinki-hyung was?”


“Jinki-hyung,” Kibum blinked his eyes slowly, pausing so he could regain his composure, he never expected that question in a million years. “He has a new job and does not work here anymore.” Kibum nodded his head, “That is why you only see me,” He flashed them a brilliant grin, “Why, are you missing him?” He teased, raising one eyebrow, feeling satisfied when Minho looked startled and Kibum was sure he was blushing.


“N-no,” Minho muttered avoiding Kibum’s gaze, “I just wondered, he’s usually been here.” Kibum wanted to say, ‘sure you did, of course you’re missing him!’ But he resisted, later he was going to interrogate Taemin that was definitely on the cards, he would not let the younger escape without answering his questions.


“Hyung was worried he was sick,” Taemin interjected in a silly tone, “he was worrying,” He added with a sly grin, “Right hyung?” He asked tugging on Minho’s sleeve, making the taller boy frown down at the younger before shaking his head. Kibum kept his expression neutral, he wanted to thank Taemin for doing this in front of him, it was all evidence. He was suddenly glad that Changsun was out of town for a dance meet, and could not meet Jinki for a couple of weeks. Jinki was meant to go and see him one weekend, but Kibum decided maybe he should get him to cancel it.


“Aww, well no he just needed a new job.” Kibum replied gently, “He’s fine, never been better actually.” Kibum nodded, “I’ll tell him you said hello, and I take it you did want a latte, right?” He smiled when Minho nodded his head, looking embarrassed and uncomfortable. “I’ll bring them right over to you, and um they’re on the house today, because you guys are such regulars.” He grinned seeing how happy and surprised they both looked.

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973 streak #1
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for sharing their journey of finding each other in missed opportunities. But all's that ends well.
973 streak #2
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if you are still around. But I just found this fic yesterday!
I really like this fic.
onewxjjong #3
Chapter 33: i read this in one setting~~ good fic!
Chapter 33: glad how everything worked out for both couples :)
Chapter 30: well, Kibum, if you had not been giving Jonghyun a cold sholder he might have talked to you, but now you don't have anyone else to blame except yourself