
What is love?


Kibum was sprawled across the couch, lying under a blanket when Jinki returned home, he thought about getting up but just decided to stay on the couch. He smiled sleepily when the other boy appeared in the doorway, he looked happy and Kibum felt relieved it was obvious he had had a good time. Kibum sat up, making space for Jinki beside him, but he disappeared into his bedroom.


“Hyung,” Kibum called out, blinking in surprise but then Jinki reappeared holding a tattered looking sweater in his arms, “What’s that.” He asked with a slight frown, “Why are bringing that out?”


“It’s Minho’s.” Jinki replied clutching it possessively to his chest, “He gave it to me.”


“Woah, wait a moment, what?” Kibum shrieked, “When did this happen?” He felt as if he was hyperventilating, his brain overheating as he tried to process what Jinki had just said. He felt angry too because it felt as if Jinki had kept something back from him. He wanted to get up and just shake Jinki, until every last word was expelled. Maybe Jinki had kept something from him, maybe there was a chance for something to happen between them.


“A long time ago,” Jinki blinked his eyes, “he gave it to me the first time we met.” Jinki sighed, his eyes looking downcast and sad as he told Kibum the whole story. Kibum blinked his eyes, realising that Jinki had always liked Minho since he had known him. It was hard for him to imagine a time when Jinki did not like Minho, he felt a pang of something, it would be the end of an era when Jinki did stop liking Minho.


“Oh, wow you’ve kept it all this time?” Kibum eyed the tatty sweater differently now, it was definitely not something he would wear. But he could just imagine Minho wearing it after soccer practice, and the image of him giving it to Jinki when he felt cold seemed rather sweet too. “I just don’t get why you’re showing it to me now?”


“If I’m trying to get over Minho, I shouldn’t keep it anymore.” Jinki sighed, “I’m sure Minho won’t want it back anymore either.” Kibum could see that Jinki was getting upset, he got up walking across the room to hug his roommate. “I should throw it out, right?”


“No,” Kibum found himself saying, he could feel Jinki’s eyes on him, he knew that Jinki was stunned. “I don’t think so, it can be a memory of this moment in time, of these years.” He nodded his head, smiling faintly, “Plus it’s not really yours to throw out is it? If you want, I’ll look after it for you, so you don’t have to see it all the time?”


“Do you really think I should keep it?” Jinki asked, and Kibum wanted to laugh at the way he clung to it, he didn’t have the heart to take it off him. Kibum nodded his head, reaching out to take the top gently from Jinki’s hands, “Oh, I thought you’d make me throw it out.”


“Hyung, why would I do that? When this means so much to you,” Kibum frowned and shook his head slowly, “I’m not that mean, even if it’s the ugliest sweater ever made.” He held it out, looking at how old and tatty it was. “Although I can just imagine him using it as a practice jersey or something like that,” Kibum nodded his head, resisting the urge to smell it he was sure it probably stunk. He could just imagine Jinki being so sentimental and never washing it because he didn’t want to get rid of the smell of Minho from it.


“I feel kind of relieved,” Jinki admitted, “tonight was good,” he added a moment later, swaying slightly, as he wriggled his foot around on the carpet. Gazing down at the floor, as if he was too shy to meet Kibum’s gaze, “Thank you Kibummie, Changsun-hyung is so good to me, really I don’t deserve someone like that.”


“Pfft why are you thanking me?” Kibum grinned slapping Jinki good naturedly on the back, “He’s your friend, and I didn’t do anything, but I am glad. Hyung, you do deserve someone like that, don’t say you don’t.” Kibum nodded his head, “You need more confidence my friend, more faith in yourself.”


“So did he kiss you?” Kibum couldn’t help but ask, grinning when Jinki blushed and then shook his head, “He could probably see how nervous you were, are you meeting him again?”


“Yeah, we’re going to meet for lunch on Wednesday I think?” Jinki nodded his head, “He’ll contact me later with the details.”


“Aww, hyung, I’m so happy for you!” Kibum sighed dreamily, reaching forward to hug Jinki excitedly. He was so happy that things were finally working out for his friend. He hoped he would never have to see a depressed and unhappy Jinki ever again.




Sometimes Minho wondered how different his life would have turned out if he had never gone to that school. He was never meant to go there, but he got offered a sports scholarship, and so even though his parents could not afford to pay he could still go that school. He could still remember the first time he saw Jinki, he was kicking a ball around on the sports field, when he saw some guy coming down the steps.


His head was pointed up as if he was studying the sky intently. Minho had let the ball drop to the ground and he had glanced up at the sky, to see if there was anything interesting. He frowned and walked over to pick up his ball, hearing some girls whispering that he was the Lee Jinki, one of the smartest kids in the school. Minho had thought he seemed weird and strange. After that he had noticed him quite often walking home when Minho was playing on the field.  Several times he saw Jinki up close, he realised that he was kind of cute in a weird way.


It always seemed funny to Minho how easily you could start to like someone. The way you’d have this slight lingering attachment in the back of your mind, so subtle that at first you didn’t even notice. All through his relationships in high school, Jinki had remained a factor in the back of his mind. It was insane really, considering the fact that he knew Jinki hated him. It was only when he found that out that he started to stare at him, to try and work out why he hated him, and during that process that he really fell for him.


In the end it was so complicated, the way he liked someone who he knew literally hated him. If there was some slight chance that Jinki did not hate him he would have approached him during high school, because his obsession only seemed to grow each year. Minho had thought about it once but then he heard a story that something bad had happened to Jinki, Minho did not believe it at first.


But then when Jinki (and another friend of his) did not attend school for several weeks, Minho slowly believed the rumour. When Jinki finally came back to school he seemed tired and worn out, his smiles were watery and Minho did not have the heart to upset him by telling him how he felt. So instead he kept his feelings locked away in his heart. Nurturing and watering them like plants, so that they blossomed into brightly coloured flowers, and even after Jinki finished school he still managed to see him. Jinki always stood out to him, and Minho worked so hard to get into the same university as Jinki, he made it his personal aim.


He had hoped that once he was in university they could somehow become friends. At first he had ever despaired at ever finding him when he saw how big the campus was and how many students there were. He had a sudden horror that Jinki might have transferred somewhere else. He felt lucky that the first week he found him wondering around with a friend, he had followed him back to that café. Minho freely admitted that he was a stalker, he was a creep he probably had no right to even like someone like Lee Jinki.


But he could not help himself, it was insane on all levels, it was insane really to like someone he barely knew in person. The problem was that even if Jinki was not popular he was still known around the school, so in that way Minho ended up knowing about him. He always wrote in the school paper and Minho always read the articles, he always wondered if it was because Jinki hated him that he ended up having this irrational crush.


Minho inhaled lightly, glancing down as he saw that he had been so distracted by this thoughts that he had managed to burn his dinner. He sighed, lips curling up in distaste as the burnt smell hit his nostrils. It seemed so typical, considering it was the first night in weeks or maybe only days that he decided to even cook. With a frown he dumped the pot in the sink running cold water in it.


Grabbing his wallet he headed down to the convenience store, he walked slowly, since he had already been on a long run earlier that day. As he walked down the dark street, he noticed that it was incredibly quiet and still. He smiled it felt incredibly peaceful, in some ways he did not mind that he had burnt his dinner, noodles or something easy would be perfect too. Minho slid the door open, walking into the brightly lit shop, pausing in the door way as he considered his options, he could get a meal that was already prepared and just needed reheating or he could get noodles or a rice ball.


“Oh come on hyung!”


Minho glanced over to where he heard voices, frowning slightly at how loud the voices were.


“Jinki-hyung, can’t you decide for once?” The voice pleaded, “I’m the person who always cooks and you can’t even decide on what kind of noodles you want.” Minho found himself stepping over, and he peeked around shelves, his eyes widening as he saw Jinki standing there with some other guy. He froze and just stared, wondering how it was possible that Jinki was in the same convenience store at the same time.


“Um,” Minho watched as Jinki rubbed at his face lightly, his eyes scrunched up in this cute expression, “Um,” Jinki repeated again before grabbing a packet of noodles. “How about these, I’m not sure if I even feel like noodles.” He pouted, “Couldn’t we get fried chicken instead?” He sounded so hopeful, and Minho grinned remembering how he heard that Jinki adored chicken.


“Hyung, no,” the dark haired boy sounded unhappy, “fried chicken is so bad for you.” Minho blinked, wondering how his friend could resist that sad pout. “You don’t need it, fine, I’ll buy some chicken and cook that for dinner, is that okay?” Minho sighed happily as he saw Jinki’s eyes light up and he nodded his head immediately.


“I swear we eat chicken every night!” Kibum complained to himself as he chose some fresh meat. Minho edged closer to Jinki, before slinking off down to the noodle aisle, he waited until they had left and then he bought his noodles. Minho was surprised to see them still standing around outside, he discovered where they lived more by chance because they went the same route home that he did. He couldn’t stop himself from watching them climb the stairs and then enter the apartment.


Minho felt tickled pink as he went home humming softly to himself. So shocked to find out that the area he moved into was the same area that Jinki lived. He grinned, feeling happy that he had burned his dinner because now he knew exactly where Jinki lived. It felt even better knowing that he was so close by, that they were almost neighbours.




Weeks went by and Jinki tried to get used to Minho coming into the café on a nearly daily basis. He slowly found it easier to talk to him normally, even if his heart did race when Minho came over. He always seemed to stand by the counter much longer than necessary, as if he realised that Jinki had a crush and he was letting him look at him, or something ridiculous. Sometimes Kibum would relieve Jinki, letting the older boy play with the bread dough and biscuit mix out the back.


Kibum never told Jinki that Minho frequently asked about him, that he asked where he was. Kibum thought it was best not to tell him that when he was trying so hard to get over him. Kibum had no idea why Minho even asked after Jinki, especially how he would never use his name but say things like ‘where is the other guy’ or ‘where is that smiling barista today?’ Kibum would always smile politely and make up something, he was hardly going to say that he was out the back hiding.


Jinki pushed open the door, rushing into the café after his class finished, smiling as he saw Kibum behind the counter. He gasped when Kibum turned his head, and Jinki saw that he had shaved the hair from one side of his head. That was new, he brushed his fingers over the now slightly spiky part of his hair, marvelling at how unusual but how good it looked.


“Wow, when did you do that?” Jinki asked with bright eyes, “It looks amazing!” He nodded his head reaching up to touch his scalp again. “It looks so good, you suit that.” He grinned, seeing how Kibum puffed up like a peacock hearing the compliments.


“Thank you,” Kibum preened, “Of course I look good, I always look amazing.” He smirked, knowing how conceited he sounded but he did not mind. Before Jinki could say another word the door opened and Taemin walked in, heading straight over to the counter.


“Hyung, can you help me with my homework please?” Taemin begged, before he noticed Kibum’s hair, “Wow, your hair looks so cool.” He beamed, “I love that hairstyle.” Kibum visibly brightened hearing that, turning his head from side to side so Taemin could admire the style.


“Yes, I’ll help you.” Jinki offered with a small smile, “And did you want a banana milkshake today?” Taemin immediately nodded his head, “Oh and that is Kibum, and he’s my roommate.” Jinki grinned, “Kibum, this is Taemin.” He nodded his head as the other two smiled across at each other.


“Nice to meet you Taemin-ah, you’re one of our regular customers now.” Kibum grinned, “I hope I get to talk to you sometime.”


“Aw nice to meet you too Kibum-ssi, I always wanted to talk to you but I was too shy.” Taemin admitted with a soft smile, pulling out his wallet to count out the change for his drink, but Kibum would not accept the money.


“No, I’ll pay for your drink today.” Kibum offered, “You just go and sit down.” He grinned before ushering Taemin away, and Jinki stared in surprise as Kibum counted out his own money. Jinki had never seen Kibum do that before, especially to someone he barely knew.


“Ah, why did you do that?” Jinki whispered, “Why so generous?”


“Because he is so damn cute,” Kibum sighed dreamily, “I just wanted to.”




The next time Jinki was working and Minho came in, he did a mini victory dance in his head, because he managed to keep looking at Minho without blushing and acting like an idiot. He did manage to burn his finger on the milk steamer but it was not so bad, he managed to get away without Minho seeing it. His finger was burned badly but he just ignored it as he carried the latte over to the taller boy.


“Thanks,” Minho smiled warmly up to him, “I’m Minho by the way,” He mumbled after Jinki had placed the cup down, and Jinki felt like replying, ‘yep, I know you’re Minho, who doesn’t know you?’ But instead he just smiled and nodded, figuring he had a name badge on, he was sure that Minho could read it. Plus Jinki always felt like a when he introduced himself at work and people rolled their eyes and said, “I know, I can actually read.”


“Hey,” Jinki paused when he saw Minho reaching out as if to grasp his hand, for a moment he panicked thinking he saw his burned thumb. He quickly put it behind his back, stepping back, feeling his heart race, “aren’t you going to tell me your name? Isn’t it polite to do that?”


“Oh,” Jinki blinked feeling slightly dizzy, he knew he should feel normal around Minho but it was still hard. “Um, I’m Jinki.” He bit down into his lip and then hurried away, too embarrassed to hang out around Minho anymore. He slumped against the counter, finding it hard to act normal in front of Minho, and he felt guilty with Changsun, at least they only met once a week.


Jinki was stacking the clean coffee cups on top of espresso machine, when he turned to find Minho standing by the counter again. He carefully placed the cup in his fingers, wiping his damn hands down the front of his apron before he turned to face Minho. He wished that Kibum was there for moral support or something, but he had an important dancing test.


“Hi, did you want something?” Jinki managed to get out, his finger throbbing from his earlier burn as if to mock him or remind how awkward and painful it was to talk to Minho. He glanced over, wondering if the first coffee was not up to standard, “Was the um coffee bad?” Jinki bit down into his lip, “I’m sorry I can make you another if you didn’t like it.”


“No it was perfect,” Minho smiled so sweetly, that Jinki was surprised he didn’t melt into a puddle on the floor. Jinki blinked in surprise about to ask why he was standing there, “Oh but could you make me a banana… milkshake for my friend?” Minho grinned, “he should be here soon.”


“Oh for your friend,” Jinki blinked in surprise, “Taemin?”


“Yes, for my friend.” Minho repeated looking at Jinki strangely, he just gulped and nodded his head. He wondered why Minho didn’t just say ‘boyfriend’ it was obvious to everyone that they were more than friends. He just nodded numbly, turning away to make the milkshake, it still felt so strange to him, to know that Minho was there. It felt strange to talk to Minho too, it was so hard, but he felt glad when he managed it.

Minho was feeling bored because Taemin was running late again, he sighed and sipped at his second coffee for the day. Glancing over at the counter because it was the dark haired boy again, Kibum, the one who kept glaring at him. Minho thought his hair looked cool, the way he had shaved most of the hair on one side and bleached it. He wished Jinki was there though, even if he did tend to act a bit weird sometimes, he somehow made the whole café feel brighter.


The door opened and Minho sat up straighter, grinning because he thought Taemin was here finally, but instead he saw Jinki step in. Minho frowned as he saw that one of his hands was bandaged up, he blinked in surprise because it wasn’t like that the day before. He watched the boy, disappear behind the counter, still watching as he heard Kibum shriek over something or nothing, it was so loud that even Minho who was metres away moved back, his ears ringing from the noise.


“What happened to your hand?” He could see Kibum reaching for Jinki’s bandaged hand, holding it gently, “Oh god when did this happen? Are you okay, hyung?”


“I’m fine,” Minho smiled as he saw the faint blush rising on Jinki’s cheeks, “It was just a little burn, Changsun-hyung bandaged it for me.” Minho frowned slightly, hating the way Jinki smiled shyly as he said that guy’s name. Especially the way Kibum raised his eyebrows and he actually simpered, sending shivers right down his spine.


“Oh, did he?” Kibum squeezed Jinki’s hand, “Has he kissed you yet?” He asked, his voice getting higher at the end, Oh hey, never mind about the fact that I am right here. Just ignore the only customer here, and goddamn it, Jinki you better say no to that! Minho unconsciously found himself leaning forward to hear the answer.


“No.” Jinki’s cheeks grew redder, he started to turn away from Kibum, making Minho pout as he could no longer see his face. “No we just had lunch. I burned myself on that.” He mumbled, his hands shaking as he pointed at the steamer.


“Oh.” Kibum sounded disappointed, “Maybe you should just kiss him.”




Both Jinki and Kibum turned, hearing the loud ‘no’ and they turned to see Minho, standing up, his cheeks going red slowly. They both stared at Minho until he was sure his skin was so red and hot he would burst into flames immediately, luckily for him he was holding his phone.


“Oh sorry,” Minho ran his fingers through his hair, “Did I um interrupt something? Sorry,” He bit down into his lip, wondering why he had to call out like that, “My phone was playing up, so I was shouting at it.” He looked down sheepishly, “I kind of forgot where I was, I am really sorry for shouting like that,” He glanced up to see Kibum coolly staring at him. Minho wished he could just sink through the floorboards, he did not even want to see what kind of expression Jinki had.


Since no one replied to me XD I'll just reply to the comments in the comments like I usually do /shrug~ ^^; but will do that later when I'm awake...

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973 streak #1
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for sharing their journey of finding each other in missed opportunities. But all's that ends well.
973 streak #2
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if you are still around. But I just found this fic yesterday!
I really like this fic.
onewxjjong #3
Chapter 33: i read this in one setting~~ good fic!
Chapter 33: glad how everything worked out for both couples :)
Chapter 30: well, Kibum, if you had not been giving Jonghyun a cold sholder he might have talked to you, but now you don't have anyone else to blame except yourself