
What is love?


Minho sipped his latte, wondering why Taemin was taking so long to arrive at the café he felt awkward sitting there himself. The one waiter with black hair, kept glaring at him for some reason. So when the door opened, Minho practically got up and was about to race to the door, when he saw it was Jinki, he felt something tighten in his chest and he sighed sitting down, until he saw he was coming in with another guy. Minho swallowed and felt jealous as he saw how attractive that guy was, and how Jinki smiled happily up at him. Something tightened in his chest when he saw Jinki laughing softly, still smiling up at him.


Minho sat stiffly wondering where Taemin was as he saw how the other guy ushered Jinki over, his hand resting lightly on his back. He wondered if it was on purpose that Jinki had his back to him, although he wondered why he was getting so worked up. He knew that Jinki felt nothing for him, so obviously he should not even care that Minho was there, but it still hurt Minho, it still made his chest tighten and throb  painfully.


“Hyung, you really helped me out.” Minho leaned over listening to them talk, “thank you Changsun-hyung, can I take you out for dinner to say thank you?” Minho swallowed, Changsun? Wait Taemin said that Jinki’s friends were talking about some guy with that name, and how perfect they would be together. He felt physically sick as he heard the other guy accept the date.


By the time Taemin walked in, Minho did not even notice him, he was so busy staring at Jinki and Changsun, his chest tightening as he saw how Changsun casually slung his arm around Jinki’s body, he heard them arranging when and where they would meet. Minho felt his face getting darker and darker, until someone tapped him on the shoulder, and Taemin was standing in front of him.


“Hyung, I’m sorry for being so late!” Taemin apologised, blinking as he saw Minho captivated by something, he turned around to see that he was staring at Jinki. “Hm, are you okay?” He finally asked seeing how Minho kept staring unashamedly at Jinki. Until Jinki hugged the guy he was with, and then the other guy left, and Jinki went behind the counter. Taemin grinned thinking it was cute when he saw Jinki and the other guy acting all excited behind the counter.


“Great.” Minho sighed heavily, “Just great, why do I even care?” Minho shook his head slowly, not noticing or even caring at the way Taemin was studying him intently. “Can we go somewhere else, I feel like we’ve come here too much lately.” Minho just stood up without even seeing Taemin’s reaction, marching out of the café in a hurry.


Minho knew his feelings were irrational, he knew he was being selfish but he could not help it on some level. It just hurt so much, even though he knew it was pointless to like someone like that. The whole thing was completely stupid and pointless, but it still cut deep into him and upset him. It really was pathetic, he realised that but he could not stop or help the way that he felt.




Jinki sighed as he rolled onto his back, shielding his face from the sun streaming in. He could just make out Kibum standing there with his hands on his hips. Jinki held back a groan, squinting in the bright light, it was Saturday, he just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep. He didn’t have to work today, it was his blessed sleep in day and of course Kibum was waking him up early.


“Why?” Jinki sighed heavily, his mind was completely blank, “Why?” He groaned again, sounding like he was dying or about to. “I wanted a sleep in.”


“Hyung, did you forget about your date tonight?” Kibum sounded excited, Jinki turned to look at him, not at all surprised to see that he was dressed in skin tight jeans and a shimmery top. Kibum always dressed like that when he was excited and full of energy. “We have to get you ready for it!” He added padding over towards Jinki’s bed, he sat down on the edge of the bed, touching his shoulder lightly.


“And?” Jinki sighed heavily, his face slumped back against the pillow. He failed to see why he had to be woken up at his ridiculous hour.


“And what?” Kibum sounded confused, making Jinki sigh, realising that Kibum had no idea what he meant.


“And why do I need to get up at this ridiculous time?” Jinki whined sounding like a five year old not a grown man. “It’s tonight, why did you have to wake me up so early.”


“Because we have a lot to do before your date,” Kibum grinned happily, rubbing his palms together gleefully, “Aren’t you excited? Changsun-hyung will probably ask you out tonight, and you’ll have your first boyfriend!” Hearing those words sent a tremor of fear running through Jinki’s body, he felt his chest tightening, making it slightly hard for him to breathe.


“Wait, what?” Jinki gasped out, feeling slightly dizzy, “Bu-but this our first date?” He swallowed, “if its even a date, how why would he ask me out?” Jinki sat up immediately, turning to face Kibum, “I’m not mentally prepared for this yet.” Kibum patted him on the shoulder lightly.


“That’s why I’m waking you up early. And what do you need to be prepared for?” Kibum asked frowning slightly as he stared into Jinki’s panicked eyes, “Wait, is this about the kissing thing again?” Kibum blinked, gaping slightly when Jinki nodded his head. “You’re still scared about kissing someone?”


“Yes!” Jinki practically screamed, “How sad is it for someone my age to have never been kissed?” Jinki hissed out, squeezing his eyes shut because he was sure Kibum was going to laugh at him. What he never expected was to feel soft pliant lips pressing against his own, and the moist wet flutter of something sliding along the edge of his lip. Jinki jerked away as if he had burnt himself, panting heavily as he stared in shock at Kibum.


“There, that was a kiss of sorts.” Kibum swallowed feeling uncomfortable, that had felt so awkward. It wasn’t that Jinki was a bad kisser but kissing your best friend with no feelings felt really weird to him. He ignored the way Jinki spluttered looking shocked, his cheeks going bright red, “There now you’ve kissed someone!” He grinned, hiding his strange feelings behind a fake smile.


“But you just stole that from me!” Jinki wailed, “Why Kibum did you do that?”


“Because I was sick hearing you moan about never kissing anyone,” he shrugged his shoulders elegantly, “It was meaningless so don’t read more into it than there was.” He added a moment later, shrugging as Jinki continued to gape at him. “Now you need to shower and we need to plan this date.”


“You expect me to plan a date after that?” Jinki blinked his eyes rapidly looking incredibly stunned, “How can I even think of doing that?” He sounded upset and scandalised, Kibum exhaled and rolled his eyes slightly, he hated it when Jinki overreacted to situations. He just nodded his head, hoping that when Jinki showered he would calm down and come to his senses.


“And…” Jinki bit his lip, “I don’t want to lead him on, I can’t stop thinking about Minho,” He swallowed, feeling guilty as he admitted that.


“Well hyung, over time you’ll slowly get over him, it’s not something that can be rushed.” He smiled as he squeezed Jinki’s hand to reassure him. “You will get there, don’t worry hyung.” Kibum leaned in and hugged Jinki tightly, trying to comfort him. He just hoped that he would get over it, that he would forget Minho in time.




Jonghyun was quietly sitting upstairs doing the weekly accounting, it was hot and stuffy up in the attic, making him feel drowsy but he liked the atmosphere. He liked looking out the window and seeing the green leaves, and branches close to the glass. It felt as if he had escaped to another world because no one ever really came up there except him. He sighed and put his pen down, it was moments like this when he wished his uncle was still around, and not on vacation. He did not like having the whole café upon his shoulders, in some ways he loved the challenge but other times he just wanted a break.


A screeching sound made him look over to the manhole, he blinked as it opened and a head popped through the hole in the floor. Jonghyun smiled seeing Kibum elegantly climb out, slender limbs splayed out as he joined Jonghyun up in the attic. It felt so much smaller with two of them up there, but it was cosy. Jonghyun could remember sleeping there with Kibum, their bodies stretched out side by side, their fingers lightly twined together. It had been peaceful, except when Jonghyun had woken to the sun streaming in, and he could see the tears crusted across Kibum’s eyelids.


Sometimes he wished he could make it better, sometimes he wished he had. But at least he figured someone had, he didn’t begrudge Jinki that, because at least Kibum was back to his old self now. He smiled again, he laughed, it was those little things that made Jonghyun happy. He grinned as Kibum wriggled over, his expression serious, and he let out a little puff of air.


“Oh hyung, I did something stupid.” Kibum lay down on the floor, his head resting down on Jonghyun’s thigh, he lay on his back glancing up at his older friend. Jonghyun touched his arm innocently, telling him silently to keep speaking. “I kissed Jinki-hyung this morning.” Jonghyun struggled to keep his expression neutral, his eyes widening in surprise. He felt almost sick hearing that, almost jealous although he would never admit it.


“Oh.” Jonghyun lifted his face up, he could feel that Kibum was studying his face so he just glanced out the window, watching the sun kissed leaves dance outside the attic window, watching the way they shimmered in the sun’s heat. “Why was it stupid?” Jonghyun asked when he trusted his voice again, he could see now that Jinki was replacing him in all ways. Kibum had been his friend first, and he hated himself when he realised he could not help Kibum, but he thought he would always be number one in Kibum’s heart, number one as his friend.


“Because it was meaningless,” Kibum drawled, sounding superior, as if Jonghyun should’ve known that himself. “I only kissed him because I was sick to death of him harping on about never kissing anyone. It just felt so awkward, and I worry I’ve made things weird between us.” Kibum sighed, wriggling and making himself more at home on Jonghyun’s thigh.


“Like what if hyung thinks that I secretly like him or something, argh I have no idea how he will take this.” Kibum sighed heavily, “I just hope he won’t freak out about it.” Kibum pouted, “Especially since he has a date with Changsun-hyung, he is already freaking out about that!” Jonghyun glanced down at Kibum, reaching down to touch his shoulder lightly again.


“Don’t worry Kibummie, it’ll all work out in the end I’m sure.” Jonghyun managed a faint smile, “So you even came in to work just to talk to me? Aw, I’m touched.” He grinned, “Wanna help me with the rest of these accounts?” He asked hopefully, feeling pleased with Kibum nodded his head. He shifted off his thigh and sat up, leaning over Jonghyun’s shoulder to help him out. Jonghyun felt more at ease, two heads were definitely better than one.




Jinki in a deep breath, adjusting his clothes he felt awkward and slightly uncomfortable waiting for Changsun. He wondered if Kibum was wrong, if the other boy did not even like him at all. He felt gloomy thinking that once again everything was being misunderstood. He figured that at least he enjoyed Changsun’s company and even if it was only for a little while, but he made him laugh and not think about Minho.


Ever since Jinki had developed a crush on Minho he had consumed his life. When he finished school he thought it would be great, he would be able to get over him. But it had been impossible, considering that he had lived so close to the school initially, which meant he always walked past and managed to see Minho. Then later when Kibum had started to live with him, he had ended up going to all the school things to support Kibum, meaning that he was almost always seeing him.


The last year was the first time he had barely seen Minho at all, but even so he had managed to stay in his thoughts. He had managed to see him every couple of months which only fuelled the fire, and in the end Kibum suggested they move. That had worked and Jinki was confident over time he could get over him, but now, Minho was somehow back in his world, in his view and his vision. Jinki could sense that he was going to have to work to get over him.


“Hey,” Jinki was jolted from his thoughts when Changsun arrived, slinging an arm around his shoulder, “Hey Jinki-ya, you look amazing.” Jinki blushed as he saw how the older male eyed him, it was all thanks to Kibum, who had told him what to wear. “Shall we go?”


“Yes,” Jinki felt nervous and fluttery, but not necessarily in a good way, but he felt like no matter what he had to make this work. He had to get over that Choi Minho, especially if he was going to keep frequenting the café. He didn’t want to be putting himself in that agony anymore. “Yes, let’s go, I booked a table at that restaurant down the road.” Jinki ducked his head down shyly, as Changsun walked confidently beside him.


“Ooh, I’ve always wanted to eat there.” Changsun grinned, “I’m really happy you asked me, I really like you Jinki-ya.” Changsun nodded his head, “I’m glad we met each other, sometimes it seems weird that we are friends because we have such different majors and interests. But it works I think.” He nodded his head, smiling happily across at Jinki. Jinki felt a pang of guilt as he smiled back, oh I wish I liked you hyung, I wish I liked you more than a friend.




Taemin yawned sleepily, he was spending the night at Minho’s again, but he was feeling bored. Minho had gone to shower, leaving Taemin to amuse himself. He crawled over and was looking at the books on his bookshelf when he spotted the school photo album, and feeling curious he started to flick through it. He gasped when he saw spotted the dark haired boy from the café, he was surprised to see that he was the same age as Minho. Taemin thought he was really good looking but had never had a chance to talk to him properly.


After a few minutes he looked at an older one, from before he started going to that school. He randomly flipped through the classes, until something caught his eye. Taemin blinked, as he saw a large picture of Jinki, from the café, accepting some award in front of the school. Oh wow, he did go to the same school! Wow, he’s so intelligent, I’ll get him to help me more with my homework!


Taemin flicked through the rest of the book, realising that Jinki had been quite famous in the school, which explained why Minho recognised him. He found him in his class photo too, and there was even in a photo of him with Minho standing a few feet away. Taemin stared at that photo for some time because it almost looked as if Minho was staring at Jinki. Taemin shook his head deciding he must be delusional, because there was no way Minho was staring at Jinki.


By the time the water stopped running, Taemin put the book away, sitting on the floor with his arms wrapped around his legs. He was deep in thought, somehow he really felt that there was something between the two. He grinned as he remembered hearing a Japanese story about a red thread of fate, and how people were tied by a red string to their soul mate. It was a romantic idea, but it appealed to Taemin, and something about it just struck a chord with him.




Taemin blinked, yawning as he looked up to see Minho gazing down at him with worry. He quickly smiled up at the other boy, standing up and stretching. He wanted to mention that he had found Jinki in the yearbook, but last time he had mentioned the other boy, Minho had gone funny and clammed up.  He also remembered how Minho had been watching Jinki, with that other guy, he was sure he was onto something. He grinned, deciding to keep it to himself for the time being.


“I was just thinking,” Taemin nodded his head quickly, “You know lost in thought.”


“I see, you know I was thinking too.” Minho smirked, “You’ve never gone out with anyone have you? I was thinking I should help you out.” Taemin was stunned his jaw just dropped open, he could feel his heart pounding like a drum. The blood rushing in his ears, he felt embarrassed somehow, because Minho had never said anything like that before.


“Me? What?” Taemin quickly shook his head, “No hyung, I’m fine, I don’t like anyone.”


“Are you sure about that?” Minho smirked leaning in to study Taemin’s face carefully, making him feel even more awkward, suddenly he felt unsure of himself. “Are you really, really sure, Taeminnie?” Minho grinned, invading Taemin’s personal space, making him feel on the spot completely. He nodded his head, but honestly Taemin did suddenly feel unsure, what if he did like someone but hadn’t even realised it yet. He wondered but then he dismissed that idea moments later, it was ridiculous.


^^;; question~ do you guys notice if I answer comments in the comments? Or would you prefer me to do that in the bottom of the fic? :) I don't mind either way^^~ and I always try to reply to every comment (even if it is late .__.)!


Also also~ tonight T_T is SHINee's first concert in their Japan Tour~ TOT;; I hope they do well^^ I am sure they will! :D SHINee Hwaiting! :D

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973 streak #1
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for sharing their journey of finding each other in missed opportunities. But all's that ends well.
973 streak #2
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if you are still around. But I just found this fic yesterday!
I really like this fic.
onewxjjong #3
Chapter 33: i read this in one setting~~ good fic!
Chapter 33: glad how everything worked out for both couples :)
Chapter 30: well, Kibum, if you had not been giving Jonghyun a cold sholder he might have talked to you, but now you don't have anyone else to blame except yourself