
What is love?


“Hyung, are you sure you’re okay, you have been quiet all night.” Kibum bit into his lip, staring worriedly across at Jinki. He was starting to freak out because Jinki was never normally this quiet and reflective, or if he was it was only for a little while. But since they had got home, he had barely said a word, and instead he had sat on the couch, blinking his eyes rapidly, and had stared into space for hours.
“I’ve just been thinking,” Jinki got up quietly, “Sorry I didn’t even help you with dinner.” He felt guilty as he saw that Kibum had set the table, and cooked. Jinki sat down, biting into his lip, “I’m okay, I will be okay.” He nodded his head slowly, before he reached for the stew, his eyes lighting up as he realised he could smell both chicken and tofu.
“You cooked my favourites?” Jinki sighed happily, “You’re the best friend anyone could have, really!” Jinki nodded his head eagerly, looking so hyper that Kibum wanted to laugh at him. It amazed him how chicken alone could brighten him up so much. “Thank you, Kibum, thank you!” Jinki sighed happily, as he started to eat the chicken quickly. For a few moments Kibum sat and just watched Jinki eating, he started to eat when his stomach let out a little growl.
“Well you’re amazing too hyung, I mean I don’t know how I would have survived the last few years without you.” Kibum nodded his head, feeling embarrassed when his eyes started to water slightly. “You’ve been my rock, you really have.” He looked down, blinking his eyes when Jinki smiled warmly across at him. “So thank you Jinki-hyung, for being the best friend ever.”
“I know I can be annoying but you know I just want you to be happy.” Kibum breathed out slowly, setting his chopsticks down, “I know I nag you a lot, but it is just because I care.” He nodded his head, feeling slightly pathetic, “And I hate seeing you so down.” I hate that Minho is back in your life again, I hate that he keeps coming to the café, it makes me want to punch him, and I’m not a violent person.
“I know, it’s okay,” Jinki nodded his head offering Kibum a tender smile, his eyes disappearing into little crescent moons. “I know you care, I guess it’s good because it makes me think about things too you know.” Jinki nodded his head, “And I don’t mind you nagging, I’m grateful you wake me up every morning without fail.” He grinned seeing Kibum blushed slightly, as he went back to devouring his delicious chicken.
After dinner they did the dishes in silence, Kibum was thinking about things, and practicing dance routines in his head. He felt glad he knew Jinki, because he knew Changsun-hyung thanks to him, and he was one of the dance seniors. Kibum smiled, deciding it was great having Jinki as his best friend, sometimes he almost wished that they were more than friends because he could see how perfect Jinki was. He really went out of his way to help people he cared about, and he always took such good care of Kibum.
But he also knew it would never work out between them, he peeped over at Jinki as he dried the dishes. As much as he loved and adored Jinki there was so spark or physical attraction between them. He would also have this adoring sweet friendship any day over a physical relationship. The last one he had, had not turned out so great, it put Kibum off for a long time, it was only with Jinki’s help he really got over that.
“Stop it, Kibummie,” Jinki commented as he dried his hands, “Stop staring, you’re starting to worry me!”
Kibum just giggled and shook his head, hoping that they would stay like this forever. That even if one of them was seeing someone, things would never change between them. Because he loved living his life like this, he loved waking up in their cosy little apartment, knowing that no one would tell him what to do. The freedom, he loved it, and he had so much fun with Jinki.
“Those are my words,” Kibum commented with another giggle, “You’re worrying me more hyung!”
Jinki lay in his bed that night thinking about the past. He sighed as he rolled onto his side, he had this feeling that it was finally time to let go of the past. He figured if anything was meant to happen with Minho it would have happened by now, after all he had liked him for more than five years already. It seemed pathetic to like someone for that long without doing anything. He figured that Minho had shown up in his life now just to illustrate that nothing would ever happen, especially since he had a boyfriend.
Sometimes Jinki wished things had not gone on for so long. He could still remember how it felt when he first started to like Minho. The bubbling happy feelings that flooded his limbs, and this amazing sense of unknown territory, and how he had no idea what would happen. He squeezed his eyes shut, lying there thinking back to the day he first saw Minho. He could still remember it so clearly, so vividly as if it had happened recently not years ago.
Jinki finished school late, so he ran down the corridor in a hurry, hoping that his friend had waited for him. Once he ran out of the school gates, the sound of a ball hitting concrete made him look over, and he saw a solitary figure kicking a ball around. Jinki had thought nothing of it, he just stood there watching the boy play with the ball. It started to get dark, and Jinki figured Kibum was not coming, so he sighed heavily before standing up from the steps, the air felt cool and he shivered slightly.
He had forgotten about the boy, until Jinki looked down and saw him standing there holding out a sweater towards Jinki. The ball was tucked under one arm, and Jinki was struck not with his kindness, but the way his large eyes shimmered with this intensity. He was all hot and sweaty, his hair was roughly tousled, but Jinki just felt this kind of beauty, serenity in the way he stood there so silently.
“Here,” His voice was a little bit scratchy, and rough but it suited him, and before Jinki could say thank you, he smiled, his lips curving up tenderly. Jinki’s heart seemed to stop, he felt mesmerised by that sweet smile, and the warmth in his dark brown eyes, Jinki felt dazed as he took the sweater from the boy’s hand. He offered him one more magical smile before he turned and was gone.
Jinki felt so peculiar, like his heart had been run over but at the same time he felt giddy and delirious. It was such a strange sensation, he wanted to chase after him and ask his name. But his tongue felt glued to the roof of his mouth, just felt so dazed and strange. It took him two weeks to find out that his name was Choi Minho and he had just started there.
Jinki climbed out of his bed, opening the drawer in the dark, a line of silvery moonlight shining in to illuminate his room. He dug down deep, and swallowed as he pulled out the slightly oversized sweater that Minho had given him that day so many years ago. He had tried to return it once, but Minho had forgotten about it. Minho had just stared at him coldly, and said he never owned anything that ugly. It had broken Jinki’s heart the way he had said that and just coldly stared at him until he felt like a freak.
Despite that, he still could not get over Minho. Even if the one time they had talked, Minho had been cold and frosty, looking incredibly bored for having to talk to Jinki. It didn’t matter, if anything it made his heart beat even faster for Minho. It made him like him more, even if he was a cold hearted jerk. Jinki sighed, feeling his eyes water, as he pressed his face into the sweater, it offered so much comfort but now, he knew if he was going to get over his feelings he had to get rid of that sweater.
Minho sighed as he traced random patterns across his paper, he was waiting for Taemin to meet him. He hated sitting out in random places waiting to meet people. Because he felt like everyone stared and thought one person sitting alone on a park bench was sad. He glanced down at his watch again, wondering if Taemin was not coming when a pair of thin arms wrapped around his middle.
“Hyung! Sorry I’m late,” Taemin grinned as he hugged Minho and then came to sit next to him. “So, hyung, I want to know what happened between you and Jinki-ssi.” Minho frowned, feigning ignorance when Taemin said that, he wondered how on earth Taemin had picked up anything at all.
“Eh? What are you talking about?” Minho casually scratched his head, stretching his long legs out in front of him, “Who exactly are we talking about?”
“Jinki-ssi, the guy in that café,” Taemin replied seriously, pointing over towards the café, “You know him don’t you? He knows you too, I’m sure of it.” Taemin nodded his head feeling proud when he saw the slightly shocked expression across Minho’s face.
“Um, no? I thought he looked familiar, but I don’t really know him.” Minho shrugged, “Maybe we went to the same school.” He shook his head slightly. “I don’t really know anything else about him.”
“Oh,” Taemin raised one eyebrow carefully, “are you sure about that?”
“Yes.” Minho stated keeping his face blank and his expression neutral, he had to convince Taemin, the last thing he wanted was the younger trying to find out stuff. He nodded his head quickly, and hoped that Taemin believed him.
“Why would I lie?” Minho finally asked when the silence had stretched into long drawn out minutes, and Minho somehow felt uncomfortable with it. He frowned turning to see Taemin shrug casually, “I wouldn’t, not to you.” He added with a slight smile, “No matter what you might think.”
“I guess not on purpose anyways,” Taemin poked his tongue out at his friend, “I seem to recall us having similar conversations before you realised that you liked a particular person. But hey what would I know?” He shrugged innocently, Minho just blinked his eyes slowly.
Jinki hummed softly to himself as he wiped the counter clean, his lectures were going so well. Technically he was meant to be in a office studying and reading all day, but he needed  money so he spent most of his time working. Plus he enjoyed working in the café far too much, it was much better than sitting in a stuffy office, staring out the window with longing.
“Jinki-ssi,” Jinki lifted his head up to see Taemin beaming across at him, he had tried to hate him for going out with Minho. But his smile was so bright and infectious, it really was impossible to hate him, especially when he had started coming in every day. “Hello,” Taemin bobbed his head politely, “Hello,” he repeated as if he had forgotten that he had already said it, but Jinki knew it was a peculiar and cute habit of his to say that.
“Hello Taemin-ah,” Jinki grinned, he was actually relieved to see the boy, Jonghyun was in a foul mood, and Kibum was still in a lecture. Jinki was feeling lonely because he did not talk to that many customers, so he had just been standing around cleaning with no one to talk to. “What do you want today?” His face lighting up as Taemin leaned over the counter, trying to see the milkshake flavours.
“Hmm, let’s see should I try banana today?” He glanced across at Jinki, “Is the banana tasty?”
“Yeah,” Jinki shrugged, “I think banana is okay, people seem to like it.” He blinked his eyes, Taemin’s face falling from that lacklustre reply. “I mean, I’m sure its delicious, I think its Kibum’s favourite flavour.” He nodded his head managing a soft smile.
“Hmm, okay I’ll try it then!” Taemin offered a toothy grin, “If it’s bad, I’ll blame you, and you can help me with my English homework.” Taemin smirked, “How does that sound?” He wiggled his eyebrows, looking mischievous and Jinki had to stifle his laughter.
“Sure, it sounds good. I’ll bring the drink over for you.” Jinki grinned, realising that this was turning into a bad habit. Really it was wrong on all levels to be friends with the guy your crush was going out with. But somehow he found it so hard to stay away, not that he could stay away since Taemin came in everyday to his work. He was not about to turn away a paying customer. Luckily for Jinki he had come alone all week, it made it easier not having to see Taemin and Minho together.
Five minutes later Jinki carried the banana milkshake over, he had used real bananas instead of the flavoured syrup, because Kibum always insisted that his fresh banana milkshakes were the best. Jinki was not sure if Kibum was just saying that so he figured he would try it on Taemin and see if he liked as much. Jinki peered over his shoulder, seeing that he was struggling with his English homework.
“One banana milkshake served up,” Jinki grinned, “and one English tutor,” He waggled his eyebrows making Taemin giggle at his silly expression. He pulled the chair out and sat down opposite Taemin, “English was my best subject at school,” he grinned, “And you look like you’re struggling so I will help you even if you do like the milkshake.” He shrugged, watching closely as Taemin took a sip.
“Ooh, that is delicious.” Taemin’s eyes went round and wide, he looked ecstatic, “Not only do you make excellent coffee but delicious milkshakes too.” Jinki frowned, hearing that because he had never seen Taemin drink coffee, he went to ask about that but Taemin beat him to it, “Oh Minho said you make the best coffee,” Taemin grinned, watching like a hawk as Jinki gulped, looking visibly upset.
“Oh.” Jinki managed a half smile, “Right, we should um tackle your homework.” Taemin sighed but agreed, “So what are you stuck on?” Jinki reached for the book, reading it quickly  before he started to explain quickly to the younger boy. Taemin was amazed with how much Jinki knew, and how his eyes lit up when he was explaining the stuff to him. Jinki got so engrossed in helping Taemin that he didn’t even notice Kibum starting work, or the door. It was only the sound of a cough, that made Jinki glance up, freezing as he saw Minho standing there, blinking down at him.
“Oh sorry, I’m in your seat!” Jinki leapt up immediately, jumping up so fast as if his seat was fire that he bumped his head against the side of the window, wincing and crying out in pain as he knocked his head against hard glass. Both Taemin and Minho shot forward worried about him, and the way he was clutching his head, wobbling around on unsteady feet. But before either could do anything, Kibum shoved them out of the way, managing to shoot Minho a glare before he helped Jinki into another seat.
“Are you okay, hyung?” Kibum blinked, “I’ll get you some ice.” He ran over to the counter, slipping into the kitchen and returning with a bag of frozen peas and a tea towel. He ignored Taemin and Minho completely, focussing on his friend. It wasn’t the first time he had hit his head, and Kibum was sure it wouldn’t be the last, but he knew exactly what to do.
“I’ll be fine,” Jinki offered weakly, “I’ll just sit here quietly, don’t worry about me.” He waved Kibum away, and then five minutes later when he could hear Minho and Taemin talking softly, he got up planning on leaving. But before he even took a step, he started to lose his balance, and strong arms steadied him, Jinki winced as he looked up into Minho’s face. It had hardly changed since that first time he had seen him, although if anything he looked even more gorgeous.
“I think, you should sit for a while,” Minho helped him into a seat, with Taemin hovering by his side worriedly. So much for me escaping from Minho. Jinki felt glum as the two boys sat on either side of him, Minho’s beautiful profile taunting him completely. Jinki had this horrible feeling that he only lost his balance because of Minho being there, “Perhaps we should sit here for a while with you.” Minho almost sounded amused, and Jinki held back a sigh, wondering why Minho looked almost happy about that prospect.
“Yes!” Taemin grinned clapping his hands lightly, “Jinki-hyung, you need to be more careful!” Taemin grinned, “I feel bad too since you were helping me with your homework in your free time.” Taemin sounded guilty, “you really helped me out too.” He nodded his head quickly reaching forward to touch Jinki on the shoulder lightly, “so thank you, and just sit and rest.” He bit into his lip and Jinki tried not to groan as Minho leaned forward, adjusting the frozen peas on his head. He felt like asking Minho why he stayed, why he was doing this to him, it was like Minho just wanted to rub it in.
“God that was awful.” Kibum pressed his palm over his face, as he sank down onto the train seat, he didn’t have to look to see that Jinki agreed with him. “It annoyed me how we kept getting customers, so I didn’t even have time to rescue you,” Kibum bit his lip, “Of course Jjong went out to pick up a delivery, it was the worst timing ever.”
“I guess I’m just going to have to get used to seeing him,” Jinki replied glumly, “He keeps coming in there, I’ll be fine, I’ll get over him.” He nodded his head sounding determined, “I’m sick of him coming in and rubbing it in my face.” He sighed heavily, “I tried to hate Taemin, but he’s just so damn cute and friendly.” Jinki sighed heavily, “Well he wouldn’t be if he knew the truth.”
“Jinki-hyung, don’t be so down on yourself, are you sure they’re going out?” Kibum tapped his fingers against the edge of the seat, glad that for once they had missed the rush hour train home. It was relatively empty, and it was peaceful being able to sit and talk without being crammed in like sardines in a tin.
“Yes, Taemin was who Minho was hugging that day.” Jinki swallowed a lump in his throat, “And the other time, he was draped all over Taemin, his arms around his waist and he rested his chin on his shoulder.” Jinki exhaled loudly, he looked so down and upset, but Kibum could see that determination in the way his eyes shone, “No matter what I will get over him, no matter what.”
“Okay,” Kibum nodded his head, reaching over to squeeze Jinki’s hand, “It’s okay, hyung, you don’t have to get over him, maybe over time you could be friends or more.” He mumbled softly, hoping that his words could be true.
“Stop, don’t even lie to me. We both know that is not true.” Jinki firmly shook his head, ignoring how it made him feel dizzy to do that. “No I am going to get over him. That is final, I was thinking maybe you were right about Changsun-hyung, I’m meeting him tomorrow.” Jinki bit into his lip, pausing before he whispered, “Maybe I should try to like him instead, or is that crazy.”
“Awww, you guys would be so cute together!” Kibum practically gushed, “And I swear he really does like you!”
“Yes, I heard you telling Jjong that,” Jinki rolled his eyes, “And the whole café heard you too.” He raised one eyebrow, “Thanks for um talking about me like that.”
“Oh shush, you” Kibum sighed, poking Jinki in the side, “I was just trying to help you! But you’ll let me help set you up with Changsun right?” He poked Jinki in the ribs repeatedly until he sighed and nodded his head; at the point in time he would do anything to shut Kibum up.
Okay^^; sorry if this fic is frustrating with how slow it is ;_; tell me and I'll stop posting it (so I can change/edit it). Sorry. :( Yeah its a very long & slow fic /cry sorry I didn't mean to make it so annoying. :/
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973 streak #1
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for sharing their journey of finding each other in missed opportunities. But all's that ends well.
973 streak #2
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if you are still around. But I just found this fic yesterday!
I really like this fic.
onewxjjong #3
Chapter 33: i read this in one setting~~ good fic!
Chapter 33: glad how everything worked out for both couples :)
Chapter 30: well, Kibum, if you had not been giving Jonghyun a cold sholder he might have talked to you, but now you don't have anyone else to blame except yourself