The Date Continues...

When the Diva Met His Match...

Im a terrible author im sorry T.T

Well i dont want to give you all excuses but heres one anyway... recently ive been having heart issues and stuff so i havent been able to update.... but anyway!

I'm updating now!

Please forgive me T.T

I love you all my lovely subsrcibers!


Heechul starred at sSiwon intently, trying to see what his game was.

"If you take a photo it will last longer princess" Siwon smirked.

Heechul couldn't help but blush

"YA! i wasnt starring at you you just have something on your face!"

"Oh Really then why dont you remove it for me" Siwon scooted himself closer to Heechul, now they were mere centimeters apart and looking into eachothers eyes.

Heechul blushed a deep red and didnt know what to do. (thinking) "OMG! He's so lose to me what do I do! Oh please someone save me!!"

"Your food is.... Ah im sorry am I interupting something?" Said the flustered waiter

"Oh not at all Thank you!" said Heechul.

"Hmph" grumbled Siwon.

"Doesnt it look delicious Wonnie?"

"Wonnie? I didnt know you already gave me a nickname princess?"

Hecchul blushed a crimson red and when he wasnt suspecting Siwon gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Ya! What are you doing?" "It looks like i just kissed you beautiful." smirk

"Well... Umm... Dont!"

"As you wish... For now... Now lets enjoy this meal."
The rest if the evening wasn't so eventful as the young couple tried to enjoy the meal. Siwon starred at Heechul the whole course of the night, while Heechul tried to hide his blushing. Heechul had to admit Siwon was a gorgeous looking man and he was very kind to him so far, bu that didnt mean he trusted him yet. Heechul had met many people in the course of his life and he learned people arent always what they seem.


"Are you finished princess?"

"Huh, Oh yes..."

"Good. I have somewhere i want to take you before the night ends."


"you'll see when we get there beautiful im sure you'll enjoy it." smile

"Umm ok let me use the restroom and ill be right back."

Heechul quickly rushed to the restroom and looked at himself in the mirror. "Aish Heechul! get a hold of yourself! Your acting like a flustered school girl. Ugh! I need to calm down." He sprayed some water on his face and procedded to dry it with a towl. "There thats better, now lets see where Mr. Choi plans to take me."

Siwon was waiting patiently for Heechul to return and decided to see what Donghae was up to.

To: Fish<3Monkey

"Donghae!! What are you doing?"

From Fish<3Monkey

"Hiya hyung! Hows your date going? is Heechul being a handful?"

To: Fish<3Monkey


"No not at all really, im about to take him out to somewhere special, wink Not telling where though hehe :D"


"Alright Hyung have fun! Please dont hurt Heechul-hyung he's had bad experiences before i dont want to se him hurt again."

"Who are you texting Siwon?"

"Oh Heechul i didnt realize you came back, and just Donghae he wanted to see how everything was going" smile

"Aish dumb dongsaeng, well didnt you say you were taking me somewhere?"

"Why yes of course lets go."


Siwon led Heechul to the car and again opened the door for him. Heechul again explained he wasnt a girl and Siwon just smiled and started the car. They drove for about 30 min before they reached there destination.

"Siwo where are we?"

"We're at Jujni beach princess. You'll love it here."

Siwon went around the car and opened the door for Heechul, he didn't feel like arguing so he let him. Siwon took Heechul's hand and interwined there fingers. Heechul tried to remove his hand but Siwon's grip only grew tighter. They walked on the shore leading to the boardwalk. the sun was slowly setting and gave the scenary a romantic appeal.

"It's beautiful Ne?"

"Yes it is Siwon, I thought you were going to take me someplace wierd, but thank you."

"Princess i mean you no harm i just want to get to know you and see what happens,"

Heechul turned to look at Siwon and saw the sincerity in his eyes."I think i can handle that Si... I mean wonnie." Heechul did the unexpected and actually smiled towards Siwon.

"You have a beautiful smile Princess." Siwon was about to move a strand of hair that moved out of Heechuls face when they heard a yell.

"Chull-ah is that you?"

They both turned around and Heechul's faced turned pale.

"Wha..wha..What are you doing here!!"


Cliffy! tell me what you guys think!!

Comments greatly appreciated!

again sorry for the delay so ta-da!

smirks and btw im not telling who the mystery person is :)


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samirajoon #1
Chapter 14: such a great supportive mother and she even ask his son's lover's name.
samirajoon #2
Chapter 13: it's good that heechul has siwon's support. hankyung is a lover man but in bad way.
samirajoon #3
Chapter 12: oh chillingggggggggg. jessica and ...
samirajoon #4
Chapter 11: omo. hangeng is a bad man here? he want to ruin heechul's happiness?
Chapter 12: Is the person staring heechul from afar,is Hangeng or Hangkyung??.It must be.They are Hanchul anyway,hehe^^
Anyway,author-nim,you did a good job and please continue it!!
I will forever support so,Fighting and don't give up!!^_^
Hwaiting on your other stories too!!^w^
MizzPeel0007 #6
Chapter 12: Oh! the suspense is building slowly.Thanks for the update.
cherryaizawa #7
Chapter 12: Such the problem will revelate complicated.^^
Thx to update.
Chapter 12: oh~siwon is so sweet to chul
MizzPeel0007 #9
Chapter 11: What happened between the two, now Heechul is weary about Siwon and his actions. Guess we will read about it in later chapters.
Chapter 11: OMO !!
really interesting
Poor Heechullii !!