The Past.

When the Diva Met His Match...

"Why is he so happy!? He shouldn't be happy! He was never this happy when we were together! That bastard of Choi did something to him!"

"Ah, sir... I don't mean to get in your business or anything... but ummm... Don't you think you should let Heechul-shi be happy?"

"What did you just say to me?" 

"Ah... nothing sir... I apologize. I didn't say anything."

"You better hope I didn't hear you right. So you're saying I should let MY Heechul be happy with another man. Did I hear you right Ryeowook? Is that what you said?"

"No sir! I apologize! I said nothing!"

"You're right though. I should Heechul be happy. But I will make him happy with me. No one else. Do you understand Ryeowook? What is mine, will ALWAYS be mine. Do I make myself clear!? I will not let you off so easy next time you try to tell me how to run my life."

"Ye... ye... yes sir."

"Take me home. Im exhausted. Hearing nonsense all day, especially from you."


Heechul was on cloud nine, after his phone call with Siwon, he was extremely happy. He was excited to see Siwon again. He didn't feel as worried and scared as he had used to a few days ago when he first went out with Siwon. His past experience was something he did not want to remember, but everytime he saw a glimpse of happiness, a rush of memories flooded his mind. He remembered when he had first met Hankyung. They met in almost a perfect movie scene, in a coffee shop when Heechul was having a terrible morning. He had woken up late, rushing to get to work, was running a high fever, and just hated his life. He had gotten to work and almost collapsed in the lobby. Lucky for him, he hadn't missed a day in a very long time and his boss was the one that caught him in the lobby. Mr Jung understood how hard Heechul worked everyday and insisted he go home. Heechul tried convincing his boss to let him work, but his boss assured him he would take care of everything. Heechul was so tired he felt he needed some coffee to make it home. He went to his favorite coffee shop and that's where their fates met.

Hankyung had spotted Heechul the moment he walked in. Hankyung saw something in Heechul he hadn't seen anyone else have. The feistyness in his eyes and his tall strong demeanor. He instantly felt attracted to Heechul and casually walked up to him. To his surprise however Heechul quickly blew him off. 

"What do you want!? Don't you see I'm buying coffee. Leave me alone. Don't feel like dealing with people. especially you."

Hankyung laughed inside and was even more intrigued by this man.

"It looks like someone is having a bad day. Maybe I can help you."

"Can't you hear? What's wrong with your Korean? Huh? Leave me alone."

And with that Heechul grabbed his coffee and left Hankyung standing alone. Hankyung smiled at Heechul and wasn't going to let someone like Heechul pass him by.

Hankyung kept going to the coffee shop to see Heechul and quickly figured out his schedule. Heechul noticed this and confronted the man. "Are you stalking me!? Are you a stalker!? That isn't allowed here! Go back to where you came from if that's what you want to do."

"I like you, that's why I like coming here. Is that a crime?"

Heechul blushed but quickly composed himself. 

"Yah! I don't like you! Weird men with stupid accents!"

"I'll leave you alone if you like, but you must go on a date with me at first. Then if you don't want me around you, I'll leave."

"I don't have to agree to anything. Leave me alone."

"I won't until you go on a date with me. What can it hurt?"

"No! Go away panda man!"

Heechul stormed off and he thought Hankyung would let up. To his dismay he didn't and soon after a while he finally agreed. He believed he wouldn't fall for him, but was surprised. 

Hankyung took Heechul to a nice small restaurant and they had a wonderful evening. He took him home and they kept seeing eachother. Heechul thought he had something nice with Hankyung, but after a while he saw a different side to him. He became more angry and possessive. Wouldn't let him speak to other people or go out. Wanted to control everything about him. He hardly saw Hankyung but felt he was being followed. Then the abuse started coming, if Heechul wasn't home at a specific time Hankyung would come over and yell at him and sometimes even hit him. It was never something extremely harsh, but it still affected Heechul. He wasn't happy anymore and was depressed. Donghae saw this and tried to get Heechul to get away from hankyung, but it was alot harder than expected. Hankyung was ruthless with letting Heechul go. Heechul even tried moving, but Hankyung found him and it was just terrible. Heechul finally had enough when one day Donghae answered the door and Haknyung was there. Donghae didn't want to let him in, but Hankyung was persistant. He got very angry and slammed the door on Donghae's face. Donghae fell back and let out a cry of pain. Hankyung walked in and stepped on Donghae's hand. He pulled his hair and was demanding to see Heechul. Heechul had been back in his room and had heard Donghae scream. He became infuriated. He rushed Hankyung and told Donghae to call the police. 

"Leave! I don't want to see you anymore! What the is wrong with you! Go away! The police are on their way! Get out! I hate you!"

"Hmph. Wow. What a waste of time. Can't little Donghae take a little push. Goodbye heechul." 

"Get out! Stay away from me!"

With that Hankyung was removed from Heechul's life. Heechul felt very responsible for what happened to Donghae and kept himself locked up. Donghae tried to explain it was alright and it was over already. It had been a long time until Heechul let anyone inside his life especially his love life. He was very scared for his life. For a while he felt safe at home, but one day he didn't feel so safe. He went to sleep and heard a noise coming inside his bedroom. He got up and looked around, he the lights and saw Hankyung sitting in the chair in the corner of his room. 

"WTF! get out! How did you get in here! Im calling the police!"

"No your not. Wanna know why?"

Heechul was even more afraid and was backed against a wall. 

"I just wanted to tell you something. Don't think you can get away from me. Bye Bye Heechul," and kissed him on the forehead.

Heechul call the police and had a panic attack. He was terrified for his life and he and Donghae moved. It was like 2 years before Heechul had calmed down. He finally had his life back together and things were coming together. Donghae had tried alot to help Heechul and until he convinced him to go on a date with Siwon, is when Heechul had let someone in.

Heechul didn't want to let Hankhyung win. No he wouldn't, he was happy and wasn't going to let that bastard win. To make himself feel a little better he called Siwon.


"Ah, hi Siwon. It's me Heechul."

"I know its you chullie. Its 3am is something wrong? Are you ok?"

"Uh yeah. Im fine. Just wanted to hear your voice. Calm me down a little. Im sorry I sound so weak and out of character. Haha."


"Ah yeah?"

"You don't have to apologize to me. I'll gladly hear you troubles anytime. No one is free of demons even me. I"ll always be here for you. Always remember that. Now what's wrong."

"Nothings wrong. Not anymore. Thank you."

"Ok. Call me anytime ok."

"Ok. Goodnight Won."

"Goodnight Chullie."





HIIIII! Tats my update!! Hope you like it!

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samirajoon #1
Chapter 14: such a great supportive mother and she even ask his son's lover's name.
samirajoon #2
Chapter 13: it's good that heechul has siwon's support. hankyung is a lover man but in bad way.
samirajoon #3
Chapter 12: oh chillingggggggggg. jessica and ...
samirajoon #4
Chapter 11: omo. hangeng is a bad man here? he want to ruin heechul's happiness?
Chapter 12: Is the person staring heechul from afar,is Hangeng or Hangkyung??.It must be.They are Hanchul anyway,hehe^^
Anyway,author-nim,you did a good job and please continue it!!
I will forever support so,Fighting and don't give up!!^_^
Hwaiting on your other stories too!!^w^
MizzPeel0007 #6
Chapter 12: Oh! the suspense is building slowly.Thanks for the update.
cherryaizawa #7
Chapter 12: Such the problem will revelate complicated.^^
Thx to update.
Chapter 12: oh~siwon is so sweet to chul
MizzPeel0007 #9
Chapter 11: What happened between the two, now Heechul is weary about Siwon and his actions. Guess we will read about it in later chapters.
Chapter 11: OMO !!
really interesting
Poor Heechullii !!