They Never Listen!

When the Diva Met His Match...

"It had been a couple since the late night phone call between Siwon and Heechul. Heechul seemed happier and more cheerful since that night and Siwon was happy, he wanted his Chullie to feel loved and cared for. He didn't quite understand what made Chullie feel so depressed and lonely, but atleast he had helped him calm down and that made Siwon happy. Siwon was now entering his  office building when he saw an awful woman seated in the lobby. 

'Dear God WHY!! Why is she here!? I already had her removed. Why don't some people listen. Great! Just GREAT! She even brought her mother along." Siwon put on a smile and walked towards the 2 women seated, he needed to uphold his families upbringing so kept himself composed.

"Mrs. Jung what a surprise, how may I help you?"

"Don't you dare speak to me so casually Choi Siwon! How dare you treat my daughter with such a manner! Don't you realize what she feels for you! I will never see what she sees in you! You are lucky your mother and I are friends! Such a spoiled rotten man wtih no respect whatsoever! Were you raised by dogs!? Answer me! How dare you treat my Jessica like that! You WILL apologize immediatly!"

Siwon tried to keep himself as composed as possible, but with these women hanging off him it was nearly impossible. 

"Mrs. Jung I really don't understand why you are so angry. Please explain what is wrong."

"How dare you! You stupid useless boy! You-"

"What did you say?"

"Who-!? Oh, Madam Ji, glad you are here! I was just teaching your son a lesson!"

"My son does not need any lessons from anyone, especially you. He is a fine young that is definetly not stupid and doesn't have the time to deal with ignorant people. Siwon, go to your office and finish your work."

"But umma..."

"Now Siwon."

"Hai. Good day Mrs. Jung, Jessica."

"No wait! I am not finished!"

"Im pretty sure you are. Stop disrupting my son at his job."

"He disrespected my daughter! He should be ashamed! You should know how much Jessica cares about him! And you will simply let him walk away!?"

"My son did not disrespect anyone. Maybe if your daughter didn't flaunt herself like a she would have more respect for herself. Siwon was more than patient with her and I support his decision all the way. I confirmed her transfer and she will no longer work anywhere near this facility. Please leave and stop making a fool of yourself."

"Ji, I can't beleive you."

"And i can't believe you actually believe the nonsense that comes out of your daughters mouth. Leave now."

"Fine we will leave! Goodbye Ji!"

"Oh, Aura, this better be the last time you accuse my son of anything. I will not tolerate another insult to my family like this again."

Mrs. Jung and Jessica stormed out of the building and Mrs Choi went up to see her son. 

"Umma, I'm sorry about that. I should have handled it better."

"Don't apologize baby, you did nothing wrong. Stupid hags just love causing drama. Now Siwon I have a serious question to ask you."

"What is it umma?"

"Who is it?"

"Excuse me?"

"Who is the special person that makes you so happy?"

"How? How did you know?"

"Really Siwon? Im your mother I know when my son's personality changes."

"His name is Heechul mother."

"Oh so its a boy hmm."

"You're not angry mother?"

"Why would I be angry? I've known how you feel longer before you did. Don't worry I still love and support you no matter what."

"Thank you Umma. I love you."

"You better! Now come on that little battle made me hungry!"




Hey guys! another update ! Hope you like it !

Let me Know what you guys think! :) Bye!





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samirajoon #1
Chapter 14: such a great supportive mother and she even ask his son's lover's name.
samirajoon #2
Chapter 13: it's good that heechul has siwon's support. hankyung is a lover man but in bad way.
samirajoon #3
Chapter 12: oh chillingggggggggg. jessica and ...
samirajoon #4
Chapter 11: omo. hangeng is a bad man here? he want to ruin heechul's happiness?
Chapter 12: Is the person staring heechul from afar,is Hangeng or Hangkyung??.It must be.They are Hanchul anyway,hehe^^
Anyway,author-nim,you did a good job and please continue it!!
I will forever support so,Fighting and don't give up!!^_^
Hwaiting on your other stories too!!^w^
MizzPeel0007 #6
Chapter 12: Oh! the suspense is building slowly.Thanks for the update.
cherryaizawa #7
Chapter 12: Such the problem will revelate complicated.^^
Thx to update.
Chapter 12: oh~siwon is so sweet to chul
MizzPeel0007 #9
Chapter 11: What happened between the two, now Heechul is weary about Siwon and his actions. Guess we will read about it in later chapters.
Chapter 11: OMO !!
really interesting
Poor Heechullii !!