Leave Me Alone.

When the Diva Met His Match...

"Hello Siwonshi."

Siwon turned around and his smile quickly faded, "Oh, hello Jessica. What are you doing here so late"

"Oh, just finishing some work, I also wanted to see you."

"We've been through this before, I dont want to see you. Only reason you are still here is because Umma knows your umma and i can't be seen as the bad guy. Leave me alone please. Im asking nicely."

"Oh, Siwon, you're so funny. I know you would never fire me. I know deep down you care about me as much as I do for you. You're just playing hard to get."

"No I'm not playing anything with you. Last time I tell you. LISTEN TO ME. I CHOI SIWON, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT LIKE YOU OR HAVE ANY INTEREST IN YOU."

"HaHa you're so funny. Anyway, Rebecca told me you were extremely happy this morning. Can I know why?"

"Ugh, there is no getting through to you. I'm done. Leave my office."

"Aww! Come on Won! Tell me! Was it about me!?"

"No it wasn't about you. The last thing I would think about is you, I was thinking about someone else, who makes me really happy."

"WHO DARES MESS WITH MY SIWON!? What's her name! She needs to learn not to mess with someone else's man!"

"You ! You are ridiculous! I often refrain from raising my voice at woman but you are simply IMPOSSIBLE! I will never want anything to do with you! You are clingy and a ! Yes I said it! A ! The person I choose to have a relationship with is NONE of your business! I can be with whoever I want! As of right now, I am having you moved to another location. I can't deal with this nonsense anymore. Leave. NOW. Before I call Yunho from security."

"How... How could you say that to me..."


With that Jessica ran out the door crying. Siwon felt a little bad, but she just wouldn't listen. She had previously told her kindly to leave him alone, but this had been going on for years and he was finally fed up. He would call him mother tomorrow and explain what had happened. He knew she would understand, but he still needed to tell her the story. After all, he had raised his voice at a woman and that was not acceptable. He was raised better than that. 

"Aish, I should head home and call Chullie. I've done enough work for today."

Siwon excited the building and headed home. He was excited to talk to Heechul and ask him about his day.


Back at Heechul's, Heechul was just getting home and he noticed something different about his neighor's home. All the lights were on and you could hear stuff being thrown. He decided to investigate and knocked on the door. When he did all the noise coming from the apartment ceased and it was about a minute before anyone opened the door. The door opened about an inch and all you could see was an eye, a girls eye. 


"Ah, hello, I'm your next door neighbor, was just wondering if everything is alright."

"Is there anyone with you?"

"No? Should there be?"

With that the door was quickly flung open and Heechul was pulled inside.

"I'm sorry for all the secrecy but we are leaving as soon as possible."

"What why? Are you alright?"

"By any chance is your name Heechul?"

"Why yes it is?"

The girl looked Heechul straight in the eyes and said, "Heechul-shi, whatever you do, you must be very careful. Im warning you. I know you are a good person, I've see how you take care of the people who live in your home. But I strongly advise you, Be VERY careful of those around you. Those who hurt you, are going to come back. Please listen to me. I was lucky to get my father back. "

With those words, she quickly pushed Heechul out of the door and slammed it shut. Heechul was bewildered to say the least. He thought hard about what the girl had said, but at the same time put it aside. He was happy for once and didn't want the negativity of someone ruin it for him. While he was in deep thought, his phone began to ring. He smiled when he noticed who it was. 


"Hey Chullie. Are you busy?"

"No just got home, what about you."

"Me too. I've wanted to talk to you all day. To hear your voice."

Heechul and Siwon kept having a conversation all the way into Heechul's apartment. They were so engrossed in their conversation, Heechul didn't feel the presence of someone watching him from afar. 




Hello!! :) another update! I've felt really bad about not updating in such a long time, my mind is just flowing with ideas! 

Leave me Comments please! If you dont like something or if its good!

BYE! :) <3




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samirajoon #1
Chapter 14: such a great supportive mother and she even ask his son's lover's name.
samirajoon #2
Chapter 13: it's good that heechul has siwon's support. hankyung is a lover man but in bad way.
samirajoon #3
Chapter 12: oh chillingggggggggg. jessica and ...
samirajoon #4
Chapter 11: omo. hangeng is a bad man here? he want to ruin heechul's happiness?
Chapter 12: Is the person staring heechul from afar,is Hangeng or Hangkyung??.It must be.They are Hanchul anyway,hehe^^
Anyway,author-nim,you did a good job and please continue it!!
I will forever support so,Fighting and don't give up!!^_^
Hwaiting on your other stories too!!^w^
MizzPeel0007 #6
Chapter 12: Oh! the suspense is building slowly.Thanks for the update.
cherryaizawa #7
Chapter 12: Such the problem will revelate complicated.^^
Thx to update.
Chapter 12: oh~siwon is so sweet to chul
MizzPeel0007 #9
Chapter 11: What happened between the two, now Heechul is weary about Siwon and his actions. Guess we will read about it in later chapters.
Chapter 11: OMO !!
really interesting
Poor Heechullii !!