Chapter 4: Messenger for Two


A/N: HEY! Sorry for the slow update I was busy moving back into my house LOL well, this chapter is kinda long? so, here you go! and thank you for subscribing and commenting :D I've never had this many sybscribers and I'm grateful THANK YOU!!




I’m going to kill you Suho.

Kris looked at his phone again but he could only see his own messages in the thread between the two.

He threw his phone into his jacket pocket and huffed in frustration.

Suddenly he felt a vibration in his pocket. He got excited as he fumbled to find his phone in his jacket. He quickly unlocked his phone and saw the message but his smile quickly faded to disappointment; it was a message from Tao.


To: Kris

From: Tao

Don’t worry too much Kris. I’m sure he’s fine. Also I don’t like how sad you look… ㅠㅠ


Kris smiled at the message and quickly responded back.


To: Tao

From: Kris

LOL thanks Tao, I’ll try not to worry.


To: Kris

From: Tao

^^ no problem~ and that’s good! :D


Kris threw his phone back into his jacket and returned back to listening to the lesson. As he listened his eyes began to slowly wander towards the front of the room where Tao sat. He placed his elbow on the desk and rested his chin on the palm of his hands and continued to stare at the dark boy.

“Kris.” Someone loudly called him.

His elbow slipped and his face almost hit the table. A ripple of laughter began as he looked up to the front of the room with wide eyes, his face slightly burning. The teacher was sternly looking at him. He slowly began to look around his surroundings to see other students staring at him, some still giggling at his embarrassment.

His face became redder and he looked down, “I’m sorry.” he quietly whispered. The teacher turned around and shook his head in disapproval. When Kris felt the class returning back to its original state he looked up to check if Tao was watching. His eyes met Tao’s gaze that sent tingles down his spine. He had a smile on his face and chuckled and turned around to face the front again.

“Dam it…” he said as he placed his forehead on the table from embarrassment.



The bell rang signaling the end of a tiring day for Kris.

Kris quickly packed his things hoping he wouldn’t have to talk to Tao. He was already embarrassed and talking to Tao would just amplify his feeling. He threw his bag over his shoulder and quickly shuffled out the room without turning back. As he left the room he ran into someone a bit shorter than him.

“Going somewhere?” someone said in a low voice.

Kris slowly raised his head hoping the face didn’t match the voice he recognized. He sighed loudly when his eyes caught sight of Tao right in front of him.

He bit his lip unsure what he should say but then he felt Tao wrap his arm around his neck, “That was cute” he said.

Kris froze and looked at Tao, “What?” he said confused.

Tao smiled, “Cute.” he said and began to walk forward. Kris stood on the same spot dumbfounded continually staring at Tao with wide eyes.

Tao stopped and turned around, “Aren’t you coming?”

Kris snapped back into reality and shuffled to Tao and began to walk together. No one ever called me…”cute” before.

Kris opened the doors that led outside his eyes adjusting to the bright lights. He raised his hands to create a momentary shade over his eyes but something caught his attention. Standing in the middle of the school gates was a hooded figure.

“Tao, do you see that dude.” He said as he casually gestured to the stranger.

Tao followed his gaze, “Yeah…” he answered, “Who is he?”

“I have no idea…” he paused and stepped back, “but he’s coming this way.”

Tao stiffened, “I don’t like this feeling.”

“Same here” Kris turned around and grabbed the handle of the door, “Let’s get out of here.”

He pulled the handles but to his surprise they didn’t budge. He tried to pull the door handles again but with more force but they still remained shut.

“They’re…locked?” he said, unable to comprehend the situation.

“What?” Tao said in a panic tone, “That’s impossible, we just came out of these doors a second ago.” he turned around and tried to open the doors too, but they remained locked and didn’t budge.

There was a soft chuckle and they both turned towards the hooded stranger that still continued to walk towards them in a mocking manner, almost taunting.

Tao’s eyes became dark and grabbed Kris’ hand. “This way” he said as he pulled Kris towards the left. Kris stumbled forward unaware Tao was pulling but soon he gained his momentum and kept pace with Tao. He turned looked behind him searching for the hooded stranger but the front of the school remained empty.

“Tao…” he began to slow down until he came to a halt, “He’s…gone.”

Tao stopped and turned around, “Where did he go?”

“I don’t know, but I’m glad he’s gone.”

Tao released a breath of relief, “That was slightly scary.”

Kris nodded in agreement as he grabbed his racing chest.

“At least he’s gone now…”













Kris and Tao screamed and turned around to be face to face with the hooded figure. They stumbled backwards, their eyes wide from shock and fright.

“What the hell!” Kris screamed, “How the hell did you get here?!”

He heard a soft chuckle, “No need to shout.”

The voice sent chills down Tao and Kris’ spine.

“I thought you two were the quiet ones…” the stranger said quietly, “unlike Suho…”

At the name of his best friend Kris froze his eyes wide and alert.

“How…How do you know Suho…” he said cautiously.

The stranger laughed, “Ask him yourself Kris.”

Kris became tense, but the lingering question was asked by Tao, “How do you know his name?!” he shouted.

“Shhh…” the stranger said, “I know your name too, Tao.”

Tao stepped back, slightly creeped out by the stranger’s knowledge of both of them.

The hooded figure laughed, “I know everyone’s name.” he began to list of random names, “Kyungsoo, Kai, Sehun, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Xiumin, Chen and let’s not forget Luhan” the stranger ended.

Tao moved closer to Kris, “Who are those people?”

“Your friends? Your enemies? Who knows?”

“Friends? Enemies?” Kris asked, “But we don’t even know who they are…”

The stranger chuckled, “…not yet, you mean?”


The stranger sighed, “This is getting boring…” he stepped forward but instinctively Tao stepped forward slightly pushing Kris behind him. There was a low growling sound that escaped from Tao’s clenched teeth.

The stranger laughed and raised his arms in surrender, “I can see you’re prepared.” He dropped his hands and stepped back, “You pass the test…but you, Kris…we’ll have to see.”

“Test? What te-“ suddenly a canvas bag was thrown at him.

“All your answers are in there; match your symbols to the emblems.”

Kris froze at the word ‘symbol’. “How do you…”

“How do you know about my symbol…” Tao interrupted.

Kris looked at Tao with confusion, “ have a symbol?”

Tao side-glanced Kris and looked down. With a sign he began to remove the bandages wrapped around his hand. As the last strip fell off Kris saw the exposed symbol on the back of his right hand.

Kris furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at Tao. He raised his hands and the sleeve fell down, revealing the symbol that was embedded onto the back of his hand.

“You…You have one too?” Tao asked surprised.

Kris nodded his head slowly trying to comprehend the situation.

Their moment of discovery was over as the stranger began to laugh.

“You’re telling me you two are together not knowing about your symbols?” he laughed loudly, “Oh this is precious.”

He regained composure, “Alright, both of you grab hands.”

“What?” they said in unison.

“Do it…” he said in a dark tone.

Kris reached forward hesitantly and Tao grabbed it. Suddenly their symbols ignited with light, showering them in sparks of light while a sensational warmth traveled through the veins.

They let go of each other’s hands as the stranger began to applaud, “Discovery” he said.

“What?” they said again in unison and looked up towards the stranger but they were the only two standing on the field.


A/N: I hope that didn't sound too bad :(

sorry if it's disappointing D:

COMMENT so I can learn~ :D

ALSO what are some other couples that people ship together?? I might add more couples :)

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Asdfghjklñcxmze!! Please don't leave it there!!! ;AAA;
Chapter 8: Update soon!~~
Chapter 8: OMJ!! OMJ!! That was amazing!! I can't believe lula!!! Aaahhh!! You must update soon please!!
Crystalpurple #4
Chapter 8: Please update soon?
asdfghjkl_yay #5
Update? :(
Emerald #6
ok first things first... SOMEONE SAVE LULU AND BAOZI PLEASE!
second... luhan, y?
HUN,HAN *breath , *
GOSH. LUHAN U KNOW!!! How much I hate betrayal !!! Gosh !! Kyungsoo good job ! Kai u too ! Kyungsoo u r right ! I'm sure that sehun still love luhan , no matter what ! And waee waee they must fight each other my heart be creepin ! Author-ssi fighting (ง` ˛´)ง