I Love You

Pure Royal Love

Hello guys~ we meet again! actually, this chapter is between Jaejoong, Princess Alexa. Eun Kyung and The King. So, to give more clue read below...

Maroon = The King

Dark Green = Jaejoong

Purple = Eun Kyung

Blue = Princess Alexa



The King called for Jaejoong, Eun Kyung and Princess Alexa to meet him as soon as possible. The three of them looked worried except Princess Alexa. When Jaejoong was about to speak, The King spoke first.

"So....Jaejoong...mind to tell me what happen earlier?"

"Umm...nothing happen...really...father..."

"If so, how did this girl know your real name? And also where do you lives?"

"That girl! She called me with my real name! And, I don't know how Eun Kyung knows..."

"What? Me? Is it wrong for me to call my future husband with his own name?"

"Quiet! You, there...tell me how did you know where Jaejoong lives..."

"Uh..I..I ask Ah Joon's friends where was his house since they said his father was sick. And, they give me this paper..."

Eun Kyung gives the paper that Changmin writes the direction earlier. The King's personal assistant took the paper then gives it to him. The King read it with a confused face.

"How did you manageto read this kind of thing?"

"Well, i just read it and follow step by step..."

"Hmm...impressing....so, who gives you this?"

"One of Ah Joon's friend, Mr. Changmin...at first he didn't want to, but Yoochun insisted him to write that..."

"What? Aissh~ That kids really made me mad..."

"Anyone...can i excuse myself? I'm bored!"

"Alexa! Where's your manner? The King was right there in front of you! Show some respect!!"

"It's okay jaejoong, Princess Alexa, you may go now..."

"Father...can you tell me, who's that girl?"

"I've told you about finding your partner, right? And i've find you your partner, that's her..Princess Alexa for neighborhood kingdom..."

"What?! Father! I don't like her and i've already has my own partner!"

"And mind to tell me who?"

"She's just a commoner and she's my worker...."

Eun Kyung quickly turned her head to Jaejoong. Did he just said, his worker? Is that me? Since there's no other female worker at that bookstore. She saw Jaejoong glance at her, then giving her his angelic smile.  Eun Kyung was blushing. She just lowered her head, afraid if The King saw her red face.

"Jaejoong..you do know that commoner cannot married to royalty, right? Why did you choose her?"

"Because she's the only one that can make me happy..."

"Princess Alexa also can make you happy...Remember that you're a crown prince and we need to protect our lineage"

"Umm...i'm sorry to interrupted Your Majesty...but..it'll be more necessary if i waited outside.."

"Wait outside. I'll explain to you later..."

Eun Kyung just nodded then she bowed to the King and to Jaejoong before she walked outside the throne room. Once the door closed, Jaejoong and the King continued to discuss.

"Whatever you do, I still will not accept that girl into our family. Royalty should married to royalty and you're going to get married to Princess Alexa in two month from now!"

"But father, how can i get married to someone that i don't even know exist? We've never met before!"

"That's why i planned the wedding next month. Use the time being to know her. And believe me, you're going to love her. She's caring and adorable and also cheerful! And one more thing to add, she's your fiancee since you two didn't even born yet."

"What?! Father! You can't do this to me!"

"Oh yes i can since i'm the king. Now let's break it up. I wanna rest.."

"Wait! Father! I -"

The King just left the throne room, leaving Jaejoong behind. He sigh a little then get out from the room. He tried to find Eun Kyung since she promised him to wait outside the throne room. He searched every part of the castle, afraid if she get lost in the castle. He asked some of the maid, unfortunately they didn't see her. He started to feel frustrated the he remembered that he still doesn't check the Royal Garden yet. Jaejoong immediately went to that garden, and he smiled as soon as he can see the figure of Eun Kyung's small body. 

He wants to surprise her by walking slowly and quietly. And his plan succeed. Eun Kyung almost scream out her lung. Totally surprised by Jaejoong. He just plastered his face with innocent smile. Eun Kyung, still mad at him, turned her head around. She wants to go homw but since she promised him, she'll listened to his explanation. Jaejoong could sense something's wrong with her then explain to her immediately.

"I'm sorry Eun Kyung...i lied to you..."

"Just explain to me...who are you actually? If your name was Jaejoong, then who's Ah Joon that i know all this time?"

"Actually, i'm the crown prince of this country. My real name is Jaejoong and about Ah Joon, my father told me to use that name. He don't want to leak out my existance and my younger brother's."

"You have a younger brother? Why did you never told me about him?"

"He's travelling around the world. But soon, you'll meet him. He's on the way to come back now."

"Anyway...what do you mean by that?"


"You've said earlier...you love someone from your bookstore...and is..it..p-p-possible...that's...m-me?

They silent for a while. Only soft wind tickled their face and hair. Jaejoong was smiling all of the sudden and once again surprised Eun Kyung when eh pull her into his embrace. Eun Kyung already blushed while Jaejoong smiled. He whispered something into Eun Kyung's ears and almost popped out her eyes by his statement.

"I Love You Miss Park Eun Kyung...."



That's the end for this chapter. Sorry for not updating for a long time~ I'll try my hard to update very soon. But, since the school vacation had almost ended and i still hadn't finishes my homework..i think it will take a longer time...anyway, thanks for reading my story readers and my subscribers!~ ^_^ And seems like i've shorten my chapter....right?



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guess it takes a long time to update my new chapter...so..to my subscribers..i'm sorry...i'm still a student..just wait patiently, okay? i'll try to update as soon as possible..
@oliviacassidy, thanks! i'll try to update sooner since i'm going to my school tomorrow.....so..just wait. hehehehe.....thanks again for your comments....
Its good really, can't wait to read what happens next! ^^ ;)
looks intresting, i look forward to
owh thanks....i'll think about the ending now...some twist will gonna happend
Hmm...isn't the ending predictable? Cuz it seems quite obvious from the foreword who he'll choose! I hope it'll turn out interesting!