Secret Revealed

Pure Royal Love

Hello everyone!~ this is chapter 6 ^^ enjoy~ oh~ i forgot to tell you. i'm a type of person who likes to wrte dialogue than, most of my chapter will be full by dialogue...


"Eun Kyung ah, i would like to introduce you to my friends, Yunho and Changmin."

"Oh, hello guys! Nice to meet you~"

"Nice to meet you too Miss Eun Kyung"

"Okay, that's it. Now go to work. I need to discuss something with them"

"Ah..o-okay..i'll go now."

Eun Kyung walked away from them and continued her unfinished work. Yoochun saw them and just smile. Ah Joon bring Yunho and Changmin into the staff room behind then locked the door. He glared at the two of them and he surely looked really mad.

"Why did you come here?"

"It was the king's order, Your Highness.."

"Shh!! I told you to not use that name here!"

"Uhh...we're sorry..Jaejoong.."

"Ah Joon"

"yes, Ah Joon"

"Then, what was the king's order anyway?"

"His Majesty The KIng wants you to come back as soon as possible..."


"He's very ill"

"What?! How come?!"

"We don't know. We've called Prince Junsu about that and he's in the flight now from France."

"A-alright...i'll go now...just, don't call me with that name again in public.."


Then Ah Joon or Jaejoong came out from the room along with Yunho and Changmin. He walked straight toward his car that was parked beside the bookstore. Eun Kyung who was cleaning the window feels weird. She looked behind her and saw Yunho and Changmin still standing outside the store. Curios, she walked towards them then asked,

"Where was he going?"


"Ah Joon..where is he going?"


Changmin was stuttered but luckily Yunho who know that Changmin was really bad at lying, helped him out.

"His father was sick and he'd gone home..."

" that so..umm...can you please tell me where's his house? I would like to visit his father..."

Yoochun who was reading a book nearer heard them and couldn't help but grinning by her question. He immedietly went to them and still smiling. Eun Kyung feels wierd with Yoochun's behaviour.

"Why're smiling like that, Yoochun ah?"

"Changmin ah...just give her the address..."

"B-but...Ah Joon..."

Yoochun comes near him and whisper something.

"Just give her the direction...don't you ever write or draw castle on it..."


Changmin quickly take out a piece of paper then write something on it. Eun Kyung just waited patiently because it seems like forever for him to finish it. Once he finished writing the address, he give it to her with an unconfident face. EunKyung take a look at the paper.

"What?! What is this?"

"Well, you see that is the direction to his house..."

"Why can't you just write his address?"

"Heehee...i just want you to take some adventure...well, have fun!~ Yunho Hyung, let's go"

"Alright...bye then Miss Eun Kyung..Yoochun ah..."


Eun Kyung looked at Yoochun with her pleading eyes. Yoochun understand that and give her a i-will-take-care-of-this-store look. Eun Kyung smiled widely then bowed 90 degrees to him before ran out toward her favourite grey bicycle.

"Yoochun ah! Take care~"

Then she gone. At first she want to use a long road but when she looked at the time, she didn't have by much time left until lunch. She promised her mother to have lunch at home. So she use a shortcut according to the map. It took almost 15 minutes since she often lost. The map surely look difficult for her. Then she arrived. She looked up ahead her and dropped her jaw.

"What?! This is the castle!~"

Once again she check the map and it's shows that she's on the right road. Eun Kyung looked around. There's no sight of Ah Joon. She decided to ask the guard outside and indeed, the guard said there's a white car coming inside the castle. Eun Kyung still didn't want to believe what she saw. She then waited outside for almost 1 hour when a white car came out from the castle. She stopped the car. Ah Joon was very surprised then stopped instantly. He got out from the car with a shocked expression.

"Eun Kyung ah! What are you doing here?"

"I should ask you first. What're you doing here? Is this your house?"


"Jaejoong honey~!"

Ah Joon tried to explain to Eun Kyung when a girl's voice interrupted him. He looked beside him and saw a beautiful woman was running toward him. Behind her was a black limousine. Seems like she's from a wealthy family. The girl quickly hugged Ah Joon's arm and was smilimg like crazy people.

"Who-who are?! How did you know my real name?!"

"What?! Jaejoong was your real name? Then who is Ah Joon?!"

"Wait, Eun Kyung ah...just let me explain to-"

"Honey...don't you miss me? I really miss you like crazy!~"

Ah Joon or his real name Jaejoong tried to get away from the girl's hug. He feels disgusting. He looked at Eun Kyung. She was really mad and shocked right now.

"Wait~ Who are you, girl?!"

"Who am i? I am Crown Prince Jaejoong's fiancee, Princess Alexa from the neighbourhood kingdom! I came to marry him!"



okay...finished chapter 6. i know this is a long capter and a very boring one. i'm sorry but i write this in a hurry. maybe next time i'll try to shorten the chapter. i'm in a mix emotion right now. i should be happy when i got to know that JYJ already free from SM but knowing that the hope for them to comeback as 5 finished, i'm sad.....i don't know what to do right now...T^T sorry guys...for making you waited....and thank you to all my subscribers~!

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guess it takes a long time to update my new my subscribers..i'm sorry...i'm still a student..just wait patiently, okay? i'll try to update as soon as possible..
@oliviacassidy, thanks! i'll try to update sooner since i'm going to my school wait. hehehehe.....thanks again for your comments....
Its good really, can't wait to read what happens next! ^^ ;)
looks intresting, i look forward to
owh thanks....i'll think about the ending now...some twist will gonna happend
Hmm...isn't the ending predictable? Cuz it seems quite obvious from the foreword who he'll choose! I hope it'll turn out interesting!