The revelation

The story of us


I ran past him towards the door but before I could exit the kitchen, he grabbed my arm and turned to peck me on my lips. Could you believe that guy! He smiled when I glared at him for doing so. I hurried into his bedroom to change. I heard the door open but the voices I heard weren’t Yoochun’s and Junsu’s. It was Yunho and Changmin. “Yunho-ah! Changmin-ah! What are you doing here!” I heard Jae say from the room. I quickly got changed and turned around to find a spot to place my clothes. Then it struck me. Jaejoong’s bedroom. I was in Jaejoong’s bedroom. I looked around carefully. I saw a framed picture of the two of us on his bed stand. I picked it up and sat down on his bed. I smiled as my memories flew back to that day we spent together at Jeju Island. The day I became his girlfriend. “You can sleep there tonight if you wish,” a voice brought me back to earth. I turned around and saw Jae at the door. He stepped in and closed the door behind him. He sat down next to me and sighed. He smiled when he looked at the picture in my hands. “It’s great waking up to that every day. It makes my smile every morning,” he said, reaching over and taking the picture out of my hands. I smiled at his honesty. It felt great being the one that makes him smile every morning. “I’ll never forget that day, Shinae. It was one of the days when the sun shone a tad bit brighter on me,” he continued, looking down at the picture. I reached over and held his hands. “I never forgot it either, Jae. It was crazy but I never regretted that decision,” I said, looking at his fingers. He looked up at me and smiled. “Let’s go, we can’t have them waiting for too long.”


            He returned the framed picture to where it belonged, where he could see it first thing in the morning. I headed towards the door but he held my arm and pulled me into his chest. He hugged me tightly and whispered into my ears,” I love you. More than I did yesterday, less than I will tomorrow.”


            My heart melted at his words. I never knew he was this romantic. He held on to my hands and led me out of the room.

            We entered the living room to the cheeky smiles of Changmin and Yunho. “Were you changing or was he helping you to change?” Changmin asked me with a raised eyebrow. Jaejoong glared at Changmin and Changmin burst out laughing. 


            We sat down on the sofa along with Yunho and Changmin. ”So why are you guys here?” Jae asked. “Well, Shinae told us that you’re having dinner with Yoochun and Junsu and since we don’t have a schedule today, we thought we could come and see them again. It’s been awhile since we last saw them. Changmin was bugging me the entire night last night because he misses his hyungs. And I can’t deny that I do miss them too. So yeah, we decided to come so that we can see them again,” Yunho replied.


            “Well, you could’ve told us then we could have cooked more!” Jae said. He was right. There wasn’t exactly a lot of food to feed six mouths. “Hmm, I guess we can whip up a quick dish before those two arrive if we all work together,” I suggested. “That would work but I’ve got to tell you that me and Changmin are quite hopeless in the kitchen,” Yunho said with an ashamed expression. Jaejoong laughed. “I never forgot, Yunho. Be thankful that we are pretty competent in the kitchen. We’ll tell you what to do,” Jae said with a laugh. I smiled and shook my head. We all stood up and headed to the kitchen. We each grabbed an apron and placed it over our heads.


            “Okay so what are we going to cook?” Changmin asked, clearly eager to start. “Hmm, lets make some kimchi fried rice. Jae has kimchi in the refrigerator so we just need to cook rice and prepare the other ingredients. I’m pretty sure you two can use a knife right? Or am I asking for too much?” I said, teasingly.


            Yunho glared at me. “We are not that hopeless, by the way,” he said. We continued on with preparing the dish. I prepared the rice while Jae helped Yunho and Changmin out with the other ingredients. Half an hour later, the fried rice was ready accompanied with fried egg. Junsu and Yoochun still haven’t arrived. Jaejoong pulled me into his bedroom saying that he needed to talk to me. Yunho and Changmin looked at us suspiciously.


            “How again are we going to explain Yunho and Changmin’s presence to Junsu and Yoochun?” Jaejoong asked in a serious tone. It then hit me that explaining ourselves would be a problem. I haven’t actually thought through how I was going to explain myself when I found out that Yunho and Changmin was here. How was I going to tell them?

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cutepenguin #1
New reader here...I'm who Jaejoong actually loves?!?!?
Alice-tvxq #2
great chapter ; thanks for updating ; keep going on.
Alice-tvxq #3
so good ; hope you will update soon .
wow! nice OT5 story!
keep updating author-nim :) hwaitinggg!
cant wait for the next update..~