Chapter 4

Apple of My Eyes


Chapter 4

You woke up when the sun light hit your face,you didn't want to wake up so early but when you remember your promise with Eunhae,you force yourself up to wash up.You change into something casual grab a backpack and when out.


You went to dunkin' donut to have your breakfast.A latte and a donut and even bought some donuts for Eunhae.You always wanted a younger sister as you were the only child.To buy things for her to play with her and to do girly things with her.You always wanted someone who you can love and play with and you think you found one.Eunhae.



While you were eating something from across the shop caught your eye.After your breakfast you went into the shop to purchase it,something that you and Eunhae have.You took the bus and reached Eunhae's house in half and hours time.You knocked on the door and the butler welcomed you in.

"Annyeong Miss Yang,you must be here to meet Young misstress Kim."

"Yea,can you show me her room please?"

"Sure,please follow me."

You followed the butler and went into Eunhae's room.She was reading alone at the little space created for her.Her room wasn't girl like.No soft toys,no dolls just book.


"Eunhae ah,Yumi Unnie is here."

"Unnie!!"She came down from the slide and gave you a big hug.

"Eunhae,i bought you some donuts do you want to have them now?"


"Lets go down to the dining room."

Eunhae hold onto your hand and led you downstairs to the dinning room.

"Ajuhma, can you put them on a plate for me?'


The maid took the box and place a donut on a plate and pass it to Eunhae.

"Gomawo ajuhma."

The two of you sat down at the dinning table and she started munching on her donut.The house was quiet other tha the maids and butler no one was at home except Eunhae.

"Eunhae ah,where is everybody?"

"Eunni went for her ballet lesson so she isnt home.Appa and Omma went to work and oppa is still sleeping."

"I see,so you are alone at home."


"Hmm... do you want to go shopping with Unnie?"


"Okay,we shall go after you finish eating your donut."

Eunhae nodded her head eagerly.She seems so eager to be able to go out of the house.

The two of you went back to her room as you help her change her clothes.


(eunhae changed into something like this)

"I almost forgot,i bought this for the two of us.Let's wear this out alright?"

You took out a matching trenchcoat you wore yours and help Eunhae with hers.430772_340172356014733_213757211989582_1

"Kaja,lets go!!"

The two of you went shopping at a nearby shopping mall.The two of you frst went into a clothing store.The two of you look around to pick clothings for Eunhae.

"Eunhae,do you like dresses?"

"Neh, unnie!!"

"Shall we buy you some?"

"Is it okay with unnie?"

"Of course just pick whatever you like."

"Gomawo unnie."

Eunhae and you picked a few clothings for her and then she went to try them on.All of them look nice on her so you decided to buy all for her.She was so happy and seeing the smile on her face makes you happy.

"Eunhae ah, do you like wearing identical clothings like unnie?Like real sisters?"

"Yes,like me and Eunni right?"

"Yes,like you and Eunni."

"Let's pick a few and try it on alright?"

"Neh Unnie!!"

The two of you tried on the clothes and bought most of the clothings that you tried.

"Eunhae,lets take a picture together."

The bend down to Eunhae's height and take a selca with her using your phone

"Unnie,let me see!!let me see!!"

You show Eunhae the photo and she was beaming while looking at the photo.

"UNNIE!!Can you send this photo to me??'

"Sure,your number?"

Eunhae told you her number and you send the photo .You got curious about her having a phone at such a young age which made you ask her.

"Eunhae,you have a phone at such a young age?'


"Anni?!?Then who did we send the photo to?"

"Myungsoo Oppa~!!"

"M-myung soo?!?"


Then your phone vibrated in your hand.You hold it up and saw the number calling back.


"Wae unnie?"

"Your oppa is calling back!!What should I do?"

"Answer the call unnie,Myungsoo oppa hate people not answering his calls"

"But...But,Eunhae ah~,why dont you answer the call for me and i'll buy ice-cream for you?"


You pass Eunhae your phone and she answered the call."




"Are you with Yumi Unnie?"


You didn't know what they were talking about and only hearing Eunhae replying with Neh and Deh makes you curious about what myungsoo was asking her sister.The anxiety is killing you!!

"Unnie,here you go.And oppa say he will be coming to bring us home."

"Neh,araso. Hold on,you say Myungsoo will be coming to bring US home?"

Eunhae just nodded her.


You didn't show how anxious you were but inside you were totally freaking out!!The two of you continue walking around the shopping mall while waiting for Myungsoo then something caught Eunhae's attention.she let go of your hand and ran towards a shoe shop.You follow her and saw what she was looking at.



"Deh,Unni.Nomu nomu chowahae!!"

Her eyes were guled onto the shoes.She didnt even look at you when you replied you.

"Lets go in and try it on then!!"


She turn around to face you her eyes full of hope.You nodded your head and brought Eunhae into the shop.

"Excuse me, can you give me that pair of shoe according to her size?"

"Yes,please wait for a moment."

The two of you sat down on the couch while waiting for the saleslady to come back.Eunhae was playing with her fingers as if there was something that she wanted to say but she didn't dare to voice out.

"Eunhae ah~,are you okay?Is there something you want to tell Unnie?"

"Unnie,i want Eunni to have the same shoe as me..."

"This one that you are about to try?"

She nodded her head but still not facing you,scared that you might reject her.

"Hm..okay,I'll get the blue one for you and the pink one for Eunni?"

"Ah!!!Gomawo Unnie!!"She gave you a tight hug and you hug her back.The saleslady let her tried on the new shoe and it fit nicely on her.

"I'll take two of this the same size but one red and the other blue."

"Neh,Thank you!"

"You're welcome.Annyeong"

"Annyeong,Thank you for shopping with us."Eunhae hold onto the carrier that have Eunni and her shoes inside.she was  smiling brightly which warms up your heart.

"Unnie,I'm hungry.Can we eat first?"

"Okay,we shall wait for your oppa at the restuarant then.Kaja,what do you want to eat?"

"Molla~,What about you Unnie?"

"Erm,I'm fine with anything.That resturant seems nice,lets eat there?"


The two of you went into a korean BBQ resturant and started ordering the food.When the food came Eunhae started eating as she was really hungry.

"Unnie,are you not hungry?Why aren't you eating?"

"Ah, its okay.I will wait till your oppa arrive then I shall eat."Your rang phone right after you mention Myungsoo.

"Yumi ssi,where are you?"

"We are in the BBQ restuarant on the third floor."


After a while Myungsoo came into the resturant.

"I'm sorry i'm late.You finish eating already?"

"No,i was waiting for you!!"

"Gomawo,but Next time don't do that.I'm always late so if you are really hungry you should eat first.Lets eat"

You started eating along with Myungsoo,but he finished it first even though he was the last to arrive.After eating the three of you went to have ice-cream since you promised Eunhae for answering Myungsoo's call. Eunhae was happily eating her ice-cream,then she stopped in front of a clothing store.The two of you follow behind her and saw what she was looking at.Family attire.Then the shopkeeper spoke.

"Do you guys want to try this?Its new arrival.Its perfect for your family."

"A-anni ajuhma,we are not a family."

"Aish!whats there to be embarass about,you guys even have a daughter already."

"Ajuhma,can you get our size,we would like to try it."

"You see i'm never wrong."

You gave Myungsoo a puzzeled look after hearing what he said.

"Shes not going to stop unless we buy something from her."

The three of you went into the changing rooms and changed into the clothes.At first you didn't want to walk out of the changing room.You can't deny the fact that the shirt look nice but couple tee with Myungsoo and Eunhae,like a family?!?


You walked out of the changing room and saw Myungsoo playing with Eunhae, but they turn to face you when you walked out.

"You look nice."

"Thank you,you look nice too."

"Ajuhma, we will take this.We wont be changing it down."

Myungsoo went to pay for the clothes while you stayed with Eunhae.

"Kaja!Lets go home now!"

Myungsoo carried Eunhae with one hand and the other with some of the shopping bags.The three of you walked to Myungsoo's car but then he didn't have any more free hand to take the car key out of his pocket.

"Yumi ssi,can you help me take my car keys out of my pocket?"

"P-pocket?which pocket?"

"Its in the front pocket."You took out his key and pas it to him while you took the rest of the shopping bag over from him.He put the sleeping Eunhae at the back seat and came back to you to take the rest of the shopping bags from you.

"Get in the car,I'll put these at the back."


You got in the car and put on your seatbelt and Myungsoo did the same afterwards.

"Thanks for bringing Eunhae out today."

"Ah,no problem.I like going out with her.By the way,thank you for this shirt."

"You should have it,compare to the money you spend on Eunhae its nothing.You should come over more often,The twins seems to really like you especially,Eunhae.Its been a long time since she had so much fun."


"Long story,maybe you should ask her.It will be better if she will be willing to tell you herself.


"We're here."

"Thanks for giving me a ride home.I need to get something from the back."

"Your welcome.Let me help you."

The two of you got off his car and went to the back of the car.You took the shopping bag with your set of the clothings and bidded goodbye to myungsoo.

"Yumi,you're back."


"Go get changed and we will have dinner."


You went up and change into something casual then went down to join your parents for dinner.The coversation dinner was as usual,except that they ask about something different today.

"Yumi ah~,what do you think about Myungsoo?"

"Kim Myungsoo?Well,i don't really know him but he seems nice."

"Then do you like him?"


"Do you like Myungsoo?"

"Haha!!Appa ah~,what kind of question is that?I only knew him for two days and you are asking me whether i like him already?"

"Ah,ye,mianhae."You appa rub the his nape in embarassment.

"I'm done with dinner.I shall go back to my room now."

You went back to your room and started to do your work but you just couldnt concentrate as Myungsoo kept popping out in your mind.

"Aigoo~!!Yumi concentrate already!!"

After a while,you climbed onto your bed and fell asleep.

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LoHAnHJ #1 cool.I think
kya...update soon :D
this story is good :DD keep up the good job ^___^