Chapter 9- I should just admit it.

My Panda Love

Chapter 9- I should just admit it

Tell me why I never let it go through
And now I'm left with a heart with a hold oh
So I wanna know what's going' on baby 'cuz

You gave me your heart
But where is the love- Tell me where- Jin Akanishi

After school****

“So are you going to be okay walking back home?” Ra Im said walking next to me.

I nodded to here “Yeah I’ll be okay, it’s not too far anyway”

“Okay see you tomorrow then and get some sleep you look like a panda” she smiled

“Ha! It’s because of that evil child, bye” Ra Im walked around the corner waving to me and in a second she disappeared. Just then mentioning Seungri made my heart race, I placed my hand on my heart.

“Aish! Why is this happening. Stop!” I placed both hands to the side of my bag gripping onto it. My heart must be reacting like this because I hate him so much and I just have so much anger. Yes! That must be it I thought to myself. There was no other reason. I walked for a little while longer and it was starting to get dark and only a few lights were on. The night-time air started to hit me and my skin started to show Goose bumps, next time I won’t stay after school for so long in the library. The piles of books started to weigh heavier on my back.

I was at the end of the path going to cross over, when bright lights stopped behind me and a black car that looked quite expensive especially to be in these streets. I window in the back of the car went down. At this time I had no idea who it was so I was getting ready to run but…


It was only Seungri… I let out a relieved sigh. Wait it was only Seungri, that idiot. I started to walk off to cross the other side of the run.

“GET IN THE CAR LOSER”  he yelled

I turned around to face the car, the white lights beaming on my face.

“I’M NOT GETTING IN, I’LL WALK HOME THANKS” I turned around and sped up. The car was also speeding up and as soon as I was about to cross the road It its side facing me. Seungri opened up the door.

“Just let me take you home.. it’s not safe out here okay” he did have a point it was dark and it was cold and these streets weren’t safe for someone like me. I gave up and passed my bag to him and he placed it on the floor. He placed his hand out waiting for me to take it, I slapped it away and got In myself. The car ride was silent and we reached my house in no time.

“This is where you live?” Seungri rolled down the window and scanned my house with a face of disapprovement. I grabbed my bag and left the car, I walked over to his window.

“Thank you for the lift…. I appreciate it”

He turned away from me “Just don’t expect it much” he looked back at me and smiled that playboy smile.

“Ha! I wasn’t counting on it” I turned around to my house and my mum was standing in the door way watching us.

“um ma what are you doing?”

“Is that Seungri” mom said looking at the car.

“Ahh yeah it is”

“Omo omo, you should invite him in for dinner” she jumped in excitement

“No he should be going back home” I was about to walk in before my mum walked to Seungri’s car. She invited him in from that look Seungri gave me. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I walked in the house. Great I have to deal with him for dinner.  I placed my bag next to my computer and quickly changed before Seungri came in.

“Wow your room is a mess” Seungri said at the door.

“Yah! You can’t come in like that” by the time I said that he was inside my room not outside the door.

“Why not?”

“Because it’s a girl’s room I might have personal things”

“Oh darling its not like I haven’t see it all” Seungri said in his player tone.

I rolled my eyes.

Dinner was over in no time thank god for that, Seungri’s jokes were getting lame. My mother was playing too much attention to him and she would listen to everything that he said enthusiastically and she laughed at all of his jokes. Appa excused himself half way I could see that Seungri annoyed him and my sister kept on asking him questions. And this one question made me blush.

“Seung riiiii” my younger sister pulled on his top.

“Yes what is it darling?” he smiled at my sister and she smiled back.

“Do you um like… my un-ni?” I dropped my chopsticks and started at my plate, the heat in my cheeks started to rise and my palms started to sweat. Why is my body doing this? Wae.

I calmed down my breathing. I could feel Seungri starting at me but I didn’t want to look up, I didn’t want him to see my face.

My mum laughed “Honey don’t pressure Seungri into a question like this, its none of our business” my sister nodded at my mum.

“Oh no it’s okay, I didn’t mind her asking” as soon as I felt Seungri’s stare on me stop I looked up and started to eat my rice. I wonder what his answer would have been. It would have been something like “Why would I like someone like her?” “Are you kidding me?” “She’s not my type” yeah something like that.

 “Thank you so much for having me at dinner tonight” Seungri bowed at the front door.

“It was our pleasure, come anytime”

“I will then, thank you again”

“Hun come stay goodbye” my um ma said to me

I bowed being nice and giving him that little bit of respect.

“Drive well, get home safe” he smiled at me and then went to his car and his driver started the car.

“Bye” Seungri said out of the window and drove away. 


I spend a while on some reading and completing some homework. My mum peeked in.

“Hey um ma, what’s up”

She walked in and sat down onto my bed with me. Which was weird she never does this unless she wanted to have a serious talk.

“You and Seungri-“

“There is no me and Seungri, I’m just his assistant”
“Darling no you are much more”

“There is no way” um ma turned to me.

“You father was like that to me in high school, he always picked on me and treated me terribly. But we seemed to match. You fight with Seungri but you never know there might be more too that. This is something that males do to hide their feelings and I believe he is doing that. You’ve known him for a while now its half way into school. Maybe there is something”

I shook my head “There is nothing between us and never will, Seungri is a player and always will be. I’m nothing to him, I’m just his slave who does all of his work and follow all of his commands nothing more.”

Mum took my hand “Do you like him?”

My heart started to beat faster, argh not again

“What no!” “Never”

Mum smiled “you do, don’t you. Has your heart been beating faster when you see him or think about him? When you are together in a room alone do you feel awkward? Do you hands swear around him? Does your heart feel as though it will explode when he touches you-“

So many questions were asked that I couldn’t take some in but mum was right what she just said was true. Do I actually like him. Mum noticed that I was in a deep thought so she left.

No…. I can’t have feelings not for him. I hate people like him. No.


Another week after school****

Seungri was at his living room table reading though the poem that was only in English I walked in quietly so that he couldn’t hear me walk in. He called me over before waiting me to clean up and do some chores for him.

He kept on moving on his chair and he couldn’t keep focus on the text. I walked over to the counter and waited for him to notice me. He walked over and looked at me.

“What are you staring at me?

he turned away “I’m staring at you because…actually.. There’s something….”

I continued to clean the counter waiting for him to finish this sentence.

“Can you… teach me English?”

“I don’t want to” I shortly said, shooting him down in a second. He placed his head down. And looked back at me.

“Wae! You refused too quickly… you didn’t even pause to think about it.”

He pointed his finger to me while saying this.

“Listen I’ll be honest with you, on the day of the contest all of my father’s company bosses will be there.. So I need to leave a good impression. “

“So? Your point is?” I said.

“So, with all those people there this will give me a future that I need and want and my father expects me to do well… and I can’t let him down. There’s so many people there that I can’t fail they will gossip and my reputation is too high for that”

“My point is… I can’t do anything embarrassing on that day!”

“You can ask the teacher for help” I said drying the dishes. “Why do you come to me?” Seungri let out a cry of frustration.

“One, I don’t want people to know that I can’t speak too much English” he used his finger for one.

“Two! I don’t want my father knowing about this… so you are the only one” I didn’t pay attention to him.

“Fine you don’t seem to want to teach me anyway…never mind keep working” he was about to walk out the room when.

“Wait a second” “Please sit” I said pointing to the lounge chair.

Seungri looked at me weirdly and then took a seat. I stopped what I was doing and sat across from him.

I smiled “You have to beg me”

“Ah… what!”

“You want my help right? Seungri. Show me that you mean it then go on”

“What why would I beg?”

“You don’t have to beg but just remember that I’m the only one you have left.”

“Aishhhh, fine I’ll beg to you” “ I can’t believe she’s making me do this, who does she think she is?” he whispered to himself.

“ I beg you please, I beg you to teach me from the kindness of you heart, okay?”

“Not good enough, beg me again”

I looked up to him.

“Wae? You are going overboard with this.!” He pointed to me.

“This is already bad for my reputation, I already feel pathetic. Aren’t you too cruel?” I shook my head.

“ I don’t care” I said “Do it again”

He came over to me and knelt down by my legs he looked up into my eyes through the locks of his black fringe. “I beg you” out of nowhere he hands came out and it brushed my cheek “Please I beg you, please teach me English. Please. Let the English fly in!” he looked deeply into my eyes and I knew that he really needed me.

“Fine, I will”

He smiled at me it was one of those killer smiles again. Maybe I should admit something, I think I’m falling for this idiot.    


Wow this might of been my longest update and I really like it. Thanks again to all of my readers please comment   :) 

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Waa nice story so far (new reader)
i really enjoy reading it
update soon
Can't wait for the next chapter!update soon!!!XD
Love the new update ;) can't wait for thenext one xD
Aww love it ;D
VIPJan12 #5
Gaaah! I really love this story! Update soon! :D
LiziAnne #8
VIPJan12 #9
HAHA. Poor Seungri! Memorizing the poem by himself! HAHA. I Love your update author-nim! :D
MissyIzzy #10
please update :) Awesome story! I love it