Chapter 4

My Panda Love


Chapter 4- 전쟁이야 (This means war)


Shut up, I don’t even wanna hear it
Beg until your tears dry up
I will see the end of this, just watch
You messed with the wrong person

Frighten or worried by his words? No not at all. If he wants to start a war I’m more than ready and prepared.

‘Ring….’ The bell sounded for lunch time. So far my day didn’t seem bad at all, Seungri hasn’t approached me or any of his minions started to chase me like they did last week. Myself and Ra Im walked over to the canteen to see that it was already full of students, Ra Im was the first who arrived at the food counter and placed only healthy food on her tray. She took whatever she saw.

I looked over at the food and everything costed too much, my stomach growled and the sound echoed. I sighed while rubbing my stomach trying to stop the sound.

“Aren’t you eating today?” Ra Im asked

“I can’t afford to today” I looked at the food disappointed

“Do you want me to get you something, I have some spare change”

I put my hands up “No, no I’m okay thanks. I won’t starve to death anyway. I have some leftover rice in my bag.” I smiled

We sat down in one of the empty tables. “So why isn’t Seungri here today? I haven’t seen him at all and it is his second week” Ra Im said to me while looking around.

I looked at her with an annoyed face and I played with my leftover food. “I dunno and I do not care” Ra Im looked at me with a face covered with disapproval for my attitude against Seungri.

I picked up my chopsticks once again and started to eat my rice, I was enjoying my um ma’s homemade dish before I heard a crowd of girls screaming. Seungri walked in the doors of the canteen. His appearance today sent all the girls in the room squealing and each and every one of them went rushing to the entrance to get a closer look. Today Seungri gave up on the uniform and wore a black suit with a white top and once again no tie. I hissed just look at those girls being pathetic. An older guy appeared behind him from nowhere and he stood next to him, with a still face.

“Wait a second” I got up from my chair so that I could see a little more.  “ That guy was at the night club on Friday, what is he doing here?” as I was moving closer I noticed that he was now wearing the Shinhwa uniform. More and more girls gathered at Seungri and this other guy, you practically expect somebody to genuflect at his feet soon. Come on! Seungri looked over to one of the girls and smiled at her, making her blush and full back as her friends caught her in their arms. I placed my hands in my pockets “Aish what a crazy bastard! Thinking that he is the best” I said and then realized that I said it a tad loud. Gathering attention from fellow students.

He looked over to me and started to walk over, the crowd walked out of his way making a path down to me. I just stood there waiting, Seungri reached where I was eating. He looked at me and then my rice that was still pretty full. He shook his head and laughed to himself.

“Look at this pig! She can’t even afford to buy decent food” he yelled to the surrounding people. “I don’t even know how she got into this school, it’s not like she would be able to afford it.” He pointed to my uniform. “Just look how she wears her uniform, it must be second hand, and it hasn’t been dry cleaned in what appears to be years.” He turned around, and in a spilt of a second, I grabbed my left over rice from the table and placed it above his head, pouring the leftovers in hair. He turned around, disgust and anger consumed him and his face turned bright red, his nostrils flared and he narrowed his eyes. I stepped back a bit, preparing for him to attack. Gasps filled the room and many girls covered their mouths.

“YAH! Yes I don’ have much money. Yes I admit these clothes are second hand. But I put so much into my schooling so that my family can have a better life and that we won’t starve for the rest of our lives. You get everything that you ever wanted without a single problem. And sometimes I push myself to the limits” I sputtered.

Seungri was taken back from my words, but what was I kidding he didn’t even care.

“You are crazy! You stupid ” he pushed me and then went to take another hit but, that other guy with the mohawk put his hand in the middle of us, pushing Seungri away trying to calm him down. He stormed off trying to flick the rice out of his hair.

“That’s what you get!”

** end of the day

Seungri’s POV:

Does she want to die? If she keeps this up I will make her life a living hell and destroy everything that she has. I can’t stand people like her, poor people like her shouldn’t even be hanging out in Shinhwa

Seungri please go inside, your father would like t talk to you. The assistance at the office table said

“Thank you Miss” I eyed her red dress down taking in the view of her legs and the low cut dress. “Are you busy tonight?” I walked over closer to her table and leaned over. Our faces were almost touching.

“Well.. um.. ah” she was stumbling over her words blushing, while I was still gazing into her brown eyes.

“SEUNGRI COME IN HERE!” my father yelled from his office.

I moved in closer and whispered into her ear, "I'll see you around sweetheart" and kissed her neck down. I touched her face and she grew Goose bumps from my touch, I walked on by into my father’s office. It was neat and organized as normal, and only the finest and most expensive furniture was placed in his room. He was sitting at his desk with a huge window behind him, in which showed a beautiful overview of the school.

“Hello father” I bowed being polite

“Son” he gestured for me to take a seat, so I did.

“Now, this is a very important year for you,and I expect for you to achieve the best grades that you possibly can. Remember that after you finish this company could be yours and it will be in your hands. I need to know that I can trust that you will do a great job,missing classes and not taking tests is not on. So I’ve decided that I will hire you a personal assistant that will be there for you. This person will help you with school and home”

I rolled my eyes and stood up going to my father’s bookshelf “Father I understand your worry for the future of this company. But hiring an assistant is out of the question and it wouldn’t be needed. There is plenty of time for me to improve my schooling.”

“No, NO there isn’t” my father slammed his fits on the table and his face turned red.

“I don’t trust that Seungri, all you do is hangout with those girls and get drunk this is not the way to secure the future of Shinhwa. You are my only heir and everyone depends on you. You have talent son, but you need to get your head straight. ”

“Yes father, sorry you are right” I agreed and gave up.

“Now if you won’t pick someone I will” my father placed files on the table with lists and lists of people who could be my assistants. ” I looked over them, but none of them appeared to be perfect”

“Look at their skills not their looks son” my father eyed me off. Wait a second what was her name… I thought to myself. Her name is Go Mi Nyeo, yes this is one way of how I can control her.

“Father, how about Go Mi Nyeo” he looked at me, surprised that I wanted to pick someone.

He went over to his files to find hers, he looked over it and then looked at me.

“Ah ...She is one of our best students, her family history is something that I wasn’t looking for,but I guess she could be your assistant”

“YES! Thank you father, you won’t regret this choice” she won’t even see what hit her.

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Waa nice story so far (new reader)
i really enjoy reading it
update soon
Can't wait for the next chapter!update soon!!!XD
Love the new update ;) can't wait for thenext one xD
Aww love it ;D
VIPJan12 #5
Gaaah! I really love this story! Update soon! :D
LiziAnne #8
VIPJan12 #9
HAHA. Poor Seungri! Memorizing the poem by himself! HAHA. I Love your update author-nim! :D
MissyIzzy #10
please update :) Awesome story! I love it