Chapter 6

My Panda Love


Chapter 6

To say that I was overjoyed by what I saw, was once again an understatement. The house in front of me looks like it came out of a fairy tale. Someone lead me to the front of the house, but I was shocked to see that the front yard consisted of a  a huge water feature, taking up a large amount of land. It had smaller statues around it and lights were surrounded around the feature. The house was covered in a nice cream white which really suited the theme; a path went around the water feature to the front door which also leaded to the gate. The garden was kept in absolute perfection not a branch was in the wrong place and the whole garden looked like it was just trimmed and watered. There were four main columns holding up the front of the house which were the highest part. The windows were the best of quality, only a small amount of people could ever afford these styles. It took my breath away, it looked beautiful, elegant, divine, stunning there were so many words that I could use to explain how magnificent Seungri’s house was. Only the wealthiest people in Seoul or the whole of Korea could afford to live in a place like this.

“Miss,miss” what was I doing? I just realized that I was standing there staring at the house completely unnoticed the person talking to me. I snapped out of my daze and got back into reality. The man was standing there waiting for me, he looked very professional with his black uniform... That must of costed that man a fortune. I looked down to my old uniform, which was newly ironed and sighed. I feel so out of place already.

“Here let me take you in side”

“Ah, I’m sorry” he led me inside, my yaw dropped when you think this place couldn’t get any better, it looked like a palace. I turned around to see a bunch of people smiling and lining up near the staircase. They were all in their uniforms, butlers and maids. The man next to me walked over to a man who was in a white chief’s uniform.

“Now this is our head chief, So Yi Hyun.” He bowed and I bowed back.

“If you need anything please call”

“Thank you” I smiled

“This is Butler Lee and the head maid, Kim Young Ok please take Go Mi Nyeo to Seungri’s room”


“Here you go” the head maid leaded me up the top of the stairs to the door to Seungri’s room. I stood there not wanting to go in.

“Ok I need to do this, it’s for my family”

*flash back*

“Just remember that Seungri is one of the world’s richest teenagers in the world. For the Shinwha group he is their successor. You can’t screw this up for your family okay, fighting! I know that you can do this and we will be depending on you. We have faith in your sweet heart. ”

*end of flash back*

“Aishh, why do I have to go? She puts so much pressure on me” I bit my lip and started to pace back and forth, before gaining the courage to walk in there. I pushed onto the big door to slowly open it. I was greeted by the sound of calming music that was being played on the other side of the room.

“Wow, why does he need a big room like this?” in the Centre there was his very down lounge suite with a coffee table in front of it. The lights were the best that money could buy and his room split into three parts, by the looks of it he had his own bathroom. And the main room had a plasma LCD television which covered a lot of the wall space and the sound system was all around the room. Bookshelves and more bookshelves were placed everywhere. I could only see a small part of his room but there was plenty more here.

“So, you came” it was Seungri, he came out of another room and he was sneering like it was as he was planning something.

“Hmph I had to come” I hissed, crossing my arms.

We both stopped in the first part of Seungri’s room, it seemed too empty for my liking. The house was quiet, was it always like this? Seungri’s eye trailed from my head to my toe.

My brows furrowed “What are you looking at?”

“You didn’t have to come in your uniform you know. ” He moved off of the lounge and headed for me. He took another look. “You’re thin, but that’s fine. And you actually have some curves. If only you didn’t wear so many layers of clothes.

“Yah! Keep your naughty wondering eyes off of me. You crazy player!”

“Aish! You better be careful what you say, one peep to my father and it would be the end of you.” Seungri smiled sarcastically.

Seungri sat back on his couch. And he patted the couch telling me to sit next to him. “I’m not going to do anything, here just sit down next to me”

“I would never sit next to someone like you” I rolled my eyes.

“You are going to have to agree to everything that I say, you have to obey all of my commands” Seungri said pointing out that obvious fact.

“If you don’t, you could lose everything”

“You are such a blackmailer, saying all of this. How dare you! I’m never going to be like one of your slave girls who you push around and they follow every command. ” I said just a little louder.

“YAH! Do you know how many of those girls would love to date me? Or just to enter this house because of me” Seungri got up from his chair and walked straight in front of me.

“And your point is? Not all girls like you or want to be with you. Aigoo how  ill-mannered of you” I hissed at him “It’s not like you are really handsome at all, don’t get me started on those panda bags of yours. You need to sleep. You think that you are so cool, you think that you have it all. But one day you will realize that you are in fact missing something”

Seungri was extremely pissed with her harsh words to him, it was different for him since girls would drop down to his feet and praise him. Nothing was holding her back and the  negative comments that hurt him kept on going.

“What did you just say? I should say what I think about you.” Seungri scoffed. “I was going to be nice to you for a while, but no why should I now. I was going to consider having you as my girlfriend, if you wanted. I guess that won’t work. ”

“Yes nothing like that would ever work, because I never want to be with someone like you. Even if you were the last person on this planet. ”

“You would be the worst girlfriend ever, I prefer the other girls”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “You are a ert, player panda anyway”

“YAH! Excuse me I’m what? No that is wrong,I-“

“I’m leaving, I’ll see you tomorrow when you get your together for some study” I went to the door.

“Fine I won’t stop you, I’ll just go call my father”

“What no” I ran back to stop him from putting the numbers in. “Please don’t call him, people are depending on me. I’ll obey your commands, I’ll do whatever you want me to do. Please”

Seungri stopped and placed his phone in his pocket and walked over to me. He ruffled up my hair “That’s a good girl then, see we can get through this with a push” He smirked.

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Waa nice story so far (new reader)
i really enjoy reading it
update soon
Can't wait for the next chapter!update soon!!!XD
Love the new update ;) can't wait for thenext one xD
Aww love it ;D
VIPJan12 #5
Gaaah! I really love this story! Update soon! :D
LiziAnne #8
VIPJan12 #9
HAHA. Poor Seungri! Memorizing the poem by himself! HAHA. I Love your update author-nim! :D
MissyIzzy #10
please update :) Awesome story! I love it