Chapter 11- The Big Day

My Panda Love

Chapter 11-The Big Day

It feels, It feels so right
My shaking heart is raising me up
In a world filled with darkness,
I ran without any fear
Just following your eyes, those eyes- U-kiss- Take me away

“Sir please take a seat” Seungri’s father’s assistant said, pointing to one of the empty seats in the drama studio. The room was full with students and high business people.

“My son better not do anything wrong”

“Sir, Seungri is a good boy I have a great amount of confidence that he will do great”

“he better because there are many business people here hoping that my son will mess up, if he does this would look bad on the Shinhwa  business” cameras were flashing and more people were entering the doors of the studio.

“But…. If Seungri performs well this would be great for the business”

Seungri’s father nodded and looked at the stage, waiting for it to start.

Back stage of the studio.

One of the popular students were in charge “Over here!” she said in the speaker phone.

“Seungri, are you hot” one of the girl students asked him.

“No, I’m not”

“Oppa Oppa, here let me help you read you lines”

“Oppa let me get you a drink, you do look hot”

“Should I get you something to drink?”

“Oppa what would you like us to do, we will do anything for you”

Seungri smiled “girls, girls I know that you are all trying very hard to help me, but I’m sorry but before the performance I need my own space.  It relaxes the nerves. So…. Can you leave me alone?”

All the girls wore sad expressions on their faces but slowly left away from him.

Go Mi Nyeo walked pass with a box of lights in her hands and pink balloons tied around her waist. She was wearing all black and looked busy at what she was doing.

“Mi Nyeo!” she jumped almost dropping the box and looked at me.

“Seungri! You scared me to death I didn’t see you”

“Oh.. I’m sorry”

She smiled at me “Do you need something?”

“Help me for a bit, say something to me” I said.

“What should I say?” she looked at me confused.

“ummm say something encouraging to me… I mean you did teach me the English”

“Fair enough…. Good luck then”

“Waitttt what? Is that all? You could say something like Hey Seungri, you are looking pretty good today, you look handsome oppa”

Mi Nyeo didn’t reply. “I’m sorry, I’m just nervous I can’t really mess this up..”

She finally spoke “You’re nervous” I noosed “Of course I am”

“I’m never nervous, you know what type of person I am. I can go out with thousands of girls and not be nervous at all. I can do class speeches fine but for some reason I’m just nervous. She looked at me, she placed the box down by her and slowly walked over to me. “I have a method for anyone who is nervous, can I try it on you?”

“What is it?” I asked.

“It is a method that my umma has taught me, when I was younger I always got nervous around people at school especially when I had to do speeches. This always made me feel much better about myself and the nervous part of me slowly went away.” Mi Nyeo raised her hand above the top of my head.

“What will you do” I asked her.

“Shhh, just close your eyes” I did what she said and closed my eyes.

Your POV:

My hand was above Seungri’s head and I slowly touched his face down with my finger tips, feeling electricity go through my fingertips . I started down his black, straight fringe and slowly passed down his nose and reached his soft, pink lips and when he wasn’t expecting it. I slapped his cheek.His eyes shot open, full of shock that I did that.

“AISH! What do you think you are doing? My face is worth to much to me! Have you gone crazy!”

“You’re not nervous anymore are you Seungri?”

“See you’re not” I pointed to him and smiled turning around and leaving him alone.

“Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh.O troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words.The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.. My god! She was right.”

The performance was just about to start and the voices of the screaming fangirls calmed down. “Ladies and gentlemen” was spoken into the microphone the lady in charge said this in English. “ Welcome to our English recital contest.Our first performer is Seungri, who will be reading a English poem named Stray Bids by Rabindranath Tagore, please enjoy and welcome Seungri. The fangirls screams started again

Seungri’s POV: The curtains opened up and I walked over to the chair that was in the middle of the stage. The lights were extremely bright and they were right into my eyes the yelling calmed down and the room was silent, thousands of students and business people’s eyes were on me. Cameras were flashing and sighs were up. The stage was set up with fake trees in the background and flowers on the floor it was set up in a way that will suit my poem.

I bowed. With confidence I took a breath and began with my poem without the book in front of me.

“Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn” Mi Nyeo was backstage still with the balloons tied around her with a basket of confetti suiting the season of autumn. She threw them over my head smiling at it. I paused for a moment looking at her and then began to read again.

“Which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh. Otroupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words.” Mi Nyeo waved to her friend Ra Im and she waved back,

“The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.” The room was still silent watching me my father looked quite proud at me.

 “It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom.The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.” I said this line just that little louder adding more facial expressions and hands movements.

I paused forgetting the next line and my thoughts went to Mi Nyeo, she helped me so much to get this far and I can’t let her down I must try my hardest for her at least. I need to do this. I remembered her placing her hand over my head like she did today and saying the lines to me, while I closed my eyes.I remember her touch when she glided her fingers over my face. I learnt all those lines and memorized every single one.

“Let this be my last word, that I trust in thy love.”

I could hear Mi Nyeo saying this with me backstage very softly so that I could only hear her, I knew what to say before that. I bowed

“Kamsahamnida everyone” my father was the first one to get up and clap and everyone quickly got out of their seats and joined the atmosphere changed to happiness.

“WOOO SEUNGRI, WELL DONE!” was heard from everyone yelling. I kept on bowing and smiling.

“I’m very thankful of all of your support, but I need to thank one special person. Because, without this students I don’t think I would be able to do what I did today.

"I would have never finished this performance. Okay… so lets welcome her. Student Mi Nyeo"

I clapped waiting for the audience to join me but I turned around to the balloons that were around Mi Nyeo beofre going up into the air.

Your POV:

“Aish this is so embarrassing” I walked faster to exit the drama studio. “I can’t believe he said my name in front of all those people”

sorry about the bold, it just doesn't want to un-bold but apart from that what do you think about this chapter?-Nik 




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Waa nice story so far (new reader)
i really enjoy reading it
update soon
Can't wait for the next chapter!update soon!!!XD
Love the new update ;) can't wait for thenext one xD
Aww love it ;D
VIPJan12 #5
Gaaah! I really love this story! Update soon! :D
LiziAnne #8
VIPJan12 #9
HAHA. Poor Seungri! Memorizing the poem by himself! HAHA. I Love your update author-nim! :D
MissyIzzy #10
please update :) Awesome story! I love it