Chapter 5

My Kim Jaejoong

You kissed the picture of Jaejoong that you kept on the side of the bed and warmly smiled. Now that you were pregnant, mornings became a problem. You were always scrambling out of bed and into the bathroom day after day. It became tiring.

Today, you had an appointment with a doctor. You wanted to find out if baby was doing well.

You felt uncomfortable seeing so many pregnant women. They looked as if they had caught a deadly disease.

“Han Jieun” The nurse called, you squeezed out from your seat and into the room. You gasped seeing your boss wearing the white coat. “Mrs Lee?”

“Oh Jieun, why are you here?” She asked, she too was surprised to see you there.

“I wanted to check if my unborn child is doing well” You sheepishly rubbed your neck. “Y-you’re pregnant?” Mrs Lee stared wide eyed at you. “CONGRATULATIONS!”

“Thank you” You bowed and layed on the bed. Mrs Lee smeared some gel onto your stomach and examined the screen. You couldn’t understand what the images on the screen were but hoped there was nothing wrong.

“Omo” Mrs Lee emitted a tiny gasp.

“Is there something wrong?” You closely tried to make out the images it was showing.

“You’re going to have twins” Mrs Lee declared. “T-twins?” You blurted.

“Yes twins and they are both in good health” Mr Lee continued. You were happy they were healthy but shocked to find that you were having twins. *How?*

Mrs Lee completed the scan and handed you some medicine. “Take these twice a day and you won’t have any trouble”

“Thank you” You bowed and walked out from the hospital. *Am I really having twins?*

Jaejoong was now due to have an interview. He scanned through the questions and paused when he saw the question. ‘Do you have a girlfriend you’re currently dating?’. He gulped hard; he was going to have to lie.

“Are you feeling alright hyung?” Junsu waved his hand in front of his face. Jaejoong snapped back into reality and blinked at his 2 members. “Let’s get this interview over an done with”

You reached home and flopped onto the couch. *I’m having twins…..I’m having twins…..I’m having twins…*

To get your mind off things, you switched the TV on and whisked through the channels. You stopped when you saw Jaejoong doing an interview. “Oppa” You longingly gazed at the screen. “I’ve missed you so much”

The M.C told the questions to the JYJ members and they all answered professionally. *That’s my oppa* The M.C then chose Jaejoong to answer the next question. “Would you want to have kids at this age? Why? Or why not?”

You were curious of his answer; you turned the volume up and listened carefully.

“I don’t think it’s inappropriate for me to be having kids now, it’ll only hold me back from my dreams that I want to complete. I think it’s troublesome. It’ll be a burden to look after the child if I have schedules to do. Plus, it’s too much responsibility”

You were beyond shocked, your heart clenched in pain. The hurtful words replayed in your head. *Oppa thinks having children is troublesome?*
you turned the TV off and helplessly cried into your arms. *Oppa doesn’t want children? They’re troublesome? They’re holding him back? If oppa thinks that way……….what am I supposed to do?*

You cried until your tears completely dried up. Although they were words, it meant much more since it was coming from oppa’s lips. He stated clearly he didn’t want kids.

One thing you knew for sure was that, you were NOT going to abort your own children. You wanted them to see life. *Sorry oppa but I can’t keep that promise anymore. I can no longer wait for you to return. Since you don’t want our children, I don’t want you…*

You threw the ring that Jaejoong had given to you when he first dated you. To you, it was rubbish now. An unimportant item that was no longer special to you.

Tears somehow formed again and streamed rapidly down your pain face. *Goodbye Jaejoong~*

Jaejoong finished the interview and sighed. His answers were scripted at every question. He had no choice but to say what was written on his cue card. He didn’t answer all the questions truthfully but the last question affected him most.

Even if the world were to reject the idea of Jaejoong having a family, he wouldn’t care. He also had a dream to start a family in his early 20’s. In fact he would choose a family over being a member of JYJ. 

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kissingyoulove #1
our kim jae jong :D
Chapter 7: new reader & subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I really like it especially the twins that are so cute! hope they meet soon & clear the misunderstanding that Jieun thought Jaejoong doesn't want to have a child or family because it was scripted so that they'll be reunited together! wonder who is the mysterious man but I'm hoping it's Jaejoong! will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
Chapter 7: the stanger... hmm.. Jaejoong or Changmin? Molla, but I love it. I hope they see each other soon.. <3
angelfromheaven87 #4
omg is the stranger jaejoong plz update i beg youu!!!
Please tell me it's jaejoong
Stranger? I wonder who he is. maybe it's jaejoong! :))
Update soon!
nar12345 #7
alexamoon21 #8
is the stranger jaejoong???? update soon <3
love the background
ulzzang_uhnie #10
like it so much! :) Update soon PPLLLLLEAAAAAAAASSSSSEeeeeeeee