Chapter 4

My Kim Jaejoong

It had been a few weeks since JYJ’s departure, you really missed Jaejoong to the point you wouldn’t get much sleep.

“Drive safely” You bowed to your boss. “Go home safely” Mrs Lee gave you a warm smile. You skipped giddily back home with the groceries and placed them on the kitchen counter.

“Hmph….Hmph” You leaned over the sink letting the fluids escape your mouth. After a few minutes, you pulled back wiping your lips. “Why do I feel like this?” You thought staring into the distance, It wasn’t long when you thought of a reason. *Can it be?* Now that you mentioned it, there were no signs of your monthly period.

Without thinking, you zoomed to the nearest pharmacy snatching a pregnancy test from the shelf and paying for it.

The timer rang; you approached the pregnancy test feeling nervous yet scared at the same time. Part of you did not want the baby but the other part of you wanted the unborn child. *1…2….3* You lifted the test and examined the symbols that it read.

“I-I’m…….pregnant” You quietly gasped, falling onto the tiled floor. You blankly stared at the plastic stick that sat on your palm. *Will I be able to raise this child?*

“Yah hyung hurry, hurry. Our fans are waiting” Junsu excitingly jumped. “Calm down maknae” Yoochun ruffled his donsaeng’s styled hair. Jaejoong could feel a gush of excitement; it was a dream to perform in other countries beside Korea. He loved that JYJ had so many international fans.

“You guys are up in 5” The cameraman announced.

Jaejoong checked his reflection once more before hopping on the stage with his fellow members. *Wish me luck Jieun ah~*

You were taking a stroll down the crowded streets of Seoul, you needed time to think. *I definitely can’t abort, that’s just killing an innocent human being. If oppa knew…..I don’t think I can...*

Someone bumped into you disturbing your train of thought. You tilted your head up to see a familiar looking guy; you’ve seen him on TV before. His hair was coloured black and he was quite tall. “Oh...mianhe” You bowed. The male didn’t say a word and continued to stare at you.

You noticed he was wearing a hood to cover his features, this made him seem suspicious. “A-are you a ?” You curiously asked the male. The male raised a brow; suddenly you could hear faint squealing coming from behind him.

“Let’s go” The man unexpectedly clutched onto your hand dragging you along with him. “Ya let go you pedo! I don’t want to become your e” You yelled trying to pry your hand away but the he refused to let go and held even tighter. “If you don’t want to die, then I suggest you shut that mouth of yours”

You immediately zipped your mouth and ran along with the stranger. He finally skidded to a stop, you were now panting like a dehydrated dog.

“Are you alright?”

You breathed in the fresh air and nodded.

You examined the familiar stranger. Your eyes widened as his hood dropped back revealing his perfect features. “C-changmin… TVXQ Changmin?” *So the girls earlier were fans*

Changmin stepped back into the wall afraid you were one of those crazy fans who would start touching him but you continued to stare at the idol.

“Are you alright?” You asked, seeing that he was acting weird.

“Why aren’t you squealing or trying to touch me?” Changmin suspiciously eyed you. You scoffed. “I’m not someone who would do that.”

“You sure?”

“Do you want me to touch you?” You joked, laughing at the idea. “I think you wouldn’t want that. Everyone deserves their personal space”

*Interesting* Changmin relaxed himself and properly introduced himself. “I’m TVXQ’S Changmin” “I’m Jieun” You greeted with a radiant smile.

“So…” Changmin tucked his hands back into his pockets. “Do want to join me for lunch?”
“I’m not really hungry” You excused yourself. You hated to intrude on people.

“That’s not what your stomach thinks” Changmin chuckled hearing the grumbling.

You let out an awkward laugh. “I guess I’ll be joining then”

The café was filled with many customers, the scent of freshly made coffee lingered in the air.

Changmin held the menu closely to his face, covering his lips and nose. Anyone would’ve mistaken him for being a stalker.

You cupped the glass cup to your mouth and sipped the mango flavoured juice. “Yummy” You beamed.

“Psst, can you hand me that piece of pie to me” Changmin whispered, you pushed the plate towards him. Changmin looked both ways before gulping the whole pie.

You blinked at the satisfied Changmin. “Do you get indigestions?”

“Nope, my stomach can hold a lot of food” Changmin proudly stated. “Yunho thinks I’m an alien”

“I agree” You took another long sip.

A few more conversations were conversed until it was time to go. “I’ll pay” You offered, getting out your wallet. Changmin stopped you and slammed some bills onto the counter. “Keep the change”

The worker couldn’t believe her eyes, it was either he ate a lot or just generous to hand over 2 100 dollar bills.

“Thank you so much for lunch” You bowed numerous of times. Changmin ruffled your hair. “Any time Jieun ah.”

With that, the two of you separated ways. You flopped onto your bed, in one day how could so many things happen?

You gently your flat stomach that soon would become bigger. *I hope nothing wrong happens to you my unborn child….I also wish that oppa wouldn’t be mad at me for falling pregnant…* 

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kissingyoulove #1
our kim jae jong :D
Chapter 7: new reader & subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I really like it especially the twins that are so cute! hope they meet soon & clear the misunderstanding that Jieun thought Jaejoong doesn't want to have a child or family because it was scripted so that they'll be reunited together! wonder who is the mysterious man but I'm hoping it's Jaejoong! will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
Chapter 7: the stanger... hmm.. Jaejoong or Changmin? Molla, but I love it. I hope they see each other soon.. <3
angelfromheaven87 #4
omg is the stranger jaejoong plz update i beg youu!!!
Please tell me it's jaejoong
Stranger? I wonder who he is. maybe it's jaejoong! :))
Update soon!
nar12345 #7
alexamoon21 #8
is the stranger jaejoong???? update soon <3
love the background
ulzzang_uhnie #10
like it so much! :) Update soon PPLLLLLEAAAAAAAASSSSSEeeeeeeee