Meet and Greet

Moments of Dreams


“Welcome. To. The. Most. Intense. Competition. Ever.” A loud, exceedingly exaggerated deep-voice announced. The crowd screamed in response; I could feel my eardrums exploding. The lights swirled and scanned the audience again; the excitement on their faces apparent, even in the rainbow array of colors. When everyone’s attention focused again on the stage, the teams had already lined up across the stage. They went through introducing themselves before the MC took over again.

Each group performed exquisitely, but B.A.P caught my eye. Their song “Warrior” was more powerful compared to the other groups, who, while good, could not match the force presented by these six blonde guys.

“Yongguk is extremely cute! I think I’m in love,” Sera squealed. I could barely hear her over the rambunctious noise from the fainting, screaming, hyperventilating fangirls.

“I think you may have competition,” I smirked, pointing girls waving Yongguk’s name banners. “Good luck.”


“Students! Students!” Professor Lee yelled over the chatter in homeroom a week later. It was the first day back from break, so everyone was too busy discussing their recent activities.

Sera and I were lounging in the middle of the room. The front was for geeks, the back for slackers, and the in-between students like us tried to stay in the middle as much as possible. The classroom quieted down after a couple more minutes of the professor’s valiant efforts.

“So,” he continued. “We have some new students joining us today. Please welcome them warmly and help them adjust to the school.” He went to the closed door and ushered some students in.

“OHMYGOD!” A girl screamed before I even got a good look at the new kid. “IT’S DAEHYUN AND YOUNGJAE!” Well, guess now I don’t have to look.

Refocusing my attention to the front, I finally saw the two blondes, both looking extremely uncomfortable. I wouldn’t necessarily say that our classroom was that awkward – well, except for the small group of girly whispers behind me combined with a few guys’ grumbling. Needless to say, they were a tad annoyed with the sudden attention these new students were receiving.

“Hello. My name is Daehyun. Please to meet everyone,” Daehyun bowed. His mask covered the lower half of his face so his voice came out as a mumble. His eyes were intense; there was a draw, a subtle glint of something so attractive and mesmerizing that shone clearly. We met eyes, but no, dear reader, I did not feel a shot of electricity or the sky falling around me.

“Hi! I’m Youngjae! I hope we can be friends!” Youngjae was chipper. His cheeriness drowned out Daehyun’s tranquility, but that made his mood infectious. Even I found myself amused by his absolute liveliness.

“Let’s see. Daehyun, why don’t you go sit by Sera? And Youngjae, over there by Hani,” the professor instructed before starting homeroom. The boys obeyed. Silently they walked over to their designated spots under the careful observation of the entire clique of girls sitting in the back. Sera shot me an excited look; she was clearly exuberant to be near Daehyun. Seeing him closer, I finally recognized him. He was one of the blonde members of B.A.P. Youngjae too. They were even more handsome up close, but still, nothing. Nope.

Seconds passed into minutes into hours, and soon, it was lunch. The students crowded the hallways, but like any other high school, constant whispers of B.A.P and its members transferring to Seoul High floated through the hallways at the speed of light. By the time we reached the cafeteria, I swear there had already been fanclubs made for each member as well as an umbrella fanclub that was specifically for the entire group. Fangirls sure move fast.

Sera waved to me from our usual table at the end of the room. I grabbed my tray and turned. Bad idea. I heard an “uumph” as I hit some guy in the stomach with my tray. To top it all off, I slipped on water that had been split on the ground and tumbled onto the guy. A gasp went through the crowd as everyone stopped to watch me. I dared not open my eyes, but the guy cleared his throat.

“Excuse me?” I heard him say. Surrounding me was a chorus of “how dare she?” “who does she think she is?” I shudder to think who I landed on. I peeked one eye open to see.

Aw. Crap.



Here you go! Let me know if you like it! XD

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WHAT?! Daehyun, you crazy kid.
Awwwwwwww (:
Ohhh Mrs. Jung loool
MOM?! LMAO. I look at the comments and all I see are my comments everywhere... o.o Anywho. Playful Kiss mom. That's....scary xD
So.. What an awkward moment xD HAH Daehyun, asking a girl you've been cold towards to, to be your girlfriend. *sigh* smh.
lostbambi #6
moodier than a pregnant woman - keke, that was right on the dot! awh, would it turn out to be more than a week thing? perhaps smth real? keke, speculation speculations.. do update soon~! :D
Oh not a cliff hanger!.. but she would be partnered up with Daehyun
Daehyuns not being very nice -.-
Awwh crap. xD That's gotta .