The falling leaves soon turned to snow, it was the same cold Winter, yet, it's still not the same.

"Arff," a bark from Gin was heard, he was barking at Kyuhyun, he was talking to him, as if telling him to get off to the wheelchair and play with him. One thing for sure, Gin did lots of playing with Kyuhyun and Henry when the Winter season would arrive. The three of them would always made a snow angel, and sometimes they would do a snowman.

If it was possible Kyuhyun would want Gin to hear him laughing at the dog like before, but even his laughter is stuttering. Gin once again barked at him, wanting to play with his master. Piano who's seeing it all happen wanted to tear up, why is it too hard for her? 'Why are you punishing me? Why do you like me to suffer? Answer me! If you're really there. Why do I have to suffer like this?! Why?' she asked the one from above. She wanted answers, and she wanted it now.


"Kyuhyun-ah, what would you want for today?" Piano cheerfully asked, it was one thing that Piano could do for Kyuhyun. 'To smile and pretend that it doesn't hurt, you can't let him see even one tear fall,' Piano reminded her-self. Seeing someone so dear to her like that is a pure torture to her. Smiling on the outside, but is wounded inside. "I heard that your family will come today. They'll arrive together with Henry-ah, so we need to dress you up nicely," Piano told Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun surely felt really embarassed, letting the girl he loves to dress him up, but there's no other choice, since he's already unable to do things on his own. But for Piano it was nothing, after all, it was a nurse's common duty to assist their patients.

"There, perfect," she let a smile cross her beautiful face. "I really looks good on you," she complimented, the long sleeve polo that she bought for Kyuhyun the other day. "So what would you want for today?" Piano asked Kyuhyun as she held the glass board, that they made together. "PIANO" it was what Kyuhyun pionted at the glass board. "Oh. you wanted to play piano," she smiled. "PIANO," he pointed again, "Pl...lay Play piano)," is what he said. "Then I  will play for you," she smiled as she set the galss board aside, and push Kyuhyun's wheelchair on the way to the music room.

For her, there's no point in hating the pianos anymore. Before, Kyuhyun and Henry made her watch all her mom's video while playing the piano. Kyuhyun and Henry would often compliment her mother, because she's really good on playing the said instument. But, there was this one video, it was her mom's speech when she recieve an award for her new composition. "This is for my little angel, Happy birthday Piano," and that was her mom's last speech, because that was the day before her parents died.

"Arff," Gin's bark was the one to drift Piano away from the memory of her parents. "Oh, so, you did follow us," Piano smiled at the dog. She turned to look around, they're now on the music room without her noticing it. "P...lay(Translation: Play)," Kyuhyun told her. "Yah, I know, I know you don't need to remind me," she told him knowingly, she wheeled Kyuhyun to a comfortable position near her on the pinao stool, after that she started to play the piano. She played her mother's favorite piece, well, after all it was the only piece that's stuck on her mind. She also doesn't know how, but her hands can play it, her fingers perfectly knew where, and what to touch. If it's what they call talent, she doens't know. But, all she know is that by playing that one instrument, she can make the ones she love most happy.


"Who's that?" Kyuhyun's brother-- Donghyun asked. "Huh?" Everyone replied, to his obviously weird question. That include Kyuhyun's parents, and sister-in-law, Henry, and none other that-- Dr. Jung Yong Hwa. They're already at the house's porch, Henry was now unlocking the door. "What do you mean? Yeobo," his wife asked him. "Yes, what do you mean?" their dad seconded. "The one playing the piano, of course," he told them is a as-a-matter-of-fact tone. "Oh, my Donghyun missed his brother that much," their mother stated. "Yes, I do miss Hyung a lot. But, I'm really telling the truth. Someone's really playing the piano," he tried to convince them. But, the fact that Donghyun has a good sense of hearing makes it hard for everybody to cope with his God given ability. "Listen closely," he told them. And everyone did. In the mids of the silence, a soft, peaceful sound of piano was heard, "It's Piano," Henry told him. "Yes, I know it's piano, but I was asking for the one, who's playing it right now," Donghyun cleared his question. "I think you're the one who didn't get me," Henry smiled at the latter, the statement did make Donghyun's forehead show a crease. "The one playing the piano right now is named Piano," Henry also cleared his answer. "Well, might as well surprise them at the music room, right?" Henry said. "I knew it, my Piano is a gifted kid, But, I never knew she can play piano beautifully," Dr. Jung praised his favorite nurse, followed by a disagreeing grunt from Henry. 'Don't call Piano yours,' Henry bitterly thought, while walking towards the music room.

As they go nearer, the music is also getting louder. It was the kind of sound that they dodn't want to forget, it was so beautiful and relaxing, it's the first time they heard the piece, but it sure sound wonderful.

All of them entered the room quietly. Since, the door is open. The sight took everyone's breath away, the moment seemed to be really angelic,as if an angel came there to play the piano. After the song ended enormous hand claps from the audience was heard. Piano was surprised that their guest arrived unnoticed, and the most embarssing part for her is that, 'They heard me play my sloppy piano skills,' if it was even possble to dig a whole in the ground right now and hide in there, she would have done it, but it's not even realistic.

"Wow, such a talented kid," Kyuhyun's mom praised. Which earned a shy nod from Piano while looking at the floor, so that no one would see her blush. She silently looked at her side. Seeing Kyuhyun,smiling widely makes her blood boil. Kyuhyun felt her gaze and looked at her. Her gaze turned to a sharp glare. 'You! It's all your fault that everyone heard my sloppy piano skill! Don't dare to smile or else I'll end your life sooner,' Piano threatend Kyuhyun in her mind. Kyuhyun felt the intense aura coming from the nurse. So, he looked at the other direction and remove his smile. 'She's scary...' Kyuhyun thought, getting hints of what the nurse might be thinking at the moment. "What is that piece called? That's the first time I heard it, it's beautiful," Donghyun praised. Kyuhyun seemed to be lucky that his brother drift Piano's attention aways from him. Since the Piano's glare at him seemed to be really intense. 'Donhyun you're my saviour,' Kyuhyun sigh if relief  "It's a piece that my mom composed, it's called The little Piano," she smiled. "Don't you know that when a pianist composed a song for a thing or a person, that composition is the refection of how they see a thing or a person," Donghyun informed her. "May I know what's your point, for me letting me know that information?" she asked politely. "He's saying that your mom loved piano so much to compose such a beautiful piece," Mr. Cho was the one to answer her question.


The words repeated on her mind. "Your mom loved piano so much to compose such a beautful piece," she can't help but feel a little pinch of sadness in her heart. 'Why didn't I see it before, why am I so blinded by my anger?' her tears fell. But, she was soon drifted back to reality when a soft knock echoed in her room, she immediately wipe her tears off, and proceed on unlocking the door. "You just cried, why?" Henry asked her, after he saw her face when she opened the door. "It's nothing," she stated flatly, while giving him the hints that she doesn't want to talk about it . "Okay," the latter seemed to understand. It was followed by an akward silence.

"What was it by the way?" Piano was the one to break the wall of silence that is bulding up between them. "Well, it was about Kyuhyun-ah's parents, they ask me if they could stay here until Christmas," Henry told her. "It's okay, it's their house by the way," she said in  matter-of-fact tone.


It was nice being with Kyuhyun's parents. Specially, when Christmas is nearing.

"Piano-ah, be careful," It was Mrs. Cho, worrying for Piano, as the girl put the star on top f the Christmas tree in her own will. After she placed the star on top of the Christmas tree, Henry helped her down. "There, perfect," Piano smiled, looking at her work. "Next time, let me do that kind of things, it's dangerous," Henry told her. Followed by a stuttering "Yes," from Kyuhyun, and a bark courtesy of Gin. 'Aissh, these poeple are worrying to much,' she said at the back of her mind.

"Hey kids, come here, I'll light the Christmas tree," Mr. Cho announced, he doesn't need to said it twice, since, all of them are excited to see the Christmas tree glowing.The Christmas tree soon started glowing, courtesy of Donghyun, who can't wait for Mr. Cho. After being with the family, she learned a lot of things, including the fact that; Mr. Cho and Donghyun would get eachother's way, as much as possible. Piano smiled, seeing a happy family in front of her, and she was more glad to spend her Christmas with them. To everyones relief Dr. Jung didn't stay at the Country side. Since, he have his own family, to spend Christmas with.


Everyone was doing their own chores. Even their own specialties when it comes to foods, Henry bought a mochi, since he wasn't a cook to begin with. Piano baked a chocolate flavored cake, which is a delicacy in everyone's taste. Mrs. Cho made lots of foods, since she was a real cook, Donghyun and his wife roasted the turkey, and Mr. Cho make Kyuhyun's favorite food-- the fruit salad.

They shared a dinner, enjoying the food everyone made, after welcoming Christmas. It was a happy family gathering indeed. By the time they finished eating, everyone get ready to open thier present under the Christmas tree, Even Gin was excited.

Piano smiled, as they act like a little kid. Everyone was excited to see what gift they would get that Christmas. A smile was plastered on Kyuhyun face when Piano turned to look at him. She playfully glared at the latter, as she walk near him, "Your gift," she smiled, as she sneak a kiss on Kyuhyun's cheeks, and gently place the scarf that she knitted on Kyuhyun's neck. Kyuhyun felt his face heating up, he's blushing fruiously, because of the lady's actions. But, the moment soon faded, when Henry tapped Piano's shoulders and give her a small box. "This is Kyuhyun-ah's gift for you," he told her. Piano opened the box, and found a white gold necklace, with a small grand piano pendant. It was so simple, yet beautiful. "Wea...r (Translation: Wear that)," Kyuhyun smiled. Piano smiled in return and wore the said necklace. She mouthed a 'thank you' to Kyuhyun before responding to Henry's call.

Henry smiled at her while holding her hand, he pulled out a small box, and opened it. The box revealed a ring, Henry kneeled in front of her, "Marry me," is what he told her. She didn't know how to answer, she doesn't want to. Her heart and mind was united in saying the same thing 'No.'  She know that in her heart she wanted to be with Kyuhyun, she love Kyuhyun, and not Henry. She silently looked at Kyuhyun, seeking for answers. It was a shocker when Kyuhyun smiled as if telling her to accept the offer. Just then she remembred what Kyuhyun told Henry before. The answer that she was looking for was there, it was there, and it's a "Yes," she faked a smile at Henry, everyone cheered, she once again looked at Kyuhyun, he was smiling for them. 'Why, can't I be with you? Why aren't we meant to be? Why?' her bitter thoughts were hiding in her angelic smile.

She smiles even though it really hurts in the inside, she smiles and pretend that she's happy, she smiles while it tore her heart into tiny pieces. Because all she can do is smile and pretend that it doesn't hurt.

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madesunrene4 #1
THis is amazing!
AiMei_4 #2
hey there... my heart really ached as I read each chappies... i love this fic so much that it really inspire me... HWAITING AUTHOR-NIM!!!
@katreenaforever... If I had the time I'd like to do a sequel to have the twist(?)^^<br />
<br />
@nothinonew... Maybe not... Maybe yes... I don't know(?)^^<br />
<br />
@gdlovesme... I'm gad that I made you feel better.<br />
<br />
And for everyone Thank you very much, and I love you all. You never fail to make me smile(^^)
Coool! I love this fic^^ I cried when I read this fic :'( a good one unnie!<br />
unnie 최고!!
katreenaforever #5
sigh,i thought you would a twist huhuhuhuhuh'<br />
<br />
never mind,i love your fanfics alot!
tenshiXhanari #6
Thank you! I cried so hard! ^^ u wrote an awesome ff
I cried so many times because of this FF.!!<br />
Thumbs up. you are a A-W-E-S-O-M-E writter..<br />
<br />
Oh~~ Piano is carrying henry's baby ?
you made me cry a bucket of tears :(((((<br />
like a huge punch landed on my heart<br />
when i was reading the letter the whole time.<br />
:((((((((((( a very magnificent story!<br />
i hope this can be filmed. thank you for <br />
inspiring me chingu to live a life full<br />
of happiness, :D you really made my life feel<br />
better,i thought i was not having a good life<br />
but you made me realize that we should continue<br />
to live! <333333 thankyouuuu♥
uwahh, kyuhyun-ah!!<br />
poor gin, hehe^^
katreenaforever #10
awww such a sad chapter,i fell that my house is gonna explode with ears .....