Piano was drinking coffee when a news break out on the television.

"Cho Kyuhyun the ever famous piano genius is now retiring at the early age of twenty-five." the news anchor said. "Some piano prodigy, geniuses and critics altogether says, Mr. Cho's talent is a waste if he'll retire now--."

but before the anchor said another word Piano already shut the television off, ready to leave the house for work. She doesn't even take interest in the news, because it's already enough for her to know, that the route that she will take that morning isn't polluted with cars stuck on traffic.


Kyuhyun is now at his press conference where he'll officially announce his retirement as a pianist, even for the fact that he loved sharing his talent with people, he just have to leave now or never. And for that, he choose now.

Kyuhyun sat quietly at the table, with his Poker Face on, and because of that no one even dared to speak or ask a question to him.

"Mr. Cho, we heard that you're retiring from being a pianist, is that true?" a brave reporter asked.

"No," Kyuhyun replied. He almost squinted to see many flashes of lights on his direction.

Before, he found it really amusing. But now, he find it really irritating in the eye.

"But what about the rumors that your side spread, Isn't your brother the one that told the media about your retirement?" the reporter asked again. Kyuhyun ignored the blinding flashes of lights to answer the reporter's question.

"Yes he is, but he's wrong. I'm actually not retiring. Because, from now on I Cho Kyuhyun should quit playing piano," he said, actually for some, retiring and quitting have one meaning, but for him it's two different words.

With that said Kyuhyun took his final bow, and leave the area. Many reporters tried to follow, only to be blocked by the security.

"Where are you going? Kyuhyun hyung," his younger brother Donghyun asked, following Kyuhyun to his car.

"I'm going for a stroll," Kyuhyun told him with his reassuring smile.

"Okay, go back home safely," Donghyun just said, because he understands that his brother needs space.


Piano arrived at the hospital where she's employed. When she got there, all the other nurses are talking about the 'Cho Kyuhuyun guy', she can't even concentrate with all their noises.

"Head Nurse, go back to you rounds right now!" Piano ordered the Head nurse when she saw the old woman chatting with the other nurses about the 'Cho Kyuhyun Guy'.

the truth is she doesn't want to hear anything about a pianist or anything concerned about piano , and it's all because of a childish reason that she doesn't like her name being Piano. Talking about immaturity.

"Okay," the Head nurse sadly said as she leave, doing what she's ordered to do.

"Wow, Piano. Among every one of us here, you're the only nurse that can order the Head nurse around," One of her colleague told her, in a whisper.

"But that Cho Kyuhyun--" her colleague was about to say more, but she managed to stop her by ordering her to go back to her work.


Kyuhyun decided to take a stroll at the hospital, well he actually wanted to talk with a doctor named-- Dr. Jung Yong Hwa.

When the doctor saw him, it quickly told him to enter his office.

"Hi, Dr. Jung," Kyuhyun greeted the old man in front of him.

"Hi, Mr. Cho, what brings you here?" the doctor asked.  "I thought the press conference would take long."

"Well, it unexpectedly ended early," Kyuhyun told him.

"So, what brings you here?" Dr. Jung kindly repeated his question.

"Well, I wanted to say thank you," Kyuhyun told the doctor.

"Thank you for what? I haven't done anything that would help you, all that I do is to give you false hope, I should be saying sorry." the doctor sadly replied.

"It's okay and thank you for doing your everything just to cure me," Kyuhyun smiled. "Even though we both know that my case is hopeless, you still did your everything. So, for that, thank you."

"So, Dr. Jung, that's all I want to say, I will be leaving now," Kyuhyun told the doctor, as he get of his seat.

"Mr. Cho," the doctor called, Kyuhyun stopped to look at him with a questioning face. "If... If you survived for a year would you please contact me."

"Why would I even do that?" Kyuhyun asked the doctor.

"Aissh, just do it, will you!" the doctor stubbornly said

Kyuhyun chucked. "Araso," he smiled.

After the talk with Dr. Jung, Kyuhyun found his self at the nursery, admiring the innocent sight that was offered.

'When I was a kid I always dreamed of building a family,' Kyuhyun thought 'and having a beautiful wife and a cute daughter that I will cherish the most, but it will stay as a dream forever now. And it's all because of this stupid Spinocerebellar Ataxia, damn this sickness'

Kyuhyun want to scream and cry his heart out, but he know that it won't change the fact that he will die sooner or later, and not to mention the fact that he won't be able to play the piano, and it's all because of his sickness Spinocerebellar Ataxia. 'God, why do you have to be so unfair?'

Mind me to tell you, Spinocerebellar Ataxia or SCA result an unsteady and clumsy motion of the body due to a failure of the fine coordination of muscle movements, along with other symptoms. Generally, a person with ataxia retains full mental capacity but may progressively lose physical control.

To put it simply your body reflexes will get slow, slower and you'll eventually dies. It's just a matter of time, after you're diagnosed. Cruel, right?

"But no one can change the fact. That is life" Kyuhyun heard a soft low voice, and he find it somehow comforting.

He looked towards the direction of the voice, and found a beautiful nurse talking to a woman, the woman seemed bald, and her head was covered in cloth. 'Maybe a cancer patient' Kyuhyun thought.

"It's not to common to nurses to talk about death, because you should give me hope to live," the woman told her.

"Well, I'm not like them," the nurse answered. "I don't like giving false hopes and lying, and the main reason why I'm talking to you right now is because, someone have to tell you the truth."

"Truth? The truth is I'm dying, am I right?" She snapped at the nurse.

"Yes, that's the truth, but I want to tell you something, please listen carefully for I'm not going to repeat it again," the nurse smiled.

"Then tell me," the woman said.

"Well, first of all, I want to tell you that everyone will face death, sooner or later. It's just that your time is-- a bit shorter. Second, don't ever think that life is unfair to you, because life is unfair to everyone.

And lastly the third one, don't ever think that dying is a curse, because dying means that your sufferings in earth is over because you may now dwell in the paradise, with him," she all said this as she looked straight into the woman's eyes.

As soon as the nurse finished her sentence, the woman cried heavily. "How can you say that life is unfair to you? When you don't have any terminal illness." the woman have screamed to her.

"Life has it's own way to make it unfair," she replied. "You may never know what sadness and suffering lies beyond everyone's past."

"So why are you telling me this things, huh?" He woman asked her, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Because, instead of crying here and being depressed because of your sickness, I want you, to enjoy your remaining time here on earth or use it wisely as possible it could be." she answered.

"Why?" was all the woman could ask.

"Simple, because I Park Piano, don't want any of my patients to regret," a soft smiled plastered on her beautiful face, the nurse who was named Piano hold the woman's hands. "Do you want me to contact them?" She comfortingly asked.

The patient seemed to understand now what nurse Piano wanted to say, she also gave the beautiful nurse a bright smile. "Yes, please..."

Kyuhyun smiled, finally the answers that he's longing to hear. He wanted to thank the nurse, but he knew it would do him no good, because he wasn't supposed to hear them.

Kyuhyun leave the hospital with a huge smile plastered on his face, for the very first time after his diagnosis, he was able to smile like that, and it's all because of that nurse, who ironically have the same name as his favorite thing in the whole world-- Piano.

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madesunrene4 #1
THis is amazing!
AiMei_4 #2
hey there... my heart really ached as I read each chappies... i love this fic so much that it really inspire me... HWAITING AUTHOR-NIM!!!
@katreenaforever... If I had the time I'd like to do a sequel to have the twist(?)^^<br />
<br />
@nothinonew... Maybe not... Maybe yes... I don't know(?)^^<br />
<br />
@gdlovesme... I'm gad that I made you feel better.<br />
<br />
And for everyone Thank you very much, and I love you all. You never fail to make me smile(^^)
Coool! I love this fic^^ I cried when I read this fic :'( a good one unnie!<br />
unnie 최고!!
katreenaforever #5
sigh,i thought you would a twist huhuhuhuhuh'<br />
<br />
never mind,i love your fanfics alot!
tenshiXhanari #6
Thank you! I cried so hard! ^^ u wrote an awesome ff
I cried so many times because of this FF.!!<br />
Thumbs up. you are a A-W-E-S-O-M-E writter..<br />
<br />
Oh~~ Piano is carrying henry's baby ?
you made me cry a bucket of tears :(((((<br />
like a huge punch landed on my heart<br />
when i was reading the letter the whole time.<br />
:((((((((((( a very magnificent story!<br />
i hope this can be filmed. thank you for <br />
inspiring me chingu to live a life full<br />
of happiness, :D you really made my life feel<br />
better,i thought i was not having a good life<br />
but you made me realize that we should continue<br />
to live! <333333 thankyouuuu♥
uwahh, kyuhyun-ah!!<br />
poor gin, hehe^^
katreenaforever #10
awww such a sad chapter,i fell that my house is gonna explode with ears .....