Every afternoon, Piano, Henry, and Kyuhyun would relax at the table like before, Gin, was always sleeping beside Kyuhyun's feet, and that's how they always spend their afternoon.

"Here's everyone's tea," Henry announced cheerfully, holding the tray in his hands. "You look like an idiot, stop doing that," Piano bluntly told Henry, which earned a soft chuckle from Kyuhyun. "Yah, you think that's funny?" Henry asked Kyuhyun, in an irritated tone. " Yes)," Kyuhyun then burst out on a stuttering laughter. Piano looked at how pathetic Kyuhyun's face look like when he's laughing, and it made her laugh. The scene has a chain reaction, soon Henry also laugh with them, Gin was barking, well, he's also laughing. That's how dogs bark.

If only time could stop, right in this moment. But, they knew better, time can't stop, and all they can do is reminisce this precious moment. At least they have a moment to look back.


"Dr. Jung how is Kyuhyun-ah?" Piano asked Dr. Jung as fast as he get out of the emergency room. "He's fine... For now," Dr. Jung sadly told her while looking at the floor. Henry put his arms around Piano, giving comfort to Piano whose crying non stop. It has been Five hours after a seizure attacked Kyuhyun, while they're staying at Kyuhyun's parent's house in Seoul. Kyuhyun's mom was there crying, with her husband comforting her, "He's fine, he's fine," they heard Mr. Cho say.  Donghyun wanted to come, but, the fact that his wife is getting stressed while pregnant and will be left with their daughter Ara, is not forgivable.

"Stop crying already, it's not good for your condition," Henry gently told her, wiping her tears. "Dr. Jung told us he's fine," Henry trapped Piano's cheeks on his palm, trying to cheer her up. "You should have stayed with Donghyun and Minyoung, you shouldn't be stressed," He told her. She shook her head in disagreement. "I'll be more stressed not knowing Kyuhyun-ah's condition," she sobbed. Henry pulled her for a hug.


"Ho...m...e(Translation: Home)," Kyuhyun stuttered. Piano gently pushed Kyuhyun bangs aside to have a clear view on his face. "You wanna go home?" she asked, preventing her-self from crying. "But, we still can't, Dr. Jung said you have to be observed first," her voice is trembling, but she did fake a smile, to cover it up. But all her efforts were wasted, when her heart can't contain it no more, and let her tears fall . "Do...n...t cr...y(Translation: Don't cry)," Kyuhyun smiled at her, he slowly reached for her cheeks. Piano held on Kyuhyun's hand to prevent it from falling and lead it to her cheeks. Feeling the warm from Kyuhyun's hand rushing though she cheeks, her tears fell harder. She's afraid. 'What if this warm hands suddenly turned cold? I don't want to lose you, Not you,' she silently cried, still holding on Kyuhyun hand.


Dr. Jung silently sat at his desk, facing Henry at the other side of the table. "Dr. Jung--," Henry called. The doctor motioned him to stop, as he pinch his nose bridge, thinking deeply. "Take him home," the doctor finally said. "What? But isn't he under observation? Dr. Jung, tell me he's fine," Henry forced the doctor. "He's going to die anytime soon, take him home, he wanted it that way," Dr. Jung can't take it and turned around, his tears slowly fell. "You may leave," he motioned Henry to leave. Henry stood up and did what the doctor requested him to do.

Henry fake a smile upon entering the room. Even if he wanted to cry so badly, he can't because he needs to be strong for everybody. "Kyuhyun-ah, Dr. Jung said, we can now go home," he smiled at his best friend. "I'll tell, Aunt and Uncle. They will arrive soon," Henry said referring to Kyuhyun's parents. Kyuhyun smiled at him. "'s Where's Gin?),"

"He's with Donghyun, they're staying at the Country side," he reassured Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun smiled at him. "I'll be waiting for Aunt and Uncle outside," Piano excused her-self. Closing the door behind her, Piano stopped and sat at the bench near the vending machine, she rest her head on the wall and take a short nap. That day has been too long for her, and it isn't good for her current condition.


Piano was shocked to see Dr. Jung beside her, when she opened her eyes. "I'm sorry didn't saw you there," Piano told the doctor, partly yawning. "Why are you sleeping in here?" the doctor asked her. "Isn't it obvious? I'm tired of course," she quirked an eyebrow. "You know it isn't good for you and--" Dr. Jung was going to say more, but Piano cut his sentence. "You don't need to remind me, I'm a nurse, I already know that," she told him. "Then why are you stressing yourself here?" Dr. Jung really hate to see Piano being stressed like that, after all, the nurse was like a daughter to him. "We'll be fine," she reassured him with a weak smile.

"Oh, there you are," Henry suddenly appeared. "Oh, Henry-ah, what is it?" she asked him. "Aunt and Uncle are here, I already told them about going to the Countryside, and they're coming with us," Henry told her, while holding her hand. "I'll come with you too," Dr. Jung told them. "Okay," they weakly chorused.

That night, Piano, Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Cho, Dr. Jung, and Kyuhyun arrived at the Countryside. Minyoung and Donghyun, together with Gin welcomed them home. It was a nice feeling for all of them to be home. 'There's no other place like home,' Kyuhyun smiled, as he admire his room. 'My house's so dirty, hope that Piano and Henry-ah will keep this clean when I'm gone,' as he looked at the ceiling. Many people were in his room, everybody felt it, even him. 'The day had come, I have to say my goodbye to everybody,' he thought as he look at his mom. Tightening her grip on her child's hand Mrs. Cho burst out crying. Kyuhyun slowly touched his mom's head with his other hand, and reassuringly smiled at her. "My boy, I don't want you to let go," she cried. "I... I I have to)," Kyuhyun told her, it seemed that his smile won't fade anymore, he wanted to reassure everybody that it's gonna be fine. 'It's okay... As Piano-ah said; No one can change the fact, this is life. Everyone will face death, sooner or later. Life isn't unfair-- because I get to meet everybody. And lastly Death isn't a curse, It just mean that you did a great job, you have finished your task, and you're now ready to face the creator,' Kyuhyun smiled remembering everything that his life and Piano had thought him. Kyuhyun looked at Henry and Piano, he signaled that he wanted to have the glass board. Immediately the couple bring his glass board, and he started to tell them things he wanted to say. "Mama, I love you and don't ever forget that," he told his mom. Mrs. Cho gently smiled at him, like what she always do. "Papa, take care of mama for me, and don't drink too much wine, I won't be there anymore to help you go back to your room," he reminded his father. "Donghyun and Minyoung, if little Ara asked where I am when she woke up, please do tell her that I'm already with God, And take care to our little angel boy, inside Minyoung's womb," this is what he told his brother and his sister-in-law. "Dr. Jung, I'm pretty surprised that you're here," this sentence earned a soft chuckle from the old doctor. "But, thank you for everything, and please do me a favor, check on Piano, and Henry frequently and take care of this couple," he followed. "Henry, I have faith in you, don't let me down," he told Henry. "I won't," Henry reassured him. "Gin, my partner in crime, take care of Piano too, araso? And always be happy and cheerful for her, araso? Don't make troubles anymore, because I won't be there to cover-up to your messes, araso?" he almost cried telling Gin his words. The dog was already like a best friend to him. "Piano take care of yourself, araso?" he told her. "Deh," she sobbed. "I'll miss you the most." Kyuhyun told her "Everyone, please stop crying," he told them. "Don't mourn for me, because my life is a blessed one, and I will be with the father, so no one should be sad." He smiled. "Just think of it that I'll be having a long sleep, because I have a really tiring, but awesome day." He told them. "Thank you, and Goodbye," he smiled and let Henry take the glass board. He slowly closed his eyes, and rest in peace. Mrs. Cho pulled the covers up to Kyuhyun chest, to pretend that he's just sleeping. Everyone cried silently.

'No! You can't die like this! Don't die yet, whom will I pull pranks to when you're gone? Who will play with me? If you die, the "Two stupid trouble makers" will be gone,' Gin cried. Piano who can't take everything anymore, get out of the room, she slump on the floor leaning the back of her head in the wall. 'He's gone, with just a moment, he's gone, he already leave us, he's gone,' Piano cried. Henry followed her, and slump on the floor beside her. "Yah, don't cry, Kyuhyun-ah will be sad if you cry, and it isn't good for your condition," Henry worriedly told her. Piano looked at him. "At least I still have you, right?" Piano weakly smiled at him. Henry pulled her for a hug. "And will always be here for you," Henry whispered in her ears.

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madesunrene4 #1
THis is amazing!
AiMei_4 #2
hey there... my heart really ached as I read each chappies... i love this fic so much that it really inspire me... HWAITING AUTHOR-NIM!!!
@katreenaforever... If I had the time I'd like to do a sequel to have the twist(?)^^<br />
<br />
@nothinonew... Maybe not... Maybe yes... I don't know(?)^^<br />
<br />
@gdlovesme... I'm gad that I made you feel better.<br />
<br />
And for everyone Thank you very much, and I love you all. You never fail to make me smile(^^)
Coool! I love this fic^^ I cried when I read this fic :'( a good one unnie!<br />
unnie 최고!!
katreenaforever #5
sigh,i thought you would a twist huhuhuhuhuh'<br />
<br />
never mind,i love your fanfics alot!
tenshiXhanari #6
Thank you! I cried so hard! ^^ u wrote an awesome ff
I cried so many times because of this FF.!!<br />
Thumbs up. you are a A-W-E-S-O-M-E writter..<br />
<br />
Oh~~ Piano is carrying henry's baby ?
you made me cry a bucket of tears :(((((<br />
like a huge punch landed on my heart<br />
when i was reading the letter the whole time.<br />
:((((((((((( a very magnificent story!<br />
i hope this can be filmed. thank you for <br />
inspiring me chingu to live a life full<br />
of happiness, :D you really made my life feel<br />
better,i thought i was not having a good life<br />
but you made me realize that we should continue<br />
to live! <333333 thankyouuuu♥
uwahh, kyuhyun-ah!!<br />
poor gin, hehe^^
katreenaforever #10
awww such a sad chapter,i fell that my house is gonna explode with ears .....