Piano arrived at the said countryside house, where the said Countryside-Spinocerebellar Ataxia guy live, but she's thinking of it twice, since she already knocked at the door several times, but the door haven't opened up yet.

'Maybe it's the wrong house,' she thought of it several times. But she can't be wrong, it was the exact address given by Dr. Jung and it has the same discription. 'I can't be wrong,' she tried to convince her-self. She actually wanted  to leave now, but the main problem is that, the crazy doctor, named Jung Yong Hwa, stole her precious purse and replaced it with a small purse, which only contains the exact amount of money needed for the transportaion at the said countryside, but no extra for the transportaion back.

"I'll killl that doctor the next time I see him," she hissed under her breath, while thinking of the crazy doctor. She was so frustrated, she was dead tired after the long travel, and dead hungry, because the doctor forgot to give her money for her food. 'That is if I see him while I'm still alive. Ohh, well, when I die here, I'll just hunt him in his dreams,' she just joked around, as she found a comfortable rocking chair on the house' porch.

She find it really comforting, sitting on the chair, atlease she can take her rest while waiting for the owner of the house, that is, if there is.


Kyuhyun was now driving back to his house after he finished shoping his groceries.

When he arrived at his house. He was shocked to see a beautiful woman sitting on his rocking chair on the house' porch. He walked silently to see if his eyes weren't playing tricks on him, because the woman looked exactly like the nurse who made him smile one year ago, The one named Piano.

He poked the girl's hand, to see if it was still alive, and to his surpires the girl emmidiately opened her eyes, and rised on her back, still not leaving the comforts of the seat.

"Hi," was he first utter, mostly because of shock.

She looked at him stangely. "Hi," she said to him.

"Hi," he repeated, now with a wide, stupid smile plastered on his handsome face.

"Are you the owner of the house?" she asked him, staring widely at his brown orbs.

But instead of answering by his mouth, he confirmed the question by nodding like a fool with his stupid smile still plastered on his face.

"So... where is the Spinocerebellar Ataxia guy?" she asked again. This time the smile on Kyuhyun's face faded and turned into a frown. 'How did she knew about my condition?'

She looked at him suspiciously. "Is he living here? or I got the wrong house?" she shoot so many question at once.

"Well, if you're looking for a guy with a Spinocerebellar Ataxia, he's right here, infront of you," he answered.

The woman quirk an eyebrow. "You're him...? But you look fine," she said.

"Well, yeah, I'm him." he stood up, and open the house' door. "Why are you here by the way?" it's his turn to ask her.

"Well... Dr. Jung sent me here," she said, as she stood up from the comforts of the rocking seat, and proper her-self.

"Ohh, so you're the nurse he's talking about," He smiled, as he picked the groceries and carry them inside the house, Piano followed him inside with her heavy luggage.

She choose to stay at liviing room, dropping the heavy luggage on the ground, as she saw the man leave the room with his groceries. After a second the Kyuhyun returned at the living room, without the groceries, but with a smile on his face.

"Come, I'll show you to your room," he smiled at her, picked her heavy luggage.

"By the way... my name is Park Piano," She told him.

"Cho Kyuhyun," He looked at her. "Please take good care of me," he bowed.

"Come... nurse Piano," he said. The both of them walked up to the stairs with Kyuhyun leading her on a large, simple, yet beautiful room.

"I'll leave you now, you can find me at my room if you needed something, my room is second door to the left," He smiled, as he walk off leaving the beautiful nurse to her room.


He smiled to him-self, after he turn his back to the nurse.

Yes, he finally have a time to thank the nurse he  really feel grateful to, the piano who cleared his mind, erase the doubts and fear, and made him smile with ease.

'Should I told her that, I heared her speech one year ago? and I'm currently one of her fans-- aside from the other patients, or should I keep my mouth shut?...' Kyuhyun was on his train of thoughts when he heared a soft knock on his door.

"Kyuhyun-sshi, it's me Piano," the voice doesn't have to speak twice, because he immediately opened the door for her.

"what is it?" He cheerfully asked. He didn't know him-self why the hell is he like that when he's with her, but he really feel happy when she's with her... this was childish but, he always thought of the happy fairy when he looked at her...

'Ahh.. omo, Umma, I alway thought that you where lying when you tell me stories about the happy fairy, who alway give people smile on their faces,' Kyuhyun silenly thought as he look at the beautiful woman infront of him. 'I take my words back, you're not lying, because the Happy fairy is right here in front of me. Smiling at me as bright as the Sun,'

on the other hand behind Piano's smile is her thought, which goes like this, 'What the hell? Is this man's lips stiff? All he wanna do is smile like crazy! No wonder he's Dr. Jung's friend, because they're both crazy.'


Dr. Jung was arranging his files, when he suddenlyy sneeze out of the blue.

"Ohh, some must be thinking of me," he smiled to him-self. "But, if it was Piano, then she must be cursing me."

This was the doctor's thoughts, which is not wrong.

"But Kyuhyun-sshi should be rejoicing at the moment," the doctor smirked. "But, this isn't just for Kyuhyun, but also for my favorite nurse... because she really needed a ray of sunshine on her bitter world."

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madesunrene4 #1
THis is amazing!
AiMei_4 #2
hey there... my heart really ached as I read each chappies... i love this fic so much that it really inspire me... HWAITING AUTHOR-NIM!!!
@katreenaforever... If I had the time I'd like to do a sequel to have the twist(?)^^<br />
<br />
@nothinonew... Maybe not... Maybe yes... I don't know(?)^^<br />
<br />
@gdlovesme... I'm gad that I made you feel better.<br />
<br />
And for everyone Thank you very much, and I love you all. You never fail to make me smile(^^)
Coool! I love this fic^^ I cried when I read this fic :'( a good one unnie!<br />
unnie 최고!!
katreenaforever #5
sigh,i thought you would a twist huhuhuhuhuh'<br />
<br />
never mind,i love your fanfics alot!
tenshiXhanari #6
Thank you! I cried so hard! ^^ u wrote an awesome ff
I cried so many times because of this FF.!!<br />
Thumbs up. you are a A-W-E-S-O-M-E writter..<br />
<br />
Oh~~ Piano is carrying henry's baby ?
you made me cry a bucket of tears :(((((<br />
like a huge punch landed on my heart<br />
when i was reading the letter the whole time.<br />
:((((((((((( a very magnificent story!<br />
i hope this can be filmed. thank you for <br />
inspiring me chingu to live a life full<br />
of happiness, :D you really made my life feel<br />
better,i thought i was not having a good life<br />
but you made me realize that we should continue<br />
to live! <333333 thankyouuuu♥
uwahh, kyuhyun-ah!!<br />
poor gin, hehe^^
katreenaforever #10
awww such a sad chapter,i fell that my house is gonna explode with ears .....