Letting Go

Lost Sanity

Disclaimer: Insert the usual stuff here. Don’t own and don’t make a profit.

A/N: Here is the end everyone! Please enjoy and please don’t kill me. D: And don’t get mad. For those who decided to NOT read Leaders Don’t Cry… I advise you to read it now. It will help in understanding this chapter. Because this chapter takes place right after that one shot. So in a way this is a flashback chapter. I am so sorry for the delay everyone. I actually had been busy with some wedding plans and then one day I had some pain in my chest and abdomen that wasn’t normal and had been in the hospital for a few days. Plus I wanted this chapter to be extremely long and worth it.

“Chagiya! Saranghae! Saranghae!” Ji-Yong yelled as he was being held back by the security of the hospital. He watched as the doctor’s covered Chaerin’s beautiful pale face from view with the white blanket as they carted her away, they ignored his screams and pleads as he watched them leave. Ji-Yong’s eyes were dark and confused… his feelings jumbled unsure of what to think of now as the doctors and gurney were now out of his vision. The men from security let him go finally and motioned to the rest of Big Bang to watch him but no one went to him as he sat on his knees on the floor, numb… unable to feel everything that he should. Should he feel sad? Guilty? Who knew but he wasn’t sure yet. This was all a shock for him and frankly he didn’t like it. He didn’t know how to feel or whether he would be okay. Ji-Yong didn’t even know how to feel right now let alone know how he should feel in time. His legs began to feel as numb as his heart and mind and when he started to get up from his place they buckled from under him and he fell forward. Seung Hyun and Young Bae went to go help him but he motioned them to stay where they were as he just stayed in place.

He wasn’t sure how long he had stayed in place as he sat on his knees but when he finally tried to get up when Daesung extended his hand out to him, Ji-Yong fell back on his knees from the numbness and the prickles of pain from the blood rushing through his legs caused him to groan. But honestly he’d take this pain always if it meant that the pain in his heart would go away. He’d take on thousands of years of pain to know that Chaerin was waiting for him. His heart ached and as the realization came to him more and more that the woman he loved was actually gone his body grew weaker. Ji-Yong could barely walk even with the support of his friends as they were getting ready to leave the hospital. “Excuse me! Mr. Kwon! Wait!” A woman’s voice called out as the eight members were just about to exit. Ji-Yong turned his head and looked to the small woman dressed in a white coat and had a stethoscope around her neck. She was carrying a Ziplock bag which contained a few choice objects. “You need to take this. As Miss Lee’s emergency contact it is in your possession.” The woman spoke calmly and handed the bag to Ji-Yong who took it without a change to his cold and empty expression. He could tell that the woman wanted to give him words of encouragement and false hopes but how could she do that when the man in front was as broken as they came. She had seen this look of despair a lot in her time as a doctor and had to give grave news. There was no recovering and she knew that.

“Thank you ma’am, have a good day.” Young Bae responded to the woman and bowed respectfully to the older woman as he led everyone out of the hospital and to the car. Seung Hyun and Seungri were holding Ji-Yong by the arms and shoulders as they brought him to the black SUVs that YGE had sent for them because they knew that each member would be exhausted after such an experience and that none would be awake enough to drive.

Ji-Yong was sitting in the third row in the back between Seung Hyun and Seungri as Bom and Sandara with Young Bae sat in the middle aisle with Daesung and Minji up front in the three person front seat. Bom was holding onto Seung Hyun’s  hand as she sat on the end as well as in front of Seung Hyun and Sandara had her head on Young Bae’s shoulder, the car ride was quiet and all that could be heard was soft breathing and the rustling of Ji-Yong’s fingers on the little bag. He could feel his blood beginning to boil as he watched all the couples showing some sort of loving gesture to each other to ease one another’s pain. Seung Hyun was rubbing Bom’s hand with his thumb and giving her a reassuring but loving look and Sandara had just leaned into a kiss with Young Bae. Daesung was whispering in Minji’s ear as she held onto him closely and the more Ji-Yong watched the more he grew angry that he was alone. Seungri was too busy looking outside and having a deep thought session to notice how white Ji-Yong’s knuckles had gotten. “Stop.” Ji-Yong spoke quietly that no one really noticed; his voice was harsh having not spoken much after he screamed his love for his dead lover. “STOP.” He said louder now that it caused Seung Hyun and Seungri to look over to him but not enough to be acknowledged. “I SAID STOP!” Ji-Yong screamed, his voice cracking from the immense force he had put in his words and the driver up front with Daesung and Minji had stopped the car.

“Ji, what’s -.” Bom asked but before she could finish her sentence Ji-Yong was scrambling to move over Seung Hyun for the door and broke their hold on one another. He couldn’t take the entire hand holding or all of all the lovey dovey in the car. He couldn’t take all the sweet gestures his band mates thought he couldn’t catch. Why him? He was the first one to have dated a member of 2NE1. He was the first to fall in love and be happy. Why did he have to be the first one to get all of that taken away from him? Why did it have to be him to lose his entire universe?! Finally opening the door of the SUV he stumbled out of the door and pushed his band mates away.

“Don’t follow me! I want to be alone!” He screamed at them, his emotions were about to spill out but they still didn’t understand why he was acting so strong. Was it because he was the leader? Though his heart was broken and everything inside him told him it was all over and that everything he secretly wished he could have will never happen, he continued to be strong and that no matter what he will not show them any weakness. Seung Hyun and Young Bae had to hold onto their girlfriends to stop them from chasing him as they watched him run out into the streets and away from the SUV. Ji-Yong kept running and without looking back to them he disappeared into the streets which were starting to become flooded with people living their everyday lives. He could feel the Ziplock of Chaerin’s personal things in his pocket growing heavier and heavier as if he was carrying her with him. It felt like all his guilt was bundled up inside that bag and he wanted to get rid of it. He wanted to pretend it wasn’t his fault even though every fiber inside of him told him that it was as much his fault as it was the drunk driver.

So much running… So many blurred out faces he had seen as he ran as fast as he could. So many fans had taken a photo of him that he barely could recognize the sight of cellphones out and snapping a quick picture. But none the less he ran and ran. Ji-Yong kept running until there was no where to run to anymore. He had no where else to go and he found himself at a little café on the other side of Seoul. The little café he and Chaerin had their first time alone. Where they had coffee for the first time and he realized that he had been in love with her, the little café where he had kissed her for the first time. His legs grew so tired from the non stop marathon of abuse they received as he ran and slowly stumbling inside he sat down at a table in the far back of the café… sat down in his seat of that day and imagined Chaerin in front of him and locking eyes with him. Pulling the plastic bag of her things, Ji-Yong put it on the table on the opposite side of him. He pulled out her phone and placed it exactly where he remembered she had put it that day. Put her sunglasses in front of him as he opened and closed them… playing with them as she had when she was nervous.

Distracted by the blackout name brand shades he didn’t realize it when the owner of the shop came and sat a cup of chai tea in front of him. “Kid, you look like you went through hell.” The owner observed with a soft laugh as if making a joke, his deep voice resonated through Ji-Yong’s ears until he looked up at the owner with tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry if I said something wrong. Here wipe your face.” The man said with a panic and handed him the rag on his waist and Ji-Yong took it graciously and wiped his eyes though it only came out more and more. His heart was finally broken; it couldn’t handle the burden of losing her anymore.

“Chaerin!” He screamed out at the top of his lungs and cried more and more… he couldn’t take it anymore and the more he cried, the more he screamed, and finally the more his heart gave in. His heart couldn’t take it anymore…

One Year Later

Seung Hyun walked through the white halls of the hospital. The smell of disinfectant and cleanness could only mask the coldness of the hospital itself. He was carrying flowers and a card as he opened the door at the end of the VIP hallway. The body of a young man was being kept alive with machines and the wires connected him to the many monitors around the body. The tall and thin man sat down in the chair besides the bed of the body after having set the fresh flowers into the vase besides the bed. His face had a soft smile but under that smile was much sadness. “Hey Ji-Yong. Sorry I haven’t come and visit for awhile. Bom is pregnant and has been making me run around. I know if you were awake you’d be happy for me. I would’ve been happy for you too when you told me Chaerin was pregnant. Hard to believe it has been a year since her death and your coma huh? A lot has happened in that time. Is it peaceful where you are?” He asked but of course no response came from the body. Only forced breathing by the machines were heard and the soft beeping of the heart monitor. “Are you happy in your dream? Are you with her and your kid?” He asked and closed his eyes as he began to think to himself. He reached over to his friend and touched his hand softly. Seung Hyun was shaking as he bit his bottom lip scared about what he was saying.

“I can’t believe your heart gave in that day and you had a heart attack… Maybe it’s true what they say about love birds, when one dies the other just loses its will to survive. Is that what happened? But I can't help but wonder what would have happened if we followed you that day. Would you be alive and celebrating with us if we were there on time? Or would you resent us for not letting you meet her on your own time?” Seung Hyun asked without expecting a reply as he crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair and looked to the ceiling as he smiled. “It doesn’t matter now though Ji. They told me that there is no way you’d wake up now. Your mom and dad have also given the okay for this. They love you and just want you to be happy. So… we’re done being selfish. We’re ready to let you go with Chaerin. She’s probably waiting for you. She always is.” Seung Hyun spoke as a tear ran down his cheek and he stood up from his seat. There was a doctor at the doorway and nodding slowly he closed his eyes and walked out as the doctor injected the contents of a syringe into the IV that was keeping Ji-Yong alive. “You finally get to be with her, just like you hoped. Sorry that it took us a year… a year apart for you two.” And with those words the beeping from the heart monitor ceased and it became a flat line… the long drag of the sound filled the room but Seung Hyun knew that everyone decided right. He could have sworn he saw Ji-Yong smile even in his coma state and that is why he knew they met up in the end.  

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Chapter 7: Now i understand..amazing hul~
babyda #2
Chapter 7: Ohmygod..sO heartbreaking! even hv a little confused..so sadddd XC
TheBaddestCorn #3
This is so amazing thank you so much, my eyes were teary at the end
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #4
Chapter 7: What a nice happy ending. I knew that there are really forever. I hope they'll be happy with their child and I knew Jiyong Oppa and Chaerin Unnie will be a great parents for their child. May they have a good nice family. #SkydragonFamily!!! By the way author I like the story even if it's quite short at least it have meanings. Me and my sister was crying when we're reading this story. Even in the description I could feel my eyes becoming tears. Iwas thinking if Jiyong Oppaw as still alive he would go insane all the way it's the best for him to be with Chaerin Unnie in heaven.
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #5
Chapter 6: *cries* I can't believe Jiyong Oppa is that crazy about Chaerin Unnie. I hope he'll get back from the reality. #JiyongOppaCrazyForChaerinUnnie
Chapter 7: T^T gosh! I'm such a cry baby! It's all your fault author!

I'm happy for him.., being with the love of his life :') well, there's really forever when it comes to love..,
Michelle0622 #7
Chapter 7: Really wonderful history!!! I'm crying!
At least they meet in heaven = ]
Chapter 7: TTT___TTT

Authornim!!!! I just cant stop crying after i read this...
It's very sad and tragic but im happy that maybe in other world they see each other. Im very happy for the both of them for being together though in a hurtful way...
Authornim DAEBAK!!!!

Sushimidumpling #9
Chapter 7: This was so sad but so good.
We're closet masochists it seems.
This is amazing!