Losing It

Lost Sanity

Disclaimer: So as you all know I do not own the Skydragon couple. They both belong to YGE. 

A/N: I wrote this story for a very good friend of mine here named CLoverLey because she said that she was craving a ghost story with Skydragon. I haven’t read one on here before so I thought, why the heck not. Now this will be another multichapter story and in a sense a continuation of Leaders Don’t Cry but now with a supernatural sense. Umm… this is the first time I have done anything ghost like so I hope this won’t be a complete failure. Lol

It has been almost a year now since Ji-Yong had lost his girlfriend Chaerin, yes the CL of 2NE1. Things had been slowly going back to normal and YG even allowed for a new head rapper to come into the group to replace Chaerin that though was hard for the members to accept they knew it was necessary for their fans. They weren’t as popular but they were still making music for their devoted Blackjacks.

But though that was all going on there was still the matter of Ji-Yong. He was far from how he used to be. His band mates had often said that he had become a shell of what he once was. Ji-Yong did not doubt that at all. He knew that he had changed, losing Chaerin and his unborn child had not only affected his mind but it has also affected his creative flow. He lost the ability to really write uplifting fun songs like he once was able to but now he was more in touch with his deeper, darker, more sensitive side. Big Bang’s fans had fallen in love more with the mysterious leader who’s lyrics has brought tears to their eyes but they really had no clue how much he was really broken inside. Everything he used to do began to take no meaning… not like he cared but it worried his friends.

“Ji-Yong, we’re going out for some drinks with the girls… Want to come with?” Seung Hyun asked as he patted his friend’s back who was staring blankly at the television which wasn’t even on. Yeah, he did this often. Where he would just look at the tv without turning it on and just stared into it… empty, quiet, and in a way it was just a bit creepy.

“No. I’m not in the mood.” He answered solemnly and reached for the beer that was on the coffee table in front of him. Ji-Yong took a slow sip from the bottle as he continued to watch his friend’s worried expression on the screen of the black tv.

“Well, you have no choice now. You’re coming with us. You’re starting to wreck the image you had and Chae would not be happy if she saw you moping like this.” Seung Hyun answered and pulled his leader up by his arm but Ji-Yong hung limply in his arms having no desire to get up. It may have been a year since his beloved’s death but it still affects him and feels like it only had happened hours ago.

“You know what she would like though Tabi?” Ji-Yong asked when he finally decided to support himself and brush off his black shirt and jeans. He was a lot paler now, thinner too from the lack of desire to keep going on though obviously he would for his fans because Chaerin would kill him herself if he had let himself wither completely. “She would’ve liked to be alive and playing with our kid.” Ji-Yong scoffed and grabbed his coat from the door. Putting his arms through the sleeves and grabbing his shoes from in front of the door he shoved his feet into the sneakers and tied the laces. “But I will go so you would just leave me alone for a bit.” He growled and opened the front door and left before Seung Hyun could say anything else.

“You’re being rude, oppa. He was only trying to help.” A voice said to Ji-Yong, an ever so familiar voice that made him turn his head to the door and down the hallway as he walked to the elevator. But the owner of the voice was no where to be found. Maybe it was him losing it… maybe he was finally losing his grip on reality he thought as he continued to walk through the hallway. But that voice sounded as if she was right behind him scolding him when he was being a brat like she used to. Shaking his head he kept walking… Taking his time and hoping that maybe he would hear her voice once more but a lass nothing.

Moments… maybe hours had passed since he, Big Bang, and the 2NE1 girls were at a club in Seoul dancing, drinking, and talking the night away. Ji-Yong was drinking a blue liquid drink as he chugged it down as if nothing was new, as if the alcoholic beverage was just water and did not burn down his throat. A girl came over to him as he drank his drink on the dance floor and the two began to dance and grind against one another. Might as well, he was drunk as and he wouldn’t sleep with the girl anyways. Taking a sip from his drink he watched the girl move her hips and grind with him but she wasn’t his type. She had brown hair and small hips… her heels made her almost his height and that wasn’t his type.

Looking over the rim of his beverage he saw the face of a familiar woman who was looking at him sternly with a glare, her arms crossed over her chest, and with a swish of her blonde locks disappeared into the crowd on the dance floor. “Chaerin!” he yelled as if trying to catch her attention but instead the woman who was grinding with him looked up.

“Chaerin? No, I’m Yun-Mi.” The girl answered but when she went to look at him he was already pulling away from her and was already in frantic search for his lost one.

Ji-Yong pushed through the crowd and looked left and right, gripping the shoulder of every blonde girl he could find and honestly he was too distracted to realize he had grabbed the shoulders of some blonde males too. But he didn’t care, with quick apologies and more grabbing later he came out empty handed and feeling more and more depressed he sat down at the table that was for him and his group.

He sighed deeply and laid his head on the cold table and there was a rapping on the table he could hear. Believing it was just the vibration from the bass of the music he continued to sulk until he heard the voice once again. “When are you going to come home oppa? I don’t want to fight anymore.”  

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Chapter 7: Now i understand..amazing hul~
babyda #2
Chapter 7: Ohmygod..sO heartbreaking! even hv a little confused..so sadddd XC
TheBaddestCorn #3
This is so amazing thank you so much, my eyes were teary at the end
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #4
Chapter 7: What a nice happy ending. I knew that there are really forever. I hope they'll be happy with their child and I knew Jiyong Oppa and Chaerin Unnie will be a great parents for their child. May they have a good nice family. #SkydragonFamily!!! By the way author I like the story even if it's quite short at least it have meanings. Me and my sister was crying when we're reading this story. Even in the description I could feel my eyes becoming tears. Iwas thinking if Jiyong Oppaw as still alive he would go insane all the way it's the best for him to be with Chaerin Unnie in heaven.
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #5
Chapter 6: *cries* I can't believe Jiyong Oppa is that crazy about Chaerin Unnie. I hope he'll get back from the reality. #JiyongOppaCrazyForChaerinUnnie
Chapter 7: T^T gosh! I'm such a cry baby! It's all your fault author!

I'm happy for him.., being with the love of his life :') well, there's really forever when it comes to love..,
Michelle0622 #7
Chapter 7: Really wonderful history!!! I'm crying!
At least they meet in heaven = ]
Chapter 7: TTT___TTT

Authornim!!!! I just cant stop crying after i read this...
It's very sad and tragic but im happy that maybe in other world they see each other. Im very happy for the both of them for being together though in a hurtful way...
Authornim DAEBAK!!!!

Sushimidumpling #9
Chapter 7: This was so sad but so good.
We're closet masochists it seems.
This is amazing!