Kitchen Nightmares

Lost Sanity

Disclaimer: Blah, blah, blah, do not own. Blah, blah, blah, belongs to YG. Blah, blah, blah, does not make a profit.

A/N: Wow, this story has gotten quite a fanbase and I am happy about this. It really does inspire me to write more. Maybe it’s because this story is still remotely new but I love all the people who comment and I love CLoverLey for talking to me everyday and inspiring this story. <.< Our conversations really help me out in writing this. But I also appreciate and love every person who comments and subscribes. I love seeing the way you guys react to the chapter and keep them coming!

After woken up from having a nap with his daughter on his chest, Ji-Yong held the little bundle closer to him as he laid back on the couch, the television volume low as he looked at the fuzzy white noise on the screen. What time is it? He thought to himself as he changed the channel on the flat screen and opened the menu of his DVR. It was 6:47 in the evening. Ji-Yong couldn’t believe he had allowed the entire day to slip away from him but looking at the sleeping one in his arm, curled up in the pink blanket, and on her thumb through her mittens… he knew he technically didn’t waste it. He assured that his baby girl Chai had a decent nap. He brushed the girl’s short brown hair from her eyes so he could look at her features. Last thing he could remember was that Chaerin had said that she was going out for groceries but the light clanging and chopping in the kitchen told him that she had long been home.

Ji-Yong honestly had felt that maybe he was meant to be a family man all along. Sure he loved music and his fans but come on… How could he deny a beautiful girlfriend or wife who could cook and a baby girl who had shared more features from him than he had shared with his own parents feel that anything was better? Maybe he could tell Chaerin that after they are more settled in again he was going to take a temporary leave and get a desk job or something so he wouldn’t have to be away from his family for very long. Maybe YG could take him in as his protégé and become CEO when he steps down. It would Chaerin really happy and freedom to finish her career that she had left behind for a year. Looking at Chai’s precious face he knew that nothing was more important than being in her life. He almost lost Chaerin once because he had put his music career before her and he wouldn’t let that happen to Chai too.

“Hey, are you awake yet?” a voice called from the wall as the light came on dimly so not to wake up Chai if she was still resting. Chaerin came over to the couch to see the opened eyes of her lover and leaned in to kiss his lip. “Nevermind, I see that you are.” She cooed and wiped her wet hands on her apron. Ji-Yong loved that Chae could cook, it was an ideal thing he needed in his girl because honestly he had zero home making skills and he loved to be taught in things he had no clue in.

“How long have I been sleeping? What are you making? Should I help?” He asked quickly without giving time for Chaerin to answer as he properly sat up and still held Chai close, who had also woken to the feel of her father’s voice vibrating close to her and his voice alone. She began to whine and before crying Cherin shoved a pacifier into and it made her stop as she led on it. 

“You have only been sleeping for about three hours. I am making some steak and veggies and as for helping me… That would be nice. I need help with the dessert. I am making cheesecake.” Chaerin answered and kissed his lips between each answer and slowly took Chai from his arms and bounced her up and down. “She is hungry and I need to feed her so I need to guide you through the food making process.”

Carrying Chai in her arms Chaerin walked into the kitchen with Ji-Yong following right behind her. He stretched and yawned before cracking his neck from having slept with his head on the arm rest. Chaerin opened the refrigerator and grabbed a milk bottle and placed it on the hot water boiling on the stove to heat up. “Alright Ji-Yong listen to me very carefully. Go to the stove and check the steak. It’s on broil so I want you to open the door and then poke the meat with the thermometer.” She ordered and Ji-Yong looked at the tee looking thing and made a face. “Yes that is the thermometer. Be careful and DO NOT touch….” It was too late because when Ji-Yong had opened the door of the oven he had touched the bare metal rack of it without any protection. He screamed, kicking down from the pain onto the oven door on accident and the door snapped right off. “OPPA! TURN OFF THE OVEN QUICKLY! HURRY!” She screamed and pulled Chai away from the area and took the bottle as Ji-Yong pressed random buttons on the oven. “THE ONE THAT SAYS OFF!” She yelled again and Chai began to cry from the commotion and Chaerin put the bottle in as Ji-Yong finally turned off the infernal cooking device.

“Sorry… I guess this means we need a new one huh?” He asked and stepped away from the stove as Chaerin was glaring at him. She loved being in the kitchen and she loved that oven having picked it out herself. “You’re not happy I guess…” He asked and when Chaerin did not cease her deadly glare he laughed nervously and moved to the opposite side from her. They waited for many moments before Chaerin finally spoke again.

“The oven should be cool now. So get the pot holders and get the tray with all the steaks and put it on the counter with the rubber matting. Then get the large skillet under the sink and turn on the front burner. We will cook the steak a little more this way so it’s not a complete failure.” She sighed at last and when Ji-Yong had followed her orders properly put a light greasing of butter on the skillet and laid the steaks in it with a pair of tongs. “On the back burner besides the one I used to heat up the milk, turn it off and using the pot holders again… poor out the vegetables into the strainer in the sink. It’s steamed vegetables because though we are on hiatus we can’t be gaining too much weight.”

Ji-Yong felt almost like a failure from the oven disaster and he had no way on explaining to YG on how he broke the apartment’s oven and needed a replacement. There was no way he would believe him if he said that Chaerin gave him orders and he didn’t follow it correctly. But as Chaerin had burped their daughter and gave orders at the same time the dinner began to slowly take form. Dessert though was put on hold due to the broken oven and that upset Ji-Yong because he loved Chaerin’s cheesecake. Chaerin even had to order him on how to properly plate everything so nothing was falling off or so it wouldn’t look messy. Ji-Yong really had no clue how to take care of himself if it wasn’t for Chaerin and the memory made him think about the first time Chaerin had tried to teach him to cook. It was a fiasco and there was flour and sugar all over the floor and themselves but it was a happy, good memory that he would always keep in store.

Sitting at the table the two of them bowed a little before Ji-Yong started to cut at his steak and eat it. Sure it was just a touch overcooked from having left it took long in the skillet though Chaerin had strictly told him to take it out in five minutes upon letting it sear on each side but nope, he was stubborn if anything. He looked across the table to Chaerin who was picking at her food. “What’s wrong? I’m sorry I messed up.” Ji-Yong whispered and Chaerin only smiled up at him.

“I’m actually not that hungry. I only wanted to make your favorite food.” She answered and then there was a doorbell. “Go answer it for me love. I will clean up in the kitchen and see what I can do for that oven.” Chaerin cooed having already put Chai in a toy automatic swing with a mobile to keep her amused.

Ji-Yong not wanting to displease Chaerin again he went to the door and there was Se7en who had a fire extinguisher at the ready in his hands. His dark brown hair messy and wet from having rushed out of the shower to make sure that Ji-Yong didn’t burn the entire complex down. “Where is the fire?” he asked and Ji-Yong laughed.

“No fire hyung. I was cooking is all… and having dinner.” He smiled and Se7en looked at him suspiciously as he walked inside. The apartment was dark to him and honestly felt a little creepy. He could see a baby swing moving back and forth in the front room and that confused him but there was no sounds coming from it like from weight strain. Looking at the second plate on the table it was untouched in comparison to Ji-Yong’s.

“Why are there two plates?” he asked as his friend looked up at him with a smile.

“Chaerin wasn’t hungry so she left her plate incase I was still hungry.” He answered and Se7en looked at his friend sadly and worriedly but patted his back. He had to support him a little even though every fiber of his being told him to smack some sense into the boy.

“Chaerin was always a good cook though. What happened?” Se7en asked motioning towards the burnt food and overcooked vegetables.

“I tried to help her.” Ji-Yong laughed and Se7en just shook his head, for even when instructing CL was extremely detailed. This was just Ji-Yong trying to cook without any help.

“Alright buddy.” He responded and left the apartment with a careful goodbye but once out the door he began to dial YG’s number… he felt they were letting this charade go along for too long. Ji-Yong insisted before he didn’t need a shrink to get over Chaerin at first but now… it was mandatory.

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Chapter 7: Now i understand..amazing hul~
babyda #2
Chapter 7: Ohmygod..sO heartbreaking! even hv a little sadddd XC
TheBaddestCorn #3
This is so amazing thank you so much, my eyes were teary at the end
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #4
Chapter 7: What a nice happy ending. I knew that there are really forever. I hope they'll be happy with their child and I knew Jiyong Oppa and Chaerin Unnie will be a great parents for their child. May they have a good nice family. #SkydragonFamily!!! By the way author I like the story even if it's quite short at least it have meanings. Me and my sister was crying when we're reading this story. Even in the description I could feel my eyes becoming tears. Iwas thinking if Jiyong Oppaw as still alive he would go insane all the way it's the best for him to be with Chaerin Unnie in heaven.
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #5
Chapter 6: *cries* I can't believe Jiyong Oppa is that crazy about Chaerin Unnie. I hope he'll get back from the reality. #JiyongOppaCrazyForChaerinUnnie
Chapter 7: T^T gosh! I'm such a cry baby! It's all your fault author!

I'm happy for him.., being with the love of his life :') well, there's really forever when it comes to love..,
Michelle0622 #7
Chapter 7: Really wonderful history!!! I'm crying!
At least they meet in heaven = ]
Chapter 7: TTT___TTT

Authornim!!!! I just cant stop crying after i read this...
It's very sad and tragic but im happy that maybe in other world they see each other. Im very happy for the both of them for being together though in a hurtful way...
Authornim DAEBAK!!!!

Sushimidumpling #9
Chapter 7: This was so sad but so good.
We're closet masochists it seems.
This is amazing!