Don't Go

Lost Sanity

Disclaimer: I don’t own CL or GD, I don’t make a profit from writing this story. Insert the usual stuff here.

A/N: So guys, guess what is ending either today or tomorrow depending on how I feel about writing? If you answered… “THIS STORY”. Then you’re right. I can’t believe it has only been like a week since I started writing this. I am happy with the way it has come out and the fanbase it has received. But now, I am looking for maybe someone to make a picture for this story, a banner or poster for the front page. :3 I would really appreciate it. Now onto the story.

“Ji… who died?” Chaerin asked as she eyed the urn suspiciously about to touch it but Ji-Yong lunged at her, stopping her from getting too close to it. His eyes were filled with tears and his nose was red from sniffling. His grip was tight around her waist as he cried and pressed his face against her leg getting her pants wet. “Oppa, what’s wrong? Oppa, talk to me!” She yelled and forced him to look up at her, her fingers lightly touching his face and trying to wipe away his tears, taking the burping rag from her shoulder that she had used for Chai to wipe his beautiful face. Her eyes were full of worry and sadness.

“It’s no one Chaerin. No one! Please don’t leave me again! Please! I can’t live without you and Chai! I can’t!” He yelled and cried even harder. Ji-Yong didn’t want to tell her the truth about what was inside the urn… what if he did and she disappeared? What if he told her and she got angry and left him? What if she was never really here? Either way he didn’t want to risk losing her a second time. He can’t. This was his life now. His life with Chaerin!

“Jingyo, you’re not making sense. I know a funeral urn when I see one. Who is inside?” She demanded and looked intensely at him, her almond shaped, chocolate colored optic looking him dead in the eye, her hands stopping it gentle caresses and motherly clean up to try and get the answers from him. She couldn’t understand what he was saying and it was scaring her. “Come on, stop! “Leaders don’t cry! We shoulder the burden!” Don’t you remember saying that to me?! Why are you crying? Tell me who is inside!” She yelled and tried to pull away from him so that she could kneel in front of him but with how tight he was holding her, she only fell on the floor and Ji-Yong wrapped his arms around her body being on top.

“CL-roo, please stop asking me and just stay! Don’t fade away!” He screamed and laid his head on her chest, he began to cry for awhile as Chaerin just sighed and held onto him tightly, her arms wrapping around and over his shoulders as her fingers moved into his now short brown hair… her fingers moving from the nape of his neck upwards through his hair and then down it and his spine.

“I’m not going away, baby. I can’t leave if you haven’t let go.” She whispered and kissed his forehead, her eyes closed tightly as she gripped him closer to her.

Se7en heard a thump upstairs in the apartment above him and immediately he got worried. He knew that Ji-Yong had come back today and grabbing his house phone to call Seung Hyun who was sitting in the apartment two floors under him. He waited for awhile but no answer… and so he called someone else. He began to call for Daesung or Young Bae. One of the members had to answer otherwise he would have to go up there alone and honestly he was not prepared for what to expect in that apartment.

Seung Hyun had gotten a call a little after Ji-Yong had left them to go be alone and though he was confused as to why the psyche ward of the center that his friend had been staying at for the past two weeks would be calling him but none the less he picked up. Maybe Ji-Yong had forgotten something. “Hello? This is Seung Hyun.” He said into the phone as he walked through his own apartment complex and plopped onto the couch with the rest of the group minus their leader.

“Mr. Choi, as the patient’s emergency contact number we had to call you at this instance. After Mr. Kwon leave we were cleaning out his room and we came to a grave discovery. Mr. Kwon hasn’t been taking the medication that we had assigned him. We are assuming that he pretends to take them and then stores them under his pillow since that is where we had found them. We need you to bring him back right now.” The psychiatrist on the other line had explained frantically as there was rustling in the background as all the residents were practically going insane that they had let Ji-Yong slip by them.

Jumping up from the couch and moving over Seungri and Young Bae to get out his spot he tapped each of them to get up and made a quick gesture by looking up at the ceiling. “Of course. We will retrieve and bring him back this instant. Please inform the other person on his emergency contact information.” Seung Hyun spoke clearly before hanging up and looking to the other members who were looking at him scared and worriedly. The members of 2NE1 were there too and they looked like scared cats unaware of what was going on. “We need to move quickly. Ji played us all for fools. He hasn’t been taking his medication. Let’s go!” he yelled and looked to Daesung who had been on the phone with Se7en.

“Hyung had heard a thump and lots of commotion upstairs! He is going up there now but the elevator is broken! We need to move!” Daesung answered and the large group of seven people hustled and pushed out of the front door and headed up the stairs. They were all pushing to get through and being that they now had to walk up four flights of stairs as quickly as possible and they were narrow walk ways. It was hard to get all seven of them through the stairwell in an efficient manner when they were all panicking.

After a good five minutes of running up the stairs they were able to finally get up there and the sight that they saw was one they could never imagine. Se7en was holding onto Ji-Yong who was thrashing around and squirming with all his might having knocked Se7en off his feet. “Lemme go! I don’t want to go back! Chaerin needs me to stay! I can’t let her go or she will leave me!” He was yelling as he flailed his arms and legs.

Young Bae quickly broke out of the trance from seeing his best friend like that to go help Se7en. He tried to grab a leg but was immediately kick in the face and he held his bloody nose in pain. Seungri was next as he dodged a leg and tried to grab it but it got him in the stomach instead. Daesung and Seung Hyun went now and together the five guys were able to pin all of his limbs down. Sure it wasn’t without being hurt in a shape and Daesung’s cheek was starting to swell and Seung Hyun’s eye was pretty dark now as the minutes went by but they had him.

“Why can’t you guys just let me be? I need to be with Chaerin!” Ji-Yong screamed as he gave a final struggle but it was obvious that the guys had a strong grip on him as they lugged him out of the apartment and down the steps slowly. When they were carrying him down they all had to keep him extra tight else if he moved they would all be going down to their deaths. “What’s so wrong with wanting to be with her?” He whispered and looked at the faces of his friends who were either glaring at him or not looking at him at all.

“Because she is dead. She has been dead for a year now! Why can’t you get it through your head! She is gone forever!” Seungri yelled and though it caused everyone to flinch it made Ji-Yong stop moving so much. “Why can’t you just let go like the rest of us?!” The young man screamed and Ji-Yong began to break down.

“Because… if I let go… I will lose her forever.”

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Chapter 7: Now i understand..amazing hul~
babyda #2
Chapter 7: Ohmygod..sO heartbreaking! even hv a little sadddd XC
TheBaddestCorn #3
This is so amazing thank you so much, my eyes were teary at the end
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #4
Chapter 7: What a nice happy ending. I knew that there are really forever. I hope they'll be happy with their child and I knew Jiyong Oppa and Chaerin Unnie will be a great parents for their child. May they have a good nice family. #SkydragonFamily!!! By the way author I like the story even if it's quite short at least it have meanings. Me and my sister was crying when we're reading this story. Even in the description I could feel my eyes becoming tears. Iwas thinking if Jiyong Oppaw as still alive he would go insane all the way it's the best for him to be with Chaerin Unnie in heaven.
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #5
Chapter 6: *cries* I can't believe Jiyong Oppa is that crazy about Chaerin Unnie. I hope he'll get back from the reality. #JiyongOppaCrazyForChaerinUnnie
Chapter 7: T^T gosh! I'm such a cry baby! It's all your fault author!

I'm happy for him.., being with the love of his life :') well, there's really forever when it comes to love..,
Michelle0622 #7
Chapter 7: Really wonderful history!!! I'm crying!
At least they meet in heaven = ]
Chapter 7: TTT___TTT

Authornim!!!! I just cant stop crying after i read this...
It's very sad and tragic but im happy that maybe in other world they see each other. Im very happy for the both of them for being together though in a hurtful way...
Authornim DAEBAK!!!!

Sushimidumpling #9
Chapter 7: This was so sad but so good.
We're closet masochists it seems.
This is amazing!