Drinking Battle

Forced Love




You gripped Sunggyu’s hand tightly as you made your way inside Woohyun’s mansion. The place was decorated according to Woohyun’s style. You were starting to feel too self conscious. You didn’t know anyone here! Almost everyone is from Advanced Music Department. A part of you just wants to go home. But Sunggyu’s comforting and heart melting smile keeps you walking towards wherever Sunggyu is leading you.


“Hi.” You greeted as you entered the main living room. The boys, or more commonly known in your university as Infinite, are all there, except for Hoya who was with his family to visit his dad’s grave.

Myungsoo immediately ran towards you with open arms and hugged you.

“It’s nice to see you here,” He said, hugging you tightly.

“Ya! Ya! Kim Myungsoo, she’s my girlfriend!” Sunggyu playfully pulled Myungsoo away from you.

“She’s mine first before you came!” M yungsoo tugged you towards him, surprising you a little bit.

Sunggyu glared at him, but everyone knows that the two were just fooling around. You detached yourself from the two and approached the others.

“Where’s Woohyun?” You asked, noticing he suddenly disappeared.

“Ah, he just went to meet someone.” Sungyeol said. You raised an eyebrow. That’s new. Usually it’s the girls that come to him, not the other way around.

You turned around and suddenly Sunggyu was beside you.

“Should we get something to eat?” He asked, holding both your arms.

“Aw, but we haven’t greeted Woohyun yet. It wouldn’t be nice if we start eating without greeting him first.” You said, pouting a little.

Sunggyu chuckled. “Okay then. Let me just get you something to drink.” He offered as he made you sit between Dongwoo and Sungjong.

“So how was being our leader’s girlfriend so far?” Dongwoo asked, smiling sheepishly at you.

You laughed at him. It’s really weird to be talking to boys about this. But since they’re so nice to not make you feel left out, you might as well keep the conversation going. “Well, to be honest, it just feels the same. Except that we’re now official and he had been extra sweet and caring.”

Sungyeol pretended to gag. “Sunggyu hyung?? Sweet and Caring? Aigoo. He’s brutal to us!” Sungyeol protested while everyone laughed. Sunggyu came back with two glasses on each hand.

“Talking behind my back, huh?” Sunggyu said jokingly as he scooted beside you, handing you your drink.


He smiled at you lovingly before turning to his friends.

“Hoya just called. He’s on his way here already.”

“Ah really?” You looked at him, looking all excited.

“Yah. What’s with that look?” Sunggyu asked, feeling a little jealous. He had his arms around you but he pulled you closer to him.

Before you could even answer, Myungsoo called your attention. “Yeah?”

“I know someone who’s in the same department as you are!” Myungsoo said. You suddenly lit up. You might know that person. You immediately went to Myungsoo with Sunggyu following closely behind.

“This is Yoon Bomi.” Myungsoo introduced you to the cute girl he was with. You bowed to her and she did the same.

“I know you from class A. I’m a hoobae and it’s nice to meet you.” Bomi said, smiling. You were actually glad to know someone from your department.

“Hello. I’m Sunggyu.” You turned around and smiled. You almost forgot Sunggyu was behind you all the while.

“Hello. I’m Yoon Bomi,” she said again, extending her hand towards Sunggyu. “Can I call you oppa?” You were a little surprised at Bomi’s sudden boldness.

“Ah, yeah. Sure. Sure. No problem.” Sunggyu seemed to be a little surprised himself. It took you quite a long time to call him oppa since you we’re both embarrassed. For Sunggyu, it means a lot to him when you start calling him oppa, because it sounded like you two are already dating. But he told himself that Bomi is just someone who’s younger than him.

“Unnie! Let’s sit by the pool!” Bomi grabbed your arm and pulled you excitedly towards the poolside. You laughed a little. She reminds you a little of Suzy. Sunggyu seemed to be thinking the same.

“Are you and oppa been together for a long time?” She asked.

“We just got together, officially. Exactly a week ago.” Sunggyu answered sheepishly. “But we’ve been dating, unofficially,” he quoted, “for the last 3 months.”

“Is that even counted?” He bumped your shoulders affectionately as you giggled a little.

You saw Bomi smiling at the both of you.

“So, how did you meet Myungsoo?” Sunggyu asked. You suddenly thought of Suzy. She might get a little jealous when she found out about Bomi.

“Well, I just moved in Myungsoo’s neighbourhood. We met when I was walking my dog. He was jogging that time, and turns out we go to the same university.” Bomi explained. You nodded the more feeling jealous and threatened for Suzy.

“Oh Hoya!” You suddenly exclaimed, pulling your legs out of the water. Sunggyu looked up. He knows you’re very fond of Hoya and Suzy, but he knows that Hoya likes you as more than a friend, which of course, you have no knowledge of.

You pulled him in for a quick hug. It’s been a long time since you actually hang out with him.

“How was your visit to your dad? Suzy told me about it.” You said.

“It was okay. We just went out and eat afterwards. Ah, right. Did Suzy tell you about the puppies?” He asked, smiling at you.

“Ah yes! I’ll go down to your house sometime to take a look at them! Suzy showed me their pictures and their adorable!” You exclaimed. Hoya chuckled. You didn’t notice his eyes flickered on Sunggyu who was watching the both of you closely.

“I gotta go greet the others first, okay?” Hoya said a cue for him to go and give you back to Sunggyu.

You smiled at you took back your place. But Bomi had scooted beside Sunggyu, so that now, she was between you and him.

She didn’t even notice that you had come back and continued chatting with Sunggyu. You didn’t mind of course. At least Bomi wouldn’t feel all left out with all these Advanced Music Department students and have Sunggyu and you to talk to. Sunggyu, on the other hand, keep on giving you looks that you don’t understand.

“I’ll just get you guys some drinks. Bomi, do you want something?” You asked, pulling your legs out of the water again.

“Oh, unnie, you’re here.” Bomi said, looking surprised. You chuckled a little since it’s been quite a while since you were there.

“Soda will do. I don’t really drink.” She said with a smile.


“I’ll just go get them, you can stay with Bomi.” He said, standing too.

“It’s okay. I don’t want to interrupt you and Bomi, plus I want to check out what the others are doing too.” You said, smiling at him. He gave you a look that asks ‘Are you sure?’

You reached for his hands and squeezed them reassuringly. He sighed.

“A beer will do.” He said, as he sat back beside Bomi.

“Okay, I’ll be right back.”


You were caught up with a drinking battle with Dongwoo, making you forget to go back to Sunggyu and Bomi.

“Yah! Wait up!” You hold up your hands to halt. You swayed a little, but Dongwoo grabbed your arms so you won’t fall. You giggled at your silliness.

“Why is Woohyun not here yet? I haven’t greeted him properly yet.” You said. You convinced yourself that you’re not drunk yet, but you just can’t keep still on your both feet.

“Well, hyung did say he needs to pick his girlfriend up. But we don’t know why he’s taking too long too.” Sungjong said. Like Bomi, he too wasn’t drinking. When you see him, you immediately thought of her.

“Omo! I’m supposed to get Bomi her soda and a beer for Sunggyu.” You said. You held yourself for a minute, shook your head to clear any drowsiness, before heading towards the refreshments area. Hoya had to hold your arm to steady you.

“Noona, no need. Bomi already has her drink.” Sungjong pointed Bomi who was now laughing animatedly with Myungsoo.

You frowned a bit. Then where is Sunggyu if Bomi is here inside the house?

“Bomi-yah.” You waved to her. She waved back.

“I’m sorry I forgot about your soda.” You said.

“Ah, it’s okay unnie. I got some already. No worries.” She smiled, showing you her glass.

“But where’s Sunggyu?” You asked. If Bomi went inside already, he would have gone inside too, right?

“Ah. Oppa saw a friend he knew, so I left them for a while so they can talk.” Bomi simply said. You nodded and went to give Sunggyu his beer.

“Sunggyu-ya---“ You halted your steps. Their back was facing to you and a girl in 2 piece bikini was leaning on Sunggyu’s arms. He didn’t make any effort to move away from her.

You heard the girl giggling and Sunggyu laughing a little.

You turned around, pretending as if you didn’t see anything. You knew her. You knew her perfectly well.

Is that Naeun? Is she and Sunggyu back together?”

You turned to your left as you heard someone gossiping. They didn’t notice you of course.

“Nah. I heard Sunggyu has a new girlfriend already.”

“But why are they together right now? Didn’t he come with his girlfriend?”

You shook your head as you returned to where Dongwoo and the others are.

“Oh. Back so soon? I thought you’re gonna give Sunggyu hyung the beer?” Sungyeol said who was playing Wii with Hoya.

“I couldn’t find him.” You lied, as you popped the beer opened and drink them in one shot.

Dongwoo. Hoya and Sungyeol looked at each other.

“Well, let’s continue our battle, shall we?” Dongwoo exclaimed.


You are quite sure that you can’t go home in that state anymore. So you tried telling Dongwoo no more. Your body and head feels light.

“One more, one more!” Dongwoo clanked your bottle loudly and you automatically drink whatever it is given to you.

“Hyung, stop it. She’s drunk already.” Hoya said, making you sit comfortably on the couch. You had your eyes closed and is already murmuring incoherent words.

“Where is Sunggyu hyung anyway?” Hoya mumbled as he craned his neck to see. But among the crowd, he couldn’t spot him. Of course, because Sunggyu is still outside.

“WOOO! I’M BACK!” Woohyun’s voice boomed in the living area. Everyone stopped and turned to him, hooting and greeting him back.

“Well, sorry for suddenly missing. I needed to get my pretty princess here,” He wrapped his arms around a pretty girl who smiled affectionately back at him. “Of course, my birthday wouldn’t be complete without her.”

The guys hooted in approval as the girls eyed Woohyun’s girl with envy.

His friends who are inside the house all elbowed each other and smiled knowingly. So this is the girl who had made drastic changes on Woohyun.

“Everyone, my girlfriend, Lee Yoojin.” He turned to her and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. She giggled and pulled away.

“Hello everyone. I’m Lee Yoojin.” She said, bowing to everyone. She was smiling at everyone until she spotted someone on the couch. Woohyun also saw what she was seeing.

“Oh my god! What happened to her!” Yoojin immediately rushed to your side. Of course, you were too drunk to understand what has been happening around you.

“Ya! Ya!” Yoojin shook you awake, calling your name numerous times, but it’s all in vain.

This is supposed to be Sunggyu’s surprise for you. Yoojin is your childhood bestfriend, even way before Myungsoo. But she had to move to the US as her family migrated there. You didn’t know that Yoojin is going back to Korea for Woohyun’s birthday. AND you didn’t know that she’s Woohyun’s girlfriend. They met when Woohyun went to the US for a vacation. All of them wanted to surprise you. Yoojin was so excited when she found out from Woohyun that you got yourself a boyfriend already, although she never met Sunggyu before.

“Where’s Sunggyu?” Woohyun asked. Good thing the crowd dispersed already, or they would have gathered around you.

“I’ll go find him,” Sungjong immediately took off.

Yoojin looked at Hoya gratefully for attending to you, but seeing you like this made her upset. Why are you drunk? And why aren’t you with Sunggyu?

Almost immediately, a worried Sunggyu materialized in front of them. And Yoojin didn’t fail to notice a girl in swimsuit, with only a towel wrapped around her waist, tailing him close by.

“Oh my god!” Sunggyu immediately rushed to your side, Hoya making way for Sunggyu to be beside you.

“She said she will just go get drinks.” Sunggyu said guiltily. He knew that you had been gone for a long time but he didn’t go to find you. Naeun had held him up, and it was his mistake that he did kinda caught up with his and Naeun’s conversation, since it’s been too long.

“Don’t tell me you guys include her to one of your drinking games?!” Sunggyu asked angrily. But he was angrier at himself for letting this happen.

Yoojin gave him a look of disapproval.

“Hyung, you can just take her to one of the guests’ room upstairs.” Woohyun said.

Sunggyu hoisted up the unconscious you as Hoya looked at you.

“Wait up.” Yoojin said, holding her temples. She knows that it hasn’t been long since Sunggyu and you were in a relationship. Although you have been together for 3 months already, unofficially, but still, Yoojin knows you’ll be upset if you wake up in a bed, with just you and Sunggyu.

“I won’t do anything to her!” Sunggyu hissed lowly, his temper slowly rising up.

“I’m just making sure!” Yoojin replied, making sure no one else can hear them.


Sunggyu sighed as he lay you down on the bed. You rolled on your side, making your skirt hitched up your thighs. He sat down beside you and fixed them for you.

“I’m sorry,” Sunggyu said as he lay down beside you. He doesn’t even know why he still talks to Naeun. She cheated on him!

“It’s not even a full day and I wasn’t able to take care of you.” Sunggyu said as wrapped his arms around your waist and pull your back close to him.

He doesn’t even have the least intention to go back to the party anymore. He just wanted to be with you.

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Soohyun_babyy #1
Chapter 7: Update please~
Me again ! :)) Woahhh~~ the story's more interesting ! Oh im curious Yeah ! XD Hwaiting !! Love ur story a lot, cuz of u, i love Sunggyu more <3
btw saw ur notes...what's wrong ??! Anyway dun give up nae ?! Plzz...be Strong although i dunno exactly ~ AJa chingu !^^
Chocolato #3
Sunggyu sounds and behave like a perfect (or close) boyfriend.
hahas, Im afraid of the transition to s Sunggyu that will hurt the lead girl and I cannot imagine how. hahas
Chocolato #4
and your username reminds me of Lee Donghae so much :)))))
Chocolato #5
wow, I guess there are girls who are that innocent and scared of advancing to the next level.

from what I've been reading so far, Sunggyu is perfect. the perfect boyfriend a girl can ask for, IMO.
and I keep wondering how and when things will fall apart or close to that. hmm ...
woah~~ jinja curious what she'd say~~ palli update nae? Hwaiting!
Love this story ^^
btw new reader ! :) i love Sunggyu :D
Inspirit501b2uty #7
awww thanks for updating =) Great chapter ^__^
ziphron #8
I was about to breathe a sigh of relief until that last line. Omfg WHYYYYYY
Chocolato #9
'or so you thought' damn. this line is scary!
ziphron #10
Omg Sunggyu whyyyyyyyyy. What's going on?! I hope this is just a misunderstanding ;~~;