
Forced Love




You opened your eyes as the bright morning light seeped through your curtains. You can’t help feeling that same tingling happy feeling inside your chest. It’s your first week as a couple with your boyfriend. Yes, you finally got yourself a boyfriend after 21 years of existence! At first, you’ve always thought you were ugly and unattractive, since boys your age don’t really ask you to date them. But that was during highschool. College is the total opposite of high school. It’s care free, fun and the professors just let you do everything you want! It’s just up to you whether to pass it or fail it. And people won’t stop complementing you. There was even one point you don’t believe them.

And college is where you met Kim Sunggyu through a common friend, Myungsoo. Kim Myungsoo is one your good childhood friends. He and Sunggyu are Advanced Music students, while you study Interior Design. It was all casual meeting. Myungsoo invited you to his birthday party, with the rest of your childhood friends, along with his college friends, a group of boys called Infinite.

Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound from your bedside table. You eagerly reached for your mobile phone and unlocked it.

“Good morning my princess! Are you awake now?


You can’t help smile and squeal a little. Not only is your boyfriend oh-so-goodlooking, but also, he’s really sweet and caring.

“I just woke up. Good morning!”

“I’ll be there in an hour, okay? - Sunggyu”

“Okay. See you. <3”

You immediately kicked your covers and ran towards the bathroom to take a shower. For the past few months, Sunggyu would always pick you up at your home and together, you’ll make your way to the university. At first, you thought it’s only because your house is on his way to school and he was just being nice to offer you a ride. But when he confessed to you that he likes you, you realized he was doing that because he wanted to spend more time with you.

“Dear? Sunggyu is here.” You mom poked her head in to your room.

“Okay, I’m coming.” You brushed your dark brown hair for the last time and put on a cute little blue ribbon.


You were quite surprised to see him inside your house, waiting in the living room. Usually, he would just wait outside, but this time, you see him waiting by the living room.

Then you noticed your mom standing by the bottom of the stairway. She had been eyeing Sunggyu fondly and glanced at you, as if teasing, before letting you go.

You playfully rolled your eyes at your mom as Sunggyu opened door of his car for you.

“Both of you, take care going to school! Sunggyu, drive carefully!” Your mom called and waved happily.

“I will. Thanks!” Sunggyu called politely. You feel pride swelling on your chest. Sunggyu remains the same polite, humble and gentleman he is even before you agreed to be his girlfriend. You can’t help thinking what made you deserve someone like him.

“Mind sharing what’s on your thoughts?” He suddenly asked, breaking in through your chain of thoughts. He took your left hand with his right one and interlaced his fingers.

“Nothing. Just…” you paused. It might be too advanced to be thinking about ‘us’ already, when you’re just down on your early stage of your relationship. “… Just thinking about how good the weather it is today.”

You finished lamely. He chuckled good-naturedly before kissing your hands.

“I have a surprise for you later. Do you still remember Woohyun?” He asked, glancing at you from time to time. You are nearing the university and you can see students walking by the sidewalk towards it already.

“Nam Woohyun? Your very greasy friend?” You asked, slightly raising en eyebrow. He was Myungsoo’s first friend who came forward to you before and unabashedly introduced himself. You thought he was quite nice and really very good looking. You were actually having fun talking to him, until he started making moves on you and saying cheesy and greasy words that made you cringe until death. Good thing Sunggyu and Myungsoo saved you from him that time.

Sunggyu laughed. “Yeah. That’s him.”

“Well, what about him?” You asked. You saw Woohyun only a few times, when Sunggyu would have few boys’ nights out with his friends. Woohyun wasn’t so bad. But you’re a bit scared around him, since you have this impression of hi being a playboy.

“Well, it’s his birthday today. And we need to come later. Then you’ll get your surprise.” Sunggyu smiled, kissing your hand again. You can’t help feeling dazed. The way his soft lips touched your petite hands, it made you want to touch his lips again.

You shook your head a little to clear your thoughts like that.

“Omo, what’s wrong?” He laughed a little, seeing you shaking your head. He thought it was really cute.

“N-nothing.” You nervously laughed.

“We’re here. I’ll walk you to your room.”



You woke up from your little day dream. You friend, Bae Suzy had been shrilly shrieking at your face.

“Ya! Stop that!” You scolded her; it felt like you lost your right ear’s hearing.

“You’ve been staring at space and smiling like a babo for like half the time I’m talking here!” She complained. You have been thinking about what kind of surprise Sunggyu might get you.

“Ah.” You laughed. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” You ruffled her hair.

“Just because you got Kim Sunggyu,” You heard her mumbled.

“Aigoo, you’re so cute. You want me to call Myungsoo so you can get a boyfriend too?” You . You watched amusingly as her face turns bright red.

“Don’t! I hate you unnie!” She pouted and crossed her arms across her chest like a kid who got her candies stolen.

“I love you too.” You giggled.

“Anyway, so I was saying, my brother’s dog, remember? Dubu,” She showed you a photo of his brother, Lee Howon (or Hoya, as he was more commonly called) with a white dog. Suzy and Howon are half siblings through their mother. Hoya’s father died when he was very young; that’s when his mom married Suzy’s father and bore Suzy.

“Oh my god, that’s Dubu already? She had grown so well!” You said. You remember Dubu from way before. She was just a small puppy that Hoya had adopted.

“Yeah,” Suzy smiled. “She just gave birth last night. She had 4 cute little puppies!” She exclaimed excitedly. She showed you again a photo from her mobile phone of 4 little puppies with Dubu.

“They’re so adorable!” You exclaimed. You’ve always wanted a dog yourself, but you’re scared you won’t make a good owner, so just keep it to yourself.

“Anyway, oppa said to give one to you.” Suzy said, sliding her phone back to her pocket. As soon as you heard it, your eyes grew wide.

“Really?! Hoya would do that?” You exclaimed. This time it was Suzy’s turn to laugh.

“Yeah. How come you never told me you wanted a dog, unnie? And my brother knows?” She raised an eyebrow, her voice laced with sarcasm.

You laughed uncertainly. Well, you did mention to Hoya once or twice that it would be nice if you have a dog too. That was the time you were waiting for Suzy and Hoya accompanied you in the living room with Dubu. You were quite surprised that he still remembers it.

“Anyway, would you want to see them later after class?” She asked you. You did miss Suzy and Hoya’s company. Since you had been hanging out lately with Sunggyu a lot, the only times you see Suzy is during class. And Hoya, well, sometimes you see him when he drops by to yours and Suzy’s classroom every time she leaves her lunchbox.

“Well, I kinda have plans with Sunggyu later.” You said slowly. Suzy scoffed and crossed her arms, leaning back at her chair.

“Guess it can’t be helped.” She just said. You know she’s starting to feel like you’re ditching her, but you’re not. You’re just all too excited and new to this relationship with Sunggyu. And you want to experience it and be there for him too.

“I’m sorry. I promise I will make it up to you. Or if you want you can go with us. It’s Woohyun’s birthday.” You said. You know that Suzy are pretty acquainted with Myungsoo’s friends. After all, Myungsoo and Hoya are in the same group of friends too.

Suzy faced you and broke a gentle smile. “Nah. Think I’ll skip to that. It’s Hoya’s father’s birthday too. We will go visit his dad.”

“Oh.” You stopped. You actually didn’t know what to say. “Well, can you also tell Hoya’s dad that I greet him a Happy Birthday too?”

“Sure. Hoya’s gonna pick me up later.” She said lightly. You actually envy Suzy and Hoya’s brother-sister relationship. If only you have your own sibling.

“Oh. Sunggyu is here.” She suddenly says.

You turn around and saw your dazzling boyfriend. He gave you his signature eye smile and you felt your knees weaken despite being seated the whole time.

“Hello there.” He sat next to you and reached for your hand while he also greeted Suzy.

“I just met Myungsoo as I made my way here. He said hello to you.” He said directly to Suzy, teasing her.

“Yah!” Suzy protested, but her face beat red. You and Sunggyu snickered. You all know that she likes Myungsoo and vice versa, but Hoya doesn’t want her sister anywhere near his friends. It’s not that they’re bad. But he was just being overly protective brother and everyone can understand why.

“Are you ready to go?” Sunggyu asked you, his face inching closer to you. You felt your breath hiked. Although you’ve been with Sunggyu for almost 24/7 for the past months, you never really went over holding hands. And now that you both had levelled up your relationship, it’s only normal for skinship to start developing between the two of you.

“Ya! Get a room!” Suzy shrieked childishly, covering her eyes while laughing.

Sunggyu pulled away and laughed at the younger one’s action.

“Shall I get a room, and Myungsoo too for you?” Sunggyu teased as you stifled a little. Suzy glared at you, but you see that the corners of her lips were curving upwards.

“I’mma tell on you both to Hoya!” She playfully stomped and pretended to angrily punch Hoya’s number on her mobile phone.

And just on cue, Hoya’s figure was on the room’s doorway.

“Hey, hey! What’s up with you guys? I can hear this brat’s whining from all the way from our major’s hallway!” Hoya said, teasing his sister.

“Not you too!” Suzy mumbled, pouting like a child too. It makes you want to hug her and squish her from being too cute.

“Ah. By the way, I saw Myungsoo….” Hoya trailed, smirking at his sister as the three of you watched the horror in her face.

“You’re all such a bully!” She whined.

“We love you too!” You laughed as you kissed her chubby cheeks.



a/n : I knowwww.. I make up the boring chapter titles XD and.. erm. boring chappie. huhu i know. But I promise the others will be better ^^

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Soohyun_babyy #1
Chapter 7: Update please~
Me again ! :)) Woahhh~~ the story's more interesting ! Oh im curious Yeah ! XD Hwaiting !! Love ur story a lot, cuz of u, i love Sunggyu more <3
btw saw ur notes...what's wrong ??! Anyway dun give up nae ?! Strong although i dunno exactly ~ AJa chingu !^^
Chocolato #3
Sunggyu sounds and behave like a perfect (or close) boyfriend.
hahas, Im afraid of the transition to s Sunggyu that will hurt the lead girl and I cannot imagine how. hahas
Chocolato #4
and your username reminds me of Lee Donghae so much :)))))
Chocolato #5
wow, I guess there are girls who are that innocent and scared of advancing to the next level.

from what I've been reading so far, Sunggyu is perfect. the perfect boyfriend a girl can ask for, IMO.
and I keep wondering how and when things will fall apart or close to that. hmm ...
woah~~ jinja curious what she'd say~~ palli update nae? Hwaiting!
Love this story ^^
btw new reader ! :) i love Sunggyu :D
Inspirit501b2uty #7
awww thanks for updating =) Great chapter ^__^
ziphron #8
I was about to breathe a sigh of relief until that last line. Omfg WHYYYYYY
Chocolato #9
'or so you thought' damn. this line is scary!
ziphron #10
Omg Sunggyu whyyyyyyyyy. What's going on?! I hope this is just a misunderstanding ;~~;