Sleep Over

Forced Love





You woke up feeling something below your head heaving up and down. Before you could even open your eyes, you got hit with a terrible piercing headache. You groaned as you gripped tighter on what you thought was your pillow.

You forced yourself to move, only to find out that you’ve been sleeping all along on Sunggyu’s chest.

“Ya!” You called, your voice quivering. You looked at the window and it clearly tells you the time; that it’s already way past beyond what you had told your mom you’d stay out for the party.

You checked yourself, you’re still fully clothed. And so is Sunggyu. You sighed in relief. It’s not that you don’t trust him, but you’re still scared and wouldn't want to do anything like that in your relationship.

Sunggyu rolled on his side, facing you. But then, he slowly woke up, feeling his chest lighter.

“You woke up already?” He asked his voice all raspy and hoarse from sleeping. He was smiling at you as he slowly pulled himself up to sitting position.

“Let’s go back to sleep a little more and cuddle.” He said, pulling you in his arms and attempting to lie down and find his sleeping position again.

“S-sunggyu oppa,” You called nervously, but nevertheless let him pulled you down with him.

“I need to go home. M-mom—“

“I called your mom already last night. I told her we’ll be having sleep over.” Sunggyu just said and sighed contently as he finally captured you in his arms.

You felt your eyes grew wide. And did your mom even let you go?

“Well, she agreed just like that? Without talking to me?” You asked absurdly. You know that although your mom likes Sunggyu so much, still, he’s a guy. And it’s not that she doesn’t trust the both of you, but your mom is sort of a conservative person when it comes to things like that, and you both promised to respect each others’ wishes. She let you go on endless dates with Sunggyu, but no sleeping together yet.

You can feel his breathing starting to get steady. You nudged him gently.

“Yah.” You say when he didn’t respond. He had his eyes closed already.

“I got Yoojin to talk to her.” Sunggyu smiled smugly.

“Y-YOOJIN?!” You nearly yelled. Yoojin was here?! You thought. Obviously you cannot remember since you were too drunk last night.

“Oh my god, no one told me Yoojin was here?!” You cried. A panic was starting to creep up on you. It’s been ages since you saw her and you wanted to hit yourself for being a babo for getting drunk last night. What if she left already?!

Suddenly you remembered why you were on a drinking spree with Dongwoo. Your eyes grew dark and pushed your arms in front of you, making Sunggyu open his eyes and looked at you.

He sighed, “Okay. Not was, but is.” He pointed out. “Yoojin is still here. She’s supposed to be my surprise for you, but you got drunk. By the time she and Woohyun arrived, you were too drunk to recognize people.” He explained. He watches you as you slowly process what he had said. He peered guiltily at you, knowing he’s part of the reason why you were engaged on a drinking battle with his friends.

You suddenly detangled yourself from his arms, pouting a little, remembering how he suddenly forgot about you last night. If you’re not close enough with his friends, you will totally be an outcast last night.

“Yah~” Sunggyu pulled her wrist gently, making her stop, his eyes pleading.

“I’m sorry about last night.” He said, trying to meet your eyes but you didn’t want to. You can still remember what Naeun looks like. You only heard about her before, but you never knew she was that pretty. You never felt so insecure than before.

You just nodded and tried pulling your hand off Sunggyu’s grip.

“Where are you going?” His voice pleading as you successfully got your hand from his. You just wanted to see Yoojin. It’s been, what, 5 or 6 years since you last saw each other? But never once did you two fail to send emails and off line messages to each other about everything under the sun. You excitedly ran towards the hallway, but immediately stopped. You realized you didn’t know Woohyun’s house and its ways. You were stucked for a while before you decided to run wherever your feet brings you.

“Yoojin-ah?” You called, looking around, seeing how rich Woohyun is. Why didn’t you notice it last night? You can only remember the living room where you and Sunggyu’s friends were playing last night.

You heard some weird noises on the far hallway that god knows leads to where. When you suddenly neared, you called again, “Yoojin-ah? Where are you?”

The giggling halted, and right before you turn the corner, Yoojin’s face peeked at you.

“Hey! You’re awake already!” She jumped at you, pulling you in to a hug. But you were frozen on the spot.

Yoojin was wrapped in nothing but a blanket, her hair dishevelled but she was jumpy and hyper despite the early time of the day.

“Ya! Why are you almost ?!” You nearly screamed but she quickly covered your mouth and dragged you towards the hallway were you came from.


You nearly jumped out of your skin when suddenly Woohyun’s face startled the both of you. You shrieked horribly, when realizing Woohyun was only on his boxers. He went after Yoojin who was squealing and fall in a fit of giggles.

“OH MY GOD!” You screamed and covered your eyes and tried running away from the scene with covered sight as realization lf what they did last night dawned on you.


Suddenly you bumped on to someone and felt hard on the floor.

You groaned, but kept your eyes shut. You heard someone giggling softly and pulled you on your feet.

“Hey, are you okay?” You noticed it was Sunggyu’s voice. You quickly opened your eyes. He looked over your head to see what exactly we’re you running away from. You heard him chuckled but nevertheless hugged your head so you won’t have to see the almost couple.

“Ya! Both of you, not in the hallway!” Sunggyu yelled, his voice laughing. He felt you punch his chest lightly.

He laughed even more. He knows how conservative and innocent you are when it comes to these things. One thing he likes about you.

“You both are tainting my princess’ eyes!” Sunggyu yelled as he inched you away from the laughing Woohyun and Yoojin.

“She never changed, after all.” Yoojin smiled at you, while trapped in Woohyun’s arms. She did became a little liberated and open minded to such things when she moved away. Plus she loves Woohyun. He deserves her anyway.

Hoya and the others were at the foot of the stairs, wondering what was happening. Sunggyu had led you already downstairs to get some breakfast.

“Are you okay?” Hoya asked you; you nodded shyly. It’s not that, you haven’t seen a man before. Sure you saw man parts before, but only in books and class lectures. But in real life… The most you see in a man is their arms, when they’re wearing singlet.

You noticed Sunggyu was staring at you with an amused face. He knows how much it makes you feel awkward. But still, he cannot help finding it cute that you got scared seeing a man almost .

“Aigoo. My baby princess,” Sunggyu cooed as he patted your head.

The house helpers soon filled the dining table with breakfast for Woohyun and his friends. Sunggyu, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo, Dongwoo and Sungjong are always in Woohyun’s house already that they all treat like their master Woohyun already. So the 6 other boys are always welcome in the Nam Mansion.

After a while, both Woohyun and Yoojin, who are now properly dressed, came to join them. You didn’t dare meet Woohyun’s eyes. But in your peripherals, you can see him smirking at you.

Yoojin, on the other hand, excitedly made her way beside you and sit with you.

“I haven’t had any proper welcome greetings from you yet!” She pouted. You smiled meekly at her, feeling embarrassed at what happened earlier. But after a few minutes, you regain instantly.

“And I haven’t had any proper introduction and information about how you’re in a relationship with Woohyun and how I haven’t heard anything that you’re coming back here.” You retorted back sarcastically. You stuck your tongue out at your best friend, feeling a bit hurt while wondering whether all of the guys knew about it except her.

“Hey, I’m sorry. But we thought it would be a good surprise for you. But apparently, I was the one who was surprised.” Yoojin said, her sarcasm directed towards Sunggyu.

“How long will you be here?” You asked, holding her hand. You wanted to spend more time with her.

“A year. Or maybe two.” She answered.

“Oh my god really? Just stay here and don’t come back there.” You whined, pulling her arm childishly.

Yoojin laughed. “Arasso!” She patted your hair. “I’ll talk to my dad about it.”

You cheered before hugging her neck.


You never felt happier in the following weeks. You have your bestfriend beside you and you have the perfect boyfriend in the world. You were starting to hang out with Infinite more. You realized Woohyun wasn’t so bad after all. Except when he’s being his usual greasy self. Sometimes Suzy would hang out with you and would get endless teasing and pairing her up with Myungsoo. That is, if Hoya is not around. Hoya would throw fits if he found out one of his friends is hitting on his sister.

There are times Hoya wouldn’t hang out with the group. It made you a bit sad. You missed the times when you, he and Suzy would hang out together. Those were the times Sunggyu wasn’t your boyfriend yet.

“Knock knock.” Sunggyu said as he entered your house. You were left alone in the apartment and were playing with the puppy Hoya and Suzy gave you.

“Oh! Oppa~” You greeted him by the door.

“No welcome kiss?” Sunggyu asked, teasing you. You were nearing your 100th day and your skinship progress was so much slower than expected. Sure you two hug and hold hands. But you’re still not quite comfortable with kissing yet.  

You pouted a little, but peck his cheek lightly. He chuckled lightly; obvious wanting more than a peck on the cheek.

“Thank you.” He said nonetheless. It was better than nothing. He wrapped his arms around your waist as he pulled you in a hug.

“Aigoo, I missed my big baby. Thesis has been holding oppa up.” He said, kissing the top of your head. You felt quite light headed at his cologne. He smells so damn good.

“Hmmm.”  You replied, inhaling his scent.. Sunggyu grinned at you before you settled down on the couch with the puppy on your lap.

“Is this the puppy Hoya gave you?” He asked. You nodded as it gnawed on your finger.

“He’s cute, right?”

“Well, yeah. You could’ve told me you wanted one and buy one for you.” Sunggyu shrugged. He had always been discreetly jealous of Hoya. But you never really notice it.

“Nah. You’d buy something expensive which I don’t like.” You said. He was pulling you towards him so you were leaning on his chest. You let him pulled you and tried to relax.

Suddenly, you felt shiver down your spine. His lips were on your ears. You weren’t sure whether he’s kissing you or he got something to say.

“Y-yah!” You tried to pull him away, but he held you tight. After a few minutes, he sighed. You looked at him weirdly, but he merely shrugged it away and his usual boyish grin was on his face again.

“Ah. I almost forget. The day after tomorrow, Dongwoo wanted to take Sungjong out for a boys’ night out. You know, since he’s the only kid who doesn’t have that much interest in girls yet, so we’ll try to ignite him.” Sunggyu said.

You turned to look at him. Sungjongie? You’ve always thought he’s sweet.

“What do you mean ‘ignite’ him?”

Sunggyu laughed at her innocence. “We’ll try Sungjongie to hook up a girl.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll not do anything that you won’t like!” He promised, squishing your cheeks when you have him that look.

“You better not be.” You pouted, looking away.

“If you want, you can have sleep over with Yoojin and Suzy.” He suggested.

“Hey, that’s a good idea!” You looked up, smiling.

“Then, I’ll kidnap you during the night and take you with me.” He teased, his face looking dark and mischievous.

“YAH!” You slapped his arm. He laughed and hugged your back.

“Oh yeah. Bomi has been asking me if she can also hang out. Do you want to include her in your sleep over?” Sunggyu asked, his hands intertwining with yours as you two keep your eyes glued on the TV in front of you.

“Oh,” You said. You we’re too distracted. You didn’t know Bomi was texting Sunggyu. But you shrugged the thought. Her company wouldn’t be so bad.

“Ah, sure. Maybe Suzy knows her, since I think they’re on the same age.” You said.

Sunggyu noticed you were fidgeting as if you’re itching to ask him something.

“Just ask whatever it is on your mind,” He said, pulling you closer to him.

“Erm. Did Bomi even mention to you that she likes Myungsoo?” You asked. If both Bomi and Suzy like Myungsoo, you’re just not quite sure whether they’ll be friends.

“Nah. I don’t think she likes Bomi.” Sunggyu just said. You looked at him.

“Oh. Okay.” You replied and said nothing more.


Bomi’s company wasn’t so bad. She gets along quite well with Yoojin and Suzy, much to your relief. You all come up with ‘No boys or boyfriends allowed’ rule. The boys had also agreed upon ‘No girlfriends’ rule to in their boys’ night out. Well, of course with them promising their girlfriends no funny businesses.

The girls decided to just fangirl over cute idol groups and actors in exchange of their boyfriends. All throughout the night was rather enjoyable. You had missed Yoojin and Suzy’s company so you thought it was really nice for you to have this sleep over bonding. And you also thought Bomi wasn’t so bad either. She’s just as cute as Suzy and you’re quite sure she will be a great friend to everyone. You were seated on the fluffy mattress by the floor as Yoojin was trying on the new make-up she bought on Suzy. You touched your mobile phone and Sunggyu’s cute eye smile flashed on your wallpaper. You missed him a little, but you smiled knowing he might be feeling the same way too. The whole day you agreed not to text nor call each other until tomorrow when you guys will meet. You wonder what the boys have been doing at this time.

“I’ll just go get some water.” You said as you pulled yourself up on your feet and walk towards the door. You didn’t notice Bomi had left, and thought she was just on the bathroom.

So you were quite surprised when you saw the kitchen dimly lit. You can hear Bomi’s voice, softly talking and giggling.

“Neh, oppa~” She giggled. “Unnies are upstairs. I’m here at the kitchen by myself so I can answer your call.” She said. “We’re you actually missing me?”

You stopped your tracks. It was so silent and still that you can almost hear the voice Bomi was talking to. But still, it’s not that audible to your ears. Although you all playfully come up with the ‘No boyfriends’ rule for the sleep over, you smiled to yourself hearing Bomi’s voice so gently and lovely talking to someone.

Bomi laughed gently. “We? Well, we just watched movies, talk about cute boys, make up and stuff…… So what are you guys doing there right now?”

It might be someone she likes, so I’ll just leave.’ You thought to yourself as you turn your back.

But then, Bomi spoke someone’s name that made you stop.

“But Sunggyu oppa~ Aren’t you coming here tonight?” She whined a little. No wonder the other line’s voice sounded so familiar. The more you listen, the more you can hear Sunggyu’s voice. You heard him laughed.

“What? You’re coming here tomorrow for unnie?” You heard your name called. Suddenly you felt like thorns were being shoved down your throat. What is just happening?

“Ah. But how about me? Can’t you come tonight?” She whined again.

You felt like throwing up. Is Sunggyu cheating on you with Bomi? You felt your head as if it’s being cracked open. Here you are, wondering and missing him and fighting the urge to call him so they can have their own boys’ night out. But… he actually called Bomi?

What the is happening?


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Soohyun_babyy #1
Chapter 7: Update please~
Me again ! :)) Woahhh~~ the story's more interesting ! Oh im curious Yeah ! XD Hwaiting !! Love ur story a lot, cuz of u, i love Sunggyu more <3
btw saw ur notes...what's wrong ??! Anyway dun give up nae ?! Strong although i dunno exactly ~ AJa chingu !^^
Chocolato #3
Sunggyu sounds and behave like a perfect (or close) boyfriend.
hahas, Im afraid of the transition to s Sunggyu that will hurt the lead girl and I cannot imagine how. hahas
Chocolato #4
and your username reminds me of Lee Donghae so much :)))))
Chocolato #5
wow, I guess there are girls who are that innocent and scared of advancing to the next level.

from what I've been reading so far, Sunggyu is perfect. the perfect boyfriend a girl can ask for, IMO.
and I keep wondering how and when things will fall apart or close to that. hmm ...
woah~~ jinja curious what she'd say~~ palli update nae? Hwaiting!
Love this story ^^
btw new reader ! :) i love Sunggyu :D
Inspirit501b2uty #7
awww thanks for updating =) Great chapter ^__^
ziphron #8
I was about to breathe a sigh of relief until that last line. Omfg WHYYYYYY
Chocolato #9
'or so you thought' damn. this line is scary!
ziphron #10
Omg Sunggyu whyyyyyyyyy. What's going on?! I hope this is just a misunderstanding ;~~;