
Forced Love




The next morning was hell for the boys. The excruciating hang over had them down so bad that they all managed to get themselves up only about two in the afternoon.

Sunggyu clutches his head as he heads towards the shower. He checks on his phone, no text message from you. He only wished you and the girls also stayed up all night and you were still asleep like the rest of them.

He groans as he started showering. Why did he allow himself to get drunk like that?

Soon the boys start pouring out, at least almost sane and clear headed enough to understand what each other are saying.  “Hyung, do you want to come together? I’ll pick up my sister as Yoojiin’s place.” Hoya asks Sunggyu. He only nods. Maybe he needs to take a headache pill, Sunggyu thought.

When the others find out that they Sunggyu, Hoya and Woohyun will all head out to Yoojin’s place, they all went to tag along.


“Oh, you’re all here.” Yoojin’s bright face welcomes all their dark ones. They all groan and slump on her couch. She only chuckles as Woohyun snakes his arms around your waist.

“Had fun last night?” Yoojin asks them.

“You bet.” Woohyun smirks, as the others laugh lowly in response. It was really a fun night for the boys. All pure boy’s fun and dares.

“Is Suzy up already?” Hoya asks. Their mom just called and she wanted the both of them to get home before dinner time, because she will be cooking something special. You can say Hoya’s family has a really close knit relationship.

“Ah yes, she was just playing with Bomi in the room. You want me to call her?” Yoojin offers. Hoya nods, smiling politely.

Sunggyu peers around the house, trying to look if you were also there. He did send you a text before they head to Yoojin’s place. But he got no response from you, so he assumes you were still asleep.

Soon, two girls are all running down from the grand staircase.

“Oppa!” Suzy calls as she ran towards Hoya’s arms like a little girl. She missed her brother and his endless teasing and ways that makes her like a spoiled rotten sister.

“Gyu oppa!” Bomi calls on Sunggyu shy, contradictory at how she threw herself on his arms. Sunggyu seem to be taken back a bit, but being a natural gentleman, he did hold her for a while, before pushing her off him gently. He didn’t notice the other boys were smirking at the two of them.

“So, how was last night, did you have fun?” She asks.

“Erm. It was okay. We just sort of got drunk, that’s all.” Sunggyu shrugs. He’s starting to get worried a bit. Why aren’t you coming down yet to see him?

“Is she still asleep yet?” Sunggyu asks in no one in particular as Yoojin comes back behind the two girls. She blinks a few more times, looking a bit confused.

“She… She went home early this.” She answered slowly. “Didn’t she call you or text? She said… Her mom called and she wanted company to grocery shopping,”

Sunggyu nods disappointedly. You could’ve called him or send a text message. He heaves a sigh. The boys glance at their leader and felt a bit bad.

“You guys aren’t gonna go away yet? So I can have Yoojin all to myself,” Woohyun whines as he was back on cuddling Yoojin, who was embarrassed, a little, so she was discreetly trying to pry off Woohyun’s hands off her.

“Ya! Don’t be rude,” She scolds his boyfriend who only did whining sound. “You guys wanted something to eat?” She offers kindly.

“Nah. I think we’ll just go ahead. We don’t want Woohyun hyung to gnaw our heads off for taking his time away with you.” Myungsoo winks knowingly at her.

Yoojin hears Woohyun snickered.

“Ya! But let’s hang out next time; I want to hear what you guys did!” Yoojin says. They all laugh directly at Sungjong who only scoff; apparently he’s having too much head ache to retort some kind of come back to his hyungs.

“So, we’ll get going now.” Hoya tells the others as he got Suzy’s hand. Suzy bid everyone goodbye and also Yoojin and Bomi.

“Ah, oppa, will you drive me home too?” Bomi asks, smiling cutely at Sunggyu. This didn’t escape from Yoojin’s eyes. She’d always thought Bomi likes Myungsoo, but this is new.

“Um..” Sunggyu plans on going to your house to check on you. But can he really reject a woman’s request of being sent home safely? The dongsaengs notice the dilemma in their hyung’s eyes. Besides, they all feel bad for him. Since last night, he had been whining too much about how much he wanted to see you. But they’ve held him back. And now, you left early without seeing him. They can’t explain why, but they feel like they were held responsible for you leaving early, despite Yoojin saying your mom called you to get home early.

“I’ll drive you home instead. I already know where you live and Sunggyu lives the opposite way from yours.” Myungsoo stood up and snatched Bomi’s bag before she could even protest.

Bomi pouted a little but bid everyone goodbye, not forgetting to thank Yoojin for the nice company last night.

Yoojin feels bad looking at Sunggyu. But is something wrong? Why didn’t you at least call or send him a text message to let him know you left already.

“You want me to call her?” Yoojin offers kindly. Sunggyu smiles sadly but shook his head.

“I’ll just call her myself and I’ll drop by her house later.” He replies before bidding everyone goodbye. He can’t explain why, but there’s something wrong about everything.


You want to clear your thought so you decided to walk Koko, the puppy Hoya gave you. You had your mobile phone turned off, so you left it at home. Luckily, your mom never really pries too much on your business, so when you said you’ll leave your phone; she already knew you didn’t want to be disturbed.

“Koko-ah. I’m confused. But I don’t know where to start thinking.” You say, as you bring Koko on your lap. You pet his head, as he only rests his head on your lap.

You look around. It is such a good day today but you feel troubled and sad. You know that you should just tell Sunggyu the problem right away, but you feel like you should settle your own feelings first. What if it’s all just a big misunderstanding just because you were eavesdropping that night?

What if it’s Bomi who called him and not the other way around? You don’t want to sound like a jealous possessive freak girlfriend to him.

Unnies are upstairs. I’m here at the kitchen by myself so I can answer your call.”

But you heard Bomi clear. It was Sunggyu who called her. You cannot think of anything so you shook your head and decided to continue walking.


It’s already past dinner time. Yoojin is freaking out because she couldn’t contact you. She had wanted to call you since she saw how hurt and puzzled Sunggyu looked when he was informed that you left already without him knowing. Knowing you, you don’t normally ditch people; what more your boyfriend Sunggyu.

“Baby, can I ask for Sunggyu’s mobile number?” Yoojin asks. Woohyun raises an eyebrow.

“Why?” He snakes his arms around her waist again. He’s a very possessive man.

“I wanted to know whether he had contact her already,” Yoojin fidgeted with her phone; for the nth time, your phone still remained unreachable.

“Why, did something happen?” Woohyun sit up straight and reached for his phone.

“That’s what I wanted to know. She would only turn off her phone when she wanted to be alone, or when she feels troubled. But she didn’t tell anything to me.” Yoojin rants. Woohyun think thoughtfully for a while.

“Maybe she’s two timing hyung!” Woohyun jokingly suggests, but immediately stop cackling when Yoojin slaps his arm.

“She woulnd’t do that. Sunggyu is her first boyfriend. She’s like, the most loyal person I know.” Yoojin defends you.

Woohyun thought again for a while. He suddenly remembers the no girlfriend, no boyfriend policy they made up last night.

“Well, you did say all of you were in such a good mood last night. She didn’t look bothered at all?” He asks, turning seriously now.

“Well, she would glance at her phone from time to time, but we know she just misses Sunggyu and that they will see each other again in the morning,”

“Hyung is the same too!” Woohyun points out and snorting at how cheesy the couple are.


Later they found out that Sunggyu had been trying to reach you too, and the he is already in your house, waiting for you from walking Koko.

“Sunggyu dear, just have dinner here, okay? I think she might be on her way back home now.” Your mom calls your boyfriend who insisted on waiting for you on the porch. He responds to your mom politely and smiled.

There are about a hundred of things running inside of his head about what he might have done wrong to you. He had been twisting his hands over and over now, trying to calm himself down.


He didn’t even notice you were already standing in front of him.

“What are you doing here?” You ask him. He notices the indifference in your tone towards him.

“H-hey. I have been waiting for you.” He smiles awkwardly before pulling you slowly for a hug. You let him hug you, but didn’t say anything. You felt bad. He looks really worried.

“Let’s go inside, it’s cold here.” You tell him, grabbing his cold hand, leading him inside your house.

He watches you for a while as you silently tend to Koko and put him back to his bed. You only glance at him from time to time and smile briefly that doesn’t really reach up to your eyes.

Sunggyu calls your name softly. “Can we talk?” He asks, but it sounds more like a plead.

You only nodded. You don’t really know what to tell him, decides to hear him out anyway. You call your mom and told her you’ll be stepping out of the house with Sunggyu for a while.

Once settle on a bench in your front yard, Sunggyu grabs your hand gently. He calls your name softly again.

“Is.. Is there something wrong?” He asks, cradling your hands on his. You only sigh. You don’t really want to confront the matter. You’re scared to confirm whether he’s really cheating on you. But you’re already afraid he might see you as a possessive girlfriend. You wanted to hit yourself. You really don’t know anything about being in a relationship.

You turn to look at him and faked a smile. “Nothing. I was just thinking something.” You reply, it’s partly true. You’re thinking of something.

“Remember how we promised each other no secrets?” Sunggyu reminds you, scooting closer to you so he can hold you better.

You look up at him again, searching his eyes. You want to see if there’s a hint of guilt and disappointment from it, but all you can see are confusion and hurt.

Maybe you’re in the wrong here. Maybe…. Maybe you just heard wrong that night.

“Do you want to hear what we did last night?” Sunggyu smiles at you sadly as he pulls you to him, so you were leaning on his chest.

Sunggyu starts telling you every single thing since he dropped you off at Yoojin’s place. He tells about, unabashedly and honestly, how they all had women in their private drinking room in the bar. You laugh a bit when he starts talking about how Dongwoo had seduced a girl for Sungjong, so by early night of their fun, Sungjong had already 3 girls pouring over him.

You frown a little when he tells about how they all got drunk and started dancing wildly and ily with random girls in the bar. He tells you honestly at how he had flirted a bit but assures you he didn’t touch nor kiss anyone; he didn’t do drugs nor , not even puff a cigarette. He only flirted a bit and that’s all.

But then, he started talking about the little dare they did that night.

“It was all Woohyun’s idea,” Sunggyu explain, not one time he had let go of your hand.

“Since we were all drunk and others are too high- I won’t tell you who did drugs last night anymore- we all decided to have a little more fun and gave in to Woohyun’s ideas.

Sungjong was dared to get down on the dance floor and grind with 5 y girls of his own choice. He ended up having,” Sunggyu cough a little, looking away. You notice this has been a little habit of his when he’s embarrassed, but nonetheless he continued.

“He ended up having, sort of a, dry there on the open with those girls. Grinding and groping each other. Myungsoo was dared to flirt with the hottest girl we all agreed upon. But she must have a boyfriend. Myungsoo must get to hook her up, or at least get her interested in him, despite having the boyfriend around. He’d get a higher point if he gets to make out with her.”

You start frowning at him worriedly. He says he didn’t touch nor kiss anyone, but if the dares they did were these kinds, you started to get worried at what he was dared to do.

“Dongwoo, don’t tell him I told you, he was too high on drugs last night. I was not sure what kind of drugs he took, but it was damn pretty strong. Woohyun didn’t even tell him what to do. He dared himself to get laid, with a stranger. I didn’t really know how and when he got himself a girl, but after Myungsoo and Hoya completed theirs, he got back already and ditched the girl. Myungsoo, by the way, he got the girl. She was even throwing herself at him, but after that single make out, he left her already. He didn’t really want to anger the boyfriend anymore,” Sunggyu explain, seeing the curiosity in your face when he forgot to tell you Myungsoo’s results.

“Hoya. Woohyun dared him to act all innocent and naïve, asking for a juice or something non-alcoholic. You know how people in the bar would react if they see you not drinking in there. So he was dared to drink something non-alcoholic but still seduce the women on his choice.” Sunggyu explains. He didn’t know whether feeding you the details is necessary, but he sees you listening eagerly, so he sighed.

“You’re not judging us, right?” He asks, looking through your eyes. You grow a bit impatient at his sudden change of topic.

“Of course I’m not!” You says. “What happened to Hoya, then?” You press. Instead of being disturbed, it fascinates you to know the different sides your friends have.

“Well, Hoya, being a little drunk already, he went to order some juice, or I think he even went up to the extent of ordering some warm milk on the bar,” You laugh at that. Hoya asking for warm milk on a bar?!

“The women around the bar gave him a funny look, but Hoya started ripping his shirt, revealing his upper body. The women instantly forget themselves and started throwing themselves at him; even feeling him up. I think some of them even tried sneaking inside our private room.

Sungyeol had the easiest dare. He insisted that Woohyun should go easy on him since he’s not in that kind of thing. So Woohyun had dared him to pole dance at the center stage with a lady. But the woman started stripping his clothes. Sungyeol, being , started stripping too.” You raise an eyebrow. By he meant stripping, up to what extent?

“I will not let you know how much Sungyeol took off. Anyway, I get to choose what kind of dare to give Woohyun.” Sunggyu smirk at the memory.

“But the rest of the members agreed, so we dared Woohyun to pretend to be a homoual guy and start hitting on random guys. Being high like Dongwoo too, I think Woohyun got himself a handful of biual guys throwing their numbers at him, and Sungjong swore he saw them groping Woohyun.”

You made a face at that. Sunggyu only laugh and hugs you closer. Too much information! You shiver. But then, you realize, only Sunggyu’s turn left. You almost forgot about Bomi too. He hasn’t mentioned her yet.

“Anyway, mine was pretty easy too, since nothing physical. Since the boys really like you so much,” You feel him caressing your cheeks softly. “They only dared me to flirt with someone and….” He swallowed, hesitating a bit.

“I was dared to flirt with Bomi. And have …. Phone with her. BUT!” Sunggyu immediately raises his hands upward, when he sees your reaction.

“I didn’t do anything. They dared me to flirt with her and act like I like her and get her to agree to have phone with me, put her own speaker phone. But believe me, I didn’t do anything. I merely… just talk.” Sunggyu hung his head shamelessly. By what he meant by he didn't do anything, he didn't touch himself nor got .

You felt anger rising up to you. You know it’s harmless. You know that they didn’t really do anything physical. But… you somehow felt cheated?

“We were drunk, and I swear I really didn’t do anything.” Sunggyu keep on repeating himself, holding your hands tightly, even after you stop fighting his grip.

You debate with yourself whether he really cheated on you or not. He confessed everything to you. But Bomi didn’t really say anything when she came back last night. But you noticed her face slightly looking flushed that time.

“I… I wasn’t even turn on by her.” Sunggyu mumbled, feeling pathetic. You turn to look at him and wasn’t sure whether to laugh at his blunt honestly or find it cute. You haven’t got past through talking ual with Sunggyu, so this is something both a bit uncomfortable for the two of you.

“I promise I won’t do that EVER again!” Sunggyu pleads with you. “It was all just dares”

You finally sigh. You weigh on the situation. Sunggyu having phone with someone else, but told you everything you need to know, even those you weren’t sure you needed to. From the start, it was always him who wanted to have a clear transparent relationship. And this is the first time you two had this crisis.

“I..I guess I’ll forgive you this time.” You say in a small voice. Sunggyu’s face lit up with hope. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not upset anymore.”

Sunggyu hugs you tightly.

“I swear nothing like that will happen. No more hardcore drinking for us guys. And no more dares, damn it!” He growl, frustrated at him self.

“I heard Bomi talking to you last night.” You suddenly blurt out, making him face you in shock.

“Y-you did?!” He ask, his small eyes growing wide as big as the saucers.

“Yeah. But I haven’t got to the… erm… that phone part.” You feel your cheeks burning at your mention. You don’t always speak of like it’s the most casual thing in the world.

“I was hurt that you called her all the while I have been waiting for call or even a single text from you.” You tell him. Sunggyu nods sadly, understanding your heart now.

“I’m sorry. I have been wanting to see you that night, but I was already too drunk to drive to Yoojin’s and I didn’t want you to worry about me when I arrive all drunk there.” He says.

After a few while, the both of you fall in a soothing silence, with Sunggyu’s arms wrapped around you; and you playing with his fingers.

You feel him kissed the top of your head.

“Do you still love me?” Sunggyu suddenly ask. You pull away from his arms and turn to look at him.

“Babo. Of course I do.” You tell him, smiling before lying back at his arms.

“Are we good again? I swear I will never have phone ---“

You suddenly shush him. You didn’t want to hear any of it anymore. Not with Bomi’s name being mention again. He seems to understand and smile.

“I’ll only do it if it’s with you.” He whisper seductively at your ears, making you shiver slightly.

“Yah!” You slap his arm, but he only chuckles at your reaction.

“By the way, promise me you won’t leave me with Bomi around anymore,” He says, this time you felt him slightly shivered.

“When I went to Yoojin’s house to pick you up, but you weren’t there, I can’t even bear thinking again how much she’s throwing herself at me now. I’ve already blocked her number in my phone. The text messages she keeps on sending me are really….” He trails, not wanting to say a crude word in front of you. You pull a ‘Yikes!’ face, but laughs at him still. It’s his own fault anyway. He had set that poor girl’s hormones on fire.

Sunggyu tickles you when you only laugh at him in response.

“Ya! It’s your fault, you deal with it!” You jump off him but he tackles you back.

“I’ll stick with you like glue so she can’t come near me!” Sunggyu declares as he carries you on his back, while running around, playing with you.

“YA! KIM SUNGGYU PUT ME DOWN!” You cry and laugh at the same time.

“YA! WHAT KIM SUNGGYU! WHAT HAPPENED TO OPPA!” He growls as he keep on running around with you on his back.

“Kids? Come inside now! Dinner’s ready!” You hear your mom calling, as tiredness is now coming up on Sunggyu.

“I really missed you.” Sunggyu cupped your face gently before pulling you for a firm but gentle kiss. 

You just glad that you have the perfect boyfriend in the whole world. Or so you thought.

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Soohyun_babyy #1
Chapter 7: Update please~
Me again ! :)) Woahhh~~ the story's more interesting ! Oh im curious Yeah ! XD Hwaiting !! Love ur story a lot, cuz of u, i love Sunggyu more <3
btw saw ur notes...what's wrong ??! Anyway dun give up nae ?! Plzz...be Strong although i dunno exactly ~ AJa chingu !^^
Chocolato #3
Sunggyu sounds and behave like a perfect (or close) boyfriend.
hahas, Im afraid of the transition to s Sunggyu that will hurt the lead girl and I cannot imagine how. hahas
Chocolato #4
and your username reminds me of Lee Donghae so much :)))))
Chocolato #5
wow, I guess there are girls who are that innocent and scared of advancing to the next level.

from what I've been reading so far, Sunggyu is perfect. the perfect boyfriend a girl can ask for, IMO.
and I keep wondering how and when things will fall apart or close to that. hmm ...
woah~~ jinja curious what she'd say~~ palli update nae? Hwaiting!
Love this story ^^
btw new reader ! :) i love Sunggyu :D
Inspirit501b2uty #7
awww thanks for updating =) Great chapter ^__^
ziphron #8
I was about to breathe a sigh of relief until that last line. Omfg WHYYYYYY
Chocolato #9
'or so you thought' damn. this line is scary!
ziphron #10
Omg Sunggyu whyyyyyyyyy. What's going on?! I hope this is just a misunderstanding ;~~;