Spin the Bottle: Truth Only

Forced Love

a/n: Warning: long chapter ahead! XD not really beta-ed. Because after I was done writing, I was way too exhausted! LOL and yeah... is it too boring? :( Any feedbacks please? :(





Days have passed quickly with work overwhelming everyone. The Music major students will be having their biggest annual concert for the charity that their university are currently sponsoring, while you and Suzy, the Interior design majors, will be having live exhibits to be held on the university’s Grande Main Hall.

Your birthday is just around the corner, but your mind is nowhere near it. Sunggyu and the others consider themselves luckier than other students because the only ‘take home’ work that they need to do is to practice their skills. They would mainly do all the work at school, in front of the teachers. But them, being the seniors and top of the crop students; their work requires more of teaching the lower levels. So they practicing at home wouldn’t be much of their concerns, but from time to time, they also do overtime work over the students who need more help.

Unfortunately, for you and the rest of your classmates require twenty four – seven working time on all the drawing plates and group meetings, leaving you no time for to sleep, let alone for yourself. Sunggyu, being the best boyfriend he is, always understands and would sometimes help you with your work.

Weekends would be spend with him hanging out with you, at least him, sitting beside you, playing with Koko, and just helping you with whatever he can. On normal days, he would pick you up from your building, bring you home and force feed you, knowing you’ll refuse to eat just to get more time to do your school works. On days he would need to do overtime in school than usual, he would drop of cakes and sweet pastries at your house on his way home. Your mom would always insist that he should stay for a while, making him drink one of her best collections of teas. But what you didn’t know, your mom would always team up with Sunggyu to make you sleep or rest for the night, because you always refuse to.

“Hey,” Sunggyu enters your room that day. You glance at your wall clock and it says it’s already a little past 12 midnight.

“Oh. Hi.” You respond, as you scoot a little so he can pull a chair and sit close to you. You thought he left already, since he’d always just drop by, you spend time together at most an hour and he’ll bid goodbye. Guess maybe he and your mom watched something on the TV together downstairs or something. You’ve always seen her and Sunggyu discussing over the weekend TV drama or something shown on the TV. It was quite amusing, actually.

“Drink this first.” Sunggyu says, placing a glass of warm milk beside you, while you concentrate in front of your computer for your drawing plates.

You glance at it. “It’s milk.” You said, as a matter-of-fact way. You hear him chuckle. He thought you look so cute saying it with straight face.

“It’ll make me feel sleepy.” You whine, taking a hesitant sip to it. He has his eyes on you, watching every move.

“Come here.” Sunggyu suddenly scoops you up off your cushioned seat and lays the both of you on your bed. You shriek a little for the reasons that: 1) you were obviously caught off guard at his sudden bold act, 2) You were in the middle of your drawing plates, 3) You almost spilled the milk on your laptop, good thing he grabbed it off your hand, but roughly, mind you, making it spill a little on your pyjamas and 4) If your mom suddenly checks the both of you, she’ll probably think you’re doing something inappropriate.

“Sunggyu!” You warned, writhing under his arms a little. He only chuckled but keep his arms tightly around yours while you could feel him settling comfortably on the bed.

“Let’s rest for a little while, hm?” He says well naturedly; you can tell that he’s enjoying this.

“But I need to pull another all nighter!” You argue, but got a bit surprised at how Sunggyu’s arms were too strong for you to fight. Usually when the two of you would playfully punch each other’s arms, he’d always scowl and say his arms are too weak for your beatings.

“Yah, when was the last time you even sleep?” He counters. You mentally counted; the last sleep you got was this morning at around 10am-11am? And that was in the library. You accidentally fell asleep while Suzy was browsing for more reference books. But you wouldn’t let him know that. Lately, your sleeping pattern was messed up as hell, but you know that after all of these were done, you can get lots of rest as you want.

“Stop wriggling,” He warns, locking his legs with yours to keep you from more movement. “Just sleep for a couple of hours, I promise. I’ll wake you up.” He adds gently. You lessen your fight with him, knowing that he just means well.

“You’re staying for the night?” You suddenly ask, turning around to face him. You only met his eye smile. Suddenly, tiredness is slowly dawning over you as you settle down comfortably on Sunggyu’s arms.

“You told mom about it already?” You ask him again, not bothering to fight the big yawn that was coming to you. You scooted over so you’re facing him and you get to hug him like a big teddy bear.

“Wait up, finish the rest of your milk first,” He says, getting up to get the glass, “And yes, your mom’s okay with it.”

You nod; finish the milk up and waits for Sunggyu to get back to his place before the two of you snuggle with each other.

“Sleep now, okay? I’ll wake you up when it’s time.”

“Wake me up after a couple hours, okay?” You slur, finally sleep overcoming you. Sunggyu checks the wall clock, it’s almost 1 o’clock. He smiles at your sleeping figure before he finally settles comfortably and waits for you to be in deep slumber.


Without you or Sunggyu knowing, your mom peek at your slightly ajar door to find you and Sunggyu snuggled up on the bed. She made herself perfectly clear that no funny business inside the house. She wasn’t angry, but Sunggyu had asked her if he can sleep on your room with the conditions of him, sleeping on the floor and with the door slightly open, just to make sure. He perfectly understands and respects your mom’s rules, so never in his mind crossed to do something funny or something that would anger you or your mom. He loves you too much.

But just as your mom was about to enter your room and wake Sunggyu up, she was slightly taken back when he stir from his side and made cautious and slow movements to move your body to one side so he can get off the bed. He glances back at you affectionately for a few seconds and tucked you under your bed covers before he went to your desk and clear some of the clutter on it. He also took your emptied glass of milk and headed out.

“Oh. Good morning, eommonim.” Sunggyu bows a little, his voice a little hoarse. He too had fallen asleep for a few minutes. Your mom smiles affectionately at him, feeling a little ashamed at thinking how Sunggyu would take advantage of you while sleeping. Clearly, he’s a decent boy and he gains your mom’s trust even better.

“I have your bed mattress over here.” Your mom told him as she pointed at the neatly folded soft mattress, blankets and pillows just outside your room.

“Ah. Thank you,” He slightly bows and smiled. “I’ll just take this to the kitchen.”

“No, no. Let me take it and you go set it up already so you can go back to sleep.” Your mom took the glass and ruffles his already bed head styled hair. “Thank you for making her sleep.”

Sunggyu chuckled. Just like him, your mom is actually very worried for you not having enough and proper sleeping pattern. “I would force her to sleep sooner or later too, so it’s really no problem.” He smiles sheepishly while rubbing his nape.

Your mom smiled gratefully at him before she finally sends him off to sleep. When she checks on your room again, this time to see you sleeping soundly on your bed, with Sunggyu on the floor, she silently closed the door with an ease and contented heart.




You were running a few errands on the way to meet Suzy to do a few more for the project when suddenly you saw a familiar figure.

“Oh, dongsaeng-ah!” Hoya turns around and sees you waving at him. He waves back, smiling widely as you approach him.

“Oppa, what are you doing here?” You ask sheepishly, eyeing him since he was standing there with a bouquet of flowers on his hands. It’s actually been a while since you meet up with your friends, and you feel a little guilty that you had probably missed out a lot about their lives.

“I’m kinda meeting someone.” He answers, rubbing his nape, and in which you didn’t fail to notice, his ears turning bright red.

You chuckle. “You didn’t tell me you have a girlfriend already!” Hoya’s eyes widen a bit.

“No. No. She’s not a girlfriend, yet.” He says, laughing a little too. “So what brings you here? Meeting Sunggyu?”

“Nah. I’m here to meet Suzy. We’d need to buy just a few more stuff for the exhibit. Then we’re heading to school.” You reply. You can’t help noticing that Hoya looks really good and stunning.

“You look really nice.” You can’t help yourself commenting.

“Thanks. But,” He suddenly stepped towards you, inching his face a little so you would be at the same eye level.

“Sunggyu hyung’s right. It’s really bad.” He mumbles, as if talking to himself.

“What?” You ask loudly.

“You haven’t been getting sleep lately, am I right?” He sighs. You were taken back a bit. Was Sunggyu telling his friends how bothersome you are to get to sleep?

“But Suzy too, I bet she’s always awake herself too. It’s not like I’m just staying up for no reason.” You pout, crossing your arms around your chest.

“But I nag her to sleep. Sometimes we’d fall in an argument, but until someone would told her she should get some sleep…” He trails, smirking a little.

“’Someone?’” You repeat.

“Unnie! Oppa!”

You turn around and see a bright looking hyper Suzy waving in front of you. With Myungsoo towing behind her.

“Oh, hi!” You greet Myungsoo as Suzy crash you in a tight bear hug. You heard Hoya scoff, but you didn’t miss that smirk on his face when he looks away.

Looks like someone is getting on someone’s good side. You raise an eyebrow at Myungsoo and tilt your head in question, but in a good way.

“What’s up, it’s been a long time!” Myungsoo pulls you in a hug too. You give Suzy a look, but she returns it with an ‘I’ll-tell-you-everything-later’ look.

“You look good, hyung.” Myungsoo throws at Hoya’s direction.

“Yah!” Hoya scowls at him. He was fidgeting with his phone, texting someone.

“Erm, I seriously look like a fifth wheel right now, you guys.” You said out loud, laughing a little.

“Oppa, can we stay for a while to meet Eunjung unnie?” Suzy clings on to her brother’s arms, aegyo-ing at him.

“Okay, okay. I’ll introduce you guys to her.” Hoya smiles.


Meeting with Eunjung was definitely good. She’s a pretty girl in your age, and she seems friendly enough and the way she glances at Hoya, you can tell she likes him too. Suzy, on the other side, can’t stop squealing and spazzing over Hoya and Eunjung. Soon, Myungsoo suggested you should all call the others to meet up and hang out. You looked over at Hoya and used your eyes to apologize for ruining their supposedly date.

“Nah, it’s okay,” he patted your back gently. “I wanted you guys to meet her too, plus I bet it’ll be really just awkward if it were just the two of us.”

Sunggyu, Yoojin and the other guys soon arrived. And not long, Eunjung doesn’t seem to be an outsider anymore.

“Hey, that reminds me, your birthday is just around the corner! In fact, two days from now to be exact!” Yoojin pipes in. Everyone look at you with expected grins on your face.

“Er… Y-yeah.” You laugh a little. You haven’t really plan on anything yet. Sunggyu brought it up a few times, but you merely just shrug it off.

“My uncle has this really nice beach resort and if guys want, I can tell him to let us rent it for to celebrate your birthday!” Eunjung clasp her hands excitedly.

Beach resort party? Er, how about your project?

“Oh my god unnie, that’s wonderful!!” Suzy almost jump up and down from her seat. The guys start hooting excitedly in response too. Sunggyu, who was beside you all the time, squeezes your waist gently, sensing your distress.

“Come on, it’ll be just about a couple of days; maybe 3 days max. How bad could it be?” Sunggyu tells you softly. Lately, he’d always been all over you, demanding you to rest in between or forcing you to sleep. You’re really very grateful of his concern, but 3 days of vacation?

“I’m in!” Woohyun suddenly exclaimed excitedly. “I can take care of all the food and drinks we need!”

The younger ones cheer more excitedly.

“I’m in too!” Suzy and Myungsoo declare excitedly. Everyone was now looking at you and Sunggyu.

“Come on noona, don’t you miss us? Plus you can also celebrate yours and Sunggyu’s late 100th day there.” Sungjong suddenly said. What he said instantly hit you as if someone had threw a hard rock on your head.

Your 100th day with Sunggyu. You gasped in horror. Your 100th day was like, 4 days ago and you totally forgot about it. You quickly gave Sunggyu a half pleading half apologetic looked for forgetting. It totally slipped off your mind!

He chuckles lightly, as he pulls you for a comforting hug. So he does know that you forgot. No wonder that day he sent more cakes and sweets than usual, and you were a little surprised to see a cute Hamtaro plushie on your bed (in which later on, you found a really pretty single band silver bracelet with little pink diamonds studded around it, inside the knapsack Hamtaro has on his back).

You felt like crying at the sudden realization.

“Yah, it’s okay. Really,” Sunggyu kisses the top of your head, as you bury your head on his chest in shame for forgetting. The others didn’t really know what happened but Sunggyu told them it’ll be okay.

“There, there, unnie. It’ll be okay.” Suzy says, rubbing your back slowly, despite you, still buried and inside Sunggyu’s arms.

“You know you can make it up on this trip.” Sunggyu whispers gently, challenging you. You looked up at him with a determine face. He kisses your nose and wipes the corner of your eyes with the threat of tears on them.

“So we’re all on now?” Eunjung asks as the group fist pumped the air.


You guess it won’t hurt to get off 3 days from school work, right?


Sunggyu forced you to sleep on the way to Eunjung’s resort. At first, you couldn’t sleep because of the ruckus Sungyeol and Dongwoo were making. But instead of feeling cranky, you were actually enjoying their excitement. Their hype is starting to rub on you too. But Sunggyu won’t let you go and join them.

“Just sleep. When we get there, you can play with them, okay?” He said, his arms tightly holding you down to his chest. You nod like an obedient kid and snuggle with him. You giggle when you heard a contented grunt from him.

“Unnie-yah!” Suzy takes a peek at you from behind seat but poutes when she saw you sleeping. Hoya was back at looking over her sister. Eunjung, who easily became at ease with the boys, was talking lightly with Yoojin. Woohyun, on the other hand, was giving Hoya some ‘tips’ on how to impress a girl, but the only thing that Hoya does is cringe and frown at how greasy they all are. Suzy couldn’t stop laughing at hearing their conversation.

Bomi, on the other hand, had lie low on her pursue over Sunggyu. Maybe because he had changed his mobile number and Myungsoo, the only one who had been nice to her, had also been avoiding her. He had finally seen her true intentions and Myungsoo has nowhere near the plan of getting yours and Sunggyu’s relationship in jeopardy.


You heard Sunggyu’s softly calling for you; you can feel his breath on the right side of your face. You snuggled closer, wanting more of his heat.

“We’re here.” He chuckled while you felt his chest vibrated at he did so.

“5 minutes,” You grumble. It feels like you just closed your eyes for a few minutes.

“You want me to carry you?” He asks seriously. When you didn’t answer, he was about to scoop you up but you immediately, groggily sat up.

“Yah!” You throw a weak fist at his arm. He always likes teasing you a lot.

“Good morning to you too, y.” He grabs your waist and whispers at your ear, making you giggle.

“You guys! Do you even want to enjoy the beach or you both wanna spend the rest of our vacation there!” Dongwoo calls the both of you.

Grinning at each other, Sunggyu grabs your hand and pulls you out of the vehicle.



You all found out that the resort was closed for Eunjung and your friends. Her uncle, turns out, Eunjung was his one and only favourite niece, had actually turned the resort in to a one whole big party place combined vacation heaven for the younger people. They were literally in heaven! Everything you could ask for, it’s all in there already. Since you guys arrived, the staff had prepared the whole spa area for all 11 of you. You were given each a very relaxing foot massage, Swedish body massage and facial massage to relax your body from the long tiring trip to the beach resort.

After that, you were given the choice to use the sauna and Jacuzzi area or to eat at the spa buffet, complete with all health food you can imagine. Dongwoo, Sungjong and Sungyeol, of course, had chosen the buffet, but the staff had made it possible for them to join in the Jacuzzi with the rest of your friends while eating. It was really fun for all of you. Sunggyu had been nothing less than perfect of a boyfriend, holding you and even gently massaging your scalp and shoulders. Hoya, who had been almost completely entranced by Eunjung beautiful inside and outside self, had even let Suzy be with Myungsoo all the time without his supervision. Suzy and Myungsoo, on the meanwhile, were always caught up on their own little animated world. It didn’t escape your eyes, however, their hands tightly interlaced with each other. Yoojin and Woohyun, were always the loud and liberated couple. Woohyun would always make an act to grab and pounce on Yoojin anytime. Once or twice, you’d see his hands dart dangerously on Yoojin’s body that were already too inappropriate. You’d always just look away, embarrassed, and Sunggyu would always ask you what the matter is.

Your first night was indeed a memorable one. It seems like this will be your permanent group of friends for a long time. Before waiting for dinner, the group decided to play a little game the boys used to play when their younger.

Spin the Bottle: Truth Only.


Everyone was seated at the open deck on the one of the best guest room in the resort. Of course, the VIP ones are being used by Eunjung and her friends.

Everyone was seated in circle and Sungjong was the first one to spin. It stopped at Dongwoo.

“Hehe,” Sungjong jokingly laugh menacingly. “Truth only. Hyung, so have you ever like, or have a crush on any of our friends?”

There was a tiny bit of surprised flashed across Dongwoo’s face, as if caught off guard. By the look of Sungjong’s question, he was obviously trying to catch his hyung offguard.

“Yah! Dongwoo ah, tell the truth. You know how we punish each other if we caught on you telling lies,” Sunggyu warns, laughing. The truth is, the boys are actually a lot harsher when it comes to punishment of those caught lying. But of course, they couldn’t do that, now that there are female friends over.

Dongwoo immediately recovered, but dramatically glancing at each of everyone in the room, before he turned to Sungjong to answer.

“I do.” He pauses for a while, as if teasing everyone in anticipation before he reveal who is it.


“YAH! HYUNG! WHAT THE HECK!” Sungjong whines, kicking his legs like a child. Everyone burst laughing at the backfire. Dongwoo looks so convincing that it put their maknae on an uncomfortable spot by saying his Dongwoo hyung is in love with him.

“Next!” Dongwoo victoriously calls.

“Hyung! Aren’t you gonna punish him?!” Sungjong calls towards Sunggyu, pointing at the second eldest.

“Oh, why?” Sunggyu asks, trying to look innocent. “I was quite convinced by it.”

The hyungs snickered at the maknae who did more whining sounds.

Dongwoo spun the bottle and turned to Yoojin.

“Yah hyung! Better be careful of what you gonna ask!” Woohyun raises his fist, while Yoojin just swat him away.

“Erm…. Okay, so… Have you ever kissed someone else aside from Woohyun?” Dongwoo boldly asks.

Yoojin thought for a while Woohyun, who was obviously shifting nervously on his seat.

“Is that supposed to be a trick question?” She laughed. “Coz if you’re asking how many guys before Woohyun, then…” Yoojin pretended to count in her fingers, while you giggle to yourself. You know that Yoojin didn’t really have that many boyfriends before Woohyun. You’re just not quite sure if Woohyun is her 3rd or 4th boyfriend.

“Then, I’ve had 3 ex-boyfriends before Woohyun. But,” Yoojin waves her forefinger, a mischievous smile on her face. “I didn’t kiss my first boyfriend. So, 2 guys plus 1, who is my father.” She answered truthfully. Woohyun, who was beside her all the while, was clutching his chest in relief.

“But how about the guys you kissed while with Woohyun?” Dongwoo winked at her mischievously, obviously just trying to catch Yoojin off guard. This time, it’s Woohyun’s turn to throw a pillow at Dongwoo’s face.

But everyone turned to Yoojin for an answer.

“Look at Woohyun,” Sunggyu sniggered at my ear. I felt myself giggling too, but at the same time feel bad for Woohyun for giving him all those tense moments.

“Of course there’s no one else. Woohyun is the only one I get to kiss.” Yoojin playfully made kissing pouts towards her boyfriend who playfully returned with biting acts.

Everyone else gets their turn; as the play begins to goes on, the deeper the question gets.

Suzy was asked by Sungyeol whether she’s in a relationship right now, which she admitted she is. Sungyeol was kind enough not to ask to whom, but you saw from your peripherals that Suzy gripped Myungsoo’s hands nervously and was trying to avoid Hoya’s gaze at her. Yoojin got to ask Sungjong whether there was a time he wanted to be a hyung and scold his hyungs. Sungjong started ranting endlessly, but he was so cute and instead of the hyungs taking him seriously, they were laughing at him for being so cute.

“YAH! Don’t laugh at me!” Sungjong cries, murmuring about how he needed to bring his teddy bear after all to take out his frustrations on it.

Woohyun was asked by Sungyeol how many girlfriends did he ever took seriously. Yoojin playfully gave him a look, but he only answered truthfully. He’d had 11 girlfriends since middle school and 3 of them were serious relationship. Woohyun wrapped his arms around Yoojin, smilingly sheepishly, but Yoojiin only rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him.

Woohyun was then to ask Eunjung and directly, he asked her if she likes Hoya, who started to protest.

“No, it’s okay,” Eunjung held him back, her face all red. She paused for a while before saying, “Yes.”

The guys rolled over; pump and cheering loudly, leaving Eunjung and Hoya all beat red from embarrassment from what the guys were doing. You couldn’t help squeezing Sunggyu’s arm in delight too. Hoya and Eunjung looks so cute together.

Eunjung turned to Sungyeol for a question. She asked whether there is any hyung whom he would want to trade places in. Sungyeol immediately chose Sunggyu. He said because he wanted to try being your boyfriend, knowing how good your cooking is. He answered it so blatantly honest that everyone was left stunned for a moment.

“H-hey. What’s with the look guys, I only said that I like her cooking. Nothing else. Don’t get me wrong!” Sungyeol threw his hands. You suddenly laughed at his cuteness and made your way to him to give him a cute hug. Of course, your group’s resident choding would just want someone to supply him endless food.

Sunggyu scowled at him and wrapped his arms possessively around you.

The only ones left now are you, Hoya, Myungsoo and Sunggyu. Since everyone else got to ask questions already, everyone decided that Hoya should start the spinning. It first turned to Dongwoo, so he had to spin it again. Luckily, it stopped in front of Myungsoo.

“Are you, or are you not, in a relationship with my sister?” Hoya asked silently, but his glares were deadly. He knows, for one, that Suzy and Myungsoo likes each other and he thought it’s just up to everyone’s teasing. But when Suzy admitted a while ago that she’s in a relationship, Hoya felt betrayed as to why she didn’t tell him anything.

Myungsoo immediately stood up, approached Hoya and bowed deeply to him.

“Yes, hyung. I’m very deeply in love with your sister.” Myungsoo declared formally towards Hoya, who was taken back at Myungsoo’s approach. He turned to glance at his sister, who also started making his way towards him.

“Please, oppa? Accept Myungsoo?” Suzy hugged Hoya tightly, smiling sweetly at him.

You know Hoya could never resist Suzy, especially like that. But you can’t help feeling for Hoya too. Suzy had changed already. She’s already a young lady who falls in love, just like you with Sunggyu.

After the longest time, Hoya finally sighed in surrender. He had grabbed Suzy and hugged her so tight, and from his arms, you could all hear Suzy’s squealing in delight. When he had let go of her, Hoya turned to Myungsoo.

“One wrong move and you are dead, dude. Got it?” Hoya growled at him, but of course, not as furious as you thought he would do. They’re still friends after all. But you know Myungsoo. Even though he looks cold and uncaring, he’s actually one of the sweetest guys you know.

Myungsoo then turned to Sunggyu to question him.

“What’s the most un-‘Sunggyu’ thing you ever did for noona?” Myungsoo suddenly ask, trying to break the tension and seriousness that’s been hanging around the group.

A lot of the guys laughed. Apparently, they thought everything that’s Sunggyu has been doing is so ‘un-Sunggyu’.

“Erm….” Sunggyu glanced at you nervously. He never really complains when you make him do things, so you never actually know if it was alright for him or not. Most of the time, he does offers anyway.

“Going to a beauty salon with her and….” He paused, debating whether to reveal such an embarrassing experience or not.

“…and having my nails done. We did this… couple pedicure in which we would get the same nail art and everything, so we’d get the couple promo and gift.” Sunggyu trails, glancing at you, but squeezing your side gently.

“So I got a ---“

Sunggyu pulled himself away from you for a while to take off his right foot’s socks and reveal his nails. Since the first time you saw Sunggyu’s bare feet, you’ve always thought it looks so clean and masculine. You don’t usually go around checking male’s feet, but you just find Sunggyu’s adorable.

The guys, and even the girls, burst out laughing.

There it was, Sunggyu’s toe nails, all painted in the similar strawberry patterned with yours. You stretched out your feet and to let them see your pink strawberry nails.

“Oh my god, Woohyun, let’s do that next time too!” Yoojin squealed, making Woohyun stopped laughing and gave her a horrified look.

“You know I love you more because of it.” You told Sunggyu as you joined the others laughing.

Now it’s Sunggyu’s turn to ask Hoya. He only asked Hoya what his true feelings about Suzy being in a relationship with Myungsoo. It was revealed that Hoya actually felt relieved that it’s Myungsoo after all. Because he knows Myungsoo; he’s better than an actual stranger whom he wouldn’t know any background of whom.

“I get to ask her!” Woohyun suddenly raised his arm up, standing up even, claiming his spot. You playfully made a face at him, wondering why he is so eager to ask you a question.

When everyone else settled down, Woohyun cleared his throat and smirked.

“Hey, no hard feelings, I’m just asking this…. Since, you know. Save the best for last.” He winks at you.

Everyone else was looking between you and Woohyun expectantly.

“You’ll say the truth, right?” He hesitated a bit.

“Of course!” You reply confidently.

“Are you, or are you not, a anymore?” Woohyun ask slowly.

You blinked a few times before you felt Sunggyu protested beside you. But a game is a game. You grabbed his arm, and looked back at Woohyun.

“I still am.” You smiled. The others didn’t look so surprised, except for Woohyun, that is.

“Then to whom are you gonna lose it?” He followed up. This time, you were completely blown by his question. You aren’t the type to act innocent, but you really are just not quite comfortable with topics like this. But you know, you’re bound to talk about it since you’re all of age already.

“YAH! NAM WOOHYUN—“ Sunggyu started to yell, but you covered his mouth. The last thing you want is to ruin everyone’s mood.

“I-I’m still not sure.” You answered carefully. You really are. You don’t really think about to whom are you gonna lose it or not. You felt like… when the time comes, it would happen. But Woohyun still doesn’t seem satisfied with your answer.

“Last follow up question!” He raised his forefinger up, looking like one of the crazy, but handsome, professors in your university.

“In your standards, is Sunggyu one of the best candidates?”

You wanted to facepalm yourself. Woohyun just wouldn’t let it go, right? You wanted to shrug it off as one of his erted jokes. But everyone else was looking at you, watching and waiting for your answer.

Including Sunggyu.

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Soohyun_babyy #1
Chapter 7: Update please~
Me again ! :)) Woahhh~~ the story's more interesting ! Oh im curious Yeah ! XD Hwaiting !! Love ur story a lot, cuz of u, i love Sunggyu more <3
btw saw ur notes...what's wrong ??! Anyway dun give up nae ?! Plzz...be Strong although i dunno exactly ~ AJa chingu !^^
Chocolato #3
Sunggyu sounds and behave like a perfect (or close) boyfriend.
hahas, Im afraid of the transition to s Sunggyu that will hurt the lead girl and I cannot imagine how. hahas
Chocolato #4
and your username reminds me of Lee Donghae so much :)))))
Chocolato #5
wow, I guess there are girls who are that innocent and scared of advancing to the next level.

from what I've been reading so far, Sunggyu is perfect. the perfect boyfriend a girl can ask for, IMO.
and I keep wondering how and when things will fall apart or close to that. hmm ...
woah~~ jinja curious what she'd say~~ palli update nae? Hwaiting!
Love this story ^^
btw new reader ! :) i love Sunggyu :D
Inspirit501b2uty #7
awww thanks for updating =) Great chapter ^__^
ziphron #8
I was about to breathe a sigh of relief until that last line. Omfg WHYYYYYY
Chocolato #9
'or so you thought' damn. this line is scary!
ziphron #10
Omg Sunggyu whyyyyyyyyy. What's going on?! I hope this is just a misunderstanding ;~~;