The Doctori, Deaths messengers

Knights of the nights

“The doctori, an organization of demons that work under the command of the god of death, they are vampires who have been claimed by Death himself to work for him for all eternity. It is by his orders that they return to Earth and bring the living targets back for their master lurking below the surface. Their clothed in black cloaks with black hoods and long bird like beaks. But, Death had a secret. He had sent the doctori to locate a woman years back and had her as his. This woman feared nothing not even Death and when she found herself pregnant, she ran. This woman had a child who had the power to destroy Death and take over. No one knows who her child is, no one knows if this child exists. All that’s known, is that Death and the vampires still search for this child, searching so that he may kill it.” Hyukjae whispered finishing his story as his friends blinked widely before him. Leeteuk had announced a sleep over for everyone once he learned that Hyukjae had gotten a boyfriend. Even Yesung had crept from his house claiming to be a relative of Zhou Mi’s. Ryeowook shook as he hid behind Yesung.

“That was really scary; I hope those Doctori people aren’t real.” He whimpered as Yesung patted his head.

“Don’t worry Hyukjae here has a very vivid imagination.” Sungmin smiled from his seat next to Kyuhyun as he munched on a carrot.

“But what about those Italian doctors during the plague, weren’t they called doctori?” Ryeowook asked.

“No your thinking of the old plague costumes they use to wear and truth be known some say they did get the idea from demons.” Hyukjae laughed as Ryeowook squeaked and hid farther behind Yesung. Shindong laughed as he helped Henry bring in the snacks.

“Don’t worry, Ryeowook what could a demon want with you?” the man asked as Ryeowook blushed and clung more to his secret lover.

“Zhou Mi help me in the kitchen, Shindong you can relax I’ll make Mimi help me with the rest.” Henry smiled before he and his boyfriend disappeared. Donghae’s eyes flashed gold as he and Hyukjae locked sights. The younger feeling odd about the story. Had he heard it before somewhere?

“So Donghae, where did you say you were from?” Leeteuk asked  from beside Kangin, another friend of Donghae’s, as Yesung listened more carefully. Donghae sensed the vampires eyes on him and smirked. The two vampires Zhou Mi and Yesung had mated the two humans they were sitting with.

“Mokpo,” he smiled. In truth before he was changed he had lived in Mokpo with his family.

“Oh it’s nice out there I’ve been once.” Leeteuk smiled before ruffling Hyukjae’s hair.

“Our little Hyukjae’s been alone for a long time.” the umma like man ranted as Henry and Zhou Mi brought out the last of the snack food and his audience began to ignore him.

“Teukie hyung come eat.” Ryeowook called bringing the elder man from his thoughts. A sigh escaped his lips as he took the pizza.

“One day you will all listen to me and be good children.” Leeteuk pouted.

“Yeah, and Sungmin will reveal he’s a girl and Wookie will stop being a cry baby.” Hankyung teased. Both Ryeowook and Sungmin growled as their respected partners tried to calm them down.

“Anyway, how did you and Hyukjae meet?” Henry asked eyeing the vampire with keen eyes.

“I saw him one day on my way home from work.” The boy replied calmly. Both he and Henry stared eachother down as Zhou Mi moved closer to his mate. Words hissed under his breath only noticeable by the vampires. Hyukjae leaned on Donghae’s shoulder pulling the vampire from his glaring . Siwon watched making sure the boy didn’t do anything. His silence and cold glare sent shivers down the dancers spine.

“In other news my dreams are lessoning.” Hyukjae announced. The room clapped, happy with the news.


Ryeowook fiddled with the hem of his shirt as he leaned into Yesung’s side. The story of the doctori had frightened him though he didn’t know why. He felt like he knew them somehow but that was impossible. He had never even thought of demons and other beings until he met Yesung.

“Wookie, are you okay?” Yesung asked worried picking up on the rampant heartbeat of his lover. Ryeowook nodded putting on a fake smile hoping to seem his usual joyful self.

“Did the story scare you?” Yesung asked knowing his lover well. Ryeowook nodded sheepishly before explaining how he felt.

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” Yesung smiled hugging the smaller male.

“But your still weak hyung, let me protect you please.” Ryeowook pouted pulling himself from his hyung’s grasp.

“I’m feeling well enough to leave the house,” Yesung pointed out.

“But if Donghae or someone else decided to attack what then, you remember what Henry and Zhou Mi told us earlier.” Ryeowook pouted keeping his voice low so not to be overheard by the other vampires or humans. Yesung quickly kissed the boys lips and smiled.

“Wookie, I promise to protect you even if it cost me my life. Heechul isn’t really that much of a worry and yes Donghae finding Hyukjae is a setback, but it’s not the end of the world. Saranghae my little turtle.” Yesung whispered into Ryeowook’s ear.

“Saranghae Sungie hyung.” Ryeowook replied just as quietly.

“Hey look Wookie and Yesung are getting close,” Sungmin laughed clearly drunk from drinking too much wine. Ryeowook blushed as Yesung tucked him closer into his side.


Death growled as he glided down the halls. He had to find it, he was getting weaker and he hated the feeling. The child needed to die soon, and by his hand. He hoped that the vampires may have found the child and mated it or knew of it. None of the other humans his doctori had brought him had been the child of prophecy the only thing that was right was the presumed age group. This child was immortal or half immortal until they either killed him or he killed them. And he was going to kill them. If those damn vampires had found the child first then his plans would be all the more trickier. His home was an endless void of black and red. The outer view was of the center of the earth. Lava rushing around the castle and rock mixed with magma his fuel. The stench of sulfuric smoke filled the area. His victims aptly named the place hell when they were brought here.

“My dear child where are you. Every child needs to know their father.” Death smiled.


Heechul sighed as he flopped ceremoniously on his bed. His cat, Heebum, meowed as he scratched behind his ears. He was worried, if what he was learning from Siwon when he had his hourly call in’s, then that meant Death would come for him soon. The thought petrified him to no end.

“Master Heechul?” a voice called out.

“Ah Kibum, enter.” Heechul replied as the boy entered the room his dongsae seemed troubled.

“I know you don’t like ramblings so I’ll be blunt.” Kibum announced.

“Thank you,” Heechul stated.

“I think I like Siwon, no I know I love Siwon.” Kibum blurted out. Heechul ceased his petting of the cat and eyed the dongsae.

“You love Siwon?” the elder repeated as Kibum nodded. Who was he to deny love?

“Very well, what do I have to do about it?” the leader asked bored as he resumed petting the animal in his lap.

“You’re the master, I wanted to okay it with you.” Kibum replied.

“If you love him then date him, now go I have important things to think about. One being my split ends.” The man said before shooing the younger man away.

“Oh Heebum, ruling alone is such a harsh task. It’s giving me wrinkles and grey hair.” He whined as the cat meowed beside him.


Kim Kibum made his way away from the masters chambers and readied to jump to the human world. He needed to speak with Siwon about his feelings and confess to the man. Siwon was religious, but maybe he could love him back. He was affectionate with him an clingy all the time. was it not impossible for him to not love him?

“Kibum, are you ready to make your first trip to the human world?” he asked himself. He gave a sharp nod before closing his eyes and seeping into the shadows. He was going to confess to Siwon and hopefully the man wouldn’t reject him.

A masked and hooded creature emerged from the shadows of the vampire haven. He was alone now, the perfect opportunity.

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Chapter 13: Now I remember why I like this story. My 2nd time reading it
Chapter 20: Liking the battle scenes. :) like the twists.
zuzuaikha #3
Chapter 20: WTH !! I like the story and all ,but .. im hanchul biased !!i can't believe my baby is dead ..but i love the story .
ASFBDGSLMCKJDVX your fic is awesome.
memoire- #5
Oh great. I do not understand anything. Why did Heechul used everybody? But then your story is damn epic!!! Love it!
Congrats on a completed story!!!!
I like that Ryeowook is the one to rule!!!
bohyemi #7
ok confused why kill heechul
i'm confused in this part @_@
when Death die? and who kill Death?
fanficluver #9
Now I'm confused who's fighting who?