
He Put Love Over Friendship....

Chunji’s POV

“Hyung, you’ve been staring at that cup since a while ago. It’s not gonna automatically go to your mouth and let you sip, you know,” Ricky stated as matter-of-factly.

“I know. Sh. I’m thinking,” I told him and looked around the cafeteria.

“About what, hyung?” Changjo joined in the conversation and suddenly looked interested.

“What would you do if you’re not sure if this girl likes you but you’d really want her to know you like her?” I asked the two and they stared off to space for a while and gave me their answers.

“Well, it’d probably be hard but everything’s worth a try. I’ll tell her.  You’ll never know her true feelings unless you try, hyung,” Ricky stated.

“Same here, hyung. I’d rather tell her I like her than keep my feelings inside me and just tell her when it’s too late,” Changjo nodded and took a bite of his burger.

“I can’t believe I’m taking advice from a pair of dongsaengs,” I shook my head at myself.

“Why did you ask? Are you making a move on some? Huh? Huh?” The ever cheerful Ricky nudged me and wiggled his eyebrows at me. Tsk.  

“I’m not telling you, guys. Bye.” I stood up and took my tray for returning.

I have to think more. I have to gather more courage for me to do just that. Could she probably have feelings for someone else?


Haseon’s POV

I took my stuff and put them in my locker. My last class just ended and I was almost going to start walking home when someone called me.

“Haseon-ah!” I looked back to see Chunji semi-running to catch up with me.

“Oh, hey,” I smiled at him and waited for him to be beside me.

“Do you wanna fetch something to eat?” Chunji asked me with quite an unsure expression.

“Sure. I’m getting hungry anyways. Aren’t you going with your friends?”

“Nah. They have some stuff to do. Let’s go,” We walked out of the school and went to the closest pojangmacha (a stall wherein they sell street food)  and started ordering.


“Komawoyo, ahjumma,” I was going to get my order when Chunji got it before I could reach for it.

“I’ll hold this for you. Come on. Let’s bring these to the park and eat it there,”

“Yah. I can hold it myself. Give it to me,”

“Nah-uh. Go. Start walking.” Chunji eye-smiled at me and walked by my side. What is wrong with this guy?


We walked to the park and talked about random stuff while eating. He told me random jokes and I just laughed along with him. We also talked about each other. To be honest, me and Chunji have been very close. He’s a vey fun guy to be with. His popularity doesn’t seem to get into his head.

“Here,” He handed me a bottle of water.

“When did you buy this?” I looked at him surprised. He was here all this time.

“Ninja moves,” he winked.


My heart did a little flip flop when he did that. NO. Haseon, what are you saying? You can’t be falling for this guy. Get a hold of yourself.

“I bet if you had your fangirls here right now, they’d freak,” I chuckled and looked at him shaking his head.

“Sometimes I think it’s kind of ridiculous, you know? It’s weird having ‘fangirls’ when I myself think I’m just a normal person,” he said, suddenly turning serious.

“You deserve it, though. Do you even know how much talent you have? You can sing spectacularly….you’re a nice guy, too,” I told him as a matter of fact.

“You really think so?” He looked at me, I nodded.

“Listen, Haseon. I need to ask you something,”

“What is it?”


Chunji’s POV


I have never been more nervous in my whole life. You see, I’ve been debating with myself about whether I should confess or not. This is my first time, honestly. Believe it or not, it is. Here goes.

“Well…Uhm, would you be----” a ringing of a phone interrupted me from what I was going to say. It was my phone. “Wait a second,”



“Hello, hyung? It’s Changjo.”

“What now?” I said in an annoyed tone. Well, he just interrupted an important moment here.

“Are you busy?” a different voice which I recognized as Ricky’s asked.

“Hmm. Nah. Kinda. YES. You just disturbed me you know,”

“Sorry, hyung. We were bored,”

“Aish!” I hung up and went back to the bench we were sitting on.

“Chunji! I’m so sorry, I think I have to get home now. It’s getting dark,” Haseon said while picking up her bag.

“Oh, do you want me to walk you home?”

“No need. My house is just a few blocks away. Thanks for treating me though. My tummy’s happy,” she chuckled. Aigoo. Stop making me fall for you harder.

“Okay. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”


“Yeah. Bye!” she waved and started to walk home. Sigh. I guess this wasn’t the right time then. I started to walk home, too. Different thoughts flooded my head. Aish. Chunji, why did you have to fall for Haseon?


L.Joe’s POV


I walked to Haseon’s house after school but I guess I arrived before her. I knocked on their door and saw her umma.

“Byunghun! When was the last time I saw you? Come in!” And Haseon was right. Her mom really did miss me. I smiled at auntie and went inside.


“Is Haseon here yet, auntie?” I asked her while she was preparing a small snack.

“Not yet, son. Would you want to wait for her?”

“I guess I’ll wait, auntie. How have you been?”

“I should be the one asking you that, Byunghun! Why haven’t you visited?”


I just told her that I had a lot of stuff to do and we continued talking. Mostly about how my mom was doing. My mom and auntie were really close. Anyways, I waited for Haseon because she told me to come over but I guess she forgot. After about an hour and a half, I decided to go home.


“Auntie, I guess I’ll go home now. I’ll visit next time,”


“I’ll tell Haseon you came over. Aish, that girl.” She sent me to the door and I started walking. I guess I’ll talk to her next time then. I just really needed her. Who else can I go to, right?



Haseon’s POV


“Umma, I’m home!” I shouted as I entered our house. I put my stuff down and immediately went to the kitchen.

“Yah! Where have you been, young woman?” my umma put her hands on her hips and looked at me suspiciously. Huh? Why is she mad? It’s not that late.

“I ate snacks with my friend. Wae, umma?”

“Byunghun went here and waited for you for one and a half hours and you were out eating with a friend? It’s not like you to make someone wait, Haseon,”

Oh my gosh. I can’t believe I just forgot that I invited him over. I am so freaking dumb. He must be feeling bad right now.

“Omo. Jinjja?” I facepalmed myself. Aish, Haseon. What is wrong with you?

“I’m sorry, umma. I forgot that he was coming over!”

“Fine. Fine. Just make sure you talk to him, oaky?” My mom went ahead with preparing dinner and I went up my room to change into my home clothes. I lied on my bed for a while, pondering on how stupid I was. I grabbed my phone and sent Byunghun a text.


I’m sorry! I kind of forgot you were coming over.


After a while…..


It’s fine. I’ll be going back to school tomorrow. See you.


He’s finally going back to school……….


Here's another update! Hope you liked it. What do you think of this chapter? Comment and subscribe! :)

Team Chunji or Team L.Joe? ;)


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Sorry for the very long wait! He Put Love Over Friendship is updated! :)


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Chapter 14: So how about if I say team chunji but then L.joe is sad then I change to team L.Joe?
Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #2
Chapter 14: That's cute :)
Kpoplover_621 #3
Chapter 13: Im L.Joe biased but im on Team Chunji!! hehe:D
Chapter 13: I love L.Joe but as of right now I'm team Chunji, since he wasn't a jerk the whole time .-.
Chapter 12: AWHHH I think we're being a bit too nice :c
Chapter 11: l.joe ah~ aigoo this guy . = = '
author nim , please update :)
such a great story . :)
Chapter 11: UPDATE SOOON!!!! :33 hahahahahah
Chapter 6: sohyun?? is a bad one T-T???
PABO! ;~;