
He Put Love Over Friendship....

Chunji’s POV

            She looked gorgeous wearing that dress. Wait. I can’t be falling in love with Haseon. I have to live out my promise. Anyway, we arrived at the prom venue and I saw Haseon looking kind of uncomfortable looking somewhere far. I followed her gaze and saw Miyoung. Miyoung was glaring at Haseon and I don’t know why. She better not ruin this night for Haseon.

            I offered Haseon my arm for her to hold on to and she slowly took itlooked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

“Oppa, don’t you think we’re early?” she said looking around.

“Aniyo. I heard that if we come early, the judges will be seeing us and pick us for best couple.” I jokingly said to her. She just nudged me. This girl couldn’t get cuter.

“Aish. Oppa, you’re really serious about getting that? I’m pretty sure more couples will be dressed….nicer and have more chemistry,”

“They wouldn’t have a pretty face like you…….C’mon. let’s go!” to cover up for what I said that she had a pretty face, I pulled her inside and looked for my friends.


Haseon’s POV

            I didn’t understand what Chunji-oppa said before he pulled me inside but I didn’t mind asking since he already started pulling me and looking for his friends. I caught sight of Sohyun and L.Joe, making their way inside. Sohyun was clinging on to L.Joe-oppa and he didn’t seem to mind. Anyway, he looked perfect wearing that suit and I had to say he and Sohyun looked perfect, too and it made me think they’ll win Best Couple for this night. I keep on wondering if L.Joe knows what Sohyun did to me a long time ago. She warned me to stay away from her and L.Joe. Maybe she told him what she did to me but he didn’t care. Or maybe, he just doesn’t know. Whatever it is, it wouldn’t matter because I’m not planning on interfering with their relationship anytime soon because I’m afraid she’ll call guys to kill me or something. :/

            Throughout the night, fast music was blasting from the speakers with the MC from time to time, would talk or make announcements. I didn’t feel like dancing, so me and Chunji-oppa just stayed at or table, talking, laughing and eating. Surprisingly, I didn’t get a lot of glares from people for being with Chunji. Maybe from the queenkas but there aren’t a lot of ‘em. Which was a good thing. The last thing I want was my prom night to be ruined.

            “Haseon-ah, don’t tell me we’re just gonna sit here all night,” Chunji-oppa said.

            “Sorry, oppa. I really don’t like to dance in heels and the music is too loud,” a slow, romantic song played and the couples in the middle started getting all close and dancing slowly to the music. It was like those in the movies.

            “C’mon.” Chunji-oppa rolled his eyes and pulled me but when we were making our way to the middle, something unlucky happened.


Miyoung’s POV

            I was going inside the venue when Sohyun suddenly pulled me to the side.

            “What?” I asked her.

            “Could you do me a favour?” she said, looking around and looking like she was in a hurry. It took time for me to answer. I gave her a questioning look and asked her to tell me what it was.

            “Ruin her night for me,”

            “Who?” she pointed at the girl wearing a black dress. She’s Haseon right?

            “Why?” I asked her, confused.

            “Just do it. I hate her, okay?”

            “Why don’t you do it yourself?” she rolled her eyes.

            “I’ll be busy finding a way to get out of here to meet someone! Just do it okay? And look, she’s with Chunji. Isn’t he your biggest crush?” Sohyun smirked and walked away. I thought about it twice but decided to do it. No one will steal Chunji-oppa from me.  

            I formed a quick plan and went to the food area. I got a plate of pasta and a glass of juice and intentionally walked fast, meeting Haseon in the other end.


Haseon’s POV

           Everyone seemed to stop and stare when Miyoung bumped to me and spilled her food and drink to my dress. My hair was wet with sticky juice and I had pasta on my dress. It’s a disaster.  My night is ruined. I looked up at her and saw her faking a pity face.

            “OMG. I’m so sorry, Haseon!” see what I mean when I say two-faced witches are everywhere these days? I looked around and saw people murmuring, laughing and whispering to each other. I took one last glance at Miyoung, who was now smirking and then looked at Chunji-oppa who was surprised. I went out the room. I couldn’t take the humiliation.

I went out to sit in a bench and I didn’t look back when Chunji-oppa was running after me. I was almost in the verge of crying but I didn’t. I figured that I’ll just show I was weak when I will.

            Chunji-oppa finally caught up and sat beside me without saying a thing for a while. He handed me a handkerchief. I just nodded as a sign of thank you.

            “You should’ve slapped her in the face,” he said chuckling. I chuckled a long with him then sighed.        

            “I could’ve. But everyone would be against me,”     

            “I’m here,” he patted my back and sat closer to me.

            “Thanks,” I looked at him and smiled sincerely. Chunji is a great friend.

            “Going home or do you still want to get inside and slap her in the face?” I laughed and shook my head.

            “I’ll go home,” I stood up. “”….Oppa, thanks again,” I hugged him tight and he hugged me back but..

            “Yah, yah. My clothes will be full of pasta if you hug me,” he joked. And I slapped him in the chest. It was good to know that I found a new friend who I know will be with me even though everyone was against me. Thanks, Chunji-oppa. He brought me home and I thanked him once again.


L.Joe’s POV

            “Oppa, I’ll just go somewhere okay? Don’t look for me. I might take a while,” Sohyun told me while hugging my arm.

            “Come back before prom ends, arasso?”

            “Neh,” she kissed my cheek and went out.

 Just then, I saw everyone whispering and laughing. I went to see what it was. Miyoung just spilled food and juice to Haseon. Something tells me she meant to do it. Haseon made her way out looking embarrassed,

 I felt bad for her so I made my way out and followed her. I suddenly felt that I should be there for her. It’s been a long time since we’ve talked and I feel bad for not talking to her just because I’m busy with Sohyun.

 I ran outside but saw Chunji, beside her comforting her. She wasn’t crying, though. I know she’s a strong person. That’s the Haseon I know. I decided to not go to her anymore since Chunji already gave her a hug and they were walking outside already. Thanks you, Chunji. For taking care of her. I owe you.

Just when I was making my way back inside, I was speechless. How could you?



Hey guys! I don't if this is a long chap but i worked on it for 45 minutes so here you go!

Hope you guys enjoy this! Look forward to Chap. 11.

I really appreciate each and every comment! Keep doing that lovely subscribers! Love you all! :*


Please read my first completed shortfic! Just take a little of your time to read it and comment! Thanks!


 Was I Too Late by JeonunJen_Imnida♥<<<<<< click! :)


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Sorry for the very long wait! He Put Love Over Friendship is updated! :)


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Chapter 14: So how about if I say team chunji but then L.joe is sad then I change to team L.Joe?
Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #2
Chapter 14: That's cute :)
Kpoplover_621 #3
Chapter 13: Im L.Joe biased but im on Team Chunji!! hehe:D
Chapter 13: I love L.Joe but as of right now I'm team Chunji, since he wasn't a jerk the whole time .-.
Chapter 12: AWHHH I think we're being a bit too nice :c
Chapter 11: l.joe ah~ aigoo this guy . = = '
author nim , please update :)
such a great story . :)
Chapter 11: UPDATE SOOON!!!! :33 hahahahahah
Chapter 6: sohyun?? is a bad one T-T???
PABO! ;~;