G-Dragon's News


by Carmen w.
Chapter 7: G-dragon's News
Setting: Bom & Dara's room

Hyori decided to have a sleepover with the girls apartment, after their huge lavish homemade celebration dinner. Now that the girls finished dining, they're all together at Bom's & Dara's bedroom, and this is where another night of gossip begins!

CL: So the show was awesome! What cha think Hyori?

Hyori: Wow...I was speechless, you guys were the hit! So much better then all the other Kpop stars...Which I don't even know..haha

Dara: Haha, What kind of music do you listen to?

CL: Yeah, you seem to like hip-hop and whatnot

Hyori: Haha, well...to tell you the truth, I'm more of a ballad listener

Minji: Ooh, classy

Bom: Yeah, Hyori owns all of ERU's (Popular ballad Korean singer) Albums...She was pretty insanical about him just as much as my love to Big Bang back in the days haha..

(Hyori giggled)

Dara: Wow, I never knew you like ballads! You seem more of those girls-

Hyori: What? Those girls who have bleached auburn hair and wear color contacts are such hip hop admirers right? (Said in a imitating humorous way)

Dara: Haha, no...Since you're G-Dragon's girlfriend..Isn't it hard to not have a love for rap or hiphop?

Hyori: Oh, don't get me wrong..I love hip hop but I would much rather in a daily base listen to my good ole Classics, you feel me?

CL: That's cool, I love Lee Seung Ki and Kim Jong Kook (Korean ballad singers) It's much more of music where you can relate to and much more..to sing to

Bom: Yeah! Who don't like ballads?

Hyori: haha. well enough about me, are any of you girls single? You're all so pretty

Minji: Oh, I don't think Yang Goon let us go out...Cus were new and he don't want to ruin our rep since were rookies in the music bizz and this label

Hyori: You guys can't date!? What about Ji Yong? Like...He's doing fine!

Dara: Well, Ji Yong has been in this label for years now...Of course he could date!

Hyori: Heh, geez that really

CL: It's fine, but if I do meet someone then I'll probably keep it on the Dlow

Bom: So...Hyori, how's life with G-Dragon!

Hyori: Ugh, it's good, I think he's a great boyfriend and not much problems had happened since ..yeah you know haha

CL: G-Dragon really loves you...alot, everytime I'm with you guys, he just go crazy over you haha, sorry for being a creep but, I just notice it right away haha

Minji: Yeah I notice too! Like He's always trying to kiss you haha

Hyori: Oh, I notice that! haha, it's so awkard but cute at the same time haha

(Ding Dong)

Bom: Who is at the door?

Dara: I'll get it! (Ran out to the door)

Hyori: Don't tell me it's the mailman with your ridiculous furniture orders

Bom: No, but i have recently order this amazing leather jacket!

Hyori: Ugh....Oh I hear a guy's voice!

CL: Who is it..?

Dara: Guys! Guess whose here!!

Girls: Who?

G-Dragon: Hey girls!

Dae Sung: Ladies!

Hyori: Ji Yong!! (ran and gave a kiss)

G-Dragon: I missed you

Hyori: We were JUST talking about you! haha

Dae Sung: Hey girls!...Minji (kissed her hand)

Minji: Eh haha hey! Why are you here?

Dae Sung: Well G-Dragon wanted to stop by and only I wanted to come along cus the others were too busy playing cod

Minji: Oh I see (smiled awkardly)

G-Dragon: Alright, another reason I came was to tell you guys something very important!

Hyori: Don't tell me you guys have another tour or going to Japan again..

G-Dragon: Of course not babe, Big Bang is on hiatus, now it's MY turn to shine (a heavenly light shined above G-Dragon)

CL: What does that mean?

G-Dragon:...I am gonna debut as a SOLO ARTIST!

Bom: OMG! THAT'S SO COOL! Like Tae Yang!! His solo was actually really successful!

G-Dragon: I know, but this time it's gonna be G-DRAGON'S turn and watch! Korea is gonna go insane for what I have in store!

Hyori: You seem excited, so...That means you're gonna-..

G-Dragon: I'm gonna have a comeback next month babe! That's my life long dream! I'm already writing and producing songs!

Dae Sung: Yeah, I've heard some of his stuff...Pretty amazing I must say

G-Dragon: What you think Hyori? (Gave an excited face)

Hyori: Sounds...cool, I'm sure everyone's gonna be glad to see you, again (gave an urged smile)

G-Dragon: You sure? (Petted Hyori's head) It's gonna be great, I swear!

Hyori: Don't worry about me, I'm very happy for you! I'm sure you'll be just as big as these talented ladies

CL: Awww, yeah G-Dragon, hope you can be as good as us!

G-Dragon: CL, without ME! 2ne1 wouldn't be as big as it seems!

CL: But...without ME, 2NE1 is as big as it is

G-Dragon: Alright you got it, watch i'm gonna blow up after my first single

CL: Your head is gonna blow up for being such a conceited little boy

G-Dragon: I'm not little anymore, after I met my (arms around Hyori) baby boo (smiled proudly)

Hyori: Oh guys, let's just be happy were here haha

Dara: Aww, it was getting funny

CL: haha, it's all good, were a family

G-Dragon: Yep, and Hyori..are you gonna stay here still?

Hyori: I'm sleeping over remember

G-Dragon: Dae Sung?..

Dae Sung: What?

G-dragon: (Looked at Minji then back to Dae Sung) SO, are you gonna go or you wanna stay with the girls?

Dae Sung: OH! right, let's...stay haha

G-Dragon: Hey Minji, wassup? You look abit quiet why won't you come talk to us?

Minji: Um, I was actually...talking to Bom about something right? (elbowed Bom)

Bom: uh..yeah! heheh..

G-Dragon: Well, I can see the conversation is over, Minji have you met my buddy Dae Sung before?

Dae Sung: (Smiled anxiously)

CL: What kind of question is that!

Minji: Yeah, were friends

Dae Sung: (Whisper to GD's ear) You really should stop, this ain't working

G-Dragon: (Whispers back) it's obvious you like her, do it now or never

Dae Sung: What about later?

Hyori: Guys..What's goin on?

G-Dragon: Nothing, forget it! me and Dae Sung will head back downstairs now heheh..

Dae Sung: heheheh yeah...BYE! Bye minji! (Powerwalked out of the room)

2NE1 and Hyori looked at G-Dragon with their eyes widen and confused

G-Dragon: Yeah, weird kid, see ya tomorrow morning! Night...

Hyori: Bye hun

GIRLS: bye..

DARA: That was weird

BOM: What's with the whispering, Dae Sung looked so nervous

CL: Looks like he was trying to talk to you Minji...Haha

Minji: Yeah, it was extrememly awkard

Dara: Yeah, I think he...ya know (Gave a sly smile to Minji)

CL: (laughed) Oh yeah, definitely...I can already picture you guys

Bom: Oooh, since when! you guys should totally get-

Minji: Could you guys stop! I don't like him at all! We've gone over this, and I'm sure he don't like me...Were just friends! ugh (Walked out) I need some coffee

Hyori: You girls pushed it huh?

Dara: It was a joke, I mean I've always thought Minji takes thing easily

Hyori: Even though she's the youngest one...She still got feelings right? You guys should...um apologize

Bom: Yeah but I'm sure she'll get over it after her cafiene break...And wow, whats wrong about Dae Sung...He's charming and funny..(Trying to sound optimistic)

CL: I guess, she's not into him...

Minji: Hey CL, it's time to go to sleep!

CL: (Whisper to the girls) Yeah, Imma go guys! Night!

Girls: Night!

(CL & Minji left back to their own room)

Bom: Now that, that's over! Hyori...Did you honestly like the idea of Ji Yong going solo?

Hyori: Ugh...(Took a pillow and lean her head against it) I'm happy for him but I'm so scared...

Dara: How come?

Hyori: Well...Ever since last year...I'm just scared to see him..leave

Dara: What do you mean? You guys will still have time for each other, he's not gonna leave

Bom: Like the Japan tour from last year?

Hyori: (Nod) I don't want to suffer departion

Dara: I'm sure if he leaves to another country, you can travel along with him!

Bom: Yeah, Traveling...Is what celebrities do...It's nothing to worry about because he loves you soo much, and I'm sure he would'nt want to leave without you...It's the truth Hyori

Hyori: (Pause) But...there is...Ugh...Nevermind, let's sleep...It's fine, you're right! We will be there for each other...

Dara: You'll be fine Hyori, sweet dreams

Bom: Yeah, if anything! You can always come to us! We will always be there with you!

Hyori: That's amazing to hear...Thanks girls (Gave a friendly warm hug)...Things will be okay

Dara: Just imagine how successful he'll be...(be..be* echos and scene faded)

Finshed: June 29th, 2010 2:41 PM

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
jung_natasha #2
Chapter 19: oh my god.. i felt like wanna strangle GD and Dara!!!Poor Hyori..they treated her like an idiot.
Chapter 19: Ugh GD! UPDATE SOON!!
Ufh gd ....
Chapter 19: Seriously gd is really stupid how can he just kiss dara when hes going out with hyori I hope he knows what he's lost when hyori becomes a model and she is treating him how he's treated her.
thats messed up D:< poor hyori i hope she finds out and dumps him >:( grrr
please update! i luv this story and im going to subscribe for more!
Heyya carmen<br />
it's me molly <br />
please update soon <br />
I absolutly love this story sooooo much<br />
lots of love and comments<br />
from molly xx<3
_zhennn #10
Your fic is real good! Updated soon >D Urgh but GD and Dara are so mean!