From Bad To Worse

Can We Really Be?

Here is the second update of the day, yay, took a little longer to write, but it is up. I hope that you enjoy, please leave a comment and subscribe, they make me a happy panda! And Happy Panda means more update! Keke, sorry, a little hyper... Anyway...ENJOY!



Days went by and Aria was completely ignoring not just Joon, but all on MBLAQ. They all would take turns tying to call her, Joon calling the most. But she was just not ready to hear anything that they had to say. She was mad because not only had Joon lied to her, but the other boys had lied to her as well, and that just made her angrier. But she knew that she could not let it affect her too much because it could come back to hurt the baby, and she was not going to let anything harm her child.

Jihyun was also there for her to help her not stress out and too keep her from thinking about Joon and what had happened. She was mad just as much as Aria, if not more. She saw her sister go through so much because of him, and just when she thought the couple was getting back to being okay, and would get back together, he goes and does something like this. He goes and hurts Aria all over again; she no longer trusted Joon and if she had to, she would make sure that he never saw Aria or the baby ever again, just to insure that he did not do any more damage.

Jihyun walked into Aria’s place and called out for her, but got no response and that worried her. “Aria where are you?!” She headed towards the bedroom but heard movement in the baby’s room.

“Aria, what are you doing in here? Did you not hear me?”

“Sorry Jihyun, no I didn’t hear you.” Aria went back to moving around the room, leaving her sister confused.

“Aria, what are you doing? Why are you packing? Are you moving?”

“No, I’m not moving again. I got another present from the secret admirer. I caught the delivery person dropping it off, and I told him to take it back and return to sender. I feel bad for still accepting these gifts while being pregnant with another man’s baby, and I just cannot lead this guy on anymore. After what happened with Joon, I am just done. I am tired of dealing with men for now, and I just want to focus on my child. So I am packing up everything that this guy has sent me and having to delivery guy send it back, and anything from that address to go right back.”

“Are you sure that is the best thing to do? Maybe you should give this guy a chance and…”

“Unnie, it has been five months since I first heard from this guy. He should have made a move by now, but no, he hasn’t. I’m just tired of it, and again, I just don’t feel right about leading him on but being pregnant with Joon’s child. I feel like I am cheating him somehow.”

“Alright, I’m not going to say anymore. Do you need any help?”

“No, I got it all. But can you take it to my car. It is too heavy for me to carry, and I need to get it to the post office.”

Jihyun nodded and grabbed the box, then helped Aria to the car. They went to the post office and dropped off the box, explained to them everything that was going on, and got things settled so that Aria would no longer receive anonymous gifts.

On the way back to Aria’s place, Jihyun driving, Aria’s phone started to ring. She looked to see who was calling and let out a sigh, before hitting ignore. Jihyun did not need to ask who it was because she was pretty sure she knew. She just kept quiet and continued to drive. Aria laid her head against the window, watching the scenery as it went by.


Joon yelled as he threw the phone across the room. Seungho came running into the room when he heard the crash. He saw Joon sitting on his bed with his head in his hands, “What’s wrong?”

“She ignored my call again.”

Seungho sighed and went to sit next to Joon on his bed, “Maybe you just need to give her some time Joon. She is mad and she is hormonal, that is not a good combination.”

“But I don’t want her to be mad at me. I want to explain to her what really went on with Darea. Things were started to go so good for us, I was pretty sure that she was falling for me again. Then this damn thing happened, and I’m pretty sure that I have lost my second chance, and won’t be getting any more.”

Seungho looked at the distressed Joon, and he felt bad for him. He wrapped his arms around the nearly crying man, trying to comfort him in some way, but he did not know what he could say that would help. A knock came to the front door, but the two did not move, letting one of the other members answer it.

“Um Hyungs?”

They looked to the door and saw a worried Cheondoong, “What is it Thunder?” Joon asked, trying to act as if he was okay.

“Someone from the front desk brought something up for you Joon Hyung.”

The two looked at Cheondoong before standing up and heading into the living room. There was a box sitting on the coffee table, and Byunghee and Mir standing next to it looking sad as they looked at what was in the box. Mir looked at Joon, “We did not know who it was for since it was no name on it. So we opened it and saw…”

He just looked in the box and Joon followed his gaze to see what Mir was looking at. In the box was everything that he had sent to Aria as her “secret admirer.” He just stood there looking at the stuff as everyone watched to see what he would do next. He kept a blank look as he took the box and walked into his bed room. He went about going through the box, looking at everything that was in there. When he got to the bottom of the box, he saw a letter. With a shaky hand, he pulled it out of the box and started to read


            I am sorry to be doing this, but I feel that it is only fair to the both of us. I may not know who you are, but I am sure that you deserve someone else. I am not sure what you saw in me anyway, but since you have been sending things for the baby, I know that you must know that I am pregnant. I do not think that it is fair for me to continue to lead you on my accepting these gifts when I am carrying another man’s baby. Also, I feel that since it has been five months and yet you have not shown any sign of actually meeting me, I think that it is best to just draw the line here. No more gifts, nothing please. Again, I am sorry for this, and I hope that you find happiness with someone who is better for you than I am.


Joon stared at the letter with his vision blurring from the tears welling up in his eyes. It felt like a knife went through his heart as he realized that his last hope to win her back was lost as she just rejected his secret self.

‘No, I’m not going to give up on her without talking to her first. I am not going to let her go, not just like that. I lost her once by just letting her walk out of my life but I not going to let that happen again. I am not going to lose her and my daughter just like that. Since she will not answer my calls, I just need to go over and force her to talk to me…Though, before I go see Aria, I have to clear things up with Darea. I will not let her ruin things between me and Aria.’

He grabbed his phone and dialed Darea’s number, “Hello, Darea. I need to see you. I have something to talk to you about. It is important.”


“OPPA!” Darea took off running and tackled Joon the minute she saw him standing at her door. “Oh, I knew you would come back sooner or later. You just cannot resist me huh?”

She went to kiss him, but Joon pushed her off of him and walked into her place. “Darea, I need to talk to you about something.”

She giggled, “Why are you so serious Oppa? Are you here to take our relationship even farther? Oppa, what’s wrong? Who made you mad? I will hurt whoever had upset you.”

“You have upset me Darea. You live in this imaginary world where you and I are together, but we are not. I told you that I was drunk, I do not even remember what went on between us that night. And you go around telling people that we are in a relationship. You have to stop. There is no us; never has been, never will be. I’m sorry Darea, but I love someone else, and I am going to be with her not you. Good-bye Darea. Please do not contact me again.”

And just as soon as he arrived, Joon left Darea standing there confused and wide eyed. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes, but she wiped them away before they could. She ran out of her place to chase after Joon, but he was gone before she could reach him. She walked back into her house and went into her room. She grabbed a picture of Joon that she had taken at a concert of theirs. Tracing the outline of his face, Darea gaze darkened, “If you think I am just going to let you go that easily Lee Joon, you are mistaken. I will have you, even if I have to get rid of that thing trying to take you from me. Mark my words, you will be mine Lee Joon."



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little_tea_pot #1
Chapter 13: CUUUUUTE~ >3<
abdb923 #2
Chapter 13: PHEW~! *holds heart* everything ended beautifully. :'D
Chapter 13: oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy ending~! im so hep hep happy! Darea is locked up, the baby is safe, Aria & Joon are together, all is well!
Thank You, author-nim for writing this story!
Chapter 12: I don't want anything bad to happen to the baby or Aria. =( It would make Joon Oppa upset. (that is a very nice stripping Joon)
As for the Rain , DO IT! I would love to read it! ^.^
abdb923 #6
Chapter 12: AH~! that....*takes a deep breath and looks at a stripping Joon* anyways I hope nothing worse happens.

A story about Rain and ? I'm all for it there's not enough stories of him going around. :D
little_tea_pot #8
MOOORE~ Haha &... I hope nothing horrible happens to Aria & the baby.. IF THEY DIE IMMA DIEEE! >O<