Secret Admirer/Telling him?

Can We Really Be?

The following morning, Aria was woken up by her sister knocking on her bedroom door, “A, you’ve got a delivery.”

“What?” She rubbed her eyes and got out of bed. When she got into the living room, there was a box on the coffee table. Taking the box, she sat down on the sofa, “What is it?”

Jihyun shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know, it was leaning against the door when I went to get the mail.”

“Hmm…” Aria saw a note on the box, attached to the purple ribbon, “I want you to know that I have loved you from the beginning and I am not going to let y chance go to win your heart.

-Love, your secret admirer

Aria just started at the note in shock and was brought out of her thoughts be Jihyun, “Well, open it, see what he sent you.”

She nodded and grabbed the bow and untied the ribbon, before taking the top off of the box. A gasp came from both girls as they saw a dozen, purple roses. Aria could not believe it, not many people knew her favorite flower was a purple rose. Picking up the card once again, she re-read it and suddenly a picture of Joon popped into her head. ‘No, it could not have been him. He would not do something like this, has to be someone else…’

“Who do you think it is?”

“I don’t know, not many people know my favorite flower…”

Jihyun casted a sideward glance at her sister, “You don’t think Joon…?”

“No, I don’t think he would do something like this. I mean it has been a month since we…No, it cannot be him. Anyway, I am going to get a vase for these and then go get ready.”

“Ready? Where are you going? You have a whole week off.”

Aria smiled at her sister, “I know, and I am going to use this week to find a place of my own, and start getting things ready for the baby.”

“A place of your own? You mean you are not going to stay here? Why?”

“Because Unnie, I cannot keep staying here, and with a baby on the way, there is not enough room for all of us. Also, it is not fair for you; give up your home to not only or little sister but also a niece or nephew. Please don’t fight me on this. It is time that I move out, so I’m going to get ready to go. Plus, I need time to prepare myself on how to tell Joon that he is going to be a daddy.”

Jihyun nodded, “I guess you are right. You are going to tell him?”

“I have to. I don’t know what to expect, because even when we were together, we never talked about kids. Now that we have…Well, he still has the right to know. And I know what you are going to ask next. If he rejects the baby, fine, I will just raise him or her on my own; it will have all the love it could ever need. Alright, I’m going to get ready now, and then I’m going to head out.”

Aria took a shower, put of light make-up and then put on ((upper half) then grabbed her bag and ran out of the apartment. She had spent some time the night before looking at places online that were in her price range, near work and her sister that would be a good fit to raise a child in. There were a few places that she had found and wanted to go check out.


After spending most of the day going from condo to condo, apartment to apartment, she finally found one that she fell in love with. It was the perfect size for her and a baby, in a perfect location, it was even better than the last apartment she had. The only problem was that it is a little over her price range, but she would manage to work it out. She filled out all of the paper work, paid the down payment, and she was all set to begin moving into her new apartment.


Aria was just walking around town, eating at random street carts whenever she would get a craving for something she smelt. It surprised her at how strong the craving were, she had heard about pregnant women getting craving for different foods and eating more, but she did not expect it to happen this early on or be like this. ‘Well, I would rather the cravings than morning sickness…’

As she was walking by a music store, she heard MBLAQ’s War playing and froze. Unconsciously, she placed a hand on her stomach while listening to, ‘Hear that baby? That is your daddy and your uncles. Daddy does not know about you yet, but he will soon. I just hope that he loves you as much as I do…’

Aria let out a sigh as she made her way to the park, to a place that she and Joon use to go to all the time, the place of their first date. Her nerves started to get to her and she wanted to be sick, but she tried to keep herself under control. Sitting on one of the benches, she took a few deep breaths, calming herself, as she pulled out her phone. Scrolling through the phone, she stopped at Joon’s number. ‘I can do this. I have to do this. Oh God, what if he doesn’t want to show? What if he has already found someone else? What if he rejects the baby, saying that it is not his? Maybe I can’t do this, at least not now…’

She placed the phone in her lap and put her head in her hands. Her emotions just exploded and she broke down crying right there. Between the anxieties of telling Joon about being pregnant, still trying to deal with the shock herself, still torn up from breaking up with Joon in the first place and the fear of seeing him again, and then just the hormones of the pregnancy, it was just too much for her.

“Noona? Are why are you crying? Are you sad Noona? Who made you sad; Noona is too pretty to cry.”

Aria sat up, wiping her eyes and saw a little boy standing in front of her. He looked to be about three years’ old, big doe eyes and just a sweet smile. She could not help but to smile at him too, “Noona is going through a lot of things right now and just needed to cry.”

Without even asking, the little boy claimed up in her lap to hug her, “It is okay Noona, you can cry on my shoulder.”

She hugged him closer, laughing as she continued to cry. “Thank you sweetheart.”

“You should call him Noona. I’m sure he wants to see you as much as you want to see him.”

“Huh? How did you…?”

“Call him, I will sit here with you.”

He picked up her phone and handed it to her, “Call…”

Aria just stared at the boy in shock, but took the phone from him anyway, then took a deep breath and called Joon’s number.


Her breath caught in at the sound of his voice, “Hello? If you don’t answer I’m…


Aria, is that you?

“Yes Joon, it’s me…I need to talk you. Can you meet me at the park, where we had our first date?”

“Y-yeh, I will be there in about 15 minutes.

“Okay, I will see you then.”

Aria hug up the phone and let out a long sigh, “See Noona, that was not that bad was it?”

She jumped in surprise, almost forgetting that the little boy was still there, “I need to go now Noona! Bye! Good luck with Hyung!”

At that the boy ran away, leaving Aria sitting there blinking, trying to figure out who that boy was and how he knew about Joon. Shaking her head, she figured it was better to not worry about it now; she had other problems to deal with at the moment. She sat there fiddling with her fingers as she waited for Joon to arrive. Her nerves were shot, and she had to keep herself from running behind one of the trees and throwing up all the food that was on her stomach.


Aria quickly stood up and faced the direction of the voice. There standing before her was Lee Joon in all his glory. He looked just as y as he did the day she left him, and with her hormones in overdrive, it took pure will power to not jump his bones. She took a deep breath,

“Hi Joon.”

“What is wrong, you sounded scared on the phone.”

“I think that maybe you should sit down.”

Joon walked up to her and sat beside her on the bench, but not that close because he was scared to be too close to her. “Okay, um…well the thing is, I…”


NOTE: Finally an update. Sorry it has been a while since I last updated, no real excuse. Sorry...  I hope you liked the update, kind of a cliffhanger.Thank you to everyone that subscribe, please continue and comment, I really like comments, they make me feel more motivated to update! Much love! Peace!

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little_tea_pot #1
Chapter 13: CUUUUUTE~ >3<
abdb923 #2
Chapter 13: PHEW~! *holds heart* everything ended beautifully. :'D
Chapter 13: oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy ending~! im so hep hep happy! Darea is locked up, the baby is safe, Aria & Joon are together, all is well!
Thank You, author-nim for writing this story!
Chapter 12: I don't want anything bad to happen to the baby or Aria. =( It would make Joon Oppa upset. (that is a very nice stripping Joon)
As for the Rain , DO IT! I would love to read it! ^.^
abdb923 #6
Chapter 12: AH~! that....*takes a deep breath and looks at a stripping Joon* anyways I hope nothing worse happens.

A story about Rain and ? I'm all for it there's not enough stories of him going around. :D
little_tea_pot #8
MOOORE~ Haha &... I hope nothing horrible happens to Aria & the baby.. IF THEY DIE IMMA DIEEE! >O<