The E-mail and Realizations

Can We Really Be?

HAHA, double update, bet you were not expecting that huh? Sorry I'm a little hyper and that, for some reason, helps me with writing. Anyway I hope that you like the chaper, please comment and subscribe! I really enjoy reading the comments. I might, maybe, have a third chapter up after this, depending on the comments that I get... Enjoy! Much Love!

The following day after Aria sent Joon away, her minds were still jumbled and she was still just as confused as she was yesterday. It was all just too much for her but tried to remain in control for her baby, because she knew that too much stress could hurt the baby. She tried to focus on work the best she could but it was becoming harder and harder to stay concentrated. During her break, she was going through her email’s and saw that she had an email from Joon. With a shaky had, she clicked on the email to open and start reading. She could feel herself breaking even more with every letter that she had. By the end of the email, she could do nothing more than to just stare at the screen, re-reading the whole thing to make sure that she was reading right.



            I know that you might not want to hear from me right now, even though I am still a little confused about what happened. But I figured that you should know that I am going to be leaving for China in two days and I will be gone for 2 months. I am not telling you this hoping that you run to the airport to stop me, I am not even telling you so you can come see me off. I am emailing you and telling you so that you know that this is my way of giving you space and time to think. It occurred to me that maybe I was coming off to strong and hoping for too much too soon. I know I messed up before when we were first together and I want to make up for that. I want us to be together again, as a family for a child.

But I realized that it was too much for you to deal with; finding out you were pregnant after we broke up, dealing with the hormones that come with the pregnancy, and then I come along and I might be too pushy for you to take me back. I am sorry for that. Then thinking about it, the whole thing with Darea was just that one extra complication that you did not need to deal with. Finding out that MBLAQ had to go to China for 2 months, though it makes me sad to be away for that long without seeing you and being with you when you go to the doctor, is the best thing that could happen. This is a chance for both of us to get our minds straight and think about what we want in the future, though I know that I am not going to change my mind about wanting to be with you. But if you come to the conclusion that you do not want to be with me, I will accept that, just to make you happy. I just ask that if you do choose that, please, please, do not keep me from my daughter.

I will see you at the end of two months Aria, and then, let me know what your decision is. I love you Aria, and I love that baby, I want to be in both of your lives, but only if you will let me.


Mr. Kwon, who had been keeping an eye on her all day, noticed that she seemed to just zone out. He was worried about her because she was looking really pale and was constantly going off into her own little world. He walked up to her desk as she continued to just stare off into space.

“Aria, why don’t you take the rest of the day off, you do not look so good.” He spoke as her approached her desk to find her lost in thought.

She just looked up at him with a lost and broken look on her face, he could see that she was about to cry. “Aria, what is wrong?”

“Mr. Kwon, can I talk to you like a father figure and not a boss?”

“Of course. You know I see you as my daughter, come on to my office and we can have some tea and talk.”

He guided her into his office and had her sit down on the sofa before going about to fixing them both some tea. “Here you go, it is a special blend I saw my wife make when she was pregnant.”

“Thank you.”

“Now tell me what is wrong.”

Aria took a deep breath and then just let everything out, everything from what happened when her and Joon first were together, and then break up, Joon being the father of her baby. She even told him about the secret admirer and Joon and her starting to work things out, then telling him about Darea. She just got everything off of her chest, and when she was done she could feel the tears running down her face. Mr. Kwon pulled her in for a hug and just let her cry it all out.

“I just don’t know what to do!”

“Aria, look at me. Calm down, this is not good for your baby. Dry your eyes and stop crying. Alright, listen to me. Are you listening?”

“Yes Appa.”

“Good. I wish you had told me about all of this sooner and not just keeping it bottled up. Because I know that you probably have not even told Jihyun everything. I want you to listen to me and really think about what I have to say. You love this boy, it is so obvious that you love him, but you are so afraid of getting hurt again, you are not willing to let him back in and give him another chance. I understand that you also want to try and protect the baby from getting hurt too. But she will also be hurt if you do not let her know her father. Yes, he has made mistakes, but I think that he has made up for those mistakes. You need to let go of the past, not forget, but let go. If you keep holding on to what happened back then, you will make every man you meet suffer for those mistakes, including this Joon. You will never be happy if that is the way you live.”

Aria looked at him, tears still flowing, “But what about Darea?”

“She’s crazy. She lives in this delusional world that Joon is her boyfriend. Plus he has said that nothing has happened between them. And even if I has, it was while you were broken up, before you found out you were pregnant, and it seems as if he regrets meeting her anyway. I say that you do take these two months to let go of the past, forgive him. Because if you don’t you will lose him, and then where would that leave you? Alone? Alone with a child to raise. Now, I want you to go home and rest. Take the rest of the day off, because you were not really getting much work done anyway. Just go home, rest, and think about what I said, alright?”

Aria stood up and nodded her head, “Thank you Appa, Mr. Kwon.”

“Anytime, you know I am here for you, and put some sense back in that head of yours.”

Aria gave him a hug before heading on out to go back home. She was feeling a little bit better after getting everything off of her chest and talking to Mr. Kwon about everything, hearing what he had to say. She went back to her place, changed her clothes and just crawled into bed. She continued to think about what Mr. Kwon had to say about the situation between her and Joon.

‘Maybe he is right. I need to just let go of the past, because I am getting hurt more trying not to get hurt and pushing Joon away. I want to be with him, I want to have in him my daughter’s life. I miss sleeping with his arms wrapped around me, waking up to his face, his stupid jokes, his pabo moments when he thinks he is being smart. I miss how he use to make me laugh whenever I would cry, bring me little gifts that to most people would see as being stupid be meant so much to me.’

Aria felt tears start to fall as her thoughts got the better of her. ‘Why I have been so stupid? Why have I kept trying to push him away when all I want is to pull him close to me and never let him go? Why did it take me until now to realize just how much I want him, how much I need him? How am I going to last two months without him? Mr. Kwon is right, I need to take this time to just let go of the past. And then once Joon gets back, I am going to tell him how I feel. I am not going to let the past keep me from being happy with the man I love, mainly when we have the second/third chance to be happy and can be a family. I’m not even going to let this crazy girl Darea mess anything up. Lee Joon, I love you, and I am so sorry it took me until now to realize that.’

Joon looked out the window of the airplane, thinking about the E-mail that he had sent Aria. It hurt him to write it, but it killed him to know that he was going to be away from her to two whole months. He prayed that this was the right thing to do, giving her space to think and accept him back into her heart. He did not want it to back fire to return and realize that she given up on him completely and wants someone else.

Seungho noticed to troubled look on Joon’s face and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Joon, stop worrying. I think this is the best thing that you can do for her. She just needs time right now, and you both have a lot of your plates. You both need time apart to think, this is good for both of you. Don’t worry Joon. It will all work out, I promise.”

“And if it doesn’t Hyung? What then?”

“Then it just wasn’t meant to be Joon. I’m sorry, but that is a reality that you might have to face. I doubt that she would keep your daughter from you, but you might not be together.”

Joon looked out the window once more as he let out a sigh, realizing that Seungho had a point. He had to realize that there is a chance that Aria might not want to give him another chance. ‘I love you Aria, please realize that you love me to and let us be together again.’



So did you like the chapter? I think that it might make some of you happy to know how Aria really feels about Joon. Makes you think that everything is going to be all happy and drama free now, right? But don't forget about Darea, kekeke....Okay, I really need to stop being so hyper. Anyway, peace out, comment and subscribe please. Much Love!

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little_tea_pot #1
Chapter 13: CUUUUUTE~ >3<
abdb923 #2
Chapter 13: PHEW~! *holds heart* everything ended beautifully. :'D
Chapter 13: oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy ending~! im so hep hep happy! Darea is locked up, the baby is safe, Aria & Joon are together, all is well!
Thank You, author-nim for writing this story!
Chapter 12: I don't want anything bad to happen to the baby or Aria. =( It would make Joon Oppa upset. (that is a very nice stripping Joon)
As for the Rain , DO IT! I would love to read it! ^.^
abdb923 #6
Chapter 12: AH~! that....*takes a deep breath and looks at a stripping Joon* anyways I hope nothing worse happens.

A story about Rain and ? I'm all for it there's not enough stories of him going around. :D
little_tea_pot #8
MOOORE~ Haha &... I hope nothing horrible happens to Aria & the baby.. IF THEY DIE IMMA DIEEE! >O<