Day One

Big Bang Theory
It was already about 3:45 pm when both Kim and Teddy rode the elevator up one floor to Bigbang's floor.

Kim wasn't as nervous as she was when she stood behind Teddy in front of the door leading into Bigbang's apartment. That talk with Mr.Yang didn't go like she imagined it to, but it was better than what she had in mind.


That high pitched, overly cute and cheerful voice only belonged to Daesung. It was as if he didn't see Teddy there, and looked straight at Kim.

She heard footsteps inside coming over and the door was wrenched open by the youngest member of Bigbang.

"Ohhh! Is she Kim-noona?!"

It was weird, being called "noona", no one ever called Kim that, and she was an only child and so having people look up to her as an elder sister felt like quite a handful. They were all speaking in Korean, some of it Kim understood, but some escaped her.

"Yah! Don't scare her man."

Teddy said in English with that gangster accent of his once again. He pushed his way inside and motioned for Kim to follow which she did. All the while she was smiling politely at the two boys who seemed to be chatting excitedly. She would hear the word "noona" occasionally in their conversation.

In the living room, TOP and Taeyang was sitting leisurely on the couch watching tv and only turned when they heard the commotion going on. They were both startled to see a girl in their apartment, and not really knowing who she was abruptly stood and bowed as if their life depended on it.

Kim felt like she was in a weird wonderland, Alice's Wonderland maybe, only instead of the Chesire Cat and Mad Hatter, she was surrounded by some childish, and some too serious people.

She waved her hand at TOP and Taeyang to stop them from bowing, Teddy only laughed at them.

Years ago she had watched YGTV and got a glimpse of Bigbang's old apartment back in the old YG building. This new building looked much bigger and wider on the inside, it was different from the old one, much spacious.

"I'm Kim Ha-neul, nice to meet you all... Wait... Am I going to stay here? In their apartment?"

Kim stood straight back up after bowing and looked at Teddy for an answer who scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"Well, yea. There ain't no other free rooms and floors. 2ne1's busy with their comeback so they won't really be able to take care of you."

The four guys who were looking only watched on.

"But... But I don't really need to be taken care of! This is embarassing! Plus I'm in an apartment full of guys!"

GD had heard the protests from the extra room they had in the apartment, he was previously fixing it up for Kim but had peeked out to see what the problem was.

When he did that, Gaho had came out from the room and started barking at Kim, who had glared at it in return.

"Ah, so this is what I get for saving you."

Kim crossed her arms, and continued to glare at the dog. She wasn't in a very good mood right now. First missing her flight, second getting bandaged up, third having an almost interview like conversation with Mr.Yang and now living with 5 guys. Absurd. Totally.

GD looked on at her expression and only smirked. So she did have some down points too, he was almost convinced that Kim was perfect in every way, but the girl wasn't that patient and she didn't hide her anger nicely.

Gaho then only blinked at Kim at her exclamation and titled his head to the side, making that cute confused sound that all dogs make.

"Noona! Don't get angry! It's okaaaaaaay!"

Kim raised an eyebrow at Daesung's chinky eyes as he held out a thumbs up and and flashed a bright smile. Kim was afraid that it would blind her.

She only sighed and looked round at the apartment, catching GD peering out of a bedroom with a lazy smile on his face.

"I've nowhere to go... So I guess it's alright..."

Daesung and Seungri hugged eachother and Daesung started screaming like the person he is, ecstatic. It made Kim wonder if they were erts and happy that a girl was staying with them for who knows how long. But TOP and Taeyang were only amused and surprised at it.

"Don't mind them, they're always like that."

TOP's smooth and low voice reached her ears and she only smiled.

"Ehm... I guess I'll introduce myself properly now. I'm Kim Ha-neul. Thank you for having me here and uh... I'll try to help with chores."

By now GD had strode over to join the group and stood beside Taeyang.

"No problem, noona! You're a guest, we'll take care of you! Kang Daesung at your service!"

Kim found that a bit creepy, but she only nodded with a forced smile.

"Yah hyung! Don't creep her out!"

Seungri nudged Daesung who only held his side with slight laughter,

"Call me Seungri!"

Seungri flashed a charismatic smile to her and she returned it.

"TOP. But you can call me, Seung-hyun."

T.O.P. was surprisingly soft spoken, and didn't say much, just like Taeyang was. Or was that a wrong first impression? Kim knew him as a person who liked to make jokes behind the scenes.

"Dong Young Bae, but I prefer Taeyang."

Taeyang had spoken and was the only one who offered his hand to shake, a very traditional greeting which gave Kim an impression that he was very gentlemanly. She shook his hand almost blushing at the contact with THE Taeyang who had started his solo career and was very busy with it.

Then came GD who scooped up Gaho in his arms,

"Welcome to the YG Family, I hope Gaho learns some manners towards you."

and he had started to make puppet use of Gaho, taking one of its paws and pointing it to the girl, making a rough barking sound imitating the dog and waving the paw to which Kim slightly laughed at.

"Speaking of welcoming her to the YG family, President asked her to work under YG Entertainment."

Teddy had switched the conversation to Korean and Kim had not understood a word he said. She only knew that it was important by the answers of the Bigbang members.


"Aigoo... Will she survive YG training?"

"Chinchaa ji?!"

Still she had no idea what the ruckus was about.

"Someone has to teach me Korean, what are you guys talking about?"

They all chuckled at her statement, and Daesung answered, for once his face depicted another expression aside from happiness.

"Noona! You're going to work under YG Entertainment now? Then you really are YG Family!"

Kim waved her hands to signal "no" and used her little Korean knowledge to answer him, she felt weird being the only one who couldn't talk in full Korean.

"Aniyo! Mr. Yang just offered a job for me here, not something like dancing or singing, besides, I haven't accepted it, I have to think about it."

They all relaxed and let out an understanding sound like "ohhhs" and "ahhhs".

Teddy and the other members talked and laughed for a while, while GD led Kim to the spare room they thankfully had. As GD opened the lights, Kim looked around as the light flickered on, showing her a pretty nice bed and a decently medium sized room. There was a cabinet for her clothes, a human sized mirror and a table with an office chair.

There were electronics aside from the airconditioner, Kim would just have to watch TV in the living room, but she had her own laptop and it would be enough.

"It's spacious enough for me. Thank you."

Then the thoughts of her living with Bigbang sank in. She would have to go into showers that the guys used, and what if she accidentally saw them half ? What about the laundry, did she have to let them take her laundry? She shook her head and fought back the blush going up her cheeks.

GD only looked at her with a weird expression on his face, wondering what had gotten into the girl.

"Uhh... This is pretty weird after all, living in here with guys..."

Kim hadn't noticed she had said that out loud, but, honestly, she had prefered it than living alone. She found it sad and scary living alone. She had trouble handling things by herself, though she would be able to do it, it wasn't as comforting than living with someone.

"Don't worry, it's not like we're going to hurt you. If someone tries anything, but I don't think they will, then you can tell me."

Kim turned back to give the leader an apologetic smile, not really meaning to offend s.

"It's not like that, It's just weird that I'd have to well, share showers and stuff like that."

GD broke out in laughter,

"We have two showers here, you can use the other one, we rarely use it."

Kim only grinned and nodded, starting to unpack her stuff from the luggage she had dragged around the whole day.

"Do tell me if you guys need any help, I don't really like just being a free-loader."

GD shrugged and heard a bark, probably a hungry Gaho and excused himself, leaving the girl in her room.

Sure enough Gaho was whining and prodding his food bowl. GD smiled at opened his pet a can of dog food, and peered outside the kitchen while doing so. He saw s sitting around the couch and conversing as if they were making a mastermind plan. He raised his eyes at this and poured the food on the food bowl, then threw the can away.

"Yah, what are you guys doing?"

They all shot up and relaxed when they saw their leader.

"Shh! Shh! Come over."

TOP had reverted to his bingu self and pulled GD in the circle, where they were conversing about Kim.

"She seems really uncomfortable living with us."

Taeyang said in a low voice,

"What do you expect? She's a girl."

TOP nudged Taeyang lightly with a small smile, typical of him not to know much about girls, seeing as he never had a girlfriend before.

"What should we do about breakfast tomorrow? Are we supposed to make something special for her?"

Daesung asked, still quite excited.

"Why are you so happy that she's here, it's not like she's the only girl who's lived here..."

GD grumbled, and everyone fell silent, after a few moments of glancing at GD's face, Daesung yet again piped up,

"...But Kim-noona seems nicer than any girl who's came up here. Every girl you had a relationship with was either mean or complained a lot, hyung. They were only sweet on the outside."

GD scoffed and decided not to take part in this conversation anymore, he attempted to stand but the maknae had pulled him down again.

"Yah, hyung, don't get mad, Daesung and I are just excited to have another noona who seems nice around here."

Taeyang nor TOP didn't say anything, they knew Daesung was right. G-Dragon, had always tried to look for the "right girl", but he never did, he gave up a year ago on his last girlfriend. All of them had only wanted the fame, power and money.

Sugar coated, but ugly as a demon inside. Their beauty was only skin-deep, GD himself knew that, but he never wanted to admit it himself.


That was the only thing he said and TOP followed,

"But, we don't really know her yet, for all we know she might just be like the others."

They all nodded. There were girls they needed to watch out for, the last girlfriend GD had taken to the apartment. She was one who broke Bigbang's brotherly relationship, scammed them and blackmailed them even. No one blamed it on the leader, but he always held guilt in his heart for that.

"We'll just see how it goes."

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bringbringtelephone #1
bigbang yayy!!
m0zarts0nata-- #2
I'm loving this story!<br />
It's very well written, please update soon~ ^^<br />
butterfly555 #4
omo just read this in one go and im so curious as to what next UPDATE SOON PLZ