Chapter 1

UNTOUCHABLE to everyone but you...

*D's pov*

"Ladies, the CEO would like to see you now. Thank you for coming." the assistant Hana told us. My closest friends and I sat in the lobby outside of his office. I stood and bowed to her and we walked inside. Woollim sat at the long rectangle table and smiled at us.

"Untouchable. My girls. I have great news for you all. I have found your perfect partner band." he said.

"Really?! Who!?" Nya exclaimed.

"Does this mean we can finally get ready to debut?" Xia asked half excitedly.

"It's a guy group, right?" Halo asked.

"Girls! Calm down. Let him finish." I snapped. The girls got  quiet and Woollim contiuned.

"You girls will be paired with a guy group and you will meet them today. They are upstairs in practice room D-1. They're waiting on you girls." Woollim smiled. We smiled excitedly and nodded as he got up and opened the door for us to go upstairs.

When we were in the elevator, Halo and Xia were chatting excitedly. "I hope none of them are gay. I need new buddies." Halo said. Xia smirked and high fived each other. I rolled my eyes and held a smirk at our two, Untouchable ladies.

By the way, we are UNTOUCHABLE, Woollim Entertainment's new girl group. The only one, I'm sure as well. We've been kept a secret until Woollim appa could find our perfect boyband to be attached to. The elevator stopped on the D floor and we got off.  "All right, girls. Excited?" I said.

"As we could ever be." the girls said. We stepped into the room and said, "Hello! We are UNTOUCHABLE! Please look upon prettily!" we all exclaimed. Seven guys turned around and a gasp escaped from both of sides of the room. No... No... NO! ARE YOU ING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!? WHY THEM!?!? UGH!! The reason behind my broken heart stood in the same position as me in between 6 other people.

"Da-Hae~shi... It's you princess... How have you been?" Sunggyu said excitedly as he walked towards me. I stared at him blankly and I stepped back. Is my past coming back to slap me in my face!? Does the universe hate me!? I spent the longest two years of my life without him, he lived his dream and I had to live in solidatude without him. Why does it have to be him!?

*Halo's pov*

OMFG! YOU ARE BULLTING ME RIGHT NOW!? WHY OF ALL PEOPLE DO I HAVE TO SEE HIS FACE AGAIN!? WHY DO YOU HATE SUCH A Y DAUGHTER OF YOURS GOD!? OH WHY!? Hoya, the man I h-h-hat-I can't say that word... The man that... made me who I am today, stood before me with an overjoyed expression. Like I was the best thing he'd ever seen in the whole wide world!

"Hey, I'm Hoya. You are..." he said as he reached out his hand. WHAT THE !? HE DOESN'T REMEMBER ME!? NO ING WAY!

"You...cold bastard... After what you did to me... You have the nerve to not even remember me!?" I exclaimed. He shrunk back and the guys of INFINITE stared at me.

"Um... I'm s-sorry? You look very famaliar to me.... Do know a Jung Hyun Jae?" Hoya said.

"It's Halo, now. And yes. That should tell you who I am. Bastard." I said coldly as I ran out of the room.

"HALO!!!" the girls yelled after me. I contiuned to the elevator with the girls following me. I ran into the elevator and the door closed before they could get on. I was alone. Tears slipped from my eyes and I slid down onto the cold marble floor. I felt my heart suddenly...unfrozen and a shock of pain went through my body. This is the pain, I was avoiding for all these years. The pain of heartbreak, hurt, betrayal, shock and...pure angst.

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dandanchowa #1
keep updating i like this story D8
can I apply?
LadyHotHope #3
Wahhhh ~~~ Update please !!