Calling VietzxDuy for Review!

♡ Celestial Dreams Graphic & Review Shop ♡ [CLOSED]


Review VietzxDuy "Friends Or More?"


Title: “Friends Or More?”
Author: VietzxDuy
Title, Description/ Foreword: 7/10 
Plot: 20/20
Originality: 10/10
Enticement: 10/10
Clarity: 19/10
Functionality: 10/10- (Chances to formulate and make ideas)
Grammar/Spelling: 13/15
Characters: 40/40
Development: 10/10
Uniqueness: 10/10
Description: 10/10
Structure: 30/30
Organization: 10/10
Topic Standings: 10/10
Flow: 10/10
Overall Enjoyment : 20/20
Total: 219/225 (A+) 97.3%

Ending Comments: It would have been better if you took your Description and Forward for the story, and switched them. And there was a few spelling errors here and there but that’s a very minor detail. Overall so far, that was the highest score earned from me by anyone yet. So great job~! Be sure to keep writing and remember, everyone has room to improve.





This review was made by BlytheForever12. If you have any issues or want a redo, don't hesitate to ask us! Also, please remeber to credit us with the name of the shop and a link!

Thank you for requesting at the Celestial Graphic & Review Shop!



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I requested for a review, thanks :D
AllRiseChoikang #2
Hi! I'm going to ask for a graphic! :)) thanks in advance!
Requested for a review~ Thanks in advance ^^
Thanks for the review chingu! Much appreciated! ^_^
I requested :P waiting for it to be reviewed ^^
i just filled in the form. i hope i did it the right way.. :D
is it possible for me to request a poster for a story off mine.
OMG thanks for the review ^^;; I'll try to be more careful when writing cuz my biggest fault is spelling
I already put a link back to the shop btw~
& thanks again for the review :D
where's the form?