8. Where do you live?

Mission : Protect NEW FACE!

I'm so so so so so so sorry I didn't update for so long! Q A Q


*Why do I feel as if I am being followed...?* Seojin wondered to herself.

The heels of her sneakers squeaked along the road towards her house.

The sun was halfway down, casting a beautiful sunset over the horizon and making the empty ally appear more charming than it really was. But, she couldn’t shake away this creepy feeling of being watched by someone...

*There’s no one else on this road but me, if I get jumped, I might not be heard. And then the gangsters will kidnap me and beat me and me and steal my money before I even have time to call for help!?* She began to panic but, shook her head in denial making her long hair swayed side to side.

She gripped onto the strap of her school bag tighter, and took a deep breath.

“IS ANYONE THERE?!” She yelled at the top of her lungs.

Seojin puffed up her cheeks, holding on to her breath listening carefully for a response.

She stood there motionless. Only her own voice echoed off the brick walls and the sound of the breeze passing by was all she got in return.

She finally let out a big sigh in relief. “I must be getting paranoid…” She wiped a fake sweat off her forehead and exaggeratedly cringed her nose. “It’s too quiet here.”

Unknowingly she began to hum to fill up the empty silence. It eventually grew into singing as she came closer to her home. She began to feel comfort and had almost forgotten about the creepy feeling of being followed when a sudden rustling noise made her freeze in her tracks. The smile on her face instantly vanished as fear began to replace it.

“Uh…uhm, don’t be silly, Yang Seojin! It was just the wind. Ha-ha-ha-ha~” She tried laughing it off but failed and sounded like a broken and emotionless robot instead. She tried covering it up with a fake cough.

Behind the bushes were Minhyun and Ren, both flinching at the weird girl upon them.

“Hyung, why is she talking to herself and laughing like a robot?” Ren scowled in confuesment.

Minhyun patted the younger’s head. “I think we may have a delusional client… This will become quite troublesome.” He sighed.

They watched her looking around herself in search of the source of the noise. When she couldn’t find anything, she laughed awkwardly up at the sky as she quickened her pace towards her home, where it was safe.

“You think she’s noticed us following her?” Ren whispered.

“I think she has. Time for Plan B, Ren. It’s about time your pretty porcelain doll face come to use.” Minhyun smirked.

“Porcelain doll?! Excuse me, I think I have a really manly face! Besides, I don‘t like Plan B- WOAH!” Minhyun pushed Ren out of their hiding spot before he could finish.

Ren’s eyes widened in surprise as he crashed into the equally surprised and scared Seojin.

The two landed on the cement sidewalk with a thud.

“OW! ASDFGHJKLL;ESGDFMRL; WHO ARE YOU??? GET OFF OF ME!?!!!” Seojin desperately screamed.

Ren covered his ears from the loud shriek. “Calm down! Seojin-ah!” He pinned her shoulder to the ground as her arms flailed around vigorously. “Stop it, you’re going to hurt yourself. LOOK AT ME!” He yelled in frustration.

Seojin finally stopped scrambling to meet eyes with Ren. She noticed how close the two of them were and gasped. Her cheeks flared into a shade of pink.

“R-r-ren Unni? What are you doing here?” She managed to squeak.

“Me?” Ren desperately eyed the bush behind them searching for Minhyun to give him an excuse. “I-I live here. What are you doing here?”

“I live here, too…” she said.

“Uhmm okay. Cool….” Ren looked around awkwardly. His face displayed emotionless as usual but his mind was going crazy at the moment. *ING MINHYUN, THAT JERK! I’ll get my revenge! But we‘re so close, this is getting a little awkward..*

He unknowingly studied her face. *Her face is so small and fragile looking, I feel like I have to protect this girl… Wait, what am I thinking? This girl is a target, Choi Minki! You can’t afford to think like that… but her legs feels so soft… wait, her LEGS?!* Ren scrambled up to his feet franticly realizing he was on top of her with their legs tangled together in a position that might be mistaken for something more than just a fall.

Ren coughed nervously. “S-sorry.” He extended his hand down to her.

Seojin looked up at it questionably. “It’s… okay…” She slipped her hands into his and was lifted up. *Ren Unni is stronger than she looks.* She gawked at how easily he was able to pull her up to her feet.

“So uhmm where do you live?” Seojin asked cautiously dusting the lint off her school uniform.


“Where’s your house? You said you lived around here…”

“My house?” *That’s what I want to know!* “It’s urhmm, not that far. How about you?” Ren scratched his chin.

“Right up that hill.” She pointed towards the road ahead of them. “It’s not too far either…” She said silently.

“S-same here.”

“But there is only one house up there, and it’s mine…” Seojin gave him a look. “Are you sure you live here?” She narrowed her eyes.

“Uhmmm uhh..” Ren became at loos for words. *Help me, Minhyun!*

“Sigh… I can never rely on him for anything.” Minhyun face palmed his face and let out a big sigh. He carefully rustled out of the bushes and swiftly appeared behind Ren without letting Seojin know he came out of a bush. “Hey Ren, so how do you like the new neighborhood?” He smirked and slung his arm around Ren.

Seojin felt a little jealous for some reason but she couldn’t figure out why. “Who’s this?” She asked. “Is he your boyfriend Unni?” She tried to sound as cheerful as possible.

BOYFRIEND??!!” Ren glared at Minhyun with horror in his eyes. “No no no no. NO. This is Minhyun… O-o-oppa. He’s my…”

“Cousin.” Minhyun finished confidently.

“Right…” Seojin glanced at the two. “So where exactly do you live if there is no houses other than mine around here?”

“At yours, Yang Seojin. You’re our new landlord.” He casually snorted.

“Your landlord..? WHAT?!” Seojin’s eyes widened. “No, you can’t come to my house! How did you- Why are you- WHAT THE POO IS GOING ON?”

“Your house,” Minhyun leaned in closer to her face and said his words very carefully like she was mental and needed help comprehending his words. “Is now our house. We pay you rent, you give us a room. We’re your clients, and your our landlord.”

Who says? I never sent my house for rent!”

“Your aunt seemed more than willing to rent out a couple of rooms to us in your house. She was so very kind to us.” Ren smiled, growing confidence now that he had Minhyun to back him up.


“Stop screaming, you hurt my ears. Come one let’s go Ren, we better start to unpack and settle in.”

“Ren Unni, is this guy really speaking the truth? You two are really living with me?” Seojin looked up at Ren hopefully for the right answer.

“No.” Ren sighed and followed Minhyun up the hill.

She let out a sigh in relief. “Then why are you walking towards my-”

“There’s three more of us to come later.” He winked. “We’ll meet you inside.” He smirked shining the reflected lights of the house key into her eyes.

Seojin stood there dumbfounded with her jaw open. “M-my key..?”

“Don’t just stand there with your mouth open. Flies are going to get in your mouth.” Minhyun laughed as he approached a small and cozy looking house. “So this is your place…” He smiled. Something about the house made him like it very much.

“Hmm these next few weeks will become interesting…” He smiled and opened the door to their new home. 

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Cool story! Keep it up - Yuki
Chapter 11: This is such a funny story! Please author-nim, please update! :D
Lovekoreans123 #3
Please keep update I can't wait if how long will ren act like a girl so pretty please update soon thank you
Badass-Kid #4
Chapter 11: Plz update soon.........
kikka6807 #5
Chapter 11: I DEMAND AN UPDATE!!!!!! :D No really plz update!!!
loving the story so far (Y) please update soon^^
jasarana16 #7
YESH! You updated!!
yes an update XD
gyaaa ren > < how could she not notice he is a guy with his voice????
plzzzzz update soon > < ~~~~!!!!!