5. Ren Unni~

Mission : Protect NEW FACE!

Yoseob let out a big sigh. “Seojin-shi, please... Just take a seat.”

“But those guys are in my seat-” Seojin began to protest.

Yoseob’s eyes tiredly met with hers. “Just sit next to Luhan then. There is an empty seat right there.” Luhan’s face immediately brightened as he waved at Seojin warmly with a smile.

“Oh, okay” she silently sunk into the chair. She greeted Luhan and Baekhyun sheepishly before taking out her notebook and pencil out of her bag.

“Now.” Yoseob sarcastically said. “Can we please get on with the lesson?” he turned his back to the class and began writing a math equation on the blackboard.

The rest of class droned on that way for an hour or so. Baekho was still nervously checking on Seojin and Ren and to make sure she didn’t see him. JR was leaned back in his chair listening to music, while Minhyun had his face down to the desk and dozed off to dreamland.

Occasionally, EXO would turn their heads to them and give them a few dirty looks. But that was as much excitement there was in class other than that, until the bell for PE rang.

“Okay, class.” Yoseob called to them closing his textbook. “Girls change in this classroom while boys go change in the class next door.” He squinted his eyes playfully. “No peeking!”

The girls giggled as they pulled out their change of clothes from their bags and the boys walked out hoarse playing with each other towards the room next door.

Baekho quickly whipped out his phone to text Aron.

“Initiate operation : Call me Ren Unni, now!  (-` v ´-)”  

Aron, who was in the upper class above them, smirked as he read the message. “Time for revenge.” he chuckled and rose his hand. “Teacher! Can I go use the restroom?”

- - - -

JR tossed off his button up shirt, revealing his abs to all of the male students who gawked at his body in jealousy. He proudly smiled, showing off his hard work he put into to getting these babies.

“Put on a shirt will you?” Minhyun scowled tossing the PE uniform at his face.

“But these babies wanted to get some fresh air..” he laughed flexing his arms in various poses.

Ren gave him a look of disapproval. “Gay.” and he huddled to a corner to change his clothes as well.

Baekho took this chance to snatch Ren’s school uniform and his PE clothes as he shoved the clothing into a plastic bag. He feigned innocence as he whistled and threw the clothing out the window, where Aron was waiting to catch it.

Ren continued to change out of his clothes not knowing each piece of clothing he threw off was snatched and thrown out the window into Aron’s hands.

He was soon stripped to nothing but his boxers when he finally noticed something was missing. “Where’s my clothes?” he searched around the room.

By this time, most students had already finished changing and had went out the door to the gym. Ren and Baekho were the only ones left.

Ren continued to look under tables and behind cupboards for his clothes. “Hyung, have you seen my clothes lying around? I swore I had it in my hands seconds ago...”

Baekho flinched. “Uh-uhhmmm.. Maybe you left it in class?” he laughed awkwardly. “I’m done changing so I’ll see you at the gym, bye~ Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-” he skipped out of the door with a straight face while laughing like a robot.

“Weirdo.” Ren rolled his eyes at him. “Maybe it is back in the classroom, after all.” he scratched his head. He put back on a wife beater he found on the ground and a pair of loose jeans that someone had forgotten to put away. “Now that I think about it, my uniform is missing, too.” he thought out loud walking out of the classroom.

He stopped in front of the door to his class. He knocked. But no one answered to his relief. “I guess the girls are done changing,” he figured and steadily slid the door open.

“Omo!” a girl yelped. He froze in his tracks as he saw Seojin in nothing but her bra and her skirt halfway down her skinny legs in the middle of the empty classroom. His eyes widened. “.”

“You scared me!” she playfully threw her shirt at his face. “For a moment, I thought you were some ert dude.” she turned her back to him and continued to change.

Ren’s cheeks burned red and he covered his innocent eyes with her shirt. “I-I’m so sorry, I’ll be taking my leave…” he sheepishly turned to walk out the door. “Oh, it’s okay. You can stay, we’re all girls here.” she casually said.

That caught Ren’s attention. “Excuse me?” he coughed.

“I said you can stay. No need to be shy or anything, Ren, right?” she raised her eyebrow at him. “You look older than me. What month were you born?”

*Why is this girl being okay with this? It’s like she’s used to guys seeing her .* he furrowed his brows at the thought. “November…” he whispered back.

“Ha! I knew it, you’re my Unni, then~” she giggled happily.

“U-unni..?” he spat the word out, startled.

She gave him a weird look. “Yes. You know, it’s what a younger girl calls an older girl to show respect and affection.” she walked up to him at the door, done with her changing.

“B-but, you’re a girl… and I’m-”

“Also a girl.” she stated matter of factly. “You’re being weird, are you foreign?” she asked examining  his blonde hair.

“No, but-”

“If you aren’t a girl, that would mean you were a erted peeking Tom!” she exclaimed leaning close to his face. “Then I would have to report you to the principle and the police!”

Ren gulped. “C-call me Ren Unni…” he wearily smiled.

“I thought so~” she sang and skipped down the stairs to the gym.

“Hurry, we’re going to be late for PE,” she pouted her lips.

Ren stood there motionless.

“You know, I had my doubts that you were a boy judging by your extremely flat chest,” she put her hands to her chin, her invisible beard. “But you’re prettier than me! So that can’t be true~” she laughed and continued skipping down.

“.” Ren feigned a laugh. “I’m in such deep .”

- - - - -

Baekho and Aron were watching the whole scene from inside a closet.

Aron smiled deviously while poking his eyes out of the small crack. “Mission complete.”

Baekho looked up at his crazy hyung. “Are you sure this is alright, hyung? Ren’s going to have to pretend to be a girl for a long time while we live with her…” he bit his lower lip.

“Exactly.” he giggled happily. “Revenge is sweet~ don’t worry Baekho-yah. This is all for the good of the mission.” he lied. It was all for his own pleasure, of coarse.

“If you say so…” Baekho sighed.

The two crawled out of the closet when Ren finally unfroze from his spot and threw on the shirt Seojin gave as he walked down the stairs with a still, frozen expression.

“I’m a girl…” he whispered “Or else I get sent to jail for being a ert...” he forehead slapped himself.


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Cool story! Keep it up - Yuki
Chapter 11: This is such a funny story! Please author-nim, please update! :D
Lovekoreans123 #3
Please keep update I can't wait if how long will ren act like a girl so pretty please update soon thank you
Badass-Kid #4
Chapter 11: Plz update soon.........
kikka6807 #5
Chapter 11: I DEMAND AN UPDATE!!!!!! :D No really plz update!!!
loving the story so far (Y) please update soon^^
jasarana16 #7
YESH! You updated!!
yes an update XD
gyaaa ren > < how could she not notice he is a guy with his voice????
plzzzzz update soon > < ~~~~!!!!!