3. The Game Plan?

Mission : Protect NEW FACE!

Ren was tossing around in his top bunk bed, unable to sleep.  He stared blankly at their dorm ceiling wondering if he would be able to sleep at all tonight. His mind was filled with too many worries regarding their new mission that he was unable to rest.

“How could Boss Pledis be so stupid. Doesn’t he realize what crazy he just started?” he mumbled to himself softly.

“Oh! I heard that, and I am SO telling on you tomorrow morning~” the cheerful voice of Baekho sounded from the bunk underneath him.

Ren jumped up, startled by the unexpected reply, and hit his head against the ceiling. “Ow!” he winced at the pain but quickly cradled his face into his pillow, biting away a cry of pain. He wouldn’t want any more of the members to wake up because of him.

“Hey, you okay up there?” a different, concerned voice asked from across the dark room.

“Uh? Minhyung you’re awake, too?” Baekho scrambled out from his bed sheets and positioned himself upright on his bed.

“It seems none of us could get any shut eye. “ JR chuckled.

“I think Aron hyung is still asleep, though-”

“Nope. I’m awake, too.” he answered as he rubbed his tired eyes with the back of his hand.

“I guess I wasn’t the only one who was nervous about our first real mission.” Minhyun sighed in relief realizing that he wasn’t alone.

“Nervous? It sounded more like Ren was pissed off about this mission than be nervous about it,” Baekho pointed his thumb up at the bunk above him.

“I wasn’t pissed off!” Ren smacked his pillow down on Baekho’s face in protest. “I’m just, worried. That’s all.” he pulled the covers over his blonde head.

The others eyed each other carefully and nodded as they came to a silent agreement among themselves.

JR cleared his throat, “Ren, don’t take this the wrong way because I’m being dead serious here,” the  leader looked at the upper bunk in the corner. Ren was still huddled inside his blankets, but he was listening to every word.

“I’ve been thi-…” he paused to correct himself, “We, have been thinking about a game plan for this mission. And we decided our best bet of this being successful is if you became a girl, for real.” he gulped, waiting for the explosion of curses and insults in return from their girly friend.

Instead, to everyone’s surprise, he kept calm about the situation. “Explain.” he poked his head out from underneath the covers.

“Oh, uhmm- Right.” JR stammered with his words. He had expected Ren to throw another huge fit at him for calling out on his famine features, and was at lost of words when he handled the suggestion so calmly. “Uhhh yeah, so as I was saying, you said so yourself, Boss’ plan isn’t very foolproof, correct?”

“Of course. It’s a stupid plan.” he rolled his eyes.

“Well, if I was a girl, personally, I’d prefer telling my best girl friend my secrets over some random boy. No matter how ‘hot’ he may be.”

Ren finally started to catch up with their plan. He narrowed his eyes down at their leader. “So you want me to be a girl and do all the work for you?”

“It’s not like that-” Minhyun started.

“It’s exactly like that.” Aron finished coldly.

Ren scoffed at them. “Ha! No way in hell am I going along with your stupid plan! I admit, my face does resemble of a girl, somewhat-”

“A lot, actually.” Aron chuckled.

Ren glared down at him. “But there’s no way in hell I can actually pass for a girl! Unless she was completely blind… Even then, what about my voice? My flat chest? And my, uhh, my down there.” he looked down hesitantly. “How do you expect to explain all that to her, huh?!”

The room became silent.

Aron coughed, “Okay first of all, your voice is still pretty high pitched for your age, so it’ll be fine if you just try to keep it from going too low. Second, I’ve seen tons of Asian girls with flat chests before, so that’s not even a concern to begin with-”

“Okay, yeah sure. But that still doesn’t solve the biggest problem, does it?!” Ren yelled pointing accusingly at Aron.

“-Lastly, it’s not that ‘big’ of a problem-” Aron smirked at Ren.

Baekho laughed hysterically at Ren, whose face was flaming red. “Shut up, you ! Yours isn’t so big, either!” he gave another blow to his face with the pillow tightly gripped in his hands. It didn’t help much in shutting him up, though.

Aron ignored Baekho’s continues laughter in the background and continued on with his explanation to Ren. “Why are you so worried about your thing down there, anyways? Were you planning to show it to her or something?! And you called me the dog…” he gave a disgusted look towards Ren.

“NO, YOU DOUCHE.” Ren face palmed his face. “If we live in the same house, that means I’ll have to change clothes there and take showers there! What do you think she’ll do if she walks in on me and sees a half dude with a hanging down from him, who was supposed to be her best GIRL friend?!”

Aron shrugged. “We’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”

“Oh my god...” Ren sighed and banged his forehead against the wall at Aron’s ignorance.

“Oh come on, Ren.” Minhyun pleaded. “You’re probably the only chance we got.”

“Yes, and we can’t lose to those ing EXO creeps…” JR clenched his fists tightly.

“You’re all crazy.” Ren laughed them off. “I ain’t doing that crap, GOODNIGHT.” he flung the blanket over his head again.

The boys didn’t know what to say anymore and just stayed quiet.

The soft snores from Ren were soon heard, and they knew it was hopeless.

“I suppose if he really doesn’t want to, we can’t exactly force him…” JR sighed heavily, breaking the silence. “Let’s just try to get some shut eye as well, for now.”

The others agreed and tucked themselves back into the comforts of their beds.

Only Aron stood still unmoved while the others laid their heads down.

“No,” a sinister smile spread across his lips. “He’ll give in. You’ll see.”

“What’s that?”


“Stop talking to yourself and go to sleep!” Baekhyun grumbled at him.

“Sorry,” Aron innocently smiled a he planned his evil master plot silently in his head.



Sort of a short chappie xP
The next one is where YOU/Yang Seojin comes in, though
so look forward to that~ * v *
FYI, I actually really like EXO! xD
I'm not hating on them or anything, I just wanted to add them into the story~ o v o
I've been listening to their song "History" for hours on replay~ * u *
If only they'd debut soon.. = v =;;
I still can't find the episodes for NU'EST's reality show.. q ^ q 
I was so looking forward to it, too D':

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Cool story! Keep it up - Yuki
Chapter 11: This is such a funny story! Please author-nim, please update! :D
Lovekoreans123 #3
Please keep update I can't wait if how long will ren act like a girl so pretty please update soon thank you
Badass-Kid #4
Chapter 11: Plz update soon.........
kikka6807 #5
Chapter 11: I DEMAND AN UPDATE!!!!!! :D No really plz update!!!
loving the story so far (Y) please update soon^^
jasarana16 #7
YESH! You updated!!
yes an update XD
gyaaa ren > < how could she not notice he is a guy with his voice????
plzzzzz update soon > < ~~~~!!!!!