6. It's a B-bird

Mission : Protect NEW FACE!

Aron and Baekho high fived each other in celebration of their success. Aron smiled from ear to ear, happy with the results of his revenge. “That’s why you don’t mess with the Aron, boy! Woohoo!” He laughed and pumped his fist in the air.

Baekho wearly smiled back at his -perhaps a little too excited- hyung. “We should be getting back to class, soon...” He tried to calm down Aron, who was jumping up and down around him, and failed miserably.

Nothing seemed to be able stop his little victory dance in the middle of the hallway until a dark figure lurked out from behind the shadows.

“I saw that.” A voice called out to the two boys. They froze, hearing the annoying voice pierced through their ears. “What do you want, Luhan?” Aron snarled, putting his little celebration on hold.

“I should be asking you the same thing.” He eyed them cooly. “This is our territory, human. I suggest you stay out of it.”

Baekho rolled his eyes back. “There he goes with that alien talk, again.”

Luhan burned holes through him with his glare. “DON’T.” He pointed at them fiercely. “Underestimate us. Now, I’ll ask you again, why are you here and what do you with Yang Seojin?” he hissed between his clenched teeth.

“None of your business,” Aron snapped back at him. “Get back to class Baekho, I’ll handle him.” he lightly pushed him towards the direction of the staircase. “Keep your eye on Baekhyun for me. He should be with the rest of NU’EST at the gym, right now.”

“But, hyung-” he began to protest.

“NO. Just, go.” Aron cut him off relentlessly.

Baekho looked nervously back and forth between his hyung then back at their opponent. He nodded his head at Aron and gave Luhan one last warning glare before disappearing down the stairs.

“Now,” Aron cracked his knuckles loudly. “Don’t cry when I rearrange that pretty face of yours for you.” he sneered.

“Don’t worry,” Luahan switched out a small pocket knife from his back pocket, making Aron’s eyes widen at the unexpected weapon.

“That’ll never happen.” he smirked.

- - - -

“Partner up, class! We’ll be taking the sit up exams next.” The PE teacher yelled at his students. The silver name tag pinned on his left chest shined with the name of Lee Taemin on it.

JR grabbed onto Minhyun before he could get to Ren to ask him to be his partner. “Don’t you dare leave me alone with some stranger.” He smiled dangerously down at Minhyun, and gripped onto his arm tightly making it hard for him to escape. He mouthed the words ‘I’m Sorry’ to Ren and was dragged off by JR onto the mats, where the exam would take place, before he could even try to protest.

Ren shrugged and looked around the room for Baekho, who was still missing from class. He pursed his lips in desperation and searched the gym for a different partner.

But most people had already paired up with their friends, and that left Ren standing alone like an idiot. He sighed and was going to attempt doing the sit ups without a partner when a frail little voice called out to him.

“Ren Unni, would you like to be my partner?” Seojin looked at him with hopeful eyes.

Minhyun, who was lying flat on his back, shot up from his sit up position when he heard their target call Ren an Unni. He kicked JR off him in the process, but ignored the boy in pain, and put his full attention on Ren. “Did that girl just call Ren an Unni?!”

Seojin turned to face Minhyun. “Yeah, Ren Unni.” She looked at him with a confused look.

Ren gave a desperate look at Minhyun, mouthing words for him to shut up. He responded by raising his brows at the two. “Oh. Of course, Ren looked so manly I almost forgot he was a girl, too.”

Ren scowled. The first time he ever called him manly and he chose a time like this to say it.

“Get in your positions!” Taemin yelled at his students.

“Unni, get on your back, I’ll hold onto your legs.” Seojin scurried Ren to the mats.

“Right...” He replied relentlessly.

“And begin, ONE!” The teacher yelled.

The students curled up towards their legs to the instructions of their teacher. JR was showing off his physical ability, again by going the fastest and highest. “Aish, hyung! No one cares how great you are! Stop coming so close to my face.” Minhyun glared at him each time he came up for the sit up.

Ren on the other hand, was just barely lifting his head. He hated having to break a sweat.

“Unni! Do them properly or Mr.Lee will yell at us.” she nervously encouraged him.

Ren stared at her blankly. “Are you sure?”

“What? Of course I am! Hurry, he’s getting closer!” she glanced at Mr.Lee who was staring down at his students, making sure they did took the exam seriously. He was making his way down the mat, and was nearing them.

“Okay, but you’ll regret saying that.” Ren smirked.

“TWENTY!” Mr.Lee yelled.

“Just do it!”

This time, instead of just slightly lifting his head off the ground, Ren curled all the way up into Seojin’s face.

He was only inches away from her lips. Seojin could feel his hot breath on her cheeks, and felt her face beginning to redden. *What? Ren Unni is a girl, why am I turning red?* she looked around the room aimlessly trying to avoid eye contact.


With each number Mr.Lee shouted, Ren would get closer to Seojin by a few inches. He kept up with this until the tips the their noses were touching. “U-unni, Aren’t you getting a little too close?” Seojin nervously laughed.

“You told me to.” Ren replied bluntly.

“I know what I said. But-”

“OMO, REN!” Minhyun screamed like a girl when he saw how close Ren and Seojin were together. He let go of JR’s legs in the middle of a curl, making him go off balance, and ran towards the two.

“AHNDWAE!!!” JR cried when he fell to the side, only being able to reach thirty sit ups. “I COULD HAVE GONE UP TO ONE HUNDRED, MINHYUN!! YOU BASTARD, WHY YOU BETRAY ME?!”

Minhyun ignored the whining baby behind him and threw Seojin off of Ren. “Yah! What do you think you two are doing?!” He scolded them.

Ren stared up at his hyung, with a startled look. “Hyu-” He caught himself, glancing at the confused Seojin on the floor. “I mean O-Oppa...” he stuttered. The word completely grossed him out. “I was just doing my sit ups, Minhyun Oppa.” he finally managed to make out a sentence.

“Muh? OPPA?!” Minhyun stared at him with disgust. “You gay son of a !” he kicked Ren’s head. “I DON’T SWING THAT WAY, ALRIGHT?!”

Seojin rubbed the surface of her head that hit the ground. “Do you like... boys then?” she asked, all confused.

“BOYS?! WHATTHEISGOINGON?!” Minhyun messed up his own hair in frustration.

Mr.Lee ran over at them and smacked Minhyun’s head. “Hey, shut up. Don’t yell at girls, that’s rude. You won’t be getting any with that sort of attitude.” Taemin winked.

“BUT HE’S A B-” Ren ran over to clasp his hands over Minhyun’s lips. “He’s a b-b-bird?” he shouted out the first word that popped in his head that started with the letter ‘b’. Ren desperately searched out the window for a bird, but there was only trees. “He’s a bird!” Ren shouted again and pointed at JR. “Ah-ha-ha-ha. That’s what he tried to say, of course, silly Minhyun!”

“Excuse me?” JR glared at the two. “WHO’S a bird?” he seemed to have taken it as an insult.

Minhyun bit into Ren’s hands. “OUCH! DAMN IT.”

“NO PROFANITY IN CLASS!” Baekhyun yelled at them from the other end of the mat. “That’s what Mr.Yoseob taught us today.” he sneered making the rest of class laugh.

Seojin was left on the floor, confused all over again. “What. The. .”



@SappireBlueS : Omo! I didn't know they watched anime xD haha How cute! <3

@2pmsoShinee : Awww <3 I'm glad it did v U v

@ChocolateBear : asdfghjklsdfghjkl Thank you! Q u Q I hope your friends like it, too x3


Thanks for reading, you! :D


//I'm surprise no one mentioned Secret Garden, yet! O A O Anyways, I LOVED that drama... <3 hehehe The sit up scene? OMG It was SHO CUTE. I just had to have it on here, too = v = ehehehe Also surprised no on noticed ARON COULD DIE RIGHT NOW!! Q A Q Am I the only Aron biased, here? orzll Yes, yes, Ren was cute and all. BUT WHAT ABOUT MY BABY ARON? Does no one care for him? Q A Q CRIESFOREVER//
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Cool story! Keep it up - Yuki
Chapter 11: This is such a funny story! Please author-nim, please update! :D
Lovekoreans123 #3
Please keep update I can't wait if how long will ren act like a girl so pretty please update soon thank you
Badass-Kid #4
Chapter 11: Plz update soon.........
kikka6807 #5
Chapter 11: I DEMAND AN UPDATE!!!!!! :D No really plz update!!!
loving the story so far (Y) please update soon^^
jasarana16 #7
YESH! You updated!!
yes an update XD
gyaaa ren > < how could she not notice he is a guy with his voice????
plzzzzz update soon > < ~~~~!!!!!