2. High Expectations

Mission : Protect NEW FACE!

“YOU WANT US TO DO, WHAT?!?” the five members of NU’EST yelled in unison at their boss.

“But, Boss!” Ren whined, “We’re guys, how do you expect us to live with a girl?” the guys behind him began to snicker at his words. “What’s so funny?” Ren looked around at his friends, confused for the cause of the laughters.

“Well, at least one of us is a girl,” Minhyun cracked up. The others joined him as they went into a fit of laughters and high-fives.

“Ha. Ha. Real funny guys, but I’m being serious here!” Ren rolled his eyes, ignoring the commotion behind him and turned his attention back to Boss Pledis.

Taking the lollipop out of his mouth, he wavered it in front of Boss with each and every word to add emphasis in them. “You trust those ing idiots to live with a girl, manage not to her or something, and still get some valuable information out of her?!” he raised an eyebrow questionably, “I think you’re expecting too much of them, Boss.”

“Hey! We won’t her,” Aron protested, “What do you think we are, deprived mad dogs ready to hump just about anything and everything in our way?” he gave a disgusted look at Ren.

“That’s exactly what I think.” Ren spat back.

“You little-” Aron jumped on their maknae.

The other boys were either cheering on the fight or was trying to break it up by going in between them. It became complete chaos in the office. The space space was soon filled with laughter, yells, punches, and fists pumping the air. The boys hollered at each other, calling nasty names across the room and what not.

Boss Pledis only watched them silently. He leaned back against the wall questioning if he really made the right choice to send them on this mission. He closed his eyes and shook his head in disappointment.

“ENOUGH.” he glared down at each and every one of them, burning holes in their sinful souls. “If you really don’t want to get a promotion early and let EXO take this mission instead, that’s fine.”  

The boys stopped their horseplay immediately at the words ‘Promotion’ and ‘EXO’.

"Woah, woah there Boss. Whoever said we weren't taking this mission?" JR immediately sprung into action, "We are NOT losing this operation, especially not to those damn EXO freaks!" the leader declared.

"Yeah, they always talk about how they're from like a different planet or some crazy .They told me themselves they wanted to take over the Earth! They'd totally freak the girl out more than we ever could even if we tried." Baekho added.

Boss Pledis nodded in agreement at those words. “That’s true. They are quite an interesting group of people...”

NU’EST began to regain hope once more, until Ren opened his mouth.

"I'm just curious, why didn't you just ask the AfterSchool sunbaes for this mission? I mean they're all girls." he mentioned a good point making all the NU'EST members glare at his unhelpfulness. "Why? Do you want a group of guys to seduce the information out of her, is that what it is?" he questioned the boss.

"Shut up, Ren..." JR hissed at him quietly. "Do you want this mission or not?!" he jabbed his elbow into the side of Ren's ribs.

"Ow! , stop harassing me you ." Ren grumbled back and waited for Boss' answer.

"That's exactly what I plan for, Ren." he replied in a matter of factly tone. "This girl, Yang Seojin, isn't just any ordinary girl..." he scowled, "She's the daughter of our most wanted criminal, Yang Gukjin! Who knows what kind secret skills she could have learned from her father? That's why we need to take advantage of the only weakness she may possibly have, one every teenage girl has to have." A sly smile spread across Boss's lips. "A group of boys, who are hot as hell burning down their love on her!" he rose both his hands up to the air dramatically.

"You're insane..." mumbled Aron with a disturbed look on his face.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing! I just said that's a brilliant plan..."

"Thank you, Aron. I came up with it after weeks of planning." Boss smiled proudly.

“It took him weeks to figure that out and call it a plan?” Baekho whispered to Aron, who nodded in agreement.

The Boss’ ears twitched. He threw dagger at them with his stare making the two uncomfortably shuffle away from each other.

"So when do we start?" Minhyun asked trying to change the subject.

Boss snapped his head back to Minyun and a smile reappeared on his old face. "Tomorrow morning. So pack your belongings and get a good nights sleep tonight, boys! You are all dismissed." Boss waved a hand at them to leave his office.

The group were grumbling and complaining as they walked out the office doors when Boss suddenly called them back.

"I forgot to mention one last thing, the sole purpose of this mission is only to pretend to be close to the girl and gather information of her criminal father's whereabouts. After doing so, you will immediately go assassinate the man without hesitation..." the Boss examined the tired faces of the young boys who thought his warnings were already obvious.

"However, make any actual close emotional connections with her and you will be the only one getting hurt." He paused to stare directly at them with a dead serious expression.

"And most importantly, I will only say this once.  Do NOT, under any circumstances whatsoever, Fall in love with this girl.” he spat t
he word ‘love’ out as if it was some poison.  



WAHH I was SO looking forawrd to watching "Making of a Star NU'EST" today, but I couldn't fin it anywhere!! :'(
Any links? Q A Q I want to see it really really badly.. 3
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Cool story! Keep it up - Yuki
Chapter 11: This is such a funny story! Please author-nim, please update! :D
Lovekoreans123 #3
Please keep update I can't wait if how long will ren act like a girl so pretty please update soon thank you
Badass-Kid #4
Chapter 11: Plz update soon.........
kikka6807 #5
Chapter 11: I DEMAND AN UPDATE!!!!!! :D No really plz update!!!
loving the story so far (Y) please update soon^^
jasarana16 #7
YESH! You updated!!
yes an update XD
gyaaa ren > < how could she not notice he is a guy with his voice????
plzzzzz update soon > < ~~~~!!!!!