7. Walking is Overrated

Mission : Protect NEW FACE!

"Class dismissed," Yoseob said to his students. “And remember, no school next Monday, so enjoy your long weekend.”

The class erupted in cheers as response for their long three day weekend, due to a national holiday, ahead of them. They chatted amongst each other of the plans they made while packing up their belongings to head home.

"Seojin-ah~" Her best friend, Jung Minha, chirped as she skipped happily towards her friend. "What are you doing this weekend?" She asked.

"Nothing much," Seojin shrugged, stuffing her notebook into her school bag. "I'll probably just stay home and scroll through Tumblr or something." She joked and giggled as Minha playfully punched her right arm. "Aish, you're such a loser! Why don't we go hang out at your house?" Minha suggested.

Seojin stiffened at the idea. "Uhm... My place? I-I can't, my relatives are over for the holiday, so it'll be too loud and crowded..." She bit her lower lip as she lied.

Minha pouted her lips in disappointment. "Aww, alright. Maybe we can go shopping or something tomorrow, then. Oh, I got to go. I'll text you later, bye~" She waved goodbye to her friend.

She spotted her brother sulking out the door ahead of her. Minah ran up to catch up with him.

"Hey Daehyun Oppa, let's go get some ice cream before going home, neh?" She smiled holding onto a arm of a blonde masked boy. He scornfully looked at her and her arm that was tightly intertwined in his own. A smile seemed to tug at his lips but he grunted at her as Minha continued to chatter on cheerfully to him. The two soon disappeared out the classroom doors.

Seojin smiled at the two Jung siblings. "They're always so cute," she giggled to herself.

What Seojin didn't know was that JR was watching her every move carefully from the corner of his eyes and Ren was typing into his Pearpad, searching the address of her- now, also their- house. She simply had not a single clue to what would soon happen to her.

"Psst, get ready to get down to business, boys." JR ordered, rubbing his hands together the way he did when they needed to get to work. 

Although, JR acted innocent and childish during most of daylight, he knew how to get serious when he needed to be. He would never harm even a small fly when he was himself, but he could turn so cold and heartless as to where he would kill people without even a moment of hesitation in a matter of seconds if something were to rub him the slightest wrong way.

No one ever dared to defy his orders in times like this. This was the reason why JR was chosen as the leader of Nu'est over Aron, who was the oldest out of them all. 

"Where's Aron?" Minhyun suddenly realized. The others looked around themselves to find him not to be there. Baekho shifted his weight from one foot to another, nervously.

"He can handle himself," JR waved at them not to worry. "What's more important right now is to follow that Seojin girl to our new homes."

Just as his words dropped, Seojin got up from her seat, finally done cleaning up her belongings. She walked out the door leaving Nu'est to stare at her back, dumbfounded on what to do next. 

Three pairs of eyes landed on their leader, waiting for their orders. 

JR didn’t disappoint them. "Minhyun, Ren, go after her, this instance! We lose sight of her, and we sleep out on the streets tonight. Now go!" he demanded.

"Yes sir!" They saluted before quickly running after her. "Wait! Where do you think you're going?!" JR stopped them in their tracks.

"Going after the girl, like you said-"

"No no no." He shook his head in disapproval. "Haven't you two ever seen Korean dramas before?! You never see Lee Minho from City Hunter simply walking out the door, do you?! Walking is overrated. Go jump out that window, now!!"

"Are you ing serious?" Minhyun narrowed his eyes and Ren furrowed his eyebrows together.

"YES! Now hurry, you're loosing her!" JR pointed furiously at the window.

Ren and Minhyun eyed each other. "This ing psycho's trying to kill us!" Ren nodded. "We have to stop him from watching so many Korean dramas. He's being such a drama queen these days."

"What's that?!"

"N-nothing." Minhyun pushed Ren towards the nearest window. He stopped himself in front of it with both his hands tightly holding onto the wall. "! No, this is crazy!!"

JR gave them a deadly glare. "Don't make me come over there..." He snarled.

Minhyun faked a sniffle. "I'm sorry, Ren. I love you, bro~" He winced his eyes closed and pushed Ren with all his strength out the window, to his doom.

"What? SHIITTTT!! NOOOOO!!!!" Ren flailed his arms around falling straight to the ground, trying to fly like a bird. He failed miserably and landed face first into the bushes. "!!!" he screamed in pain.

"Who's the bird now, Ren?" JR snickered evilly. 

"Oh crap! She's already at the front gates, sorry Ren. Again." Minhyun waved down at the boy below as he jumped out the window after him.

"Again? For what- AW !!" 

Minhyun crash landed on top of Ren. "That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." he smiled proudly to himself.

"I'm going to kill you..." Ren grumbled sharply underneath Minhyun. His fingers twitched.

JR smiled down at the two 'birds' on the ground. "Heheh revenge is always served best when irony is mixed in." He chuckled.

Baekho finally stepped up. "Hyung, there's something I have to report regarding Aron Hyung's whereabouts..." He began to confess.

JR put his hand up in the air, stopping him. "I already took care of it. Luhan is in the nurse office at the moment, it seems Aron's improved a lot on his fighting skills." 

Baekho's face drained of color. "I don't care about that alien piece of ! I'm worried about our Hyung!" He yelled.

"But I'm right here." A voice called out to them from the door.

Baekho whipped his head around. "Hyung?"

He saw Aron walk in, slightly limping, but mostly unscratched. The only visible wound was his bandaged hand, where Luhan's knife made contact with his skin. 

"I had to come in and save your sorry little ! You should be thanking me." JR crossed his arms as he awaited his thanks.

Both Aron and Baekho ignored him, though. 

"Were you beaten bad?" Baekho lightly laughed.

"It's nothing bad. Just a few scratches." He shrugged it off. "Aish, this kid, were you worried about me?" he cooed.

"NO OF COURSE NOT." Baekho yelled defensively.

"Sure, whatever" Aron rolled his eyes. "We don't have time for this, though. Hurry, let's go after the Seojin girl!"

"That's the spirit," JR smirked. "Now jump out that window!" 

Aron stare at him in disbelief. "This guy is ing psycho. I'm taking away your drama collection when we get home." He warned.

"No! Anything but my babies! I'm at the best part where Lee Minho finds out about his real parents and discover his father was only using him for revenge, while the girl was looking for her dead parents who died in a car crash but he’s in a coma now, and she wants revenge to help Minho and save the world and and-"JR rambled on.

"Aigoo, our psycho leader..." Baekho sighed.

“You’re like some Ahjumah, watching cheesy dramas all the time.” Aron scowled.

JR’s eyes flared at their insults. "SHUT UP, OR I'LL MAKE YOU JUMP OUT THE WINDOW LIKE LEE MINHO!!"

Sorry for the late update, guys! q u q
@KevinRa : asdfghjkl If only he did that to me... * u *
@aya-tan : So he doesn't get by es- I mean, to fight like the manly man he is! >:D
@2pmSoShinee : LOL really? XD Bird bird, Bird is the word~ * v  * lol Yay for Aron and Secret Garden Love! @ U @
@ChocolateBear&hyukLra : Minhyun? JEALOUS? Nooooooo~ Of coarse not~~~ Why would he be jealous?? Ohoho he was SO jealous lol.
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Cool story! Keep it up - Yuki
Chapter 11: This is such a funny story! Please author-nim, please update! :D
Lovekoreans123 #3
Please keep update I can't wait if how long will ren act like a girl so pretty please update soon thank you
Badass-Kid #4
Chapter 11: Plz update soon.........
kikka6807 #5
Chapter 11: I DEMAND AN UPDATE!!!!!! :D No really plz update!!!
loving the story so far (Y) please update soon^^
jasarana16 #7
YESH! You updated!!
yes an update XD
gyaaa ren > < how could she not notice he is a guy with his voice????
plzzzzz update soon > < ~~~~!!!!!